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VorEF Medium humenoid (human, shapechanger), chaotic evil ‘Armor Clsss 12 in humanoid form, 14 (natural armor) n ‘wolf or hybrid form Hit Points 113 (1548 + 45) ‘Speed 30ft(40ft.n wolf form) STR DE CON INT WIS CHA 17 (03) 15 (62) 16 (63) 100) 11. (40) 10(+0) ‘Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3 Darrage Immunities blucgeoring, piercing, and slashing “dermage from nonmagical weapons that aren't sivered, ‘Senses dirkvision 6Oft, passive perception 16 gee ie Cotes ke sl 8 (3,900 XP) r The werewolf can use its action to polymorph into a wol-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, ‘or back into its true form, which is humanoid. ts ‘tatisties, other than ite AC, ae the zame in each form. ‘Any equipment itis wearing or carrying ise't transformed. It reverts to is tue form iit des Keon Hezing snd Smell The werewolf has advantage on Wisdom ferexption) check that rely on hearing or ‘The voref regains 20 hit points at the Start of is tur i ithas at feast 1 hit pont. the ‘werewolf takes damage from asilvered weapon, this trait doesn't function at the start of the werewolfs next turn) ion. the werewolfis killed, it regains al its it points in 24 hours, unless wolfsbane is placed on its body, in which case i wil take 1410 days to ‘ejuvenate. If silver pierces the heart ofthe werewolf during the full moon, the werewol is truly dead, Rend ia voret hits acreature with both claw attacks athe same turn, ilatches onto the opponents body ad tears the flesh, The target takes an entra 20 (448 + 6} slashing damage. f the targets a creature, it must succeed on aIC15 Consitution saving throw or be incapacitated by pain unt the begining ofthe werewolPs next turn Voref Weaknesses. The voret has the following flaws: + Callof the Moon, During the night ofthe full meon the true nature of the vorefis revealed. The creature automatically polymorph into its hybrid form and acts according to ts alignment. The werewolf is also ireeto ignores mates order ring these rights + Voice of the Master The voref is completely under the thral ofthe person that cursed it. tis considered urder the permanent effects of the dominate monster spell from its master. + Wolsbane Allergy the werewolf comes within 20 feet of aconitum flowers it is poisoned unti it leaves the area Weapons coated with aconitum of ignore the damage invulnerabilties of the werewok. Actions [or Hybrid Form Only). Tve veref ses its Howl atthe Moon. ifaralable, and makes two aw attacks and one bite attack ite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: 46 tohit, reach Sft,one target. Hit:16 (348 +3) piercing damage. ‘dew (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit reach Sft, one target. Hit: 10 (246 + 3) slashing damage Howl atthe Moen (hybrid Farm Only Recharge 5-6) The serevoll oviayottan new look fe eet A Creatures within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC1S Wisdom saving throw or be under the effects of a confusion spel for one minute At the erd of each of its turn a creature can reaternpt the saving throw, ending the effect on a success,

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