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Gon: rnm c nt o f T ripura

Stat L' A YUS H M iss ion. Tri pura (SAM T)

Direc torate o l He21 lt h Se r vic es ( I '' tloor). (A YUS H CEL L )
Pt. Ne hru Co rnpl n . Agan ala . Wes t T1ipura - 799006 .
No. F. I 18 SAM T / DHS/20 l_0_J$.~J.Q, -lj_ ________ Dated._ ~0 naJ.a.-'-tl'-1e'---"'
'-' O_a_J-t2i_J__) _O17
T he State A YUSI-I Mi ss ion. Tr ipu ra (S/\MT ) under Na ti onal A Y U SH Mis sion is go in g to till up different catego r ie s
of posts on co ntract ual bas is at a ti xecl pay for I I (eleve n ) m onth s under th e co 111pone11t ;\ Y U SH Educa tional In sti tu tion s..
& .. Q uality Co ntrol of ASU&H Dr ugs". which m;1y be e.\ ten decl based on th e pcrl0rn1a11c e t i l l proj ect period rOI' th e
fo ll ow in g posts:-

I. I allle or the COITlp011 Cll t:- .. A Y US I I Ed uca ti onJ I Insti tut ion s..
---- --------
Sa lary pei- Tot al 1 Catcgo 1:
SI. Na me of th e
month V Jca1ll 11 i ~c bre<1k up Eli g i bilit y crit eri a
No . Post
--- - --- -----~---- - -~
( Rs.)
po s1 SC SI UR
A. Bach elo1 of H omeo path ic Med icin e and sm gery
( 13HM S) m its equi va lent Deg 1ee rrn m a
H omoeopa thi c Med ica l Instituti on 1\: cogni zed b\'
C entral Counc i l o f Ho moeopa thy (CC H ) in cludin g
M edical
colll pu lsOl'y int ern ship 0 1 I (one) year dura tion alln
pass in g the fi nal deg ree e\ amination as per stipulat ion
( H omoeopath y)
ment ioned 111 the Hollloeopathy ( Degree co u1ses )
Rs.35,000/- 0 0
regulat ions 1983. Th e ca ndid ate lllU St have
Reg istrati on 111 Ce ntrn l Cou ncil of H omoeopath y
(as f ull time
(CC I-I ) I T1ipura Sta te H omoeo Cou ncil.
fac ulty)
B. Des irabl e :-
a) M.D. 111 I lo rn oeo path y or equi va lent PG
qualificat ion
- -+-- - -- - - -- -
__ b ) _ K~10_\, lecige _or 8 e n g_al i 0<. ~JJ2~ok ____ .. __
A. Bachelor of Ayu rve cl ic Med ici ne & Surger);-
( 13AMS) or its equ i vale nt D egree from an Ay urveclic
Medical Inst it ut ion 1ecog ni ze d by Cent ral Counc il or
Indian M edic in e (C CIM ) and co m plet ion o r I (one)
yea1 compu lsory int ern ship/ trai nin g aft er pa ss i11g or
Rs.J'i.000/- 0 () l3. f\fv1 S m its equivalrnt. T he ca ndi da te m ust have
l~ egistrntion 111 approp ri ate Cou ncil / Central Co un cil
of l nciian Medicin e (CC IM).
B. Desirable :-
a) M D i n Ay urvcci or eq ui vale nt PG qual ifica ti on.
_ _ b)_Knowleclgc o lJ3c ngali / l< oh:borok.
II. Na me of the co 111poncn t:- .. Quality Contro l ofAS U & H Drugs ..
Sa lary per Tot ai C at ego r~ w ise
month Vacant l2r cak up Eligibility criteria
(Rs.) po st SC ST UR
A . Bach c lOI' of Ay u1 vccl ic Med icin e & Surge ry
( 13 AMS) 0 1 its equival ent Deg1ee fro 111 an ;-\ vur wclic
Medical Instituti o n recogn ized by Ce ntral Council or
In dian Medic in e (C CI M) and comrl etion or I (o ne)
Juni or
yc a1 co 111 puls01"y in tern ship/ tra ining after pa ss ing o f
Sc ientific
Rs.35 .000/- 0 () B./\.M.S or its eqt 1i va le11t. The ca nd idate must have
Office r
Reg istration 111 apprn pria te Co uncil / C entral Co un ci l
( A y urved)
of l 11dia11 M ed icin e (C CIM)
B. Des irable:-
a) M .D . i n Ay t1r ve d o.r equiva len t PG qua lili ca ti on.
~----~------ -- - -- ! b )Knowlc_dge ()~ 13cnga li / Kokborn_k._ _____ _

( Pa ge - I of 3) (~
No.F. I 18 SAMT/ OHS/2016 S ub.- 1 Dated Aoa rtala the 0 oi 2017
II. Na me of the co 111po11 c11t: - -- Q uali1 y Co11 1i-ol ofASU & l I Dru gs
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

T oi<il C1tcgory wi se
SI. Name of the Sa lary per
V aca1ll break up _ Eli g ibility crit eri a
No. Post m onth (R s.)
1- -- - 1 - - -- - - - ----- - - - -
po st SC ST U R -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -
A. Bachelor of H om eo path ic M ed ici ne and surge ry
( B l-IMS ) or its equi va lent D egree fr om a
I lo 1n oeo path ic M ed ical Institu t ion recogni zed by
Ce ntral Cou ncil of I lo m oeopathy (CC H ) in clu d in g
co mpul sory i nte rn shi p o f I (o ne) ye ar d urat ion ati er
pas sin g th e li nal deg1ee exa mina t io n as per sti pulat ion
.Juni or Scientific
111 entioned 111 th e H o m oeopath y ( D egree co urses )
2 Officer Rs.3 5.000/- 0 0
re gu lation s 198 3. Th e candidate mu st ha ve
(Homoeopath y)
Reg istrntion 111 Cen trnl Co uncil of Homoeo path y
( CC I-I ) I T 1i purn St::ite H orn oeo Co un cil.
B. Des irable:-
a)M. D. 111 H omoeopat hy 0 1 eq ui valenl PG
q ualiti cati o n.
b) Kn ow ledge o fl3 engali / Ko h: bo ro k.
A) Degree in Ph arm acy ( 8 . Ph arma) from 1ecog ni zed
Juni or Scient i fic
U ni versit\.
Office r
3 Rs.35. 000/ - I 0 I 0 I B) Dcsi rab lc:-
( Pharma.
a) M - Ph arn1a /Ph.D.
C hem istry)
b) Kn o \\ leclge o f B enga li / l( okboro~ _
- - - -'-- -- --
Laboratory C lass V III pnssed from a recogn ized boa rd/
4 Rs. 10,5Ll 5/ - 2 0 I I
Attendant ln s1itu ti o 11. -
- - -- - -

Safaiwala Cl ass V 111 pa ssed from a reco gni zed board/

5 Rs. I 0.5"1 5/ - I 0 0 I
(Sweeper) ln st ilu tion.

(DL Shailes~
Mi ss ion Direc to r. N H M &
M ember Sec reta ry. SAM T
Govt. ofT1ipura
ln struction s:-
1. Interes ted candidates may submit th ei r 81 0- da ta as pe r 1xes uibed form at (e ncl os ecl at Annexu 1-e - A) alon g w ith relevant
se lf attested documents by hand o r throu gh rt: g iste recl post. Th e app li ca ti on \\'i l l be co l lec ted from !6 1i Au g ust 20 17 to
28 1i A ugust 2017 up to 5 :00 P.M. (exc luclin g (]ovt. ho l ida ys ) at A Y U SI-I C E LI ~ - I '' llooi 0 1 Direc torate of H ealth Ser v ices .

P. N. Co 111 plex. Gurkhabasti. Agan <1la. Trip u1;1 ( We st ) 799006. In ca se of reg istered post. th e candidates m ay sub111 it t heir
app l ica ti o n in a sea led en ve lo pe \\ith s u p er~ cr i bccl nallle o f th e post as -- A ppli cat io n fo r th e po st o f .. . &
' App l icant 's name.. ... . .. .... S/o/ D/ oi 'vV/o . . ... ...... .. addrt:ssed to th e Mi ss ion Director. NHM. Tripu ra &
M ember Sec retary, State A YUSI-I Mi ss io 11. T1ipura. A Y U SI-I C t:L.L. I '' lloo r o l' Di1ectorn te of Hea l th Se1-vic es .
P.N. Co mpl ex , Gurkhabasti , A garta la. Tr i pt1ra ( We s!) - 79 900 6 up Lo 5.00 PM of 28' 1i A ug ust 20 17. No ap pli cat ion w ill be
rece ived after 5. 00 P.M of28' A ugust 20 17. Au tho 1ity w ill not re111 ai n liable for an y postal de lay
2. Ca ndi dates 111 ay also submit th eir scan ned appl icm ion i 11 !he presu ibed for111 :Jt alo ng " ith all 1T quirecl clocu111e nts in pelf.
fo r111at thro ugh e-mail to pmua y u s ht 1 i pu rn w\>.111;_1 ~L_co lll up to \ 00 PM of 28'1i A ugust 20 17.
3. T he ca ndid ate must be a perman en t res id ent of the St;-11e of T1ipura.
4. Nam e of eli gib le ca ndid ates wi l l be publi shed in the o l"li c ial w ebsit e o f N HM ( http ://t ripuran rhm .gov .i n/) on due tim e for
appear in g in th e written Prelim inary C o 111pete11 cy As sessm en t T est (PC AT ).
5. PCAT w ill be cond ucted out 0 1 60 ( Sixt y ) ma rks (2 0 mark s in GK/ Cui"i'ent affai1s. 40 m ar ks in .l ob relat ed/concern
subj ects) and qualifyin g 111a 1k s will be 50% . C111 clicl 8tes qu alili ecl in th e PCAT will be call ed 101 Ii ri al i1ll er view tes t. which
w ill be co nducted o ut of40 m art s. C ::111cl1 cla 1t.: s h;1 \i11 g des ir;i b le q mil ili cat ions shall get primity during imer view.

( Pa ge - 2 of J)
No.F.1 18 SAMT/ DHS/2016 Sub.- Dated A artala the 0~ 08 2017


6. Upper age limit for all of the posts is 45 (forty five) years as on 1'1 August 2017.
7. Final selection of the candidates for the posts will be done based on merit i.e. marks obtained in the PCAT plus marks
obtained in the final interview cumulatively & by maintaining I 00 point roster, which will be published in NHM website on
due time.
8. The date, time, venue & other details of the PCAT will be published in NHM website ( in due
course of time.
9. Successful candidate of PCAT will be called for interview. The date, time, venue & other details of the interview will be
published in NHM website ( in due course of time.
10. No communication will be made through issuing call letter or publishjng in the local dailies further during the next
procedure of written Competency Assessment Test and the interview, except NHM website (
11. The number of post(s) may increase I decrease or whole process may be cancelled at any time before or after interview.
12. No TA/DA will be given for appearing in the PCAT or interview.
13. The Notice ofrecruitment may also be downloaded from (

(Dr. Shailesh Kumar Yadav, IAS)

Mission Director, NHM &
Member Secretary, SAMT
Govt. of Tripura

(Page - 3 of 3)
The Mission Director, NHM &
Directorate of Health Services,
P.N. Complex, Gurkhabasti,
Agartala, Tripura (West) - 799006

1. Name of the post applied for [IN BLOCK LETTER]: -

2. Name of the candidate [IN BLOCK LETTER]:-

3. Father's/ Husband's name:

4. Nationality (attach Permanent Resident Certificate/ Citizenship Certificate/ Voter ID):-

5. Permanent Address with Pin Code (attach address proof certificate):-

6. Postal address for communication with Pin Code:-

7. Contact No & e-mail ID (if any):-

8. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) and age as on 1st August 2017:-

9. Gender (Male/Female):-

10. Caste, if belongs to SC/ST community (attach certificates):-

11. Educational Qualification (attach photocopy of all relevant mark sheets): -

SI. Name of the recognized Year of Percentage of marks
Name of the Examination
No. University/ Board/ Institution passing obtained

12. Other Technical Qualification (if any attach supporting document):-

13. Experience (if any attach supporting document/s):-
Declaration:- I hereby declare that, all the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge, if any of
the above information is found to be incorrect at a later stage, I shall be liable to be disqualified and removed from
the service after selection/joining.
(Signature of the candidate)

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