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Kavita Upadhyay

Contact: +91-9717882553


Total 4.5+ years of experience.

Capability to work and flourish in fast-paced environment.
Skilled in multitasking and working on several projects simultaneously.
Well-organized with an ability to prioritize tasks.
Work in both Agile and Waterfall settings.
Handling day to day requirements of the business to improve the usability
Interact with clients to understand their application and design the site according
to their system requirements.


TO THE NEW, Noida, India November, 2013 - Present

Senior Engineer

Netlings Pvt. Ltd May, 2012 - November, 2013

Front-End Developer


Technology Stack Expertise

Scripting Languages JavaScript, jQuery
Build Tools Grunt
Version Control GIT, SVN
Frameworks / Tools Bootstrap, Foundation, AngularJS,
Tools/IDE Sublime Text, Adobe Creative suit, Intellij Idea
Web Programming HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS
Bootstrap, Responsive Design
Others Sass, Less, Material Design, Sementic UI,
Unsementic CSS, x-template, JSON Schema


1. Client: Blogmint
a. Project and Client Brief: Blogmint is Asia's leading automated marketplace that
connects brands and influencers. It helps brands identify and engage targeted
influencers to create powerful social and video content.
b. Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS.
c. Role: Frontend Developer
d. Highlights:
Converted Photoshop layouts to web pages using HTML, CSS, and
Perform website maintenance and enhancements.
Provide assistance to the bank-end developers in
Maintain consistency in design and layout.
Perform browser testing and debugging.
Optimize website performance using latest technology.
Developed the entire application in an agile model with cross-domain
Managed the app architecture and module.
Client interaction and requirement analysis.
Implemented the search module using AngularJS framework.

2. Client: FEN

a. Project and Client Brief: FEN Learning is one of the leading online family and
teacher communities. It has a large pool of online and mobile resources crafted
specifically for kids, parents, and teachers to encourage learning, growth, and
exploration. FEN Learning and its sister company, Story Arc Media, are owned by
Sandbox Partners, which is changing the way the world plays and learns.
b. Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Putty, Drupal, Mobile
First Development
c. Role: Front-End Developer
d. Highlights:
Working on latest semantic tag.
Developing pixel perfect layouts for desktop and mobile.
Handling Drupal Integrations.
Facelifting for sites.
Working on latest web trend like Parallax Effects, Horizontal Scrolling,
Mouse wheel effects, Mobile First Development, SASS.
SEO implementations to increase traffic to client websites.
Communicated directly with clients to establish project parameters.
Maintained client websites on an ongoing basis.
Testing & debugging the application on Mobile & Ipad Devices.

3. Client: Alibaba
a. Project and Client Brief: One of the worlds largest e-commerce companies, and
was established in 2009 to operate the network that powers Alibaba Clouds
extensive online and mobile commerce ecosystem with a comprehensive suite of
cloud computing services. Alibaba Cloud offers scalable reliable and secure cloud
computing services and solutions at competitive prices.
b. Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, JSON Schema x-
c. Role: Frontend Development & Module Management
d. Highlights:
Currently working on this project.
A discovery phase to understand the maximum possible requirements
was planned with the business stakeholders.
According to the requirements identified, Sprints and estimation.
Developing cross browser compatibility application using Alibaba CMS.
Creating the component based modules.
Developing dynamic, scalable components for Ali cloud.
Followed a modularized approach so as to reuse the made frameworks
in other applications as well.
Developing optimized responsive layouts.
Page performance & load time optimization.
Working with designers to deliver best user interface.
Writing Object Oriented, modular JavaScript & CSS.
Developing pixel perfect layouts for desktop and mobile.


Paya Hotels,

(HTML5 UI Development, Webpages, Responsive website, CSS Validating, Multiple
Browsers Checking and JavaScript).
IntelliGrape, (HTML5 UI Development,
Webpages, Responsive website, CSS Validating, Multiple Browsers Checking and
JQuery and JavaScript).
Saxall Design, (HTML5 UI Development, Responsive
website, Webpages and CSS Validating, JavaScript, Multiple Browsers Checking).
Oloryn Partners, UI Development, Webpages and CSS
Validating, JavaScript, Multiple Browsers Checking ).
Totango Blog, ( UI Development, Webpages and CSS
Validating, JavaScript, Multiple Browsers Checking ).
Solatricity India, (HTML5 UI Development,
Webpages and CSS Validating, JavaScript, Multiple Browsers Checking).
Profit Mastery, (HTML5 UI Development,
Webpages and CSS Validating, JavaScript, Multiple Browsers Checking).

Graduation in BSC(IT) from Karnataka University.
Diploma in Software Engineering program GNIIT from NIIT

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