Elements of Story

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Elements of Story(Indarapatra at Sulayman)

Analysis of the elements of the story, Indarapatra and Sulayman.

I. Characters Protagonists: Indarapatra

He is brave and wise

He is king

He is a warrior

He is knowledgeable and skillful in hunting, farming, weaving, blacksmithing, healing, fishing, and

He can fly

He is compassionate. He showed this personality by being very emotional upon his brothers death.

Possesses outstanding leadership qualities (refer to the book, Philippine folk epics: THE EPICS,
Introduction, pages xvii to xxiii).


Also brave

Obedient to his king

Without mental reservation, he sets forth to defend and protect his countrymen.

He can also fly at an incredible speed



Pah------Very big bird


Seven-headed bird----Bird with seven heads

These monsters are created to represent the greater odds that man has faced in his life. Life consists of
vicissitudes that make up his daily challenges. He becomes a weakling amidst the cosmic reality that
permeates his fragile body. The suns ray for example causes harm to the skin when one is exposed to it
unnecessarily. Furthermore, natural calamities, diseases, and other elements that can cause havoc and
destruction to lives and properties also include in the projection of these antagonists. The monsters may
also represent tribal enemies.

II. Setting

III. Plot

Use the Narrative Graph to plot the sequences of events of the story.

IV. Theme

To be a good leader, the story tells us that there are certain qualities one must have. These are the
following: 1. loud voice 2. impressive physical appearance 3. captures the ire of his followers, and 4.
possesses the ability to face the greater odds that come his way. A true hero is one who is willing to
sacrifice his life so that others may be saved. He uses his abilities to combat and overcome elements that
can cause havoc and destruction to the community. He sets forth to the frontline like a pawn ready to
face the enemies.

V. Moral

1. Love your country

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