Tamil Nadu District Limits Act, 1865

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. .Q.
& 6 :,1'.N. Aat h t r h Limit8 179,. .
. - 4 - -
'(TAMIL NBDU) ACT No. I OF 1868':

l ( T m N ~ U DIBTBI&
Am, 1868.1
(Rdued tire assent of the B w e m on the 12th December '
1864, cMcd of the Governor-General on tlre 5th
January 1866.)

An Act to provide for the alteration of the

8' * *limits 01 Districtsfior 2118s in the
'[ Stab of Tamil Nadu],

1. It shall be lawful for the "State Government] 5 ~ 2 ~

a[* * * * * * * * * * *I, fromtime toofdidjot
time, to alter the limits of existing distriots or or d'
* ? [ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ] .
These words were eubstitutd for the word " Madras " by the
T a i l Nadu Adeptation of Lawe Order , 1969, a s ame~dedby
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lawa (Seoond Amendment) Order,
1969, whioh m e into f o m on the 14th Januery 1969.
Short tiif%, " The Medm District Limits Aot, 1865" wee given
by the Repding and Amending Act, 1901 (Central Act XI of
Tl e whole of the Aot, except so much a s espowered t.he State
aov~nunentto alter the limite of exieting diatriots, woe repeeled
by the Tamil Nadu Civil Courts Aot, 1878 (Central Act III of 1873).
This Act was extended to the Kenyekumari district ecd the
Shenoottab taluk of the Tirunelv.li district by section 3 of,
end the First Schedule to, the Tamil Naau (Transferred Territory)
Exteneion of Laws Aot, I960 (Temil Nedu Act 23 of 1960). which
oame into force on the let April 1961, r e p d i n g the correepond~ng
lew in that territory.
8 The words " Statiolm of Zilleh Courts and" were rdpeeled by
the Repealing and Amend~ngAct, 1901 (Central Act XI of 1901)--
Third Sobedule, Part 111.
4 This expression was subetituted for the expreesion "Madras
Prssidency" by the Tam11 Nadu Adaptation of U w s Order, 1970,
which waa deemed to have come into force on the 14th
Jmuary 1909.
6 Tke words " Provinoial Government " were substitutd
for the words '*Governor in Counoil" by the Adaptat.on Ordor
of 1937 and the word "State" wee subetituted for "Provincial"
by the Adaptation Order of 1960.
. 0 The words ' I of Fort St. George " were omitted by tbe Adapts.
lion Order of 1937.
1 The wordr "in any part of the Provinme subjeot to hir oontrol"
yere omitted by W.


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