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Challenges faced by teachers in developing students speaking skills in English.

Students are scared to try.

1. Mocking by the friends whenever they try to talk in English.

2. Did not respond for any questions in the class.
3. When it comes to argument, students prefer to hear and not to give an idea.

Influence of entertainment.

1. They use mixed language.

2. Did not use proper grammar (so how the students can improve their skills)

Family matters.

1. Family members prefer to talk in their own language all the times.
2. Not allowed to talk in English because they might not understand.

Students did not serious.

1. When students work in group or pairs, they end up chatting in their own language.

Low proficiency level of teacher itself.

1. They lack of confident to fully talk in English in the classroom.

2. They believe it is difficult or impossible to introduce learner-centred
teaching to their students.

Government policies and curriculum that typically advocate teaching communicatively are often
incompatible with the demands of national examinations.

1. Often focus on only grammar vocabulary cut off to develop the speaking skills.

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