Project of Database

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SUBMITTED BY: Muhammad Habibullah Khan

ROLL No: F-07-026




These efforts are dedicated to
My parents,
My teacher Sir Maskeen Shah

Whose kind co-operation, blessings, help,

and inspirations gave
Impetus to complete this work and also
my friends.
It is always said that we need “two
hands to clap” and it proved exactly
the same. One hand was ours and
other was provided by none other
than Sir. Maskeen Shah who served
us as a mentor and also lifted our
moral up in the whole process. He
took pain and helped us in
overcoming the hurdles of our path.
Along with sir we would like to give
our special thanks to individuals who
devoted their precious time on our
live project and helped us by filling
the questionnaire. In short words this
project is one among those which will
live in our hearts, as the project
made us come across various facts of
life and may be time will also fail in
diluting it from us as all together.


In this era, where the technology is growing in a very

faster speed and every positive change is bringing new and
enhanced features with them, the cellular phones and
Cellular service providers are at the very hot issue in this
growing technology.

The technologies in these cellular/mobile companies are

enhancing and developing day by day, including new
features of entertainment, and multiple options like imaging
facilities, movie/animation features, sound technologies etc.

When the technology is the matter, every consumer/user

prefers the latest, best and interacting featured technologies
and also prefers these facilities in less cost. So, in this view,
there is a very big and fast competition between many
companies of cellular service providers at the world level.

So I have chosen the Warid Telecom for my Database

Management system project.

I would like to offer deep & sincere thanks to almighty Allah,

most gracious, most merciful, who blessed me with the capabilities
of heart & mind which led successfully to complete this

This assignment is about the database management of

Warid telecom. To make things look easier, the assignment is
framed the topic into a No. of sections. Each section carries
information regarding various interesting aspects of the Warid
telecom. Beginning with a brief introduction, I come over to the
overall data base. After understanding the overall attributes and
entities. I have a separate section regarding the life cycle that I had
conducted. Now coming to the core of the research i.e. the role of.
Warid telecom, You are likely to find knowledge information
regarding the various impacts the Warid telecom will venture once
it gets going I have the Final analysis. Finally I have ventured
certain recommendations that might help Warid telecom in the
upcoming years.

Cellular mobile telecommunication services were introduced in

Pakistan in 1990.six operators currently provide this service and
their subscriber base as of December 2004

Paktel is regarded as the Founder of the Mobile Industry in

Pakistan. Paktel was granted a license in 1990 to operate a cellular
system across Pakistan and has improved its network capacity
from time to time.


Warid Telecom launched in Pakistan on 23rd May 2005 but its pre
launch operations started working six months before the Launch
this shows the planning masters took enough time studying
Pakistan’s Market and is well equipped to serve in the field of
service based cellular industries in Pakistan.

WARID TELECOM is a private limited registered company

Having registered trademark. The total investment is debt-equity
based with the ratio of 40:60. Means the 40% of the total
investment is loan based and the other 60 % is equity based. The
company have license to sell MOBILE GSM connection and
provide of all kinds of mobile connection services to run business


“Warid Telecom's stated mission is to be the leader in

innovation and services”
“To be the national communication provider with a
Strong International presence”

Warid Telecom believes in working with strategic partners and

employees for long term relationships.
As a consequence of the above, Warid Telecom is looking for the
following to deliver its vision:

Strategic vendors and partners to assist in rolling out these services

in a timely and efficient manner with a focus on turnkey solutions
and premium propositions

Strong partners to assist in launching these services and creating

effective sales & marketing / business development opportunities
for all too operationally and financially gain. Consultants and
experts to help deliver this vision
Entities of Warid Telecom
The entities of Warid Telecom are as follow.

Company assets
The company’s asset’s information is also recorded in the

Customer’s information

The information about each customer is recorded. E.g. name,

CNIC no, address etc.

Sale and service centers

These are situated in every city where the organization has

coverage to its customers.

Staff of the organization

• General Managers
• Senior Managers
• Managers
• Assistant Managers
• Executive Managers
• Coordinators
• Supervisors
• Team Members
• Engineers
• Database administrators
• Security guards
• Peons
Packages or the services offered to customers

• Warid Minute Package
• Crazy Hours
• Crazy Nites
• Voice Craze
• Zem ezeeLOAD
• SMS Craze
• Zem Sunday Craze
• infiNite Craze


• Warid Postpaid 500

• My5
• 1-2-3 Free
• Bonus on Security Deposit
• Corporate Briefcase
• Tax Exemption Certificate
• Bill by Email

The warid telecom also provides their customers the GPRS, MMS,
WAP service to both pre-paid and post-paid customers.











We can express the overall logical structure of a database
graphically with an E-R diagram.
Its components are:
• Rectangles representing entity sets.
• Ellipses representing attributes.
• Diamonds representing relationship sets.
• Lines linking attribute to entity sets and entity sets to
relationship sets.
In the text, lines may be directed (have an arrow on the end) to
signify mapping cardinalities for relationship sets.




Application of Normalization techniques on

Warid telecom
Data normalization is a process in which data attributes within a
data model are organized to increase the cohesion of entity types.
In other words, the goal of data normalization is to reduce and
even eliminate data redundancy, an important consideration for
application developers because it is incredibly difficult to stores
objects in a relational database that maintains the same information
in several places.

1. First Normal Form (1NF)

Let’s consider an example in warid telecom. Entity type is in first
normal form (1NF) when it contains no repeating groups of data.
For example, you see that there are several repeating attributes in
the data, the subscriber identification module (SIM) information
repeats nine times and the contact information is repeated twice,
once for SIM information and once for billing information.
Although this initial version could work, what happens when an
SIM has more than nine information items? Do you create
additional information records for them? What about the vast
majority of informations that only have one or two items? Do we
really want to waste all that storage space in the database for the
empty fields? Likely not. Furthermore, do you want to write the
code required to process the nine copies of item information, even
if it is only to marshal it back and forth between the appropriate
numbers of objects? Once again, likely not.

2. Second Normal Form (2NF)

In second normal form (2NF). an entity type is in second normal
form (2NF) when it is in 1NF and when every non-key attribute,
any attribute that is not part of the primary key, is fully dependent
on the primary key. This was definitely not the case with the SIM
information1NF table; therefore we need to introduce the new
table Item2NF. The problem with SIM information 1NF is that
item information, such as the number and price of an SIM, do not
depend upon an CONTACT for that SIM.
3. Third Normal Form (3NF)
An entity type is in third normal form (3NF) when it is in 2NF and
when all of its attributes are directly dependent on the primary key.
A better way to word this rule might be that the attributes of an
entity type must depend on all portions of the primary key. In this
case there is a problem with the SIM information in 2NF table; the
information type description depends only on the information type,
not on the combination of the SIM and the contact type. To
resolve this problem Type3NF table was introduced, containing a
description of the information type as well as a unique identifier
for each SIM type.

Database Management Life Cycle Phase:

We regard services as software applications to be run in the
telecommunications network. Since services are software we can
introduce the discussion of the service life cycle by skimming
through the life cycle for ordinary software systems.

By common usage a life cycle model is an abstract description of

the structured, Methodical development and modification process
typically showing the main Stages in producing and maintaining
executable software. A typical life cycle model is the following:

1 Analysis:
Analyzing the user’s requirements.

2 Physical Designs:
Describing what the system should do, as seen from the user.

3 Conceptual Designs:
Describing the system’s interfaces, functionality and structure as
the designers intend to implement them.

4 Implementation:
Producing the programs.

5 Maintenance Design:
As the software is used, errors and new requirements are usually
uncovered. Maintenance is the task of modifying the software so
that the errors are eliminated and the new requirements are taken
care of.

Iteration between the phases is often necessary, but it should

preferably be confined to successive steps.

What is specific about intelligent network services software? First,

the target computer system on which the software is to be installed
is a huge distributed telecommunications network. Second, there is
a large amount of users, subscribers and of potential services.
Third, there are severe constraints regarding response time and
availability of the services in the network. These factors are
important in the modification of the ordinary software life cycle so
that it becomes a service software life cycle.

Requirement formulating and analysis:

The main task is here to produce a definition of the characteristics
of the services that Warid telecom is going to give their
customers, focusing on how the subscriber wants the users to see
it. This implies close cooperation between the service creator and
the subscriber in order to bridge the gap between the subscriber’s
requirements and the service creator’s assessment of what is a
feasible service.

Conceptual Design:
To facilitate rapid and efficient introduction of Warid telecom
new services, we envisage extensive reuse of specifications and
software. In the design phase services are designed by assembling
reusable software components in a controlled manner. Most of the
software components are already designed in detail - the design of
the service concerns the problem of putting various software
components together according to the specification. This should be
a trivial task, supposing there is a well-defined mapping between
the specification constructs and the design objects.

The implementation phase concerns the production of complete
programs that satisfy the specification of the WARID Telecom
service. The implementation will ordinarily contain both new
software and reused software. Reused software is taken from a
software library while the new software has to be implemented
Maintenance Design:
Activation means that the service is made available to the user, that
is the service can now be invoked. We refer to the activation of a
service in three different cases:
• The service is freshly installed, and has not been in use.
• The service has been used by other subscribers, and this new
subscription is handled by modifying the new subscriber’s
service profile.
• A subscriber modifies a service’s parameters by operating
directly on his service profile (not all subscribers have the
right to do this). The modification is effectuated by activating
his modified service. This can be viewed as a maintenance
activity. Security requirements must be addressed at this

Choosing the Database

I have chosen the Microsoft Access as Ward telecom’s database.
Procedure for Creating Database:

How to make a database Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Access Tutorial - How to create a database. Building a
database isn't as hard as it first seems. Listed below is a series of
tutorials that will visually demonstrate how to build a database
from scratch using Microsoft Access. They are highly
recommended for beginners to help them off to a quick start.

Planning your database

The first step to making a database is to firstly plan one. This
important step is often overlooked by eager beginners wanting to
jump right in the deep end. However, without a clear plan, your
database might end up a jumbled mess. Planning your project on
paper will save you much frustration and disappointment over the
long run.

Start Microsoft Access and begin building a database

When Microsoft Access first loads, you will notice a blank empty
program. For some unknown reason the developers presumed users
would automatically know what to do next. However this isn't
always the case. The tutorial below is helpful in showing you how
to firstly start a database and secondly, familiarize you with a few
useful tools within Access.

Creating Tables
Access databases work via numerous tables. The tutorial below
will visually demonstrate different choices you have for building
database tables. It then shows you how to build your first table.

Adding Records
Now you have a database table built, its time to add some records.
Or in other words, add some customers. The tutorial below will
show you how to add a few customer records to your database.

Creating Relationships
In Part VII of the tutorial, we'll create relationships between tables
to complete our implementation of the Patrick's Widgets relational

Data Input via Forms

Part VI of our tutorial introduces you to the concept of Access
forms to input and modify data.

Queries are the heart and soul of data retrieval. In Part IX of our
series, you'll learn how to build queries to retrieve information
from an Access database.

Once you have information stored in your database, it sure would
be nice to get it back out again! Part X of our series explains how
to use reports to retrieve information from your database
The following tables are

Primary & Foreign Keys in Tables:

Table Name Primary Key Foreign Key
CUSTOMER customer ID Customer #
SIM Prepaid postpaid
Supplier Purchase Order ID Supplier ID, Supplier
Purchase Order Order ID Sims ID, Supplier ID
Supplier Supplier ID Address
Issue Item Request ID Customer ID,
customer #
Request Request ID Customer ID,
customer #

Customer Table
Customer ID Customer Company
Names Name
001 Ali khan Warid telecom
002 Usman Khan Warid telecom
003 Qasim Warid telecom


001 7070 SMS BUNDLE
002 5060 ZEM 30
003 129 FnF
005 5060 ZEM 30
006 129 ZEM NIGTHS
007 7070 SMS BUNDLE
008 5060 ZEM 30
009 7070 SMSBUNDLE
010 129 FnF
012 5060 ZEM 30
013 5060 ZEM 30
014 129 FnF
015 129 FnF
016 7070 SMS BUNDLE

Security and Integrity rules of the Warid telecom’s

I have chosen the following rules for the security and integrity of
Warid telecom.

Security issues of database

Should businesses trust their employees with the critical role of

protecting sensitive corporate information? Industry analysts
would probably say “never” - and with good reason.
According to one recent Forrester study, 80 percent of data
security breaches involve insiders, employees or those with
internal access to an organization, putting information at risk.
The big challenge for companies today – particularly as email
and the Internet make sharing and distributing corporate
information easier than ever - is to strike the right balance
between providing workers with appropriate access and
protecting sensitive information as much as possible. For
example, database users traditionally are assigned a database
administrator (DBA) role or granted multiple system
privileges. As well, DBAs enjoy unbridled system access in
order to manage companies’ IT infrastructure 24/7 and to
respond to emergency situations.
As companies continue to consolidate databases and
streamline operations to maximize efficiency and the
protection of data from external threats, this user- and role-
based security model no longer complies with “need-to-
know” security best-practices. Nor does the model meet SOX
or PIPEDA regulatory requirements for adequate protection
of data privacy. Today, to help ensure the safety, integrity
and privacy of corporate information, more companies are
pursuing a comprehensive, multi-factored security approach.

Rules further restrict operations based upon specific requirements
and needs. This is accomplished using environmental or
domain-specific decision factors such as database, machine,
IP addresses, and time-of-day and authentication modes. For
example, an organization can prevent an administrator from
making changes to a database system from outside of the
corporate intranet or when working outside of normal
business hours.
Such rules are becoming more crucial as employees
increasingly require remote access to corporate information.
Organizations cannot control the security standards of
external networks, so the best defense is to restrict select
information traffic over pre-approved IP addresses.

A multi-factored security model

What exactly is a multi-factored security approach? Simply put,

this approach is built on the defense-in-depth principle, which
introduces multiple mechanisms to augment the traditional user
and role security model. That means controls, restrictions and
boundaries are set up so that even employees with database access
privileges cannot freely use, alter or export sensitive information.
Integrity issues in databases

Most security violations arising from the application of integrity

constraints to multilevel secure databases do not result in the direct
revelation of data. Instead, security violations arise from the fact
that integrity constraints defined over data at more than one
security class can provide channels by which information at a high
security class can be passed down to users at a lower security class.
These channels are of two kinds:

Inference channels
A user at a low security class can use his knowledge of the low
security class data and of the constraint (if it is made available to
him) to infer information about high security class data also
affected by the constraint.

Signaling channels
Signaling channels are divided into storage channels and timing
channels. In a storage channel, if satisfaction of an integrity
constraint requires that changes to data at a high security class be
reflected indirectly in the value of data at a lower security class, a
Trojan horse program embedded in a process at a high security
class could encode high data as low data by varying the high data
involved in the integrity constraint so that it produces detectable
changes in the low data. Such a channel could be used to pass on
not only information directly affected by the constraint, but any
other information the Trojan horse has access to.
In a timing channel, if an integrity constraint depends on data at
both high and low security classes, a Trojan horse program could
encode high data by varying the time it takes to make the high data
necessary for verification of the integrity constraint available.
Again, such a channel could be used to pass on any information to
which the Trojan horse has access.
Many of the conflicts between security and integrity in multilevel
secure databases arise out of the fundamental incompatibility of
what we will call the basic security principle for databases with the
database integrity properties of consistency, correctness, and
availability [MEAD88a]. The basic security principle is as follows:
The security class of a data item should dominate the security
classes of all data affecting it. The reason for the basic security
principle is clear: If the value of a datum can be affected by data at
levels not dominated by its own, information can flow into the item
from those other levels. The database integrity properties are
defined as follows:

Integrity is usually considered to be at odds with security in
multilevel databases. Integrity constraints enforce conditions on
relations between data, while security constraints enforce
separation between data. If an integrity constraint is defined over
data at different security levels, a direct conflict results. However,
the solution is not to sacrifice the integrity constraint altogether.
Compromise solutions can often be found that guarantee some,
although not all, of the desired results of the constraint. In this
essay we will show that by dividing the desired goals of integrity
into three areas — consistency, correctness, and availability — one
can often find solutions to integrity problems that achieve some, if
not all, of the goals without sacrificing security. The rest of this
essay is structured as follows. After a brief overview of security
issues in multilevel databases, we discuss integrity and describe the
three integrity properties: consistency, correctness, and
availability. Then we discuss integrity in relational databases and
integrity of transactions. We also discuss integrity of object-
oriented databases.

A database is consistent if, whenever two different methods exist
for deriving a piece of information, a request for that information
always yields the same response no matter what method is used.
A database is correct if all data satisfy all known constraints.

A database is available if the data in it can be made available to
any authorized user, and any user who is authorized to enter or
update data may do so.
Backup Technique
Backup is very important for any company today. With the many
files stored in a computer, it becomes such a risk to lose any of
these files, primarily because these just may contain information
pertinent to the success of the company itself. Imagine how costly
it would be to lose all classified files from just one computer. Now,
imagine how costly it would be for all computers in your network
to experience massive data loss. This could very well bring your
operations to a sudden end. Thus, backup is a necessity that all
companies have to attend to these days. And it is even more
important to understand the concept of changed files backup.
There are actually several types of backup methods that a company
can choose from. Each backup method comes with its own pros
and cons. The key in choosing a backup method is to find that
particular one that suits your company's needs. But in general,
these are the types of backups that any company should know of:
Full Backup
Mirror Backup
Differential Backup
Incremental Backup

I chosen the Full Backup technique for Warid telecom’s database


Working in WARID TELECOM means working in the

challenging international environment and world of satellite
communications. Moreover, working in WARID TELECOM
means working in the challenging international environment
and world of satellite communications. The human resource
managers at WARID TELECOM are highly dedicated and
devoted to provide its employees with the challenging
environment where they themselves can challenge for
different activities and explore new horizons of opportunities.
WARID TELECOM offer flexible benefits plans that are
tailored to fit the individual needs. Good insurance, savings
and pension plans and a number of work/leisure time
benefits. Furthermore, WARID TELECOM also aims to help
its employees in enhancing the career development with
formal education and training programs.

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