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English Language 4

Subjects for Project Work


Topics based on prescribed books

The Black Album, by Haniff Kureishi

1. A study of intertertextual elements in Haniff Kureishis The Black Album.
2. The construction of identity as seen in Haniff Kureishis The Black Album
3. The question of ideology as reflected in Haniff Kureishis The Black Album.
4. A study of culture clash in late 20th century England as seen through Haniff
Kureishis The Black Album.

The Hours, by Michael Cunningham

5. The relation between plot and structure in Michael Cunningham The Hours.
6. The construction of gender in Michael Cunningham The Hours.
7. A structural study of Michael Cunningham The Hours.
8. A study of intertextuality in Michael Cunningham The Hours.

Mrs Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf

9. The construction of gender in Virginia Woolfs Mrs Dalloway- a challenge of
traditional gender roles
10. The ideological construction of British interwar values in Virginia Woolfs Mrs
11. A study of disruptive topics in Virginia Woolfs Mrs Dalloway.

Lover, by Joyce Carol Oates

12. The metaphoric value of style in Joyce Carol Oatess Lover.
13. A study of the narrative- descriptive mode in Joyce Carol Oatess Lover.

Tusk, by Joyce Carol Oates

14. The metaphoric value of style in Joyce Carol Oatess Tusk.
15. A study of the spoken mode in Joyce Carol Oatess Tusk.
16. The discourse of violence and aggression in Joyce Carol Oatess Tusk.

The Bloody Chamber, by Angela Carter

17. A study of Angela Carters The Bloody Chamber adult Gothic tale or
present-day study of female desire and fantasy?
18. A study of Intertextual elements in Angela Carters The Bloody Chamber
a comparison with Charles Perraults original Bluebeard.
19. Traditional female values and roles in Angela Carters The Bloody Chamber
The Tigers Bride, by Angela Carter
20. A study of Angela Carters The Tigers Bride present-day recasting or
entirely new tale with Intertextual elements?
21. A study of gender roles in Angela Carters The Tigers Bride
22. A comparison of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumonts Beauty and the
Beast and Angela Carters The Tigers Bride.

Nutshell, by Ian McEwan

23. A study of intertertextual elements in Ian McEwans Nutshell.
24. A study of genre in Ian McEwans Nutshell present-day upgrading of
Shakespeares Hamlet, parody or entirely new fiction with an Intertextual

The Golden Notebook, by Doris Lessing

25. The construction of gender in Doris Lessings The Golden Notebook.
26. The question of ideology in The Golden Notebook
27. The structure of Doris Lessings The Golden Notebook as an expression of
its theme.

The New York Trilogy, by Paul Auster

28. The question of genre in Paul Austers The New York Trilogy: detective
fiction or self-discovery novel?
29. The ludic element in Paul Austers The New York Trilogy
30. The characters identity within the narrative structure of Paul Austers The
New York Trilogy.
31. Paul Austers The New York Trilogy: exploiting author-reader roles within the
detective genre.

Topics based on course readings

27. The opinion-shaping genres in the printed press a comparison.

28. The informative genres in the printed press a comparison.
30. News articles versus opinion articles a study of theme and rheme.
31. The news story in the multimodal/ multimedial environmental: impact on
content and form.
32. Neologism and register in the printed press the language of business
and finance.
33. Neologism and register in the printed press the language of war and
34. Neologism and register in the printed press the language of science and
35. Neologism and register in the printed press the language of politics.

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