Qigong - Spring Forest Level 1 - Qi Gong Manual PDF

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Gh Learning Strategies Corporation Personal Learning Course Level 1 Chunyi Lin with introduction by Paul R. Scheele @ Learning Strategies Corporation Spring Torest Qigong Course Manual The course manual is oryonr personal use only nels tobe used with the Spring Forest Qing Rol Leumi Goons, Lol 1 Text Copyright 2000 by Chun Lin Must nnd Photographs Copyright 2000 by Learning Stategiey Corporation All worldwide rights are reserved and exclusiely oxened by the above parties, No part ofthis publiation may bbe reprostuced or dls:ributed in partor in whole in any form or by any nies, or stored in a database or retresal gstem, without the prior written permsios, “The “Yin-tang Circle” with the “L Ching” markings ia trademark of Chun’ Lin “Paraliminal,” “Natural Brilliance,” “PhotoReading ate exclusive trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation worldwide ExsyLearn,” “Personal Celebration,” and “Aecelements” Cover design a illuctrations by: Wendy Barra ISBN 0-925480-55.9 FIRST EDITION - January 2000 Printed inthe United States of Amesica Notice: ‘The Spring Forest Qigong Personal Learning Course is intended for your education of healthful practices. This selF study course is not intended as a replacement for any ‘medical treatment or therapy by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Rather, it is intended to help you broaden your understanding of health andl wellness and help you ‘make informed choices of health options. Any application of the materials set forth in this course are at the student's discretion and sole responsibility Learning Strategies Corporation Discover your vast potential and rich internal resources 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA 800-735-8273 * 952-476-9200 » Fax 952-475-2373 Mail@LearninyStrategies.com www. LearningStrategies.com Master Chunyi Lin Many Qigong marten have studied Qigong meditation, but fow have lived it ar haz (Chunyi Lin. Master Lin studied with a Shao-Lin Temple Bucldhist, Master Yao, Master Yian in Guangdong Province, the famed Master Zhang in China’s Xichuan Province, and a few other respected masters who do not want their names revealed. As part of his training, Master Lin meditated and practiced various austerities in eaves on. Mount Qing Cheng and Mount Dinghu. In Chinese culture, cave meditation is recognized as the most powerful way to develop intuition, perservance, patience, and! tranquility Master Lin has gone so deeply into the meditative, tranquil core of Qigong that he can present complex technique understanding to make science sound easy: Master Lin has accomplished this with Qigong, simple, easy-to-understand terms. It takes a high leel of scientific Master Lin has had access to a very rare diversity of Qigong Master instructors it China because of his high character and his constant search for ways to improve his own knowledge. Master Lin is also fluent in five Chinese languages, some as different from each other as French is from German, His linguistic expertise allowed him to learn from Qigong proctitioners living in remote regions Master Lin established the fundamentals of Spring Forest Qigong in 1994 before arriving in the United States in 1995. He has since taught over 7,000 students Qigong at the University of St. Thomas, Park Nicollet Medical Center, University of Minnesota, Anoka Ramsey Community College, and University of Toledo. Master Lin’s private practice has had over 8,000 patient visits. Master Lin has been involyed with multiple research programs with organizations such as the University of Minnesota. He is a frequent keynote speaker at health conferences, ‘Chunyi Lin lives with his wife, Fang, and son, Ming, in the ‘ivin Cities. ‘We at Learning Strategies Corporation are honored to present Master Chunyi Lin’s Spring Fores: Qigong Personal Leaming Course, Fevel 1 Pel R. Scheele, Chairman Learning Strategies Corporation Components of Personal Learning Course Tape 1 A= The Miracle of Qi Energy B- Transform Your Lif with Qigong Tape 2 A The Secrets of Qigong B The Kess to Your Success with Qigong Tape 3 A ~ Exploring the Acie Exercises 2B Tips and Guidelines Tape + A- Understanding Sitting Meditations B- Helping Others Heal Tape 5 - Qigong practice A Active Everts Beginning of the Universe Forming of Yin & Yang Moving of Yin & Yang Breathing ofthe Universe Joining of Yin & Yang B Acie Exerses Harmooy of Univeral Energy Seven Steps of New Lf Fraing: Haesting Qi Tape 6 - Qigong practice A+ Sitting Meditation, Small Universe B- Siting Medication, Self-Concentration Course Manual Sea its contones on the nest page Video Session The Active Fxereises of Spring Forest Qigong Helping Others Heal Compact Disk Inner Beauty Contents of Course Manual Spring Forest Qigong Chugyi Lin, 3 Components of Personal Leaming Course, 4 For to wse this Course, 6 The Essence of Qigong, 8 The Health Benefits of Qigong, 8 Understanding the Healing Power of Qigong, 9 Wher is Spring Forest Qigong’, 12 Six Factors that block Qi, 14 Three Secrets of Practicing Qigong Effectively, 19 Thre Vital Elements of Qigong Exercise, 22 Six Keys 10 Success, 26 Discoer the Beauty of Life, 33 Exercises and Meditations Password forall Exercises, 7 Active Exercises, 10 4 - Beginning of the Universe, 11 2 Forming of Yin & Yang, 12 3 Moving of Yin & Yong, 13 4 Breuthing of the Universe, 14 5 ~ Joining of Yin & Yang, 15 6 ~ Harmony of Universal Eneryy, 16 7 ~ Seven Steps of New Life, 18 8 - Ending: Horvesting Qi, 20 Walking, Running, Sleeping Exercises, 23 Siting Meditations, 24 Sinall Universe, 25 Self. Concentration, 28 Reactions and Sensations, 29 Tips, 30 Help Othors Heol, 31 Hello, my dear friend, Welcome to Spring Forest Qigong. When you open this manual, you will ind my energy and the love energy of the universe with you, ‘When you read this manual, put yourself in a state of meditation and follow my words Use your imagination and yon wall receive my energy better [My purpose is to open a door for you to learn Spring Forest Qigong so you can experience its healing power.You may have chosen to use this self-study course when you heard about people who have received wonderful benefits from the practice of Qigong. Iam privileged to have been part oftheir lives, and, in some cases, actual healing of sickness and pain. Qigong isa very personal experience. You will soor discover how practicing Qigong benefits you. I certainly hope you find ample benefit. Unfortunately some people. even those I work with individually simply do not experience the fall benefit of Qigong. “This is important to recognize for those experiencing a current medical condition encourage you to use Qigong as a complementary practice to any current medical treatment, [also encourege y hicalth care provider before you begin to practice Qigong—and before you make any decision to change any current medical treatment. 11 t consult thoroughly with your physician or other licensed Sometimes the benefits of Qigong are not apparent at fist; sometimes it takes time to experience the benefits, encourage you to continue to practice Qigong even when the benefits are not immediate, If you experience any medical condition while practicing Qigong, you should consult with a physician or other appropriate licensed health care provider—I do not want you to wait and see whether your continued practice of Qigong provides the healing you desire. How to use this Course Qigong is easly earned. Start by istening to the first four audio tapes. They introduce you to Spring Forest Qigong, You may listen to these anywhere, even while you are driving. ‘Then watch the video tape. You will meet people who practice Qigong, and you will learn the Active Exercises of Spring Forest Qigong. Consider watching the video fape multiple times to effectively learn the exercises. The remaining two audio sessions are for exercise and editation, The first, called Active Exercises, helps you with the active exercises that you learned on the video. Bach side is approximately 30 minutes. On Side A, I will guide you through these exercises: Beginning of the Universe, Forming of Yin and Yang, Moving of Yin and Yang, Breathing of the Universe, and Joining of Yin and Yang. On Side B, Iwill guide you through Harmony of Universal Energy, Seven Steps of New Life, and the ending exercise, Harvesting Qi. Ifyou choose to do just Side A, be sure to finish the session with the Ending exercise—it is easy to memorize. ‘The second other audio tape includes two 30-minute Sitting Meditations: Small Universe and Self-Concentration. Do not listen to the meditation tapes while driving, Use one or more of these sessions each day as you learn Qigong, Serious students will do one hour of the Active Exercises and one session of the Sitting Meditations each day. While that is optimal, you will also benefit with just ten minutes of Qigong. AAs you develop your practice you may continue with the tapes, practice in silence, or use other music in the background such as the enclosed CD titled Inner Beauay. This CD is meditation music for longer sessions or simply for your relaxation and enjoyment. ‘This course manual is a Qigong treasure trove. Read through the narrative to learn * The Essence of Qigong + How Qigong Heals * Six Factors that Block Qi * The Health Benefits of Qigong ‘The Unique Value of Spring Forest Qigong © Three Secrets to Practice Qigong Effectively * Three Vital Elements of Qigong Exercise ® Six Keys to Success * Discovering the Beauty of Life Password for all Exercises Whenever you practice Spring Forest Qigong Exercises, talk in your mind this password Jam in the Universe, The Universe isin my body. The Universe and I combine together We practice universal energy. Everyching comes from the emptiness and returns to the emptiness, Energy is energy. There is no good energy or bad energy, until you think it & good ‘oF until you put it in @ wrong position, Any thing in the world contains all the information of the universe From our life experience we know that {900d things can turn to be bad. Bac things can change to goed. One’ junk can be anothers. ‘weasure; another's treasure can be one's junk. verything chenges except the universal energy, the emptiness. __ Sickness is only extra eneray inthe body We can heal ousehes by returning the ext energy batk tothe universe. Once you sy “I amin the universe; the universe sin my body the universe and combine together” you bring in the unnersel energy to balance the energy in your body. Once you ope? up yoursef tothe tniverse, the universal energy wil be with you Te universal energy wil give you whatever kind of energy yout body needs. Wratever your body doesn’t need will automatically go Back 10 the unverse Interspersed throughout this manual are the exercises and meditations of Spring Forest Qigong, Level One. It may be easier to learn the exercises from the video tape. Use the information in this manual to learn the exercises at a deeper level. The section for each exercise includes the purpose of the movement or meditation, benefit you can receive, and a detailed description of the movement or meditation, You will also learn how to do healing oon yourself and for other people. ‘The portions of this course manual devoted to the exercises and meditations of Spring Forest Qigong are segregated by a dotted line as shown below. The Essence of Qigong Qugong is a study of the energy of the whole universe, which includes physics, chemistry, psychology, biology astrology, electricity, and medicine, We focus on medical Qigong, the comerstone of traditional Chinese medicine. Qigong has been practiced in ‘China for over five thousand years and has been shown effective in the prevention and cure of many diseases. Today tens of millions of people in China practice Qigong because ofits great power of healing. Yet unlike acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, or tai chi, Qigong remains a mystery to most Americans. This ancient discipline combines mental concentration, breathing technique, and body movements to activate and cultivate our “ital energy” as it flows through the invisible channels of the body. In Chinese philosophy, “Qi” or “Chi? (pronounced Chee) means air or breath, vital ‘energy or the Universal Force that forms all animate and inanimate Usings. “Gong” means work, the Function and benefit of this energy or self-discipline leading to the art of mastery. ‘We are born with the vital and intelligent energy of Qi. This complex energy substance, fundamental ro life itself, comprised of an informational message and its cartier energy Why do more and more people in the world, including dactors, scientists, psychologists and nurses, come to Qigong? Its effective healing power and simplicity of philosophy. Western medicine is « good medicine. It has helped hundreds of millions of people with their sufferings, but ic has its weak points * Teis not a preventative medicine * Ie deals primarily with symptoms, not the cause * Tr focuses on the physical body only, ignoring the spiritual body + Ithas side effects that can ereate more problems * It puts a patient into a passive position in the healing * Ttcam be very costly Qigong deals with the cause of sickness, gives the horly a perfect healing, and heals the body physically spiritually, and mentally, Qigong heals the body faster and more completely with fewer or no side effects, lower cost, and while actively. involving the patient. At the same time, Qigong prevents future problems, The Health Benefits of Qigong Here is a taste of specific health benefits that our practitioners have experienced. © Adjust and strengthen your digestive and elimination system for vitality at your ideal weight. * Clear away toxic build-up ard slow aging caused by blocked energy in the vital organs, * Reinforce your body's natural defense to illnesses. * Reverse shrinkage of tendons to eliminate discomfort and improve flexibility in the muscles and joints. * Increase oxygenation to your body's cells to balance blood pressure and relieve stress. * Calm the nervous system to feel peaceful, composed, and prepared for your daily adventures. Practicing Spring Forest Qigong has been shown to help heal many sicknesses, including: * General pain: neck, shoulder, knee, postoperative pains, arthritis, and joint pain * Migraine headaches, sinus problemas, and allergies inal problems * Weight less * Hearing and sight problems * Organ problems, different female and male organ problems * Kidney and liver dysfunction * Glandular dysfunction such as thyroid problems. * Diabetes problems * Gall and kidney stones ‘* Heart disease: heart attacks, congestive heart hilure, recovery from heart surgery, and general heart dysfunction * Circulation problems * Strokes + Cancers ‘Mental disorders: post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, addictions, obsessive/ compulsive disorder, hyperactivity dyslexia + Stress, anxiety, and depression * Lung problems + Autoimmune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus; * Bone marrow problems * Comas * Digestion problems Understanding the Healing Power of Qigong Qigong teaches you to use your mind, bod and spirit together to unblock energy and balance Yin and Yang energy in the body. We are formed by two kinds of Qi-Yin and Yang. Yin means something female, passive, ane spiritual; Yang means something male, active, and physical. Examples of Yin would be ‘woman, water, and earth, Examples of Yang would be man, fire, and sky. Yin and Yang energy must be in a good balance. Colds, arthritis, tumors, etc, are simply the symptoms of the imbalance of Yin and Yang, This imbalance creates energy blockages. Once a blockage is formed, energy cannot flow freely in our energy channel: energy channels run throughout the body to keep it fully functioning, These ‘We have many energy channels in our body. There are twelve main channels and eight reservoir channels, Each channel serves a specific purpose, The main channels carry energy to wherever energy is needed in the body. Extra energy in the main channels flows to the reservoir channels, The body draws on energy in the reservoir channels when the main channels run low: Blockages in the main and reservoir channels prevent energy from getting to all parts, of the bod. Body finetioning slows down or stops, and we feel sick. If we want to get well, we have to remove those blockages and open channels. This rebalances the Yin and Yang energy We remove blockages and open channels when we take medicine and/or practice Qigong and other exercise. [ recommend that you look at Qigong as complementing Active Exercise Series Jo strengthen your physical energy. To help you open all eneray channels in the body. To help ‘you bring your Yin and Yang energy hack into balance. To help you get rid of energy iockages. To help you develoc your spiritual energy so that you heal yourself piysicaly, ‘mentally and spritualy at the same time Timne on tape: 30-minutes on each side Do the Active Exercises atleast once deily, When doing the Active Exerciseswithout the tepe for guidance you can do any Combination of the individual exercises for any amount of time. There are no maximum time limits. You may want to take a break on sessions lasting longer than two hours. You can practice this exercise by standing, sitting, or ng down, The Active Excercses opens ali eneray channels by using your mind end moving your hands, feet, and bod This series consists ofthe following exercises, which are described in detail throughout thi course manual 1 - Beginning of the Universe 2 - Forming of Yin and Yang 3 - Moving of Yin and Yang 4 - Breathing ofthe Universe 5 -Joining ofthe Yin end Yang 6 - Harmony of Universal Energy 7 - Seven Steps of New Life 8 - Ending-hanvesting Qi medicine, because western medicine can serve you well in many ways. Qigong exercise and Qigong meditation are active and preventative ways to heal the bods: Medicine is @ passive way to heal the body: Both approaches play an important role, bat Qigong can potentially heal the body more effectively and perfectly. A perfect healing heals the body physically mentally, and spiritually. Traditional healing techniques primarily help the body physically. Qigong opens the door for holistic, perfect healing of the body, mind, and spinit. Sicknesses usually start from the Yin energy the spiritual energy. As Yin blockages grows we feel symptoms in the physical body. We cal it sickness. My Chinese ancestors developed the techniques of Qigong to help unblock Yin 1 Beginning of the Universe Bring your focus back in your body and wake + Draw your chin back a little to up the internal energy. rraighton the entire soine, Energy travels up and down Time on tape: 2-3 minutes the spine in che governing Time todo on your ovin: 2~3 minutes Crennel more easiy when the spine s straight. The energy channels the feet and the hands wake up. You may notice tingly sensations in your fingers and fet Open your fingers. Drop the shoulders, Mave the elbows ‘outward lite There are mary energy channels in the body, dut the most important ones are the front Slowly take @ deeo, silent, and charnel and the back channel, Tre front (Gente: tweath through your: ccharnel runs in the front and middle of the ose’ syou Breathe in Gra carr ee fo mance | the lower pat of your stomachin elite As boy hs 9 the spi you brasthe rb" your stomach out ‘Imagine using your whole body to breathe. Visualize the universal eneray coming into All the otner channe's work aroune these two chennels. A blockage in these tive channels will result in a problem in the booy. Ee ose cate pea = ‘When you practice this exercise, place your energy center located deep behind the navel tongue against the roof of your mouth. Your ee " tongue ac 25a wich comecing the two \Whea you exhale visualize any pain or sickness channels Changing into smoke and shooting out from every cell of your body to the erd of the ‘= When coing this exercise stending, stand Universe straight, Toes point forwar eee + Gently close your 2yes and lip, andsay in your * Set your feet a litle more than shoulder width ring, “I am in the universe. The un verse is ‘apart for good balance. in my body. The universe and | combine together. + Byes foo forward. Wear a smile on your face ‘to lax every part of the body and stimulzte __* Feel the emptiness, the quietness the stillness the brain to produce endorphins. of the universe. ‘energy. Today, western scientists have documented that Qigong can help heal the body more completely with less pain, less stress, and less anxiety What is Spring Forest Qigong? Spring Forest Qigong is an advanced, simple, and powerfal form of Qigong. [first introduced this unique form to mankind in 1994. jced in China and around the world Most are complicated and time-consuming, making it difficult for the average person to learn and practice. Many Qigong teachers do not explain the meaning or importance of the ‘mevements, They surround themselves and the ancient concepts they teach in mystery. They tell thetr students that i€ may take years to learn the exercises and experience the benefits, Spring Forest Qigong wants everyone to realize we are bora with the natural bili hical ourselves, detect energy blockages in the body, ane send Qi to help heal others Through years of research and practice, I have revised and simplified the movements of Qigong and clarified the principles so thet they are easy to learn, Spring Forest Qigong can fit into our everyday lives. It unlocks the mysteries of Qigong allowing the possibility for anyone to benefit immediately from its practice, There are thousands of Qigong exercises pra 2- Forming of Yin & Yang The upper par of the torso, above the nave! the Vin female energy, to the belorgs io Yane. The lower wart of the torso lower stomach. Your palms ‘inde the navel belongs to Yio. One of the fece you" body, without reasons people get sick is because the Yin and touching, to create a Yang energies scatter nd are natin gocd sensation of emptiness. bulece, Hold hs posture co reelonce the sidesatzsahtahiaaite deh et column in the middle cf your Tine on tape: 3 minutes, terso shining with beautifl colors. trun from te heed tothe bottom of the torso. Is You wil cel tngly sensations in your hands and size depends on your warmth in the chest and lower stornach, vitich visualzation are areas faced by your pals. You may aso feel curent running in the midele of the tone or along the spine, which are the energy channels opening When you hold your hands inthis patie, drop your elbows. Stand sil; do net move your * Slow rae your right hand, the Yang male Herero a energy totheupperchestandyourlefthang, DY S0{hat energy lows unincer.pted Time to do cn your own: 3 to 5 minutes + Continue to feel the emptiness ef the universe a5 you remain ir this position, Spring Forest Qigong rewards you in ways not replicated by other styles of Qigong: * You discover your natural capacity to heal yourself * You develop the capability o heal others * You acquire the power to protect yourself from ill halth—mentally physically, and spiritually * You learn knowledge and skills to continually strengthen your health throughout your lifetime *# You achieve all of the above through the training of mind, breath, and posture in a very simple form that is easy to learn, and a joy to practice Spring Forest Qigong healer others. The more you help others, the more energy you receive ‘The sp do not deplete their vital energy when they pass Qi to ial power of Spring Forest Qigong works well with western medicine. For 3 - Moving of Yin & Yang To heal internal organs ‘Keep your fingers open to receive energy. Your ‘energy channels close when your fingers Time on tape: 13 minutes pia ae Time to co your own: 10 t0 60 minutes. It

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