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Intubation Technique in Rescuscitation Room of Emergency

Departement RSUP Sanglah

Emergency patients need effective airway management such as basic

maneuvers (head tilt, chin lift or jaw trust), or skilled maneuvers (tracheal

intubaton). The purpose of tracheal intubation is to keep airway patency and to

decrease the risk of aspiration. Tracheal intubation technique that is mostly used

in resuscitation room is rapid sequence intubation. In this technique, patient are

intubated after induction drugs are given and continued with rapid onset muscle

relaxan, so that the patient are unconscious and muscle paralyzed.

In Carolina Medical Center (Texas, US), 70% cases were using rapid

sequence intubation. 96% were done twice or less without mayor complications

and complications (hipotension, hipoxemia, and dysritmic) were found only in

1,4 %. There was no cardiac arrest.

Based on that data, the author interested in doing observational analytic

study about intubation technique in resuscitation room of emergency

department RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar. Data collection include age, gender, type of

intubation, training level of operator, indication for intubation and major

immediate adverse events. Protocol obedience will also be observed as well

based on standart operating procedure in resuscitation room. The author suggest

that by doing the correct order of the intubation protocol will make the

intubation successful. Using suitable drugs and good skill are two other factors

that may affect the success too. Complications have to be evaluated and

immediate response is perfomed if needed.

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