Fourth Lesson Plan Roldan Yorgovan

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LESSON PLAN: Fourth lesson, 15th August, 2017.

Students: Roldn Grecia, Yorgovan Ramiro

Topic: Family

Aims: To consolidate previous vocabulary (this is my, family) practicing writing, listening
and oral skills.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the children will have reinforced the vocabulary seen
and being able to describe their own families with different adjectives.

Grammar: this is my, present form of verb to be

Vocabulary: old, young, big, small

Course: 5th grade B & D

Time: 40 minutes


Sheets of paper
First activity: To begin with the class we are going to get back to subject with the expression this is
my (The last lesson only 4 or 5 kids were present from each course) using the blackboard asking
them to write short sentences about family members with this expression.

Second Activity: Then, we are going to work with the book, they will have to solve activities using
the expression this is my, in which they will have to put words in order and complete sentences in
relation to pictures.

Third Activity: Afterwards, we are going present adjectives through new flashcards about
Adventure Time using opposites (young, old, big, small) and we will ask them to repeat each one of
them with us to practice oral skills.

Fourth Activity: After that, we are going to do an activity from the book in which they will have to
choose the right adjective according to the pictures shown.

Fifth Activity:

Then, in the following activity we are going to do a listening activity in which they will have to circle
the adjective that they listen to.


In the next activity we will ask them to describe their families using short sentences with the
adjectives big, small, young and old.

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