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Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Topic 7 Activity: Job Fair Role Play

(modified from this more comprehensive 3 hour activity plan: activity description / PDF)

Length :Depending on how its implemented, this could be a 20 minute activity or possibly closer to an

a. Instructions
b. Sample Dialogue and sample interview questions
c. Jobseeker/Employer role play character descriptions
d. Templates for short resume and company/position information display

Activity instructions

Each role has individual character description to follow. Students can switch between being either:
-jobseeker or
-an employer looking to hire the most appropriate (qualified but not overqualified) candidate (they have a
single opening each)

Optional preparation:

Simplest: Give them the character description and turn them loose
More preparation: (possibly paired with another jobseeker)
They can create a resume (see template) that reflects their experience, education, and skills (as
given in character description, expanded on, or use a genuine description) and prepare to answer
to possible questions.
They could also be given a list of all the possible openings and can prepare specifically for those
most appropriate

Simplest: give them the employer description and have them sit in a space designated for employers.
More preparation: (possibly paired with another employer)
They can create a small informational poster (see template) that describes the company and the
position available.
They can also prepare appropriate interview questions.
They could also be given a list of all the possible candidates and decide who might be the best

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

At the Job Fair

HR Manager- Good Afternoon.

Job Seeker- Hi. Im James Cole.
HR Manager- Hi James. Im Mary Worth. Are you
looking for a job?
Job Seeker- Yes I am. What kinds of openings do you
HR Manager- Our company produces snacks. Currently, were only looking for full-time
factory workers. Would you be interested.
Job Seeker- Yes. I really need a job.
HR Manager- Great. Would you like to have a brief interview?
Job Seeker- Sure that would be great.
HR Manager- Okay James, how would you describe yourself.
Job Seeker- Well Im very diligent and punctual. I work very hard every day and Im always
on time.
HR Manager- Can you give me some examples?
Job Seeker- Of course. At my last job, I won awards 2 years in a row for never being late.
Also, my boss told me many times that I was the hardest worker he ever had.
HR Manager- Thats great. Another questionwhat do you think qualifies you for this
Job Seeker- Well, I have a degree in food sciences from Harvard. Also I have great analytical
skills. I am very good at solving problems. Im sure I can help improve the
HR Manager- Wow, you sound perfect. Would you like to visit the factory and meet the
supervisor? Hiring will be his decision.
Job Seeker- I would love to. Im free tomorrow afternoon.
HR Manager- That will be perfect.

Some common interview questions:

1. Why should we hire you?
2. What qualifies you for this job?
3. Why do you want to work for us?
4. What qualifies you for this position?
5. What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?
6. Which adjective would you use to describe yourself?
7. Tell me about your educational background.
8. What type of work environment do you like best?
9. Why did you leave your last job?
10. What motivates you?
11. What are some of your hobbies and interests?

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Jobseekers: experience, education, and skills

A. Recent college graduate You have a degree in Computer Science. The only job you
have had is working for your parents pig farm.

B. Auto industry office worker You worked with a company for 30 years and lost your
job. You have a degree in business. You speak Japanese.

C. CEO of major investment firm You have a masters degree in Finance/Marketing.

You have 25 years of experience. Your last company went bankrupt.

D. High school student You are a junior and have okay grades. You need to make money
for college. You do not have any work experience. You are fluent in Spanish.

E. Airline pilot You have 10 years of experience as a pilot and you have an English

F. Hotel manager You have 5 years work experience at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas
and have a degree in Tourism.

G. Retail store manager You havent chosen a career yet. You have some college
education. You have 1 year experience working as a manager at Hi Mart.

H. Car dealership owner You have 20 years of experience as an owner. You have a
bachelors degree in business. Your car dealership went bankrupt.

I. Factory worker You graduated from high school with a diploma and went to work at a
kimchi factory You didnt go to college

J. Restaurant cook You did not finish high school and you did not attend college. You
have limited English speaking ability.

K. Office worker You attended 2 years of community college and received a certificate in
human resources. You have 2 years of experience in the office environment

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Employers: Company and positions available:

1. Lotteria Fast-Food Restaurant Manager position He or she must motivate workers,

make schedule shifts, and making sure the food is prepared quickly and correctly

2. Home Plus Stock room workerHe or she must work in the back room organizing
boxes and filling shelves in the store

3. Hospital Janitor -- This person must have high standards for cleanliness, be self-
motivated, and work well with people.

4. Car Wash -- Supervisor He or she must monitor the worker and is responsible for

5. Italian Restaurant Waiter He or she must have experience handling food and be
hardworking, friendly, and clean

6. Small Import/Export Company Executive assistant He or she must be hardworking,

organized individual who can multi-task handle pressure

7. Busy Grocery Store Cashier He or she must be good with math and have experience
working with customers

8. SK Telecom Sales person He or she must be self-motivated and hardworking and

have experience working with customers

9. Successful Advertising Agency Office Worker He or she must be a marketing

specialist who is creative and hardworking. Must be good with people and meet

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Employer: Company and position Information

Company Name:


Duties Responsibilities:

Minimum Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications:

Topic 7 Activity: Simple Job Fair English for Interviews

Jobseeker: resume



Work History

Skills & Personal Characteristics



Work History

Skills & Personal Characteristics

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