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SSS. HA eb [ | ez” Self-Study 2c|2 CD Ea binant Y) with Jonati ail SI dee We y) SAIS TOU L- =} AN To the student ——————_———S Weleome to Interchange Third Edition! This revised edition of New Interchange gives you many MOF opportunities tolearn and practice Baglish. We are confident this ‘book will help you improve Your English! ‘The course combines topics, functions, and grammar. You will learn the our skils of listening, speaking: ending, and writing, in addition 1 vocabulary and pronunciation. \ Bach book has 16 units aivided into sections, and each section has its own purpose. The Snapshot vvcually introduces the unit's topic swith real-world information. The ‘Word Power presents new vocabulary. Perspectives is a new section that uses people's opinions and experiences about 2 topic to present new grammar ‘yhe Conversation ea natural, fan dialog that al80 catroauces new grammar. you then 8) vad praetice this language in the Grammar Focus. The Pronunciation cxereises help you sound like & native speaker: In the Listening section you hear people speaking in many different catexts. You tain. pairs in aTOUDE, ‘asa class with the many Speaking activities. In the Tarorchange activities you talk ev more freely about yourself These fun netivities let you share your on ideas and opinions. In the Writing i exion you write about Yourselt and your aigamates. Finally, atthe end of ach wait, you read about and further discuss the unit’s topic in the Reading section. Frequent Progress checks let 2°" check your own development. ID these self-assessment exercises You decide what material you need to review: ithe Self-study Audio CD contains the conversations fFom the unit for extra listening practice. Your CD also has a section with news original ‘audio material, You can use this in class, in a lab, or at home with the Seifstudy exercises at the back of this book. We think you'l enjoy using this book and hope you become better, more confident learners of English Good luck! Jack C. Richards Jonathan Hull ‘Susan Proctor CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Working together Kn yb RN (Which role are yo’) =. going to take?) (Ill be Student A.) (Ready?) Plan of Book 2 Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar —= = Atime to remember Poople; childhood; memories about yourself: exchanging personal information; remembering your childhood: ‘asking about someone's childhood wuz aan —— - - Caught in the rush ‘Talking about transportation ‘Adverbs of quantity with count and ‘Transportation; transportation ‘and transportation problems; roncount nouns: too many, oo problems: city services evaluating city services; asking much, fewer, less, more, not for and giving information rough ndret questions from questions PROGRESS CHEDK PABES 14-15 Time fora chan D Evaluations and comparisons with Houses and apartments; lifestyle adjectives: not... enough, too, changes; wishes (not) as... . as; evaluations and comparisons with nouns: not ‘enough... too much many, .. no a sich many. ah ee Ive never heard ofthat! “Talking about food; expressing Simple past vs, prosent perfect; ood; recipes; instructions; cooking likes and dislikes; deseribing a sequence adverbs: first, then, next, methods favorite snack; giving instructions aftr chat, finally PROGRESS CK PAGES 25-28 places Describing vacation plans; giving Future with be going toandwill; = ‘Travel; vacations; plans travel advice; planning a veeation _-modals for nesessty and suggestion: ‘must, need to, (don't) have to, better, ‘ought to, should (not) i EEE problem! requests; accepting and ‘Two-part verbs; will for responding cone \ts; household chores; ‘refusing requ complaining; to requests; requests with modals requests; excuses; apologies and Would you mind... 1 isnt vecx GES 42-43, mi EESIED - a ‘What's this for? Infinitives and gerunds for uses ‘Tochnology; instructions and purposes; imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions Lot's celebrate! ‘Describing holidays, festivals, ‘Relative clauses of time, adverbial - re rs festivals; customs; ‘customs, and special events clauses of time: when, after, before colebratons PROGRES HECK PAGES 6-51 Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Reduced form of wsed to ‘Writing a paragraph about Listening to people talk about your childhood their past “Nicole Kidman: New Hollywood Self study: Listening to Royalty’: Reading about an people discuss their favorite actresy's career childhood memories “Class profile’: Finding out about a slasemate's childhood Syllable stress Writing a letor tothe editor Listening toa description of a “Now Ways of Getting ‘transportation system Around”: Reading cbout new Self-study: Listening to people ask _‘ansportation inventions for information “Tourism campaign”: Suggesting ways to attract tourists toa city " Enpronounced vowels Listening to people talk about ‘capsule hotels ‘Self-study: Listening to people ask Writing an e-mail describing ‘an apartment “Break Those Bad Habits”: Reading about ways to end “Wishful thinking”: Finding out about classmate's wishes land answer questions about ‘bad habits apartments for rent Consonant clusters Writing a recipe “Risky business" Listening to descriptions of foods “Food and Mood” Reading about _—_personal information Beifacacdy: Usbertag ta people hhow food affects the way we feel __‘frem classmates talk about food Linked sounds with /w/and/y/ Writing travel suggestions “Fun vacations”: Deéiding on a trip Listening to travel advice ‘Getting vay From It ll Self-study: Listening to people tips from an ae Se ‘Stross in two-part verbs ‘Writing a set of guidelines “Thats no excuse!” Apologizing Listening to results ofa survey “Neighbor vs. Neighbor": Reading 474d making excuses Battseady inal pang about ways to deal with neighbors make requests “Syllable wires Writing a note giving instructions “Talk radio": Giving advice Listening to a radio program: “ADay in Your Life -In the Year 10 classmates listening to people give advice 2020" Reading about life in ‘Self-study: Listening to people ‘the future discuss computers ‘Stress and rhythm Writing a travel guide “Onze in g blue moon? Finding Customs": Reading about ut how classinates celebrate eee special events talk about Halloween vii Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar Ca ae a= Back othe future Talking about change; ‘Time contrasts; conditional Life in te past, present, comparing time periods; sentences vith fdauses and fature changes and deseribingt posites ‘contrasts; consequences working on weekends! Descriting abilities and skills; Gerunds; short responses clauses Abilities and skills; job preferences; talking about job preferences; with because personality traits; careers describing personality traits ‘Talking about landmarks and Passive with y (imple past, Landmarks: monuments; describing countries; passive without by (simple present) world knowledge discussing facts Heoulé happen to you! ‘Asking about someone's past; Past continuous vs. simple past Information about someone's pest; describing recent experiences present perfect contneus recent pat events Deseribing movies and books; Participles as adjectives; = talking about actors and actresses; relative clauses asking for and giving reactions and opinions Sothats what it means! Interpreting budy language, Medals and adverbs: night, a Nonverbal communeation; enplining gestures ané meanings; may eculd, must, mabe, gestures and meanings; signs; describing emotions; asking about perhaps, possibly, probably, Sey eedacar pas eat necnings Stat tari PROGRESS EDK fasts 8.29 oe mm PSOE = What would you do? Unreal conditional sentences with ‘Money; hopes; predicaments; ‘if clauses; past modals speculations ag REE ‘What's your excuse? ‘Reporting what people say; Reported speech: requests, reported Requests; excuses; invitations making requests; making syecch: statements invitations and excuses PROGRES CDK Pages 112-13 Ex == vill Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity ~~ Tatonation in statements with Writing a description of a person “Consider the consequences” time phrasce “are You in Love?": Reading about __-Agreoing and disagrocing Listening to people talk the signs of being in love with classmates about changes Self-study: Listening to people _ discuss technology S Unreleased and released // and /d/ Writing a cover letter fora job “Dream job’: Deeiding, which job to Listening to people talk about ‘application apply for at si eerenas Pin he Jab That ht Self-study: Listening to a student ‘Yout”: Reading about how to fine cect tees the perfect od The letter 0 Writing a guidebook introduction “Who is this by?*: Sharing Listining Wi dbersiplions cf “A Guide to Unusual information about famous works menaments;listoning for Musoums”: Reeding about information about a country interesting museums Selfstudy: Listening for information absut the Statue of Liberty Contrastve stress in responses short story “lle Wie w gama! Playing Listening to people talk about “Child Prodigies”: Reading about soak ganna recent experiences sifted children Self-study: Listening to people tall. about events in their careers Emphatic stress ‘Writing a movie review “Famous faces”: Asking Listening for opinions; listening to “The Magic of Potter”: Reading classmates’ opinions about a movie review about an author's career moviee end TV chews Solfstudy: Listening to people talk _ ee ae Pitch ‘Writing a lst of rales “What's going on?": Interpreting Listening to people talk about the “Pearls of Wisdom”: Reading ‘body language meanings of signs about proverbs Self-study: Listening to people discuss street signs Reduction of have Writing a letter to an “Do the right thing!” Deciding what Literlag to pebietalcsiost advice columnist to do in a difficult situation predicaments; listening to a radi “Ask Amy": Reading an talk show advice column Seifstudy: Listening to people deseribe situations Reduction of had and would Writing a voice mail message “Excuses, exeuses": Making Listening for excuses; listening to “The Truth About Lying”: up exeases ‘voice mail messages ‘Reading about “white lies” Selftudy: Listening to.a telephone conversation / Atime to remember SNAPSHOT C00 Getting co Know You = Many people use the Internet to meet people. Here is same typical information found in online personal ads. us about yourself! | Background Backgroun Been; Dating Bern: Buenos Aires 1 up: Los Angeles Professional iaformation Education: colege degree (Occupation: computer specialist s Interests and hobbies | Interests and hobbies Hove tobe tors | ey sking | | keto goto the moves an ak ong Ted and swimming. And Im a good cook. | weks. And (m leering toin-ne skate! | Ana Source Mp /personals yahoo com Do you think Ana and Ted could be friends? Do people in your country use personal ads? How else can people meet? Create your own personal profile and compare it with a partner How are you the same? different? @ CONVERSATION Where did you learn to skate? A © Listen and practice. Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this Ted: Neither am I, .. . Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am, originally. I was born in Argentina, ‘Tod: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here ten years ago, when I was in junior high school. ‘Ted: And where did you learn to skate? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my third time ‘Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. ‘Ted: By the way, my name is'Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nico to meet you. B © Listen to the rest of the conversation, What are two more things you learn about Ted? GRAMMAR Focus Where were you born? When did you move to Los Angelos? Iwas born in Argentina. | moved here ten years ago. | didn't speak English. Were you born in Buenos Aires? Did you take English classes in Argentina? Yos, | was. Yos, | did. | took classes for a year. No, wasn't. | was born in Cérdoba. —_No, | didn’t. My aunt taught me at home. A. Compote these conversations. Thon praetice with a partner, 1. A: Could you tell me a little about yourself Whore you born? BI horn in Korea, A: ‘you grow up there? B: No, I I up in Canada. 2. A: Where you go to high school? BT to high school in Ecuador. A: And when you graduate? B: I last year. Now I work asa salesperson. BoA you have a favorite teacher when you achild? B: Yes, I I an excellent teacher named Mr. Woods. A: What he teach? RB: He English B Pair work Take turns asking the questions in part A. Give your own information when answering. ©) LISTENING Life as an immigrant A ® Listen to interviews with two immigrants to the United States. Where are they from? en again and complete the chart. ‘Yu Hong 1. When did he/she move to the United States? 2. Whatis cifficult about being an immigrant? 3. What does ha/she miss the most? A time to remember * 3 @ SPEAKING Tell me about yourself. A Pair work Check (7) six questions below. Then interview a classmate you don’t know very well. Where did you go to elementary school? What other languages can you speak? Were you a good student in elementary school? | | Do you have a big family? What were your best subjects? Did you enjoy your childhood? What subjects didn't you like? Who was your hero when you were a child? When did you first study English? Did you ever have a part-time job? B Group work ‘Tell the group what you learned about your partner. Then answer any questions. Really? Me, too! Carlos went to elementary school in Mexico City. am first studied English when she was 10. C: Really? Where did she study English? (©) worp power A Complete the word map. Add two more se words to each category. Then compare with a partner. Wow! What was it like? Can you tell us more? 7 beach bicycle cat collect comic books paint play chess ; eae Hobbies Pla scrapbook beach snake soccer ball summer camp tree house B Pair work Choose three words from |__ >, the word map and use them to describe Possessions some of your childhood memories. A: Iplayed chess when T was in elementary school. B: How well did you play? A: Iwas pretty good, actually. I won several competitions. 4° Unitt @ PERSPECTIVES How have you changed? A © Listen to these statements about changes. Check (¥) those that are true about you, 1. *When | was a kid, | used to be very messy, but now I'm very neat.” | 2. “1 used to have a lot of hobbi free time.” | 8. “I didn’t use to collect anything, but now I do.” 4. “Lused to be really into fashion, but these days I'm not interested anymore.” 5. “I never used to play sports, but now I like to keep fit. 6. “Inever used to worry about money, but now I do.” 7. ‘I didn't use to follow politics, but now I read the newspaper every day.” || 8, ‘When | was younger, | used to care a lot about my appearance. Now, I'm too busy to care how | look.” B Pair work Look at the statements again. Which changes are positive? Which are negative? “L think the first one is a positive change. It’s good to be neat.” GRAMMAR FOCUS Used to refers to something that you regularly did in the past but don’t do anymore. | used to be very messy, but now I'm very neat, Did you use to collect things? Yes, | used te collact camic books. No, | didn’t use to collect anything, but now | collect art. What sports did you use to play? I never used to play sports, but now I play tennis. A Complete these sentences. Then compare with a partner. 1. Inelementary school, | used to... 4, Ididn't use to... 2 Lused tobe..., but I'm not anymore. 5. After school, my best friend and I used to 3, When I was kid, I used to play... 6. My parents never used to B Pair work How have you changed these things? Write five more sentences about yourself using used to. your hairstyle the way you dress your hobbies and interests “Lused to wear my hair much longer. Now I wear it short.” A time to remember * 5

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