DBA Questions V2

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Please provide answers to below questions based on your experience (read questions carefully)

1. Have you automated SQL Server installation using configuration file or using PowerShell/dos for
different version of SQL Servers along with service packs and CU? If yes, provide details

Ans: No

2. What are the top 3 maintenance jobs you would recommend on production SQL Server and

Ans: DBCC Check Db or Integrity, dbcc reindex or Update stats or Index Optimize

3. What are the diff criterias you normally consider for projecting capacity requirements for
production SQL Servers?

Ans: Capacity Testing( Load, Performance, system consumptions & Drives)

4. You have been told Application is suddenly running slowfor last 30 minute, you have been
asked to do quick health check for DB server, what are the things you would typically evaluate

Ans: First of all will check the blockings or any dead lock. System resource consumption, Last DB
Maintenance jobs(index, Updatestats Job etc.) or Parallel execution on the same( concurrent

5. What are the different methods you have used to keep yourself up to date on SQL Server best
practices and new features

Ans: R&D, Test & implementation on all environments like Beta, TEST & production.

6. You have received 2 different application outage P1 level alerts at the same time and you are
the only available resource on the shift, how have you handle such scenarioin past and meet SLA
as well?

Ans: as I am the Multitasker will connect and check the both DBservers and take an action
accordingly. But, which I will see the environments and take a prior action on it. Will try to fix

7. What criterias you would consider to plan for an optimal database recovery process for your
production servers?

Ans: Optimal database recovery that we can get with the correct backup strategy like the recovery
model needs to be full recovery mode every week, daily differential & transactional log every
30Mins etc which we had scheduled. where we can able to recover the data point in time.

8. You have received a low PLE alert, explain the troubleshooting process you are currently using?

Ans: Didnt get the question regarding PLE. Process will be the same as above question to No. 4.

9. You are receiving recurring P1 alerts for server down during on-call on a weekend, you have
already verified that server is up and running with no issues, any further actions will you take?
Ans: Yes, we will check the event viewer to find out any issues and check the services in
configuration manager are up and running fine or any time out errors due to the cpu usage and
will check whether he is connecting to the server through client with browser services (connecting
linked servers). We will take an action accordingly. Cant help if there is no login exists.

Mainly It will happen from the application side its due to the transaction log full for that particular
database and also like if service is down until it fix or to bring online.

10. You have received a request to onboard a new SQL Server for production support, what kind of
information you would need to provide production support?

Ans: we will check infra which they are upgrading according to the organic growth or capacity
testing. Then first we will check with the help of upgrade advisor, will discuss regarding this
venodor about their application functionality, compatability, DR strategy, Schema Plans. Then we
will check the report and upgrade advisory, will proceed with an implementation to create a

11. Please describe your experience with PowerShell to automate day to day processes if any?

Ans: Instead of PowerShell, I will be able to do it thorugh VB scripts which we can do the same

12. What are the top 5 challenges for on-call DBA?

Ans: To meet the customer requirement in case of requests.

2. To fix the issue within the customer centric manner.

3. will meet the customer requirements.

4. will meet SLA Agreement by fixing the issue with in the SLA.

5. Will fix it not to re-occur this issue again.

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