Intro Syllab 1

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Introduction to Fine Arts

Mr. Mike Nelson x6493


This course is intended to introduce students to the basic elements and mediums of Fine
Art. Students will work hands on exploring various media in 2D and 3D.


To help students develop a basic understanding of art and the different mediums available
for brainstorming, processing, and creating art. Students will also become familiar with
basic terminology and concepts used in order to discuss art. This class will also provide a
brief understanding of art history.

In essence, the goal of this course is to come to a better understanding of self through the
expression of art.


Once sent, that's it. Late work only accepted if serious circumstance prevents your


50% Class Work

20% Digital Journal
20% Final Project
10% Preparedness

Students begin the semester with 100 points for the preparedness section of their grade.
Any student who comes to class unprepared (no sketchbook; materials needed;
homework; etc.) will lose 4 points from the 100 points given.

No time will be given to students for internet research, library research, book research,
picture taking, photocopying, or printing. These are things to be done on your own time!
Asking to do any of these will result in a four point deduction from your preparedness class
grade. Late work is unacceptable. For everyday that an assignment is late, the grade for
that assignment drops one full letter grade. You are better off turning in an assignment
partially completed than late. Late work is considered late if the assignment is not in my
possession by the end of the class period in which it is due.

Digital Sketchbook:
Each student will need to create and manage a digital sketchbook which will log
their progress in the class. Students will be asked to post various items to their
digital sketchbook including written and image based items. More information
about the digital sketchbook can be found on Blackboard.

Clean Teams:
Students who sit together at a table are considered a clean team. Students are
responsible for their table, sink, work area, and materials used during class. Clean teams
can not earn you points, but can lose you points. Any station that is left unclean at the
end of the period will lose points based on its dirtiness. If any member of another clean
team uses or intentionally creates a mess in another clean team area without a team’s
permission, will cause their entire clean team to receive a zero for the particular project
that the class is working on, including the final presentation.


Sketchbook (approx. 8½ x 11)

An Art Bin (looks like a fishing tackle box)-michaels
Drawing Pencils – Assorted Hardness (medium to dark is best)- graphic pencils
Pink Pearl Eraser (or Magic Rub)
Kneadable Eraser
Ruler - metal
Set of paint brushes (varying tips sizes)
Due friday

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