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Global segment

Technological segment (1)

Technological forces Increasing international trade
Examples: are new developments in Currency exchange rates
Generic engineering methods of transforming Emergence of the Indian and Chinese economies
resources into goods or Trade agreements among regional blocs
3D printing
services Creation of WTO
Computer-aide designing/
Increased risks associated with terrorism
manufacturing system
Technological forces can
either make established The Japanese Yen exchange rate to HKD changes from
products obsolete (threat) Yen1,000/HKD10 to Yen900/HKD10.
or create new
What does it mean to a Japanese restaurant in HK?
21 22

Government legislaGon CompeGtors

government ideology PETS Currency exchange rates
PETS Analysis
InternaGonal law
Universal rights Framework Employment rates for electronic
Wage rates
Government economic policies
Local regulaGons
TaxaGon Lending policies of nancial
Trades union acGviGes insGtuGons
Po c Po al
li1 mi Changes from public to li1 mic
c al ono c al no
Ec private ownership Eco

Lifestyle changes
Skills availability
AXtudes to minority groups
io- InformaGon technology
Willingness and ability to move Soc ral The Internet io-
lt u Soc ral
Concern for the environment cu New producGon processes
Business ethics ComputerizaGon of processes c ul
Include demographic factors: Changes in transport
characterisGcs of populaGon technology
(age, gender)
23 24

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