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English, Make Our Dream So Colorfull

By: Aprindhita A.R

During this semester I have learned multiple things in my class of Writing/English. I have
learned different writing techniques, how to find and properly use different sources. Through class
exercises and writing the different types of papers I was able to learn those skills. Although I have
learned variety of things my skills when it comes for writing still needs improvement. Skills such as
proper grammar and papers format still need some adjustment. Even though I have things to
improve on this semester I was still able to improve some areas of my writing skills.
Based on Soejatminah (2009:71) that Indonesia is a country with population of 220
million, 81 public and 2.514 private higher education institutions; and 3.5 million students.
Provision of higher education in Indonesia is managed by the Ministry of National Education
(MONE) through the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) and other ministries such as
the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.
Government has been reforming its public universities by giving a State-owned Legal
Entity status (BHMN), which gives more independence in the management of financial, human
resources, physical plant, organisation, decision making and new accountability (DGHE, 1999). A
Law of Education Legal Entity covering issues on legal entity and status of higher education
institution has recently been passed which aims to empower public universities with autonomy,
transparency and accountability (Soejatminah, 2009:71).
Therefore, learning English is important for all levels of education. As a student, I
learned a lot about the differences in the teaching of English in every level. The first time I entered
the English language classroom and meet faculty, I am a little confused about what methods are
applied in learning. however, little by little I was able to follow the course of learning in the
classroom. sometimes I feel delivery is a bit monotonous lectures make students bored and not
eager to take the classes. So that lecturers should have a new trick to make students able to relax but
serious in receiving the material.
The idea of focus on the learner suggested by Richards and Oller (1975) greatly
changed the roles of language teachers in their classrooms. The teacher can no longer be only a
lecturer in a language class. We have to take other roles like materials adaptors, facilitators,
consultants, and evaluators. In cooperative learning, the teacher must know the management
techniques. He or she has to understand five principles underlying learner contribution in an
external syllabus: 1) learner commitment, 2) learners as materials writers and collaborators, 3)
learners as problem solvers, 4) learners as knowers, and 5) learners as evaluators and assessors
(Clarke, 1989). In brief, we have to pay more attention to our students and get them involved in the
teaching and learning process.
However, it has a lot of knowledge that I can. Not only is the material of the English
language. However, many errors are rampant in society, but it was considered normal and in this
lesson I became knowing. As the mention of the word "Amoeba" right is "Ameba" but as long as we
often call it "Amuba". In addition, the accent of each country, how about how to communicate,
pronunciation correct pronunciation and much more I get into this studied.
Growth is a part of life; things are changing constantly right before our eyes. Through the
courses I feel I grew when it came to writing. Having to compose one research paper allowed me to
do so. I was able to grow and make the better papers again. Whether it be learning how to find
academic journals or properly make an annotated bibliography. Although I have made
improvements I still have some growing to do. The future of what types of writing I will have to do
depending on the class or major is still unclear, but using the information obtained from this class
will give me aide in future papers and class assignments dealing with writing.

References :

Clarke, D.F. 1989. Materials adaptation: Why leave it all to the teachers? ELT Journal, 43(2), 133-
141, dalam A Reflection of English Teaching Kanchana Prapphal Chulalongkorn

Richards, J.C. and Oller, J.W. (Eds.), 1975 . Focus on the Learner. New York: Newbury House

Soejatminah, Sri. 2009. Internationalisation of Indonesian Higher Education: A Study from the
Periphery Asian Social Science Journal, 2(5), 70-78.

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