Case Digest Evidence

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Case Digest: Celestino Marturillas vs.

People of the Philippines ISSUE:

G.R. No. 163217 18 April 2006 Whether the prosecutions evidence is credible and enough to convict
Marturillas of homicide.
On 04 November 1998, after Lito Santos had served his wife Cecilia and
Artemio Pantinople with lunch, Artemio returned to his store which was five Ernita positively identified Marturillas as the one running away immediately
(5) meters away from Santos house. At about 7:30 in the evening, Santos was after the sound of a gunshot. Certain that she had seen him, she even
eating lunch in his house when he heard a gunshot. Artemio had been shot on described what he was wearing, the firearm he was carrying, and the direction
the chest. He shouted at Santos Tabangi ko Pre, gipusil ko ni kapitan. (Help towards which he was running. She also clarified that she had heard the
me, Pre, I was shot by the captain.) Lito saw a man running away from the statement, help me pre, I was shot by the captain. The Supreme Court
direction of Artemios store, but he wasnt able to see his face. Artemios wife, upheld the findings of the RTC and the CA that Ernitas testimony is credible
Ernita, came running from her house to her husbands side upon seeing him because the spot where Artemio was shot was only 30 meters away from her
sprawled on the ground and bloodied. She had left her infant lying on the house. The identification of a person can be established through familiarity
kitchen floor in surprise. Ernita shouted several times, Kapitan, ngano nimo with ones physical features. Once a person has gained familiarity with one
gipatay ang akong bana. (Captain, why did you shoot my husband?) another, identification becomes quite an easy task even from a considerable
distance. Judicial notice can also be taken of the fact that people in rural
Barangay Captain Celestino Marturillas was invited by a couple of police
communities generally know each other both by face and name, and can be
officers to the police station upon informing that he was the principal suspect
expected to know each others distinct and particular features and
in the slaying of Artemio Pantinople. He also took with him his government-
characteristics. Settled is the rule that on questions of credibility of witnesses
issued M-14 Rifle and one magazine of live M-14 ammunition, and turned over
and veracity of their testimonies, findings of the trial court are given the
the same to the Bunawan PNP. To his defense, he claimed that he was asleep
highest degree of respect.
in his home which was 250 meters away from Artemios store. Further, he is
said to have just risen from bed when two Barangay Kagawads wanted to see It should be clear that Santos never testified that petitioner was the one who
him because of the shooting incident. He even tried to approach Artemios had actually shot the victim. Still, the testimony of this witness is valuable,
family, but he could not do so because they had turned belligerent at his because it validates the statements made by Ernita. He confirms that after
presence. hearing the gunshot, he saw the victim and heard the latter cry out those same
During the trial of the case, Ernita positively identified Marturillas as her
husbands assailant. This positive identification is corroborated by Santos Moreover, the statement of the victim is considered by the Court as both a
testimony and expert witness Dr. Danilo Ledesma, a medico-legal officer for dying declaration and res gestae. Statements made by a person while a
Davao City, that the gunshot wound in Artemios body had been caused by a startling occurrence is taking place or immediately prior or subsequent thereto
bullet that is of the same size as that fired from an M-14 Rifle. However, the with respect to the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence as part of
same expert witness testified that Marturillas hands do not contain res gestae. Res gestae refers to statements made by the participants of the
gunpowder nitrates. victims of, or the spectators to, a crime immediately before, during, or after its
commission. These statements are a spontaneous reaction or utterance
inspired by the excitement of the occasion, without any opportunity for the
declarant to fabricate a false statement. All the requisites of res gestae are
present in this case:

1.) the principal act, the res gestae, is a startling occurrence;

2.) the statements were made before the declarant had time to contrive or
devise; and

3.) the statements concerned the occurrence in question and its immediately
attending circumstances.

Both the statements of the victim and Ernita can be considered res gestae.
AMANQUITON vs. PEOPLE an attitude of tranquil majesty often in striking contrast to that of defendant
engaged in a perturbed and distractingstruggle for liberty if not for life. These
FACTS: Petitioner Julius Amanquiton was a purok leader. As a purok leader and
inequalities of position, the law strives to meet by the rule that there is to be
barangay tanod, he was responsible for the maintenance of cleanliness, peace
noconviction where there is reasonable doubt of guilt. However, proof beyond
and order of the community. At 10:45 p.m. on Oct. 30, 2001, petitioner heard
reasonable doubt requires only moral certaintyor that degree of proof which
an explosion. He, together with two auxiliary tanod, Dominador Amante and a
produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind.The RTC and CA hinged their
certain Cabisudo, proceeded to Sambong Street where the explosion took
finding of petitioners guilt beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of child
place. Thereafter, they saw complainant Baaga being chased by Gepulane.
abusesolely on the supposed positive identification by the complainant and his
Upon learning that Baaga was the one who threw the pillbox that caused the
witness Alimpuyo of petitioner and his co-accused as the perpetrators of the
explosion, petitioner and his companions also went after him. On reaching
crime.We note Baagas statement that, when he was apprehended by
Baagas house, petitioner, Cabisudo and Amante knocked on the door. When
petitioner, there were many people around. Yet,the prosecution presented
no one answered, they decided to hide some distance away. After five
only Baaga and Alimpuyo, as witnesses to the mauling incident. Furthermore,
minutes, Baaga came out of the house. At this juncture, petitioner and his
Baaga failedto controvert the validity of the barangay blotter he signed
companions immediately apprehended him.Baaga was later brought to the
regarding the mauling incident which happened prior to hisapprehension by
police station. On the way to the police station, Gepulane suddenly appeared
petitioner. Neither did he ever deny the allegation that he figured in a prior
from nowhere and boxed Baaga in the face. This caused petitioner to order
battery by gang members. All this raises serious doubt on whether Baagas
Gepulanes apprehension along with Baaga. During the investigation,
injuries were really inflicted by petitioner to the exclusion ofother people. In
petitioner learned Baaga had been previously mauled by a group made up of
fact, petitioner testified clearly that Gepulane came out of nowhere and
a certainRaul, Boyet and Cris but failed to identify two others. The mauling was
punched Baaga while the latterwas being brought to the police station.
the result of gang trouble in a certain residential compound in Taguig City.
Gepulane, not petitioner, could very well have caused Baaga's injuries.
Thereafter, an Information for the crime of child abuse was filed against
petitioner, Amante and Gepulane. RTC found petitioner and Amante guilty Alimpuyo admitted that she did not see who actually caused the bloodied
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged. Hence, this petition. condition of Baagas face because shehad to first put down the baby she was
then carrying when the melee started. More importantly, Alimpuyo stated that
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
shewas told by Baaga that, while he was allegedly being held by the neck by
HELD: The Constitution itself provides that in all criminal prosecutions, the petitioner, others were hitting him. Alimpuyowas obviously testifying not on
accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved. An accused is what she personally saw but on what Baaga told her.We apply the pro reo
entitled to an acquittal unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. It is principle and the equipoise rule in this case. Where the evidence on an issue of
the primordial duty of the prosecution to present its side with clarity and fact is inquestion or there is doubt on which side the evidence weighs, the
persuasion, so that conviction becomes the only logical and inevitable doubt should be resolved in favor of the accused. Ifinculpatory facts and
conclusion, with moral certainty. Proof beyond reasonable doubt lies in the circumstances are capable of two or more explanations, one consistent with
fact that in a criminal prosecution, the State is arrayed against the subject; it the innocence of theaccused and the other consistent with his guilt, then the
enters the contest with a prior inculpatory finding in its hands; with unlimited evidence does not fulfill the test of moral certainty and will notjustify a
means of command; with counsel usually of authority and capacity, who are conviction.We emphasize that the great goal of our criminal law and procedure
regarded as public officers, as therefore as speaking semi-judicially, and with is not to send people to jail but to do justice.The prosecutions job is to prove
that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Conviction must be based
on the strength of the prosecution and not on the weakness of the defense.
Thus, when the evidence of the prosecution is not enough to sustain a
conviction, it must be rejected and the accused absolved and released at once
obligation contracted at the time the check was issued; (b) that he failed to
deposit an amount sufficient to cover the check despite having been informed
People vs Wagas
that the check had been dishonored; and (c) that Ligaray released the goods
FACTS: upon receipt of the postdated check and upon Wagas assurance that the
check would be funded on its date.
1. April 30, 1997: Mystery man (allegedly Wagas) to Ligaray over the
phone said he wants to buy 200 bags of rice and he will just issue a postdated 1. To suffer an indeterminate penalty of from twelve (12) years of pris[i]on
check. mayor, as minimum, to thirty (30) years of reclusion perpetua as maximum;

2. Ligaray was hesitant but mystery man said he had the means to pay 2. To indemnify the complainant, Albert[o] Ligaray in the sum of P200,000.00;
because he had a lending business and money in the bank,
3. To pay said complainant the sum of P30,000.00 by way of attorneys fees;
3. Check (payable to cash-> doesnt need to be indorsed) was given to and
4. the costs of suit.
4. April 30, 1997: Person who gave the BPI check (payable to cash and
MR: arguing that the Prosecution did not establish that it was he who had
P200,000) and received the stocks was Canada (Wagas brother-in-law)
transacted with Ligaray and who had negotiated the check to the latter; that
5. Ligaray deposited the check to Solid Bank but it bounced due to the records showed that Ligaray did not meet him at any time; and that
insufficiency of funds. Ligarays testimony on their alleged telephone conversation was not reliable
because it was not shown that Ligaray had been familiar with his voice. Wagas
6. Demand was also made over the phone. Guy says hell pay after he also
returns from Cebu. More demands-> still didnt pay
sought the reopening of the case based on newly discovered evidence,
7. DEFENSE: Admitted that he signed the check but he issued it to specifically: (a) the testimony of Caada who could not testify during the trial
Canada and not to Ligaray. The purpose was to pay for a portion of Caadas because he was then out of the country, and (b) Ligarays testimony given
property that he wanted to buy, but when the sale did not push through, he against Wagas in another criminal case for violation of Batas
did not anymore fund the check.
Pambansa Blg. 22.-> DENIED.
8. CROSS-EXAMINATION: Wagas admitted that he signed a letter
addressed to the counsel of Ligaray admitting that he owed him P200,000. He Appeal directly to SC
says that he signed the letter only because his sister and her husband had
pleaded with him to assume the obligation and to avoid jeopardizing Caadas
application for overseas employment (he was a seafarer). 1. WON it was really him who contracted with Ligaray and not Caada?

9. RTC: Wagas-> Guilty .The RTC held that the Prosecution had proved 2. WON deceit has been established because it hasnt been proved that
beyond reasonable doubt all the elements constituting the crime of estafa, it was him who transacted with Ligaray over the telephone?
namely: (a) that Wagas issued the postdated check as payment for an
HELD: NOT ADEQUATELY ESTABLISHED-> ACQUITTED. because of preponderance of evidence. Here, he must pay the amount of the
dishonoured check plus legal interest.)
Provision used: 315 2(d)-> estafa by postdating a check/ issuing check which
has no funds in the bank

Here, the act of postdating or issuing a check in payment of an obligation must

be the efficient cause of the defraudation. ->This means that the offender must
be able to obtain money or property from the offended party by reason of the
issuance of the check, whether dated or postdated. In other words, the
Prosecution must show that the person to whom the check was delivered
would not have parted with his money or property were it not for the issuance
of the check by the offender.

It is the criminal fraud or deceit in the issuance of a check that is punishable,

not the non-payment of a debt.-> Wagas could not be held guilty of estafa
simply because he had issued the check used to defraud Ligaray. The proof of
guilt must still clearly show that it had been Wagas as the drawer who had
defrauded Ligaray by means of the check.

Prosecution established: Ligaray released the goods to Caada because of the

postdated check the latter had given to him; and that the check was
dishonored when presented for payment because of the insufficiency of funds.

Prosecution didnt establish: the identity of the offender (which must also be
identified BRD) nor was it established that Caada was acting on behalf of

Note: Telephone conversation may be admissible evidence if proven by direct

or circumstantial evidence. Mere statement of identity-> not enough in the
absence of corroborating evidence.

Events following the conversation may serve to sufficiently identify the caller.-
> up to the court to decide if its enough.

DISPOSITION: ACQUITS Gilbert R. Wagas of the crime of estafa on the ground

of reasonable doubt, but ORDERS him to pay Alberto Ligaray the amount of
P200,000.00 as actual damages, plus interest of 6% per annum from the
finality of this decision. (You may be acquitted but you can still be civilly liable

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