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The representation of 3D model previously calculated can be seen in Figure 7(a), where the

frequency is plotted on the x-axis, the y-axis Fs is represent, and the z-axis the magnitude in Pu is
denoted. The 3D figure can be noted that the model fits in a very good way for the seven cases of
Fs, in a wide frequency range. In order to have a reference magnitude across the frequency range
evaluating the transfer function of the LP filter is performed and in order to calculate the model
proposed errors obtained vs the proposed by the standard. Figure 7 (b) the absolute errors of the
model proposed respect to the standard for each Fs is observed, using:

Eabsolute X fit X ideal (17)

Where it can be seen that the relative error is equal to TVE in (5), if the error phase is zero
therefore Xmeas-Xfit. In this figure it can be the errors are very small between the proposed model
and the norm. These errors do not exceed 0.05 values, in the range of frequency deviation of
interest; it is noteworthy that these errors were calculated in dB. But this is not enough because
the standard suggest that should not exceed 1% error in TVE, when the phase error is zero. The
error in TVE can be represented as [30]:

X fit X ideal
Erelativo (18)
X ideal

For example in Figure 8 (a) the case is observed for the first Fs (10 fps), with a deviation of
frequency fs/2 (5Hz); on the left side the absolute magnitude error is presented, this was
calculated with Equation 17, which shows that the error is not greater than 0.05 which means
both models are very similar. On the right side relative error obtained from equation 18 is
observed; in the figures of the relative error there are two black dotted lines, which represent the
maximum allowable limit, as established by the standard, maximum 0.01, which would represent
TVE a maximum error of 1%; it is clear that no one exceed these limits. In the following
subsections (b to g) are represented these same errors, for each case of Fs (12-120 fps), and their
respective frequency deviations which is calculated depending on the selected Fs (Fs/2). In all the
graphs it can see that in either case the relative errors exceed the limits permitted by the
standard, and none is absolute errors greater than 0.005.

Con la finalidad de tener una referencia de la magnitud en todo el rango de frecuencia se realiza la
evaluacin de la funcin de transferencia del filtro LP y para tener una referencia y asi poder calcular
los errores del modelo obtenido anteriormente vs el propuesto por la norma. La figura 7(b) se
observa los errores absolutos del modelo propuesto con respeto al de la norma para cada Fs,
Eabsolute X fit X ideal (17)

En donde se puede observar que el error relativo es igual al TVE en (5), si el errore de fase es cero
por lo tanto Xmeas-Xfit.

de esta grafica que los errores son muy pequeos entre el modelo propuesto y la norma. Estos
errores no sobrepasan el 0.05 de error en el rango de desviacin de frecuencia de inters, cabe
mencionar que estos errores fueron calculados en dB. Pero esto no es suficiente ya que la norma
establece que no se debe sobrepasar el 1% de error en TVE, para cuando el error en fase sea igual a
cero. El error en TVE se puede representar como [30]:

Es por esta razn que se presentan en la figura 8 los errores relativos o de TVE, as como tambin los
errores absolutos en un plano cartesiano 2D para tener una mejor visualizacin de los errores,
presentados que de los de la figura 3D (figura 7 (b)).

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