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EIS Installation Checklist for the Solaris 11 OS

Sales Order Number:
CASE Number:
Version EIS-DVD:

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate server checklist.

It is assumed that the installation is carried out with the help of the current
The idea behind this checklist is to help the installer achieve a "good" installation.
It is assumed that the installer has attended the appropriate training classes.
The installation should be prepared using EISdoc V4.
It is assumed in this checklist that Solaris 11.1 or 11 11/11 is being installed.
It is assumed that EIS-DVD 18JUL12 is being used.
For Solaris 11.1 content use EIS-DVD 28NOV12.
A Solaris 11.1 Media kit is available (contains the Text Installer, further contents
are not known to EIS).
It is not intended that this checklist be handed over to the customer.

This checklist describes the use of the Solaris 11 Text Installer and assumes that this
is available on a DVD (eg from the Solaris 11 media kit).


In order to be able to apply the SRUs for Solaris 11.1 to a system, that system also
requires access to the Solaris 11.1 Full Repo. Hence if a system running Solaris 11
11/11 would have the publisher set to Solaris 11.1 plus a SRU for Solaris 11.1 the
update command will update the system to Solaris 11.1 (plus SRU). However there
are a number of conditions refer to the Appendix in this checklist on page 15.


When using the eeprom command from Solaris 11 to set OBP variables on
SPARC/sun4v systems it appears to work, however the values revert to their
previous setting after a reset. This appears to be due to an interaction with the ldmd
demon. Further information is in: CR2226780, CR6540368, CR7088110 &
Issue resolved with Solaris 11.1 SRU3 which is on EIS-DVD 16JAN13.

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Ensure that the Release Notes for the Solaris version used have been read and
understood. The Oracle Solaris 11.1 documentation is available here:
View the appropriate Server checklist for the Platform Minimum Solaris
Requirements and any additional patch requirements. Although the
documentation states that the minimum main memory requirement is 1Gb,
unofficial advice is to have at least 2Gb main memory.
Solaris 11.1 content can be obtained here1:
Or from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud (formerly E-Delivery):
Select a Product pack: Oracle Solaris
Platform: Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) also valid for X86.
Then Oracle Solaris 11.1 Media Pack.
It is required that each system at the customer site has access to the 'release
repo' (repository) during system administration activities (updates etc.).
The choices are:
Connection via the Internet to This
works both for Solaris 11 11/11 and Solaris 11.1.
The customer downloads the specific release repo ISO image themselves
and performs whatever verification they have to do. They will need
some machine connected to the Internet and then the associated processes
to transfer the data into their 'dark sites'. The release repo ISO image can
be shared via the customer's local network. The procedure on how to
create and share a local Solaris 11 package repository is described in
document Copying and Creating Oracle Solaris 11.1 Package
Oracle/partner staff obtain the release repo ISO image & the customer
trusts the image that they bring onto site on whatever media is required.
The repo ISO image can be shared via the customer's local network.
The size of the repository is approximately 7 Gb & is common to the
SPARC & X86 platforms. If it will be stored on the local system its
suggested to place it under directory /export/home/ips-repo (the EIS
scripts place the SRU here as well).
Note they should really only need to get the 'release repo' (repository) once
for each release because of the incremental additions the SRU ISO image
Alternatively if the customer has valid support contract for the system and
the system has connectivity to the Internet the system can access the Oracle
Solaris 11 Support repository (as described on page 7).

1 OTN & the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud only offer Solaris 11.1. All releases of Solaris can be
found on MOS under Patches and Updates enter Solaris Operating System in the Product
field and select Oracle Solaris 11 Operating System from the Release field.

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Standard installations carried out by manufacturing are as follows:
Solaris 11 11/11 will have been installed.
ZFS Root Filesystem will be default.
Exception to above two: M4000 M9000 servers have Solaris 10 Entire
Distribution + OEM on UFS (due to CR 6522017).
The onboard RAID (if available for the server) will not be active.
Software mirroring will not have been set up.
The system will have been updated and configured according to EIS
Before leaving the factory, the system will have been sys-unconfig'd.
If you have set up a RAID configuration for the boot disk the pre-installed image
will have been lost.
Booting From a Pre-Installed Disk Image
Initial server bootup: Answer as appropriate.
Upon initial boot, the server will ask
the typical Solaris post-install
configuration questions.
If this is a CRS-prepared system, you can probably go straight to the
Explorer/Analysis section in the appropriate server checklist.
To update the OS go to the Section After Initial Reboot on page 5.

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Refer to EIS Standard: Boot Disk Layout and your EIS Installation
Configuration Plan (EISdoc V4).
SPARC Server Specialities:
Insert the DVD into local drive & boot: boot cdrom
X86 Server Specialities
Insert appropriate Solaris/X86 media System should autoboot from CD/DVD
and power-cycle the system. after a certain timeout passes.

Actions Common to SPARC & X86 Servers

Use the keyboard to navigate through the installer panels below. You cannot
use a mouse. This method installs the solaris-large-server group.
Make initial preliminary keyboard and The language and keyboard selections set
language selections. the defaults for the installer and for the
installed system.
Initiate the installation by selecting the first option on the installation menu.
Welcome to the Oracle Solaris xxx installation menu
1 Install Oracle Solaris
Continue past the welcome panel.
In the Disks panel, if there is more than
one target disk listed, select a target
disk or accept the default.
In the Fdisk Partition Panel choose Alternatives:
whether to install the operating system The whole disk
on the whole disk or on a partition or a An x86 partition
slice on the disk. A SPARC slice
In the series of target selection panels, Optional.
you have the option to modify the
partition or slice layout.
In the Network panel enter the Automatically :
this gathers the
Computer Name. relevant information from a
DHCP server.
Then select how the wired Ethernet
Manually: this asks for network
network connection should be related information, including name
configured. There are 3 options: services configuration details.
Automatically, Manually and None. None: just sets up a loopback
If Manually was selected, subsequent
screens ask for network information
(DNS, LDAP, NIS...).
In the series of time zone panels, select
a time zone first, then adjust the date
and time to match your local time.

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In the Users Panel set the system root
You will then be invited to create a user If you create this user account, root will be
account. The name must begin with a a role assigned to the user.
letter and can contain only letters and If no user account is created, root will be a
numbers. regular user.

The Installation Summary screen: Start the installation.

The Installation Complete screen Select reboot (do not panic when the
appears. Welcome Screen briefly reappears).

After Initial Reboot

After reboot insert EIS-DVD. Log in as user root or as the created user
& change to root: su - root
Run setup-standard: # cd /media/eisdvd/sun/install
# sh
Refer also to MOS Document ID
1006990.1 for importance of Explorer data
& correct configuration.
Log out & back in to set environment. Alternative: . /root/.profile

Fix sendmail messages See MOS Document ID 1008734.1.

"My unqualified host name unknown" Activate DNS or edit /etc/hosts and
append a fully-qualified hostname e.g.
(only if DNS not in use). <hostname> to the
hostname IP-address entry.
Optionally configure the NTP client. Template in /etc/inet/ntp.client. Copy
Follow customer's site policy. into /etc/inet/ntp.conf and modify as
For NTP configuration details see MOS
Document ID 1010136.1.

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In order to be able to update the Solaris 11 OS you require access to:
The Solaris 11 Release Repository (release repo) for Solaris 11 11/11 or 11.1
depending on the OS that is installed AND
The Solaris 11 11/11 or 11.1 Support Repository Update (SRU).
This may be achieved in several ways:
1. If the customer has a valid support contract for the system being installed
(unlikely for a newly-delivered system) and the system has connectivity to the
Internet then the system can be configured to use the Oracle Solaris 11 Support
Repository. Refer to page 7.
2. If the new system has access to the Internet you can leave the default
configuration for the release repo and copy the current incremental SRU from
the EIS-DVD onto the local system. Refer to page 7.
3. If the customer has a copy of the release repo available either on the local
system or on his local network you can point the publisher to this and copy the
current incremental SRU from the EIS-DVD onto the local system suitable for
Secure Sites. Refer to page 8.
4. A variant on (3) is that the customer (with a Support Contract) also has the latest
SRU available on his local network possibly even integrated into his own
support repository. There are many possible variations to this scheme.
The first three possibilities are described on the following pages.
Factory Installation:
We understand that a system that has been pre-installed with Solaris 11 will have the
publisher set thus:
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online
solaris mirror online

Fresh Installation:
By default the system is set to connect to the release repository made available by
Oracle on the Internet to customers:
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online
When the publishers are configured on a system there is a 'short hand' option (-p)
that allows for the publisher on the system to be configured based upon the actual
publisher's configuration (in terms of mirrors):
# pkg set-publisher -p

The mirror will be configured as in the factory installation above.

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METHOD #1 Accessing the Oracle Solaris 11 Support Repository
This method is available if the customer has valid support contract for the
system and the system has connectivity to the Internet thus replacing the
system's use of the release/ stream from The
actions here are taken from
Go to Valid Customer MOS Account required!

Choose Oracle Solaris 11 Support and click submit.

Accept the license. To be done by customer.

Download 'Key' and 'Certificate':

Copy the downloaded key and certificate files to a sensible place that can be
used by the packaging software.
On the new system as the root user:
# mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/pkg/ssl
# cp -i Oracle_Solaris_11_Support.key.pem /var/pkg/ssl
# cp -i Oracle_Solaris_11_Support.certificate.pem /var/pkg/ssl

Remove the default publisher (& mirror if present) for Solaris:

# pkg unset-publisher solaris
Configure the publisher with the key and certificate:
# pkg set-publisher \
-k /var/pkg/ssl/Oracle_Solaris_11_Support.key.pem \
-c /var/pkg/ssl/Oracle_Solaris_11_Support.certificate.pem \
-O solaris

The publisher should now look like this:

# pkg publisher
solaris origin online

Go to the section: Additional IPS Packages on page 9.

METHOD #2 Accessing the Oracle Solaris 11 Release Repository
By default the system is set to connect to the release repository made
available by Oracle on the Internet to customers:
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online

Verify that the system can access Oracle's release repository:

# ping is alive
Go to the section Accessing the Incremental SRU on the next page.

Intentionally left blank

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METHOD #3 Using a local Solaris 11 Release Repository (No Internet)
Assuming connectivity to the Internet is not available:
On page 2 it is suggested how to obtain the 'Release Repo'. It is suggested to
mount the ISO file under /repo thus:
# mkdir /repo
# mount -F hsfs <full-path-to-repo> /repo
Consider adding an entry to /etc/vfstab so that the mount survives a reboot.
The /etc/vfstab entry would be something like:
<full-path-to-repo> - /repo hsfs - yes -
Remove the default mirror publisher for Solaris (if present):
# pkg set-publisher -M '*' solaris
Set the publisher to use the local 'release repo' repository in place of original:
# pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g file:///repo/repo solaris
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online file:///repo/repo/
Note that it is possible that the customer already has a local copy of the
release repository within the local network. If this is the case modify the
above steps accordingly.
Accessing the Incremental SRU
Now you need to add access to the current incremental SRU from the EIS-
DVD. A script2 is provided to unpack the SRU from the EIS-DVD, placing
the contents in directory /export/home/ips-repo/SRU. Ensure that EITHER
this directory does not exist or that it is empty.
The script provided on the EIS-DVD to unpack the SRU makes temporary
use of the mount point /mnt (for loopback). Ensure that /mnt is not in use.
Example showing that /mnt is in use (output abbreviated):
# mount | grep "/mnt on"
/mnt on /dev/lofi/1 read only/setuid/devices/rstchown/noglobal/..

Insert EIS-DVD-TWO then:

# cd /media/eisdvd/sun2
# copy-sru2disk -extract -q
The directory /export/home/ips-repo will be created, the current SRU
unzipped into that directory, the resulting ISO file mounted via /mnt and the
contents copied into directory /export/home/SRU. The ISO file is then
unmounted. This copy-sru2disk command requires several minutes.
Now add the incremental SRU to the publisher:
# pkg set-publisher -g file:/export/home/ips-iso/SRU/repo solaris
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online file:///export/home/ips-iso/SRU/repo/
solaris origin online

The publisher is now pointing to the incremental SRU and the full repo.

2 The copy-sru2disk script is available on EIS-DVD 18JUL12 onwards.

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Additional IPS Packages
The SunVTS package has probably not Verify via:
been installed. # pkg list system/test/sunvts

You can now install SunVTS from the # pkg install system/test/sunvts
Updating the System from the SRU
After the initial boot the system will have a single Boot Environment (BE)
called solaris:
# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris NR / 2.88G static 2011-11-02 17:23
Run the command to update the system. # pkg update -v
Its suggested to run with the -v
(verbose) option:
NOTE: You may wish to give the new BE a specific name that shows with
SRU has been applied such as: sXXsruYY where XX reflects the Solaris
version and YY is the SRU number.
Example for Solaris 11 & SRU10: s11sru10
This means adding the --be-name option to the pkg update command:
# pkg update -v --be-name s11sru10
The examples below will change accordingly.
When the Update has Completed...
In most cases a new BE will have been created (here solaris-1). The R
(under Active) indicates that after the reboot that solaris-1 will be active.
# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris N / 1.43M static 2011-11-02 17:23
solaris-1 R - 3.08G static 2011-11-25 18:37
Reboot the system into the new BE. # init 6
Then log in as user root or as the created
user & change to root: su - root
# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris - - 9.71M static 2011-11-02 17:23
solaris-1 NR / 3.14G static 2011-11-25 18:37
Now you can see that BE solaris-1 is both currently active & will be after a
If at some future point-in-time you wish to delete a BE that is no longer used:
# beadm destroy -Ff <name-of-BE-to-be-deleted>

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If you wish to go back to the previous BE (here solaris) then:
# beadm activate solaris
# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
-- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
solaris R - 2.84G static 2011-11-02 17:23
solaris-1 N / 198.63M static 2011-11-25 18:37
After the reboot solaris will be active.

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Testing CPU & Memory with SunVTS

Verify that SunVTS is available (output should be similar to that below):
# pkg list system/test/sunvts
system/test/sunvts 7.0.14- i--
File /usr/sunvts/README contains a description of SunVTS 7.x.
It has been decided not to include /usr/sunvts/bin into PATH.
Run SunVTS in System Exerciser Change directory:
# cd /usr/sunvts/bin
Run for as long as possible (suggestion: To start SunVTS:
min. 1 hour). For large servers TTY mode: ./startsunvts -t
(M8000 / M9000) run overnight. BUI mode: ./startsunvts -b

Examine SunVTS log files under If errors occurred, investigate, correct &
/var/sunvts/logs. re-run to ensure a "clean" system.

Task Comment Check


If no Oracle/Sun external mass storage attached skip this page!
Connect external storage and label. Pay attention to redundancy and performance

If all FW has been upgraded boot into

External storage (also internal disks): Various firmware under
install patches according to current .../sun/patch/firmware
patch matrix.
FW upgrade for all storage components FW Interface-Boards
(also internal disks). FW Disks

Configure tape device driver if

necessary for the specific tape and
Solaris Vn.

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Boot Disk Mirroring with ZFS
If ZFS mirroring was specified at Solaris installation time, the following
steps are NOT required since Solaris will manage this during the installation.
The following example will create a Assumptions:
c0t0d0 = rootdisk / bootdisk
ZFS mirror after Solaris installation. c1t0d0 = mirrordisk / mirrdisk

Use format on c1t0d0 and make slice 0 # format c1t0d0

format> partition
encompass the whole ZFS-bootdisk. partition> 0
Write out the label and gave the disk a
unique Volume-Name (rootdisk, ...
Create a single-disk root-ZPool into a two-way mirror:
# zpool attach rpool c0t0d0s0 c1t0d0s0
This sets up the mirror and starts the resilvering.
You can monitor its progress: # zpool status

Make c1t0d0 bootable:

# cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/zfs
# installboot -F zfs bootblk /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0

SPARC only: Suggested naming convention:

Primary: rootdisk
Set boot-device & diag-device to both
Secondary: rootmirror
sides of the mirror. See MOS
Document ID 1010006.1.
If NVRAM editor (nvedit) was used
ensure to setenv use-nvramrc? true
Test booting using the new aliases.

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Verify that required settings in See appropriate EIS storage installation
/etc/system have been made if external checklists.
mass storage has been attached.
Set up data volumes & filesystems The consultancy for data volumes (and their
setting up) is not part of ServerStart - belongs
according to customer requirements (if to additional services as sold by ACS.
SPARC Server Specifics
Verify/set the OBP parameters for production:
auto-boot? = true
auto-boot-on-error? = true
Note that when using the eeprom command from Solaris 11 to set OBP
variables on SPARC/sun4v systems it appears to work, however the values
revert to their previous setting after a reset. see note on page 1.
Verify/set the NVRAM parameters for If NVRAM editor (nvedit) was used to
production: create boot aliases etc.

setenv use-nvramrc? true

Consider setting the OBP password: Suggested to improve security. Since the
system can always be booted the root user
eeprom security-mode=command can always reset the OBP password
Changing PROM password: without knowing the old one.
New password: <enter here>
Retype new password: <repeat>
Networking - Configuring Additional Static Network Interfaces:
Display the vanity name to physical device mappings on the the global zone,
using dladm show-phys:
# dladm show-phys
net3 Ethernet down 0 unknown e1000g1
net0 Ethernet up 1000 full nge0
net2 Ethernet down 0 unknown e1000g0
net1 Ethernet down 0 unknown nge1

Example to configure the e1000g0 interface with a static IP address: first

create an IP interface and then assign the IP address to it:
# ipadm create-ip net2
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a local=<ipaddr>/24 net2/v4static

Where 24 represents the netmask (equivalent of and v4static

is a free-text label with v4 to show that its IPv4.
With Solaris 11 IP forwarding is
disabled by default.
Example to enable IPv4 forwarding: # routeadm -e ipv4-forwarding
Set up /etc/defaultrouter according to A reboot will be required to effect this
customer requirements. change.

Intentionally left blank.

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Finishing Off
Consider disabling remote ssh logins In /etc/ssh/sshd_config
(eg if enabled via setup-standard). See PermitRootLogin.
Reboot =>everything o.k?
Now return to the checklist from whence you came...

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A system running Solaris 11 11/11 at some stage the system has to be updated from
to Solaris 11.1 (possibly with SRUs for S11.1) in order that further SRUs for S11.1
can be applied in the future.
The actions described here are based on the article More Tips for Updating Your
Oracle Solaris 11 System from the Oracle Support Repository by Peter Dennis
(Solaris Engineering).
There are a number of pre-conditions to upgrading from Solaris 11/11 to 11.1:

Update Paths to Solaris 11.1 GA

If the installed SRU is SRU 9 or below first update to SRU 103 or SRU 11.
If the installed SRU is SRU 10 or SRU 11 you can update to Solaris 11.1.
If the installed SRU is SRU 12 or SRU 13 there are restrictions due to some
packages in SRU 12 and SRU 13 having a version that is greater than those in
the Oracle Solaris 11.1 release.

Update Paths to Solaris 11.1 + SRU 1

If the installed SRU is SRU 9 SRU 13 you can update to Solaris 11.1 + SRU1.
This checklist describes two of the possible update methods:
Upgrading using the Solaris Release Repository see page 16.
Upgrading using the Solaris Support Repository see page 18.
There are several possible ways but these two methods should enable you to work
out alternatives.

3 The Solaris 11 11/11 SRU 10 is available on EIS-DVD 29AUG12.

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These instructions are intended for use by Oracle / Partner staff for systems which
have no connection to the Internet & thus use a locale release repository. It is
assumed that the publisher is currently set to point to a local repository for Solaris
11 11/11 as described with Method 3 on page 8.
The EIS team has not been able to fully verify the steps described in this Section.
The first EIS-DVD that can be used with Solaris 11.1 is EIS-DVD 28NOV12.
Determine the currently installed SRU: # pkg info entire | grep Version
0.5.11 (Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 10.5)
Example output shows SRU 10.5.
If the installed SRU is SRU 9 or below Follow the steps on page 7 onwards of this
first update to SRU 10. checklist. SRU 10 is available on EIS-
DVD 20AUG12.
Insert the current EIS-DVD. Log in as user root or as the created user
& change to root: su - root
Run setup-standard to install / update # cd /media/eisdvd/sun/install
# sh
Explorer etc. from current EIS-DVD.
Setting the Publisher to the Solaris 11.1 Full Repo
Remove the default mirror publisher for Solaris (if present):
# pkg set-publisher -M '*' solaris
You will now need to have access to a local copy of the Solaris 11.1 Release
Repo and to set the publisher to point to this as described with Method 3 on
page 8. The publisher should look similar to this:
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online file:///repo/repo/
Setting the Publisher to add the Solaris 11.1 SRU
Now you need to add the Solaris 11.1 SRU from EIS-DVD 28NOV12.
Ensure that EITHER directory /export/home/ips-repo/SRU does not exist or
that it is empty.
The script provided on the EIS-DVD to unpack the SRU makes temporary
use of the mount point /mnt (for loopback). Ensure that /mnt is not in use.
Example showing that /mnt is in use (output abbreviated):
# mount | grep "/mnt on"
/mnt on /dev/lofi/1 read only/setuid/devices/rstchown/noglobal/..

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Insert EIS-DVD-TWO then:
# cd /media/eisdvd/sun2/patch/11_1
# copy-sru2disk -extract -force -q
The force option is required so that you can unpack the SRU for Solaris 11.1
whilst the system is running Solaris 11 11/11 (the script has features to ensure
that you unpack the correct SRU). For this reason the current directory has to
be the one on the EIS-DVD where the SRU for Solaris 11.1 resides.
The current SRU will be unzipped into directory/export/home/ips-repo, the
resulting ISO file mounted via /mnt and the contents copied into directory
/export/home/ips-repo/SRU. The ISO file is then unmounted.
The copy-sru2disk command requires several minutes.
Now add the incremental SRU to the publisher:
# pkg set-publisher -g file:/export/home/ips-iso/SRU/repo solaris
# pkg publisher
solaris origin online file:///export/home/ips-iso/SRU/repo/
solaris origin online

The publisher is now pointing to the incremental SRU and the full repo.
Performing the Update
SPARC Platform Only (With Zones / Containers):
If you are running on a SPARC system and have any Oracle Solaris Zones
installed, you will need to perform this additional first step.
For each zone installed on the system, you will need to remove the
pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager package as follows:
# for z in `zoneadm list`; do zlogin $z pkg uninstall ldomsmanager; done

Update the IPS package itself: # pkg update pkg:/package/pkg

Update the rest of the system packages and reboot the system.
To update, we use the --accept flag to pkg update to agree to and accept
the terms of the licenses that are being updated. We also use the --be-name
flag to provide a new name to the boot environment that will be created (in
this example the new name is s11.1).
# pkg update --be-name s11.1 -accept
# reboot

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These instructions are intended for use by Oracle / Partner staff for systems which
have a valid support contract and the system has connectivity to the Internet It is
assumed that the publisher is currently set to point to the Support Repository for
Solaris 11 as described with Method 1 on page 7.
The EIS team has not been able to verify the steps described in this Section.
Since Solaris 11.1 SRU 1 was available in the Support Repository at the time that
this section of the EIS checklist the instructions here are based on upgrading to this.
Insert the current EIS-DVD. Log in as user root or as the created user
& change to root: su - root
Run setup-standard to install / update # cd /media/eisdvd/sun/install
# sh
Explorer etc. from current EIS-DVD.
Determine the currently installed SRU: # pkg info entire | grep Version
0.5.11 (Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 10.5)
Example output shows SRU 10.5.
If the installed SRU is SRU 9 or below first update to SRU 10.
# pkg update --accept entire@0.5.11,5.11-
# reboot
SPARC Platform Only (With Zones / Containers):
If you are running on a SPARC system and have any Oracle Solaris Zones
installed, you will need to perform this additional first step.
For each zone installed on the system, you will need to remove the
pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager package as follows:
# for z in `zoneadm list`; do zlogin $z pkg uninstall ldomsmanager; done

Update the IPS package itself: # pkg update pkg:/package/pkg

Update the rest of the system packages and reboot the system.
To update, we use the --accept flag to pkg update to agree to and accept
the terms of the licenses that are being updated. We also use the --be-name
flag to provide a new name to the boot environment that will be created (in
this example the new name is s11.1).
# pkg update --be-name s11.1 -accept
# reboot

Copies of the checklists are available on the EIS web pages or on the EIS-DVD. We recommend that
you always check the web pages for the latest version.

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Oracle Internal and Approved Partners Only Page 18 of 18 Vn 1.4 Created: 10. Jan. 2013

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