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Great minds in management: the process of theory development

Author(s) Smith, Ken G. ; Hitt, Michael A.

Imprint Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005
Extent xiii, 600 p.
Topic HD
Subject(s) Management
Language English
ISBN 9786610758456, 0199276811
Pages 143 to 165
chapter 7


edwin a. locke
gary p. latham

7 .1 T h e T h e o r y
Life is a process of goal-directed action. This applies both to the vegetative level
(e.g., ones internal organs) and to the level of purposeful choice (Locke and
Latham, 1990). The conscious mind is the active part of ones psychology; one has
the power to volitionally focus ones mind at the conceptual level (Binswanger,
1991; PeikoV, 1991). Volition gives one the power to consciously regulate ones
thinking and thereby ones actions. Goal setting theory (Locke and Latham, 1990,
2002) rests on the premise that goal-directedness is an essential attribute of
human action and that conscious self-regulation of action, though volitional, is
the norm.
We do not deny the existence of the subconscious nor its power to aVect action.
In fact, the subconscious is essential to survival in that only about seven separate
elements can be held in focus awareness at the same time. The subconscious
operates automatically and serves to store knowledge and skills which are needed
goal setting theory 129

in everyday action. The subconscious is routinely activated by our conscious

purposes and also determines our emotional responses (Locke, 1976).
As organizational psychologists, we were concerned mainly with how well
people perform work tasks, so that has been the focus of our research. We also
chose to focus on conscious performance goals, on the assumption that most
human action at work is consciously directed.
1. Core Wndings. The core of goal setting theory asserts that performance goals
lead to the highest level of performance when they are both clear (speciWc)
and diYcult. SpeciWc, hard goals lead to higher performance than easy or
vague goals, such as trying to do your best.
2. Mediators of goal eVects. Goal eVects are mediated most directly by three
relatively automatized mechanisms: (1) focus of attention on the desired end
state to the exclusion of other goals, (2) regulation of physical as well as
cognitive eVort (Wegge and Dibbelt, 2000) in proportion to what is required
to attain the goal, and (3) persistence of eVort through time until the goal is
attained. The role of a fourth mediator, task knowledge or skill, is more
complex (Locke, 2000). A goal cannot be attained unless the individual
knows how to do so. We will have more to say about this later.
3. Moderators. Goal eVects are moderated by at least four factors. First, people
need feedback regarding their progress in order to see if they are on target.
This not only allows adjustments in level of eVort, it may imply the need for
modifying their task strategy. Second, for goals to be eVective, people must be
committed to them (Seijts and Latham, 2000); they must be real goals.
Commitment is especially important when goals are diYcult. This is because
hard goals require great eVort, and failure and discouragement are more likely
than is the case when easy goals are set. Commitment is highest when people
have conWdence in being able to reach their goal and believe the goal to be
important or appropriate. These two factors also aVect goal choice.
There are numerous ways to generate goal commitment, e.g., assignment
and supportiveness by a respected leader (Latham and Saari, 1979b), aYrming
the goal in public so as to make it a test of integrity, clarifying outcome
expectancies, incentives, etc. (Latham, 2001; Locke and Latham, 1990, 2002).
Participation in goal setting was once thought to be a powerful determinant
of goal commitment, but as shown below, this is not true.
Third, the beneWcial eVects of goal setting are stronger with simple, straight-
forward tasks than with tasks that are complex for people. On the latter tasks,
some people may not perform well despite having high goals because they lack
the needed knowledge, though such knowledge may be acquired. Fourth, goal
attainment is adversely aVected by situational constraints.
4. Satisfaction. Goals are at the same time outcomes to attain and standards for
judging ones accomplishments. Thus, people are more satisWed when they
130 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

attain their goals or make meaningful progress toward them, than when they
fail, or make little or no progress. Failure is more likely when goals are hard
than when they are easy; so, on average, people are less likely to be satisWed
with their performance when their goals are quite diYcult. Nevertheless, they
work harder for such goals as we explain below.
5. Goals (and self-eYcacy) may serve as mediators of external incentives and
personality. Since performance goals are task and hence situationally speciWc,
it follows that goals are more immediate determinants of performance than
are indirect or general determinants. For example, self-set goals, along with
self-eYcacy (Bandura, 1997), have been found to mediate the eVects of
assigned goals, feedback, participation, monetary incentives, job enrichment,
leadership, and personality variables, particularly conscientiousness, on per-
formance (Locke, 2001). This is not to suggest that conscious goals mediate all
incentives; some incentives or traits may operate through ones subconscious
(e.g., McClellands achievement motive; Collins, Hanges, and Locke, 2004).
6. Levels of analysis. Goals have been found to aVect performance at the indi-
vidual, group, organizational unit, and organizational levels (Baum, Locke,
and Smith, 2001; Latham and Locke, 1975; Locke and Latham, 2002; OLeary-
Kelly, Martoccio, and Frink, 1994; Rogers and Hunter, 1991).
7. Time. Our research on goal setting theory has spanned a period of over forty
years. The issue of time spent in theory building is an important one that we
will return to later in this chapter.
8. Generality. Goal setting eVects have been found using more than 100 diVerent
tasks; in laboratory, simulated and Weld settings; using time spans ranging
from one minute to twenty-Wve years; using experimental, quasi-experimen-
tal and correlational designs; using goals that are assigned, self-set, and set
participatively; using over 40,000 participants in eight countries; using sun-
dry dependent variables including quantity, quality, time spent, costs, job
behavior of scientists, sales, student grades, and professors publications. Goal
setting is eVective on any task where the person has control over his or her
performance. A recent evaluation by Miner (2003), based on the assessments
of OB scholars, rated goal setting theory Wrst in importance among seventy-
three management theories. Sohow was this accomplished?

7 .2 G e n e s i s: E d w i n L o c k e
In college, I majored in psychology. My Wrst course in motivation was taught by
David McClelland (1961), well known for his work on the achievement motive
goal setting theory 131

which he alleged to be subconscious. He measured motivation with the TAT

(Thematic Apperception Test) which requires respondents to write stories in
responses to pictures. The stories are then coded for achievement imagery. I was
not enamored by projective tests, but the course did arouse my interest in the topic
of human motivation. My undergraduate advisor was Richard Herrnstein (later to
co-author the controversial book, The Bell Curve). I told him I did not want to
work with rats and pigeons, and that, because of my fathers business experience,
I had an interest in business, though I did not want to pursue it as a career. He
suggested I combine psychology and business by studying industrial psychology, a
Weld that I had never heard of.
I took his advice and entered graduate school at Cornell in 1960. My Wrst
textbook was Art Ryans and Pat Smiths Principles of Industrial Psychology, pub-
lished in 1954. In it was a report, originally published in 1935, of studies on goal
setting conducted in the United Kingdom by C. A. Mace. Even though Mace did
not do any statistical analyses, his results, which included a comparison of the
eVects of speciWc to do best goals, fascinated me.
My assessment was reinforced by Art Ryan who was, at the time, working on a
book, Intentional Behavior (Ryan, 1970). He argued that the best way to explain
human action was to start with its immediate conscious determinants such as
intentions and build backwards from there.
In that time period, the Weld of psychology was dominated by behaviorism. Its
basic tenets are that: (1) human action is controlled by the environment and can be
understood without reference to consciousnessconsciousness is not causal but
simply an epiphenomenon of brain activity and environmental conditioning; and
(2) consciousness falls outside the realm of science (i.e., it involves dealing with
mystical phenomena). This behaviorist zeitgeist was an intimidating one, and many
scholars who did not agree with behaviorism remained silent.
In the 1970s, behaviorism collapsed as the dominant paradigm in psychology,
because it could not explain human action (e.g., see Bandura, 1977a, 1977b, 1986).
Fortunately, I believed from the outset, as did my mentors, Ryan and Smith, that
the behaviorists were wrong. First, one can refute behaviorism through introspec-
tion (i.e., we can observe that our ideas aVect how we act). Second, Ayn Rand,
whose philosophy of Objectivism I had been studying (see PeikoV, 1991, for the
essentials of her philosophy), demonstrated that consciousness is an irrefutable and
irreducible axiom. She also showed, as did other philosophers, that psychological
determinismthe denial of free willis a self-contradiction (Binswanger, 1991).
Determinists make a claim of knowledge, implying that they are free to look at the
evidence and draw logical conclusions from it, while at the same time claiming that
they are mindless individuals who make word sounds as a sole result of condi-
tioned responses. In logic, this is called the fallacy of self-exclusion.
Thus, I proceeded to do my doctoral dissertation on the topic of goal setting
conWdent that it was scientiWcally appropriate to study conscious goals. I wanted to
132 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

see if goal setting could be shown to be eVective when analyzed statistically. It

could. My Wrst job subsequent to leaving Cornell was at the American Institutes for
Research (AIR).
At that point in time, I was unsure how to build a theory. I did have a negative
exemplaran example of what not to do. My exemplar was Frederick Herzberg,
who with Mausner and Snyderman, published their famous motivator-hygiene
theory in 1959, based mainly on two interview studies. My initial skepticism was
that two studies are not a suYcient basis for building a theory. I also had doubts,
shared by many, about his exclusive reliance on the critical incident technique to
elicit the causes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Herzberg had participated in an APA symposium on his theory while I was in
graduate school. Frank Friedlander, Lyman Porter, and Victor Vroom were on the
panel. Herzberg reacted angrily to what seemed to be valid criticisms of his theory
and/or method. I realized that this was an inappropriate approach to theory
building, because it meant putting ego ahead of reality (defending ones position
in deWance of the facts).
Herzbergs theory was eventually rejected, at least in the form that he initially
proposed it (Locke, 1976). Furthermore, his theory remained static. For example,
he never used other methods to test this theory and never did a subsequent critical
incident study asking for the causes of high and low performance. Nevertheless, to
his credit, his work focused the Weld on the importance of the job itself on a
persons job satisfaction (e.g., see Hackman and Oldham, 1980).
I concluded that the Wrst axiom of theory building had to be: reality Wrst. This
was reinforced by Ayn Rands philosophy, speciWcally her concept of the primacy
of existence (PeikoV, 1991) which speciWes the proper relationship between two of
her three philosophical axioms: existence (existence exists) and consciousness.
Existence is primary and the function of consciousness is to perceive it. Facts are
what they are regardless of whether one likes them or not.1
Thus, I began my work at AIR convinced that I had to do many experiments using
a variety of methodologies before I could make any claim to a theory, and that I had
to accept the resultsand take into account criticisms of my work. After conduct-
ing a number of experiments, I published an article in 1968 entitled Toward a
Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives. I deliberately chose the word toward,
because I did not believe there were suYcient data to develop a theory.
Furthermore, there were criticisms of my work. The main one at that time was:
How do you know your Wndings are not just a laboratory phenomenon with no
generalizability to the world of work? (e.g., Hinrichs, 1970). I had no answer. But
fortunately, Gary Latham soon discovered my laboratory results.

Ayn Rand recognized the existence of man-made facts resulting from human choice (the Empire
State building). But man-made facts must recognize the metaphysically given (e.g., the laws of nature)
or disaster will be the result, e.g., a skyscraper build on a foundation of sand will collapse.
goal setting theo ry 133

7 .3 Ga r y La t h a m
Similar to Locke, I majored in experimental psychology. Dalhousie University,
where I was an undergraduate student, was a bastion of behaviorism in Canada
during the 1960s. My mentor was a clinical psychologist, Dr. H. D. Beach, whose
specialty included behavior modiWcation. Unlike Ed, I initially embraced behav-
iorism because of its emphasis on the careful speciWcation and measurement of
action and the proven ability of rewards to aVect action.
I was very much inXuenced in life by my father, whom I loved. Nevertheless, he
did not inXuence my career as such. From my earliest recollections, he would look
me in the eye and say, Son, do your best. Had he assigned me a speciWc high goal,
I undoubtedly would have progressed in my Weld at a much faster rate!
Similar to Locke, it was my professor, Dr. Beach, who suggested that I pursue
graduate studies in I/O psychology, knowing that my interests were in the appli-
cation of psychology. Like Ed, I had never before heard of this area of psychology.
Georgia Tech, where I obtained my MS degree, embraced the scientist/practi-
tioner model. The faculty there opposed the hypothetico-deductive method. The
lifelongand convolutedeVorts of psychologists such as Clark Hull to develop a
theory before gathering data led me to favor induction. My mentor at Tech was Bill
Ronan who had studied under John Flanagan, who had developed the critical
incident technique (CIT). I used it to identify the behaviors that impact an
employees productivity.
In 1968, the American Pulpwood Association requested Dr. Ronan to help them
identify ways to improve the productivity of pulpwood crews in the southern United
States. I worked as his assistant. Dr. Ronan advocated induction for categorizing
critical incidents whereby similar incidents are grouped together. The pattern of
data that I collected revealed that a critical behavior that diVerentiates the product-
ive from the unproductive pulpwood producer was goal setting.
Upon receiving my MS, I was hired by the American Pulpwood Association as
their Wrst staV psychologist. One day I returned to the Tech library to peruse the
Psychological Abstracts for ways to improve the productivity of pulpwood crews.
Soon I was reading a series of abstracts of laboratory experiments which showed
that a person who sets a speciWc high goal performs better on laboratory tasks than
do people who are urged to do their best. I quickly called Dr. Ronan. In a factor
analysis of our survey data, we too had found that pulpwood crews who set speciWc
high goals have higher productivity than those who dont (Ronan, Latham, and
Kinne, 1973). Yet, our previous Wndings had not captured our attention until that
day I was in the library. Dr. Ronan, I said excitedly, Locke says . . .
In reading the journals, I repeatedly encountered two other names, Gary Yukl
and Ken Wexley. Recognizing that my knowledge was limited, I decided to return
to school for my Ph.D. and entered the University of Akron in 1971.
134 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

Not much older than I, Yukl and Wexley shared and enhanced my love of
application as well as the need for empirical research. Within the year, I devoured
the work of Rensis Likert and Ed Lawler and the newly published book by Camp-
bell, et al. (1970). But most of all, I continued to read everything published by Ed
In 1973, while I was still a doctoral student, the Weyerhaeuser Company hired
me as their Wrst staV psychologist and gave me the resources to do my doctoral
dissertation. Impressed by the goal setting results I had obtained with unedu-
cated, independent loggers in the South who were paid piece rate (Latham and
Kinne, 1974), they wanted to see if I could obtain similar results using goal setting
with educated unionized hourly paid loggers in the West. I did (Latham and
Baldes, 1975).
Similar to Locke, I too had an exemplar for conducting research, but my
exemplar was positive. My lasting take-away from my exemplar, however, was
the same as Lockes. Ed Fleishman, Lockes Wrst boss, thrilled me by accepting an
invitation to speak on the subject of leadership to the Weyerhaeuser Company. As
the President of Division 14 (I/O Psychology) and as Editor of the Journal of
Applied Psychology, Fleishman gave me invaluable advice: Give your manuscript
to your enemies before you submit it to a journal; whereas your friends will tell
you how good it is, your enemies will gladly point out its weaknesses. In short,
dont be defensive and do look at all the relevant facts. To this day, I heed his
At the end of a 1974 symposium I participated in at the American Psychological
Association, Ed Locke came up and introduced himself. At that convention, we
became close friends and colleagues, a relationship that has lasted for more than
thirty years. This has occurred for a number of reasons.
First, although I have not been inXuenced by Ayn Rands philosophy, like Locke,
I am inXuenced by facts, facts derived from rigorous methodological discipline and
empirical testing that allow generalizable solutions. 1977 was a watershed year for
me. Albert Bandura sent me a preprint of his paper that would soon appear in the
Psychological Review (1977a) as well as a book (1977b). His work shattered any
remaining beliefs regarding the validity of behaviorism as a philosophy of science.
Bandura and I have been citing one anothers work to the present day.
Second, Locke and I immediately saw how our strengths complimented one
another. On the scientistpractitioner continuum, Locke places himself on the
scientist end. I, on the other hand, view myself on the practitioner side of the
continuum. We found that we stimulated one another intellectually, and this has
led to an enduring collaborative relationship. Locke and I both believe in pro-
grammatic research in which there is no conXict between theory and practice. Goal
setting studies drove theory, theory drove practice that, in turn, drove the theory.
By working together, as scientists and as practitioners, Locke and I were able to
build a theory that works in organizations.
goal setting theo ry 135

7 .4 Bu i l d i n g t h e Th e o r y
How did we build the theory? Basically by doing many experiments over a long
period of time; by showing that our experiments worked and thereby getting other
researchers interested in goal setting research; by coming at the subject of goal
setting from many diVerent angles; by examining failures and trying to identify
their causes; by resolving contradictions and paradoxes; by integrating valid ideas
from other developing theories; by responding to criticisms that seemed to have
merit and refuting those that did not; by asking ourselves critical questions; by
diVerentiating the various elements of the theory; and Wnally by tying them
together into a whole when we believed that there was suYcient evidence to do so.
We did not have a grand plan since we did not know at the outset how to actually
build a theory, but each study (many of which were done by others) had a purpose,
and each outcome led to new knowledge and additional questions. Various aspects
of our theory building process can be grouped into a number of categories.

7.4.1 Replicating the Original Laboratory Findings

After leaving graduate school, the Wrst author wanted to replicate the Wndings from
his dissertation regarding the superiority of speciWc, hard goals to do best and easy
goals, but with variation. For example, for my dissertation I used tasks that involved
generating uses for objects; one of the early experiments done at AIR examined goal
setting eVects on a complex psychomotor task (Locke and Bryan, 1966).

7.4.2 Conducting Field Studies

Logging crews were matched and randomly assigned by Latham to one of two
conditions, speciWc, high goals as to number of trees to cut down, or do best goals.
All crews were paid by piece rate. Both productivity and job attendance were
signiWcantly higher in the high goal condition (Latham and Kinne, 1974). Challen-
ging goals had provided loggers with excitement. They gave meaning and purpose
to what had previously been viewed by them as a relatively meaningless task.

7.4.3 DiVerentiation of Goal Attributes

People kept saying that goals needed to be speciWc without mentioning diYculty.
We diVerentiated the eVects of goal diYculty from those of goal speciWcity, by
136 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

showing that speciWcity alone aVected performance variance (Locke, et al., 1989),
whereas diYculty aVected performance level (but most eVectively if goals were also

7.4.4 ConXict
We realized that goals could sometimes be in conXict. We found that intra-
individual goal conXict undermined performance (Locke, et al., 1994). We
also recognized that team members personal goal(s) could be in conXict
with those of a work team. Lathams Weld observations formed the basis for a
laboratory simulation where students working in teams were put in a dilemma by
being able to allocate money to a personal account or the group account (Seijts and
Latham, 2000). High personal goals that were compatible with the groups
goal of maximizing performance enhanced group performance, but personal
goals that conXicted with group goals had a detrimental eVect on the groups

7.4.5 Understanding the Role of Feedback

The Wrst author conducted a series of studies to examine feedback in relation to
goal setting (Locke and Latham, 1990). I found that feedback (knowledge of score)
was a mediator of performance; it led to improved performance only to the extent
that it led to the setting of goals (e.g., Locke and Bryan, 1968). Years later, Erez
(1977) examined feedback from the opposite angle. She discovered that goals which
were not accompanied by feedback do not lead to an improvement in performance.
Thus, we came to understand that if you start with feedback alone, goals are a
mediator of its eVects, but if you start with goals alone, feedback is a moderator of
its eVects. Goals and feedback consistently work better together than either one
do alone.

7.4.6 Discovering Goal Mechanisms

We documented the directive eVect of goals by showing that when feedback is given
for multiple performance dimensions, performance only improves on those di-
mensions for which goals are set (Locke and Bryan, 1969). The eVort dimension
was validated implicitly by showing that people with hard goals work harder, and
goal setting theory 137

later others did studies involving direct ratings of eVort. LaPorte and Nath (1976)
and Latham and Locke (1975) showed that goals aVect persistence. Direction,
intensity and persistence, of course, are the three aspects of motivated action.
Each of these mechanisms is easily veriWable by introspection. Knowledge is
another goal mechanism; this is discussed in Section 7.4.11.

7.4.7 Resolving ConXict over how to Get Goal Commitment

We recognized early on, again by introspection, that goal commitment is critical to
goal eVectiveness. We, like everyone else, knew that most New Years resolutions are
abandoned. Lofty sounding intentions do not necessarily indicate commitment to
speciWc goals.
The question was: How do you get goal commitment? Our initial belief was:
through participation. Participation in decision making (pdm) was a popular topic
of study following World War II. Locke (1968) predicted that participation would
enhance goal commitment. We did not pursue this matter for some time; then,
starting in the 1970s, there was chaos in the literature on this topic. The reason was
largely political (Wagner and Gooding, 1987). For many scholars participation was
viewed not only as a potentially useful managerial technique, but as a moral
imperative. Because it was considered a democratic practice and an antidote to
fascism, the results simply had to be supportive of the former ideology.
Locke and Schweiger (1979) conducted a literature review. They discovered that
the interpretation of many pdm studies had been distorted to make the results
appear supportive. When the data were interpreted objectively, pdm only had a
minimal eVect on performance. Strongly worded arguments on this issue went
back and forth in the literature for years; heated debates took place at professional
Latham and I, however, stuck to our core principle: reality (facts) Wrst. We had
no moral bias either for or against pdm. As noted, we both initially expected pdm
to lead to higher goal commitment, because the positive eVects of pdm had been
touted so much in the earlier literature.
The thrill of inductive, programmatic research is akin to that of being a detect-
ive. Lathams doctoral dissertation involving logging crews revealed that product-
ivity was highest in those who were randomly assigned to the participatively set
goal condition and less educated (Latham and Yukl, 1975). This supported the value
of pdmbut there was a confound. It turned out that goal diYculty was also
signiWcantly higher in that condition. The same result was obtained in a Weld
experiment (Latham, Mitchell and Dossett, 1978). Then a series of laboratory
experiments showed that when goal diYculty was held constant, participation in
goal setting had no eVect on goal commitment or performance (Latham and
138 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

Marshall, 1982; Latham and Saari, 1979a; Latham and Steele, 1983). All this seemed
to indicate that the initial pdm eVects had simply been goal eVects. The issue of
pdm was momentarily settled.
Soon, however, a series of studies by Miriam Erez and her colleagues appeared
(e.g., Earley and Kanfer, 1985; Erez, Earley and Hulin, 1985). The results of this work
can be summarized in a single sentence: Latham is wrong; participatively set goals
work better than assigned goals. Instead of attacking Erez, Latham posed the
question: why the diVerences?
When competent researchers obtain contradictory Wndings, the explanation may
lie in diVerences in methodology. We decided to resolve the conXict in a revolu-
tionary way. Latham and Erez would design experiments with Locke, who was a
close and respected friend of both parties, agreeing to serve as a helper and a
mediator between us. The result was a series of experiments jointly designed by the
three of us.
It turned out that the main cause of the diVerences in results was how goals were
set in the assigned and pdm conditions. Latham gave a rationale for the assigned
goal (e.g., Weyerhaeuser needs ideas on ways to increase log exports to Asia), the
goals were described as attainable, and the assignments were given in a supportive
manner. In Erezs studies, the goals were assigned tersely (e.g., do this) with no
rationale and no implication that they could be attained. Also, only Erezs pdm
subjects were given eYcacy enhancing instructions. When all these factors were
controlled, pdm had no advantage over assigned goals.
This was the Wrst paper in psychology that was based on the collaboration of two
antagonists who worked with a neutral party to resolve their diVerences. It won a
best paper award from the Academy of Management OB division (Latham, Erez,
and Locke, 1988).
But the story did not end there. Pdm might yet be beneWcial in a non-
motivational waythrough cognition. This hypothesis originated in part from
Latham observing quality circles at Weyerhaeuser where the objective is to gener-
ate ways to work smarter rather than harder. Consequently, Latham, Winters,
and Locke (1994) randomly assigned people to an assigned or a participative goal
condition in which people worked in a group (pdm) or alone on a task that was
complex for them. No main eVect was obtained for goal setting as the two
conditions were yoked. But, there was a main eVect for decision making with
performance signiWcantly higher in the pdm than in the individual decision
making condition. The pdm subjects gave each other useful task strategy infor-
mation. This main eVect of pdm on performance was completely mediated by self-
eYcacy and task strategy.
In 1997, Locke, Alavi, and Wagner reviewed all the reviews and controversies
regarding pdm. They concluded that pdm is more fruitfully conceived as a method
of information exchange or information sharing rather than as a method of gaining
goal commitment. Since that time, the controversy over pdm has died down.
goal setting t heory 139

Meanwhile, researchers were discovering other factors that aVected goal com-
mitment. We were able to classify most of the factors into those that made the goal
important vs. those that increased conWdence in being able to reach the goal (Locke
and Latham, 1990).
Hollenbeck, Williams, and Klein (1989) developed a useful measure of goal
commitment, which they have subsequently reWned. They and others found that
goal commitment was most important when goals are diYcult. This suggests
that commitment acts in two diVerent ways: as a moderator when there is a
range of goal diYculty, and as a main eVect when goal level is held constant at
a high level.

7.4.8 Reconciling ConXicting Theories about Expectancy

and Performance
Atkinson (1958), a student of McClelland, predicted that ones motivation is high-
est when task (goals were not part of his model) diYculty is .50. This suggested
a possible curvilinear (inverted-U) relationship between goal diYculty and
In contrast, expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964) states that the force to act is a
multiplicative function of valence, instrumentality, and eVortperformance ex-
pectancy. Holding the Wrst two factors constant, the theory predicts a positive,
linear association between expectancy and performance. However, diYcult goals
are harder to attain than easy goals, thus we had found a negative linear relation-
ship between expectancy of success (high expectancy meant easy goals) and
performance (Locke, 1968).
All three theories could not be correct. Aided by an insight by Howard Garland,
Locke, Motowidlo, and Bobko (1986) resolved the puzzle. When goal level is held
constant, that is, within any given goal group, the positive linear relationship
asserted by expectancy theory is correct. Between groups, when goal level is varied,
the relationship is negative. This does not contradict expectancy theory, because
expectancy theory assumes that the referent is Wxed. When Banduras self-eYcacy
measure is used (which averages a persons conWdence estimates across multiple
performance outcome levels) both the within and between group associations are
positive. The curvilinear relationship between expectancy, or goal diYculty, and
performance as suggested by Atkinson replicates only when there are a substantial
number of people in the hard goal condition who reject their goals (Erez and
Zidon, 1984; Locke and Latham, 1990).
Measures of expectancy (except as a correlate of goal diYculty) and self-eYcacy
were not initially a part of goal setting theory. We incorporated self-eYcacy into
our theorizing after recognizing the importance of the concept (Bandura, 1986).
140 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

People with high self-eYcacy are more likely to be committed to diYcult goals when
goals are assigned, to set high goals when goals are self set, to respond with renewed
eVort when feedback shows that they are not attaining their goals, and to develop
eVective strategies for goal attainment (Latham and Seijts, 1999; Locke and Latham,
2002; Locke, et al., 1984; Seijts and Latham 2001).

7.4.9 Puzzling over Satisfaction

It came as no surprise that goal success led to satisfaction, but we were at Wrst
baZed by repeated Wndings (the Wrst from Howard Garland) that, despite the
positive eVects of goals on performance, valence (anticipated performance satis-
faction in expectancy theory) was lower at every level of performance for people
with high goals than for people with low goals. We Wnally realized that the reason
high goals are more eVective than low goals is that people set the bar for their
satisfaction higher. Thus, people who have high goals must do more to be pleased
with their performance.
This raised another question: If anticipated performance satisfaction for high
goals is less, why do people set high goals? We discovered the answer in another
experiment (reported in Mento, Locke, and Klein, 1992). People expect more
practical and psychological beneWts from trying for high goals. For example,
when undergraduate students consider attaining high grade goals, they expect to
experience more pride in their performance than from low grades and also expect
to attain better academic outcomes (admission to a graduate school), better job
oVers and more career success. Ambitious people are willing to set the bar high,
both because they feel pride in leaping over the bar and because practical life
beneWts typically accrue to those who try for more rather than less.

7.4.10 Dealing with Failures

A relatively unique feature of our 1990 book was the analysis of every single goal
setting study which we could Wnd that failed to obtain the predicted results. If a study
fails, either the theory is wrong or incomplete, or the study itself was not con-
ducted properly. Thus, we tried to determine the causes of each failure by refer-
ences to goal theory tenets. Because these analyses were after the fact, we could not
prove that our explanations were correct. However, any or all the studies can now
be repeated with the hypothesized Xaws corrected as a means of validating our
interpretation. Some of the studies even suggested new theoretical ideas.
goal setting theory 141

7.4.11 Discovering the Need for Knowledge, Skill, or

Task Strategies
The goal setting studies we conducted in the early years either used simple tasks
(e.g., giving uses for objects) that everyone knew how to do or somewhat more
complex tasks that people also knew how to do based on their previous experience
(e.g., addition). We knew that the eVect size of goals was smaller on complex tasks
than on simple tasks (Wood, Mento, and Locke, 1987). This implied that on some
complex tasks, some people lacked the requisite skill or knowledge. Goal eVects are
often delayed on such tasks, because learning is required. The passage of time,
however, does not guarantee that everyone will learn how to perform a task
The results of studies which assessed knowledge or ability were puzzling. Some
showed direct eVects of both goals and ability. Others showed knowledge to be a
moderator of goal eVects, with the highest performance being shown by people
with high task knowledge and high goals. Still others showed that knowledge
mediated goal eVects. Sorting this out was complicated. Task knowledge is stored
in the subconscious (tacit knowledge), it is also held consciously; some is brought
to the experiment and some is learned during the experiment itself. In some
experiments, knowledge is provided directly by the experimenter. Furthermore,
the knowledge acquisition is dynamic in that new learning may be occurring
continuously. This makes measurement of knowledge diYcult, especially the part
that is held subconsciously.
Ten years after our 1990 book was published, the Wrst author tried to integrate
these results (Locke, 2000). My conclusion was that all goal eVects are mediated by
task knowledge. Motivation without cognition is useless. Motivation may energize
a person, but such an individual will not be able to get anything done unless the
person knows how to do so. Conversely, cognition in the absence of motivation is
also useless because the individual will have no desire to act on what is known.
I suggested that the inconsistent results in the literature were a result of either not
measuring all the relevant knowledge or of people acting on their knowledge
motivated by factors other than their task goals. Learning Goals

On tasks that are complex, people often have to acquire the requisite knowledge on
their own. Latham puzzled as to how people could be helped to do this. Several
studies had shown that speciWc hard goals not only fail to enhance performance in
comparison to do best goals, they may make it worse (e.g., Earley, Connolly, and
Ekegren, 1989.) In do best conditions, people often took the time to systematically
test diVerent task strategies, whereas those with diYcult outcome goals frantically
switched from one strategy to another without being systematic.
142 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

Latham hypothesized that when tasks are new and diYcult for people, the
best idea is not to set performance goals but rather to set learning goals. To test
this hypothesis, Winters and Latham (1996) used a complex class scheduling task
developed by Chris Earley. Consistent with the Wndings of Kanfer and Ackerman,
there was a decrease in performance when a speciWc high outcome goal was set
regarding the number of schedules to be produced relative to simply urging people
to do their best. But, when a high learning goal was set in terms of discovering
a speciWc number of ways to solve the task, performance was signiWcantly higher
in this condition than it was when people were either urged to do their best or had
set an outcome goal. Higher performance is not always the result of greater eVort,
but rather, of greater understanding (Frese and Zapf, 1994; Latham and Saari,
1979b). Proximal Goals

Among the biggest impediments to the usual positive beneWts of goal setting is
environmental uncertainty (Locke and Latham, 1990). The information required to
set goals may be unavailable or may become obsolete due to rapid changes in the
environment. Thus, as uncertainty increases, it becomes increasingly diYcult to set
and commit to a long-term outcome goal. Latham and Seijts (1999) used a business
game in which students were paid to make toys, and the dollar amounts paid for
the toys changed continuously without warning. Setting speciWc, diYcult outcome
goals resulted in proWts that were signiWcantly worse than urging the students to do
their best. But when proximal outcome goals were set in addition to the distal
outcome goals, self-eYcacy as well as proWts were signiWcantly higher than in the
other two conditions. This is because in highly dynamic situations, it is important
to actively search for feedback and react quickly to it (Frese and Zapf, 1994). In
addition, Dorner (1991) has found that performance errors on a dynamic task are
often due to deWcient decomposition of a distal goal into proximal goals.
In a follow-up study, Seijts and Latham (2001) examined the eVect of setting
proximal goals in conjunction with either a distal learning or a distal outcome goal
on a task that required new. Setting proximal, learning goals resulted in the greatest
number of strategies generated. The number of task relevant strategies, in turn,
correlated positively with performance.

7.4.12 Protecting Goal Theory from Materialists

In the 1970s, behaviorists attempted to incorporate goal setting into their domain
by relabeling the goal setting process. Thus, goals were labeled as controlling or
discriminative stimuli, and feedback was alleged to be a reinforcer. They denied
goal setting t heory 143

that how goals function depends on mental processes. They unsuccessfully

attempted to externalize what is, in reality, internal (Locke, 1977).
In the 1980s, control theory, a neo-behavioristic theory derived from cybernetic
engineering (e.g., physical systems with feedback loops), became popular. The
theory relabels goal concepts in the language of machinery. Thus goals are called
reference standards. Goal failures are called deviations. A person who acts to
attain the goal is called an eVector. Commitment is error sensitivity. Decision
making is done by a selector.
The problem with this relabeling is that the goal concepts are no longer cognitive
processes when they are debased by machine terminology. A thermostat setting (a
reference standard) has nothing in common with a consciously held goal. This
relabeling fosters the illusion of reductionism. Control theorists, based on the
concept of a negative feedback loop, state that people seek only to eliminate
goal-performance discrepancies. People are not thermostats (Binswanger 1991, see
n. 1). Human life involves the constant creation of discrepancies, that is, the setting
of new goals. Goal directed action is required for survival.
Some control theorists also deny the causal role of self-eYcacy in human action.
We have responded vigorously to attempts to evade the axiom of consciousness,
and thereby deny its causal eYcacy (e.g., Bandura and Locke, 2003; Locke and
Latham, 1990).

7. 5 I m p l i c a t i o n s f o r T h e ory B u i l d i n g
Our approach to theory building eVort is inductive. Induction means going from
the particular to the general. This is in contrast to the hypothetico-deductive
method. The latter view stems from a long line of philosophical skeptics, from
Hume to Kant to Popper to Kuhn. The core premise of this view is that knowledge
of reality is impossible. Popper, believed that because theories are not based on
observations of reality, they can start, arbitrarily, from anywhere. Thus, theories
cannot be proven, they can only be falsiWed by testing deductions from them.
Even falsiWcation, Popper asserted, never gets at truth. Induction is rejected. If
Popper were correct, scientiWc discovery would be impossible. But history refutes
this view.
The history of science is the history of discoveries made by observations of
reality, and integrated into laws and principles. Subsequent discoveries do not
necessarily invalidate previous ones, unless errors of observation or context-
dropping were made. They simply add to knowledge. Mankind did not get from
144 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

the swamps to the stars by eschewing the search for knowledge and seeking only to
disprove arbitrary hypotheses.
Galileo, for example, did numerous experiments with freely falling objects, objects
rolling down inclined planes, swinging pendulums, and trajectories of objects and
induced the law of intertia, the constancy of gravity, and the laws governing hori-
zontal and vertical motion. He also invented an improved telescope and discovered
four moons of Jupiter. He proved that Venus orbits the sungiving further credence
to Copernicuss heliocentric theory. Newton discovered that white light is composed
of diVerent colors by doing experiments with prisms. He drew upon the observations
of Kepler and Galileo to discover the laws of motion. Especially revolutionary was the
idea that all bodies are attracted to one another by a force (gravity) whose magnitude
is proportional to the masses of the bodies, and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance separating them. With this knowledge, including his invention of
calculus, he was able to explain the actions not only of the planets but of the tides.
Both Galileo and Newton used observation to gather data, conduct experiments, and
then integrated their observations into a theory.
Einstein agreed: Turning to the subject of the theory of [special] relativity,
I want to emphasize that this theory has no speculative origin, it rather owes its
discovery only to the desire to adapt theoretical physics to observable facts as
closely as possible (Einstein, 2002: 238).
Contrast Galileo, Newton, and Einstein to Descartes who argued that one can
deduce the components of matter, the nature of the planets, moons, and comets,
the cause of movement, the formation of the solar system, the nature of light and of
sunspots, the formation of the stars, the explanation of tides and earthquakes, the
formation of mountains, magnetism, the nature of static electricity and chemical
interactionsall from what he claimed were innate ideas discovered intuitively.
Not surprisingly, every single one of his theories was wrong.2
Of course, theory building does include deduction. But, the major premises that
form the beginning of any syllogism (e.g., all men are mortal) have to be
established by induction, or else the conclusion, even if valid in form, will be false.
What then does induction involve?

7.5.1 Data Gathering

Accumulating facts related to some issue or questionbased on observations
of reality. In our case, this meant conducting studies, including laboratory and
The comments about Galileo, Newton, and Descartes were based on portions of a forthcoming
book by David Harriman. These portions were published in The Intellectual Activist, vol. 14, nos. 35
(2000) and vol. 16, no. 11 (2002). The authors are indebted also to Stephen Speicher for providing the
information on Einstein.
goal setting t heory 145

Weld experiments. (We were very fortunate that many other researchers con-
ducted goal setting experiments as well.) However, in the case of theories which
are psychological in nature, using introspection is also critical. In fact, we have
argued that it should be acknowledged candidly by scientists building theories
of motivation (Locke and Latham, 2004). No psychological concept can be
grasped without the use of introspection, and it was clearly an aid to our

7.5.2 DiVerentiating
Proper diVerentiation begins with a clear deWnition of the concept(s) in question
(e.g., a goal is the object or aim of an action; Locke and Latham, 1990). DeWnitions
tie concepts to reality and distinguish them from other concepts (Locke, 2003;
Rand, 1990). Data also have to be diVerentiated before they can be integrated. For
example we had to diVerentiate the various goal attributes (speciWcity and diY-
culty) and the various elements from one another (e.g., mediators, moderators),
and we had to diVerentiate within each of these categories. (e.g., direction, eVort,
feedback, commitment). We also had to diVerentiate goal theory from other
theories (expectancy theory, behavior modiWcation, control theory). DiVerentia-
tion is a key step involved in organizing data.

7.5.3 Integrating
To make an inductive theory, the diVerentiated data have to be integrated into an
organized whole. A key law of logic involved in integration is Aristotles law of
contradiction. A thing cannot be A and non-A at the same time and in the same
respect. If two or more theories are contradictory, at least one of them must be
wrong. If data contradict a theory, then either the data or the theory, or both, must
be wrong. Hegelian mumbo-jumbo aside, contradictions cannot be integrated;
they have to be resolved. For example, the conXict over the importance of partici-
pation in setting a goal between Latham and Erez noted earlier was resolved by
discovering that the two types of studies used somewhat diVerent methodologies,
and by verifying that these diVerences made a diVerence by means of a new set of
experiments. The conXict between goal and expectancy theories was resolved by
distinguishing between within vs. between goal conditions. We have also attempted
to integrate goal theory with other theories of motivation (Locke, 1997; Latham,
Locke, and Fassina, 2002).
146 edwin a. locke and gary p. latham

7.5.4 Identifying Causal Relationships

Integration, if it is to be useful, must lead to the establishment of laws or general
principles. Identifying generalizable principles requires identifying causal relation-
ships. Induction is more than enumeration (counting). It is more than meta-
analysis, which is enumeration that includes mean eVect sizes. When using enu-
meration alone, there is no answer to the skeptics query: How do you know that
the relationship will come out the next time?
This was an issue we did not fully understand when developing goal theory. We
thought that the more types of tasks, subjects, settings, performance measures
used, etc., the betterthat is, the more conWdence one could have in the theory.
Although variation in conditions is beneWcial (e.g., to discover moderators), we did
not see that identifying causal relationships (which we subsequently did identify)
was the fundamental issue. For example, we can have conWdence that goals work
when we know the means by which they work (mediators) and the relevant context
factors (moderators). Similarly, by understanding that emotions were implicit
value judgments (Locke, 1976; Locke and Latham, 1990) and that a goal is a speciWc
type of value, we now understand why goal success causes satisfaction.

7.5.5 Taking Time

Inductive theory building takes time, especially when starting from scratch. It is
much harder than deduction. The present authors worked for twenty-Wve years
before we were ready to claim we had a theory. We had to integrate the results of
several hundred studies conducted by ourselves and others. We had to resolve
many contradictions and paradoxes. We had to relate many diVerent parts to the
whole. And we had to understand many causal relationships. There is no law that
says twenty-Wve years is the right amount of time. But, that was the time taken
for us to have something substantial before we could make claims for a meaningful

7.5.6 Keeping Theories Open-Ended

Although we presented our theory in 1990, after twenty-Wve years of research, we
did not close the theory to further development. Today, some forty years after
we started, we are still accumulating knowledge about goal setting. For example,
since publication of the 1990 book, we have learned about the beneWts of learning
goals (Winters and Latham, 1996) as noted earlier; we have found that goals aVect
goal setting t heory 147

small venture growth over two and six year periods (Baum, Locke, and Smith, 2001;
Baum and Locke, 2004)the Wrst macro level studies; we have studied the eVects
of goals on risk-taking (Knight, Durham, and Locke, 2001), and we have discovered
an interactive relationship between subconsciously primed and consciously
assigned goals (Stajkovic, Locke and Blair, 2004; see also Locke and Latham,
2004). We have also learned that goals may tempt some people to cheat (Schweit-
zer, Ordonez, and Douma, 2004). These discoveries do not contradict earlier
Wndings; they add knowledge.
Our advice for scholars who want to build a theory: Do it inductively and be
prepared to spend years doing it. We also believe that both the history of science
and our own success has implications for the Academy of Management Review. We
encourage the editorial staV to discourage hypothetico-deductive theorizing and to
promote more inductive theorizing.

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