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ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention (#06072G)

Biological Corrosion Failures

Thomas R. Jack, NOVA Chemicals Ltd.

MICROORGANISMS can directly or indi- drive their metabolism, and nutrients to provide can also be important. These include such things
rectly affect the integrity of many materials used essential building materials (carbon, nitrogen, as the biodegradation of lubricants and protec-
in industrial systems. Most metals, including phosphorus, trace metals, etc.) for cell renewal tive coatings designed to prevent wear or cor-
iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, and their alloys, and growth. An understanding of these factors rosion in an operating system, or the alteration
are more or less susceptible to damage (Ref 1 can sometimes help in failure investigations. En- of flow regimes and heat-transfer coefficients
3). Only titanium and its alloys appear to be gen- ergy may be derived from sunlight through pho- due to the biological fouling of metal surfaces.
erally resistant (Ref 4). This review focuses ini- tosynthesis or from chemical reactions. The im- Given the potential impact of MIC on a wide
tially on the mechanisms of microbially induced portance of photosynthetic metabolism is limited range of industrial operations, it is not surprising
or influenced corrosion (MIC) of metallic ma- in the context of this article to above-ground fa- that microbiological effects are of significant
terials as an introduction to the recognition, man- cilities or submerged structures that receive sun- concern in failure analysis and prevention. Mi-
agement, and prevention of microbiological cor- light. For closed systems and buried facilities, crobially induced corrosion problems afflict
rosion failures in piping, tanks, heat exchangers, microbial metabolism is based on energy derived water-handling operations and manufacturing
cooling towers, and so on. Numerous reviews of from oxidation reduction (redox) reactions. Un- processes in oil and gas production, pipelining,
MIC have appeared over the last decade (Ref 2, der aerobic conditions, reduction of oxygen to refining, petrochemical synthesis, power produc-
512). Two recent publications (Ref 13, 14) water complements the metabolic oxidation of tion, fermentation, waste water treatment, drink-
present broader discussions of MIC, including a organic nutrients to carbon dioxide. Under an- ing water supply, pulp and paper making, and
useful introduction to microbial problems seen aerobic conditions, electron acceptors other than other industrial sectors. Microbially induced cor-
with nonmetallic materials such as polymers, oxygen can be used. Figure 1 illustrates the range rosion is also a concern whenever metals are ex-
composites, concrete, glass, wood, and stone. of pH and redox potential where anaerobic forms posed directly to the environment in applications
Viable microorganisms can be found over a of microbial metabolism tend to be found (Ref including marine or buried piping, storage tanks,
surprisingly wide range of temperature, pressure, 18). ships, nuclear waste containers, pilings, marine
salinity, and pH (Ref 1). In the 1950s, pioneering Whatever the metabolism, electrochemical re- platforms, and so on.
work by Zobell isolated sulfate-reducing bacte- actions catalyzed by enzymes provide energy for
ria (SRB) that grew at 104 C (219 F) and pres- cell growth. Many of these reactions are not im-
sures of 1000 bar from oil-bearing geological portant under abiotic conditions, because they Microbial Involvement in Corrosion
formations deep underground (Ref 15). Micro- are kinetically slow in the absence of organisms.
bial communities exist in environments as di- By promoting these reactions, microbes produce Corrosion involves the oxidation of metal at-
verse as subzero snowfields to deep ocean ther- metabolites and conditions not found under abi- oms, M, in an anodic region with a loss of elec-
mal vents. Halophiles evolved to live at extreme otic conditions. In some cases, electrons released trons to a complementary reduction reaction in
salinities turn pink the evaporation pans used to by the oxidation of metals are used directly in a cathodic region elsewhere on the metal surface
win salt from seawater. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria microbial metabolism. In other cases, it is the (Fig. 2). In the reduction reaction, an electron
create very acidic conditions (pH  1) by pro- chemicals and conditions created by microbial acceptor, X, receives the electrons given up by
ducing sulfuric acid as an end product of their activity that promote MIC. Secondary effects the oxidation process. The driving force for corro-
metabolism, while other microorganisms survive
the opposite end of the pH scale. Given these
examples, it should not be surprising that micro-
Oxidation reduction potential (Eh)

Oxidation reduction potential (Eh)

organisms have been implicated in the acceler-

ated corrosion and cracking of a correspondingly 800 800
wide range of industrial systems. For example,
the involvement of thermophilic SRB in the se- 400 400
vere intergranular pitting of 304L stainless steel
condenser tubes in a geothermal electrical power 0 0
plant operating at 100 C ( 210 F) has been Soils with Soils with
reported (Ref 16). In another example, microbi- nitrate sulfate
ological activity and chloride concentrated under 400 400
reduction reduction
scale deposits were blamed for the wormhole pit-
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
ting of carbon steel piping used to transport a
pH pH
slurry of magnesium hydroxide and alumina at
pH 10.5 (Ref 17).
Whatever the environmental conditions, mi-
Fig. 1 The pH and oxidation reduction potential for growth of anaerobic bacteria able to reduce nitrate or sulfate (dots
in plots) and for soils dominated by the microbial metabolism (boxes). Aerobic bacteria grow over a wide range
croorganisms need water, a source of energy to of pH at Eh  300 mV (normal hydrogen electrode). Source: Ref 19
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ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention (#06072G)
882 / Corrosion-Related Failures

sion is the free energy released by the overall lution or enter the steel matrix, as shown in Fig. These organisms reduce sulfate to sulfide in their
chemical reaction resulting from combined cath- 3. metabolism and are commonly found in mixed
odic and anodic half-reactions: Byproducts of the various reactions involved microbial communities present in soils and nat-
may limit the corrosion process by altering the ural waters. In industrial systems, biodegradable
Anodic reaction M M n + + n electrons environment at the metal surface (Eq 26). For materials, such as some of the hydrocarbons
Cathodic reaction mX + n electrons mX n / m example, reduction of protons at the metal sur- found in oil and gas operations (Ref 20) or sus-
Overall corrosion reaction M + mX M n + + mX n / m face (Eq 3) raises the local pH. This can lead to ceptible components of coating materials (Ref
(Eq 1) the formation of insoluble deposits. The forma- 21, 22), can provide a source of nutrients for
tion of ferrous carbonate on a steel surface by microbial growth. Cathodic hydrogen formed on
where n, p, and m are integer values chosen to the sequence of events shown in Eq 2 to 6 pro- a metal surface (Eq 3) by active corrosion or by
charge balance the equations based on the num- vides one example. Precipitation of calcium or cathodic protection (CP) can specifically pro-
ber of electrons given up by the metal being ox- magnesium ions from the electrolyte as insoluble mote growth of organisms, including SRB that
idized or taken up by the electron acceptor being carbonates that can passivate a metal surface is are able to use hydrogen in their metabolism
reduced. another: (Ref 23). Severe corrosion cells develop as sul-
Because metals are good electrical conduc- fide, produced by the microbial reduction of sul-
tors, the cathodic and anodic processes can occur Fe r Fe2 2 electrons (Eq 2) fate, combines with ferrous ions, released by the
at different locations on a metal surface exposed corrosion process, to produce insoluble black
to a common electrolyte. Where anodes and iron sulfides:
cathodes frequently change location, general 2H 2 electrons r 2H (cathodic hydrogen)
corrosion is seen, but when the anode becomes (Eq 3) 4 Fe + SO24 + 8H + FeS + 3Fe 2 + + 4H 2 O (Eq 7)
focused in one location, pitting results. In pitting,
the rate of penetration is, to a large measure, a
function of the relative size of the cathodic and H2O } H OH (Eq 4)
anodic areas involved in the corrosion cell and Electrolyte H2 desorbs
is usually much higher than that seen for general and is lost to
OH +
HCO3 CO32 H2O H+ + OH H2 solution
corrosion. (Eq 5)
The rate of metal loss is determined by the
slowest, or rate-determining, step in the corro- H H H H H H H
sion process. For example, where the availability CO32 + Fe 2 + FeCO3 (Eq 6)
of electron acceptor X is limiting, the corrosion Two hydrogen atoms
rate depends on the transport kinetics for the ar- Microorganisms accelerate corrosion by combine to form H2
Electrons from
rival of X at the metal surface from the surround- changing the nature or kinetics of the rate- anode reduce
ing solution (Fig. 2). Where the availability of X controlling reaction or process. They can be di- H+ at metal surface
is not a constraint, other processes may be rate rectly involved in the electron transfer processes
limiting. For example, a buildup of primary re- in the electrochemical cell represented by Eq 1 Atomic H enters
or be less directly involved through a number of metal matrix
action products such as M n on the anodic sur-
face can polarize the anode, stifle the rate of mechanisms, including depolarization of the an-
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the cathodic surface of an
metal oxidation, and limit the overall rate of cor- ode or cathode, disruption of passivating films, anaerobic corrosion cell in which H is reduced
rosion by anodic polarization. Similarly, a or rapid regeneration or provision of the electron to H on metal surface. The atomic hydrogen formed es-
acceptor, X. capes the cathodic surface by combining to form molecular
buildup of primary cathodic reaction products, hydrogen, 2H r H2, that desorbs from the surface or by
X n/m, can slow the overall process through entry as atomic hydrogen into the metal matrix.
cathodic polarization. A common example of Direct Involvement
this occurs under anaerobic conditions, where X in the Corrosion Process
H. In this case, reduction of protons from
Galvanic couple
the electrolyte leads to formation of atomic hy- Corrosion Mechanisms Involving SRB. Per-
drogen on the metal surface. To escape the sur- haps the best-known mechanism of MIC in-
face, atoms of hydrogen must combine to form volves corrosion cells generated and sustained
molecular hydrogen that can then be lost to so- on steel surfaces by the action of anaerobic SRB. Steel sulfide Bacterial enhancement
2e ?
Electrolyte SO42
mX H2
Desorption Fe SRB
and loss to APB
Loss to Transport Fe2+ S2
solution ?
solution to surface
X n/m
Mn+ Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the mechanism in an FeS
corrosion cell created by the action of SRB. Iron
sulfide sets up a galvanic couple with steel, sustained and
extended by the further action of SRB. The bacteria use
M n electrons electrons from the corrosion process, possibly in the form
Anode Cathode of cathodic hydrogen, to reduce soluble sulfate. Enzyme
assays for sulfate reductase and for hydrogenase have been
Oxidation of metal, M Reduction of electron developed as commercially available kits for assessing SRB
acceptor, X activity in corrosion sites. The presence of specific iron sul-
fides is also used to identify this form of MIC. Acid-pro-
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of a generic corrosion cell showing anodic oxidation of the metal (M) complemented by ducing bacteria (APB) may have a role in providing nutri-
cathodic reduction of an electron acceptor (X). The corrosion rate can be controlled by the rate of arrival of X ents to SRB, as suggested, and are often found in
at the cathodic surface, a buildup of metal ions, M, at the anode, or a buildup of reduced oxidant, Xn/m, at the cathode. association.
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ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention (#06072G)
Biological Corrosion Failures / 883

Various versions of this MIC mechanism have evidence for direct MIC based on other electron APB in field samples and for identifying related
been suggested (Ref 9). Figure 4 illustrates a acceptors is limited. A more general discussion MIC sites (Ref 32, 33). Fungal production of or-
plausible mechanism base on a galvanic couple of possible links between electrochemical reac- ganic acids has been implicated in the corrosion
formed between iron and iron sulfide sustained tions mediated in microbial metabolism and cor- of posttensioned cables used in construction (Ref
and extended by the active involvement of SRB. rosion is provided in Ref 18. 34).
The way in which electrons are transferred from Production of Corrosive Metabolites.
iron sulfide to the SRB, for example, is not well Indirect Involvement Other microbial metabolites have been recog-
resolved. It may occur directly or via formation nized as agents of MIC. The many scenarios in-
of cathodic hydrogen, as shown in Fig. 4, or by
in the Corrosion Process volving various sulfur species that are produced
another reaction involving reduction of H2S (Ref Microorganisms can influence the corrosion and consumed by microorganisms have been re-
6): process by a number of less direct mechanisms. viewed (Ref 35), and as-yet poorly described mi-
Depolarization Mechanisms. As previously crobially produced phosphorus compounds in
H2S electron r HS H (Eq 8) noted, a buildup of hydrogen on the cathodic sur- MIC have been implicated (Ref 11). It has been
face can stifle the corrosion process through suggested that hydrogen peroxide produced in
cathodic polarization (Fig. 3). Microorganisms biofilms plays a role in the crevice corrosion of
Typical rates of metal loss for unprotected line
with hydrogenase enzymes are able to use hy- 304 and 316L stainless steel (Ref 36).
pipe steel in an SRB/FeS corrosion scenario are
drogen and have been widely cited as acceler- Alteration of Surface Environments to Cre-
0.2 mm/year (0.008 in./year) for general corro-
ating anaerobic corrosion through cathodic de- ate Concentration Cells. In many industrial
sion and 0.7 mm/year (0.028 in./year) for pitting
polarization. Even though this concept has been water systems, colonization of metal surfaces by
corrosion (Ref 24), but the corrosion rate ob-
challenged (Ref 6), commercial kits for hydrog- sessile microorganisms creates a new environ-
served depends on the concentration of FeS in-
enase activity are available for assessing MIC in ment on the surface that may favor corrosion.
volved (Fig. 5). Consistent with the importance
practical applications (Ref 25). During the colonization process, microbes from
of this corrosion process in industrial facilities,
Metabolites, such as organic acids produced the aqueous phase quickly adhere to exposed
commercial test kits have been developed for
by acid-producing bacteria (APB), may alleviate steel surfaces and proceed to generate a slime
enumerating or assessing the activity of SRB in
anodic polarization. Organic acids can form sol- made up of excreted extracellular polysaccha-
operating systems (Ref 25).
uble chemical complexes with metal ions re- rides (EPS). The slime envelops the organisms
Formation of MIC corrosion cells involving
leased by the corrosion process, reducing the and creates a unique milieu for further devel-
iron sulfide need not be limited to the SRB. Ref-
buildup of Mn on anodic surfaces. Figure 6 il- opment of microbial communities and possible
erence 26 describes the corrosive action of bac-
lustrates the damaging effect of trace levels of MIC. The slime holds water, collects nutrients,
teria isolated from oil production facilities that
acetate (the conjugate base of the organic acid and recruits other microbes as well as particu-
are able to reduce thiosulfate to sulfide. These
acetic acid) in the corrosion of steel exposed to lates and other debris from the liquid phase. Or-
organic-acid-producing organisms could gener-
carbon-dioxide-saturated brine. Acid-producing ganisms in the biofilm are protected from direct
ate a corrosion cell based on iron sulfide but
bacteria and organic acids at the levels shown in exposure to biocides at dosages that would read-
would not show up in SRB assays based on sul-
Fig. 6 have been identified in external corrosion ily kill planktonic organisms freely suspended in
fate reduction.
sites in an extensive Gas Research Institute the water phase. The metal surface is similarly
Corrosion by Microbially Produced Man-
(GRI) program on pipeline MIC. Commercial shielded from doses of corrosion inhibitors
ganese (IV). Recent work has shown that mi-
kits and guides were produced for enumerating added to the system.
crobially produced MnO2 can corrode (Eq 9)
Corrosion commonly occurs due to concentra-
steel, provided that contact is made with the
tion cells established under the biofilm, where
metal surface (Ref 27):

Fe MnO2 4H r Fe2 Mn2 2H2O

(Eq 9)

Although the scenario is somewhat more com-

plex than suggested by Eq 9 and 10 there is evi-
dence that marine biofilms help to sustain the
Iron sulfide in soil with SRB, wt%

corrosion process by the rapid regeneration of

MnO2 (Eq 10) (Ref 28). Manganese-oxidizing
organisms have been implicated in the MIC of 101
304L stainless steel welds (Ref 29). Formation
of manganic oxide ennobles the potential of
stainless steel in natural waters (Ref 30). Enno-
blement shifts the potential above the repassi- 102
vation potential to the pitting potential for stain-
less steel and furnishes the increased cathodic
current density needed to propagate nucleated
corrosion sites: 103

O2 + Mn 2 + MnO2
microbial catalysis (Eq 10)
104 Fig. 6 Initial corrosion rates for steel exposed to car-
103 102 101 1 bonated 3% NaCl solution with 0, 100, and 1000
Other electron acceptors involved in mi- ppm acetate of 4, 9, and 18 mm/year (0.2, 0.4, and 0.7 in./
Sustained corrosion rate, mm/year year), respectively. This order is sustained after addition of
crobial metabolism include oxygen, nitrate, iron
25 ppm of a corrosion inhibitor, despite a significant re-
(III), and carbon dioxide. All of these species
could theoretically be involved as the electron Fig. 5 Rate of corrosion of unprotected steel in biolog- duction in the corrosion rate in all cases. Source: Ref 31,
ically active soil as a function of iron sulfide reproduced with permission of National Association of
acceptor, X, in the corrosion of metals (Eq 1) but present Corrosion Engineers International
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884 / Corrosion-Related Failures

oxygen levels are depleted and metabolite (e.g., Microbial Involvement in the microbial scenarios may involve inhibition
organic acid) concentrations may be high. Slime- Environmentally Assisted Cracking of hydrogen permeation and crack growth as
forming organisms are a recommended target of well as enhancement. Complex lab results have
monitoring programs for cooling water systems Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) of been reported on the enhanced permeation of hy-
(Ref 37) as are iron- and manganese-oxidizing susceptible materials under stress can be exac- drogen through carbon steel exposed to cultures
bacteria capable of laying down deposits of erbated by microbial activity. Potentially af- of SRB isolated from oilfield waters (Ref 46). It
metal oxides on affected surfaces. Mobile anions fected forms of EAC include sulfide-stress was suggested that an initial enhancement in hy-
such as chloride are attracted to the corroding cracking (SSC), hydrogen-induced cracking drogen flux caused by the bacteria was stifled for
surface under a biofilm and associated deposits (HIC), stress-oriented hydrogen-induced crack- a time by formation of a protective iron sulfide
by the release of positively charged metal ions. ing (SOHIC), near-neutral pH stress-corrosion (mackinawite) on the steel surface. Accelerated
Concentration of chloride can accelerate the cor- cracking (SCC), and corrosion fatigue. Accel- hydrogen permeation was later reestablished, an
rosion process further, especially in systems that erated corrosion and enhanced hydrogen uptake effect that the researchers attributed to produc-
rely on a passivating film on the metal surface can increase the probability of cracking as well tion of additional sulfide and organic acids by
to protect the underlying metal matrix from cor- as subsequent crack growth rates. the organisms disrupting the protective film.
rosion. Microorganisms can influence hydrogen up- In addition to corrosion and hydrogen effects,
Alteration of Passivating Layers. Some met- take by a metal directly through the microbial the buildup of certain microbial metabolites in
als are protected from corrosion by the formation production of hydrogen. Alternately, microbial an environment may also foster crack growth by
of a passivating film of metal oxide or other in- activity can promote entry of cathodic hydrogen EAC. One example is the production of high lev-
soluble deposits. It has been suggested that mi- into the metal matrix through production of re- els of CO2 needed to sustain near-neutral pH
crobial acceleration of corrosion on copper is the combination poisons that prevent the formation SCC (Ref 42). This CO2 may arise in SCC sites
result of incorporation of EPS into the copper and escape of molecular hydrogen from the on buried pipelines through biological activity in
oxide on the metal surface (Ref 38). This dis- metal surface (Fig. 3). Inside the steel, hydrogen the surrounding environment or be formed more
rupts the passivating film and is accompanied by concentrates in areas of stress, such as the plastic directly by biodegradation of susceptible com-
a reduction in pH due to metabolic activity. In a zone at the tip of a growing crack, or in areas of ponents in protective coatings or other materials
more complex example, 316L stainless steel ex- imperfection in the metal matrix, such as inclu- used in construction of a facility (Ref 21).
posed to a flowing microbial culture of Citro- sions or grain boundaries. In the former location, Metabolic intermediates in the microbial oxi-
bacter freundii in the laboratory was selectively hydrogen causes embrittlement of the metal and dation and reduction of sulfur can also cause
colonized at grain boundaries (Ref 39, 40). This facilitates the cracking process in, for example, trouble (Ref 35). Metastable sulfur oxyanions
led to the local depletion of chromium and iron SCC (Ref 42). At imperfections, formation of (e.g., thiosulfate and tetrathionate) can promote
content relative to nickel in the subsurface region molecular hydrogen can force voids to form in a severe intergranular stress-corrosion cracking
of the superficial oxide. A coculture of C. freun- metal matrix through a buildup of gas pressure. (IGSCC) of sensitized austenitic stainless steels
dii and the SRB, Desulfovibrio gigas, similarly This can lead to macroscopic blistering and and nickel-base Inconel alloys at very low con-
selectively colonized grain-boundary regions cracking within the steel matrix in the form of centrations in acidic to slightly acidic solution
and enhanced the local depletion of iron and the HIC or SOHIC. In general, these effects are of (Ref 41). As noted previously, metastable sulfur
accumulation of sulfur. The authors of the study greater concern in higher-strength steels (Ref oxyanions can be produced by microbial activity
suggested that these changes weakened the oxide 43). or by secondary oxidation of biogenically pro-
layer, predisposing the metal to a higher fre- duced iron sulfides. One suggested mechanism
Only a modest amount of work has been done
quency of pitting due to attack by chloride. It has for their role in IGSCC involves disproportion-
on the involvement of microorganisms in EAC
been noted that microorganisms can also pro- ation of the oxyanion to release elemental sulfur
relative to the potential importance of this topic.
duce organic acids and create conditions for for- in the acidified crack tip. This would enhance
The HIC of high-tensile-strength hard-drawn
mation of HCl or metal chlorides, including anodic dissolution of chromium-depleted grain
steel wire used for prestressing concrete pipe on
FeCl3, under biofilms (Ref 2). These agents boundaries, enabling accelerated cracking. In
exposure to laboratory cultures of the hydrogen-
cause the passivating layer on stainless steel to this case, promotion of crack growth results from
producing anaerobe, Clostridium acetobutyli-
fail, allowing pitting and crevice corrosion to enhanced corrosion at the crack tip rather than a
cum, has been demonstrated (Ref 44). While this
proceed. hydrogen embrittlement effect.
Massive failures due to pitting in water system simple experiment demonstrates a principle, the General souring of an operating environment
components, such as utility condensers made of real-world situation is likely to be more compli- through the biological formation of hydrogen
stainless steel, were identified as an MIC prob- cated due to competing effects, such as passi- sulfide is a serious concern in the oil and gas
lem in the 1970s (Ref 6). Corrosion damage was vation of the metal surface and consumption of sector. Significant concentrations of hydrogen
ascribed to metastable sulfur oxyanions pro- hydrogen by the mixed microbial population sulfide require production facilities to be con-
duced by SRB in the reduction of sulfate or likely to be present. structed for sour service to avoid integrity
formed in the oxidation of biogenic iron sulfide Metabolites, such as hydrogen sulfide or thio- problems. Souring of oil and gas reservoirs dur-
to elemental sulfur in oxygenated water (Ref 41). sulfate, can act as poisons for the hydrogen re- ing prolonged production or of gas storage cav-
Sulfur oxyanions, such as thiosulfate and tetra- combination reaction and drive cathodic hydro- erns over time can threaten production infra-
thionate, have been shown to reduce the pitting gen into steel (Fig. 3). Sulfide can accelerate structure designed to handle sweet sulfide-free
potential of stainless steel and promote the lo- crack growth rates even at trace concentrations. crude oil or gas. Consequently, control of in situ
calized corrosion of both stainless steels and Corrosion fatigue crack growth rates (per stress souring has attracted considerable effort (Ref
nickel-base alloys (e.g., Inconels) with or with- cycle) in RQT 701 steel exposed to seawater 47).
out the presence of chloride (Ref 6, 41). One have been shown to increase with increasing lev-
proposed mechanism involves the release of el- els of sulfide exposure in either biotic or abiotic
emental sulfur by the disproportionation or re- environments (Ref 45). It has also been noted Degradation of Protective Systems
duction of thiosulfate anions at the metal surface. that hydrogen permeation through steel under
The elemental sulfur enhances the anodic dis- CP in artificial seawater was greater for a mixed Microbiological influence on the integrity of
solution process and accelerates pitting. Active culture of bacteria producing 160 ppm of sulfide metal systems need not involve direct mediation
SRB help to inhibit repassivation of the metal than it was for the same concentration of sulfide of corrosion or cracking processes. In some sit-
surface where chloride is present as a pitting without bacteria. Attempts to demonstrate these uations, microbiological activity predisposes
agent. effects more generally led to the conclusion that metals to integrity problems through degradation
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ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure Analysis and Prevention (#06072G)
Biological Corrosion Failures / 885

of protective systems, including corrosion inhib- electrical potential that prevents oxidation of or a marked decline in the efficiency of heat ex-
itors, coatings, CP, or lubricants. metal. This can be achieved through the use of changers are indicators of possible biological
Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals intro- sacrificial anodes or by an impressed current sys- fouling. A history of failures due to unexpect-
duced into industrial systems to reduce the rate tem. In either case, maintenance of a protective edly high corrosion penetration rates may indi-
of metal loss. In some cases, these chemicals act potential requires the provision of an adequate cate MIC. Favored locations for failures include
as nutrients for MIC problems and are destroyed current density. Production of iron sulfides by low spots where water can collect in piping,
through biodegradation. In a long-term audit of active SRB can compromise CP potentials by dead-end or shut-in piping, tank bottoms at the
water recycle systems in a large oilfield, failure draining current from exposed steel surfaces. interface between liquid hydrocarbons and un-
costs were found to be inversely related to the Figure 7 shows the increase in current demand derlying water, or areas heavily fouled with sur-
residual concentrations of treatment chemicals in a laboratory soil box with time as SRB active face deposits (Fig. 9). Microbially induced cor-
used to control corrosion, as one would hope. in the soil produce increasing quantities of elec- rosion problems are found in refineries, cooling
The chemical treatment package included a film- trically conducting iron sulfides around steel water systems, sprinkler water systems, oilfield
ing amine corrosion inhibitor and ammonium bi- coupons at a fixed potential. An increased cur- water-handling systems, oil pipelines, and pulp
sulfite as an oxygen scavenger. Closer inspection rent demand has also been seen for stainless steel and paper mills but are not recognized as a major
of the data, however, showed that the residual surfaces when a steady-state biofilm is present issue in steam systems (Ref 57).
concentrations of the oxygen scavenger corre- (Ref 53) and in lab experiments involving an an- For external corrosion, past experience of sus-
lated with measured corrosion rates, indicating aerobic slime-forming APB (Vibrio natriegens) ceptible metal surfaces exposed to a wide range
that the ammonium bisulfite was actually being in pure culture (Ref 54). In the latter case, pro- of natural environments has led to a general un-
used as a nutrient by the SRB responsible for the duction of organic acids and exopolymers by V. derstanding of where corrosive conditions, in-
corrosion observed. The microbial population natriegens affected the formation of calcerous cluding MIC, can be expected to occur (Ref 58,
had to be independently controlled by targeted scales that would normally seal the cathodically 59).
biocide addition (Ref 48). This problem of con- protected surface, reducing current demand. In For soils, corrosion rates for steel and iron
flicting effects by different additives is a com- locations where increased current demand can- have been correlated with the pH, oxidation re-
mon issue in the design of cost-effective chem- not be met, the protective potential is lost. In the duction potential, resistivity, and water content
ical treatment programs. field, affected locations may show up as a local of the soil as well as with the type of soil. Very
As environmental concerns push treatment dip in close-interval-potential surveys. dry soils that lack the electrolyte needed to sup-
chemical suppliers to less toxic, biodegradable Lubricants protect metal components from port active corrosion cells are benign. Moist, aer-
materials (see Ref 49 for an example), compe- corrosion and wear in service. In some cases, obic soils, where oxygen can readily reach ex-
tition between biocides intended to reduce mi- these lubricants contain biodegradable hydrocar- posed steel, show corrosion rates typically in the
crobial populations and corrosion inhibitors that bons that support microbial growth where water range of 0.04 to 0.2 mm/year (0.002 to 0.008 in./
may feed them will become more common. is available and other conditions permit. Micro- year). Anaerobic soil environments, where oxy-
Protective Coatings. Buried structures and bial growth is, in turn, often accompanied by the gen is absent and where SRB have not precipi-
interior surfaces of tanks and piping are often production of surfactants that stabilize water/oil tated extensive iron sulfide deposits, show
protected by the application of protective coat- emulsions. These extend the interface available intermediate corrosion rates of 0.002 to 0.01
ings. While these coatings have improved over for microbial activity and can be quite stubborn mm/year (0.00008 to 0.0004 in./year). Where the
the years, many older coatings were susceptible to break. The combined effect of biodegradation focused action of SRB has exposed unprotected
to biodegradation in service. Microbial attack and emulsification can compromise the perfor- steel to extensive iron sulfide deposits, very high
can be seen, for example, in some polyvinyl mance of lubricants, leading to failure of metal corrosion rates, 0.2 mm/year (0.008 in./
chloride (PVC) coatings. While the polymer it- components (Ref 55). A case study involving the year), can be seen.
self remains relatively inert due to its large mo- failure of bearings in a marine engine is given in Attempts have been made to identify factors
lecular size, biological degradation of plasticiz- Ref 56. Commercial kits are available to track in soil environments that favor MIC by SRB for
ers used to make the material flexible can occur microbial growth in lubricants and identify im-
(Ref 50). Loss of plasticizer in older PVC tape pending problems in large marine engines as
coatings on pipelines has led to embrittlement well as other applications.
and coating failure in service. In a related ex-
ample, the adhesive used to affix polyethylene
tape coatings to line pipe has been found to be a Failure Analysis
source of nutrients for microbial sulfate reduc-
tion in external corrosion sites (Ref 21). Biodeg- Although MIC is acknowledged to occur on a
radation of adhesive may contribute to the loss wide range of metals, most reported failure anal-
of adhesion seen when these coatings are ex- yses have focused on iron, copper, aluminum,
posed to biologically active soils (Ref 51). Coat- and their alloys. This is not surprising, given the
ing failures of this sort block CP and have led to importance of these metals in industrial appli-
corrosion and SCC problems on operating pipe- cations.
line systems (Ref 22, 42).
The modern trend to more environmentally
friendly, safer materials also affects the formu- Steel and Iron
lation of paints and coatings used to protect in-
dustrial systems. This has raised concern that Industry Experience. Failure analysis for
these changes will coincidentally result in a loss steel and iron can begin with an assessment of
of resistance to microbial degradation for prod- the susceptibility of an operating system to MIC,
ucts in service (Ref 52). A conflicting strategy based on industry experience. It appears that al-
of adding more biocides to new formulations has most any system with free water present can host
been proposed. microbial activity, provided there is a source of
Cathodic Protection. Buried or submerged nutrients and an absence of toxic material. In
structures and some interior surfaces in process- processing facilities, an increase in pressure drop Fig. 7 Current demand needed to sustain a set CP po-
tential increases with time for steel in soil as SRB
ing facilities are protected by imposition of an or loss of flow through piping systems (Fig. 8) produce increasing quantities of iron sulfide.
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886 / Corrosion-Related Failures

eral smaller pits with hemispherical or cuplike

appearance, striations in the direction of rolling
in the steel pit bottom, and tunneling into the
sides of the corrosion pit (Fig. 10). The guides
provide appropriate photographs and methods
for identification of these features. Biological
analyses assess the number of viable SRB, APB,
and anaerobic bacteria present. Chemical anal-
ysis of corrosion products has limited applica-
tion in the scorecard and is more fully addressed
later. Commercial kits have been developed for
the analysis of the biological and chemical cri-
teria used in the guides. Use of these tools is not
confined to pipeline applications or soil environ-
ments. They are generally useful wherever the
corrosion of carbon steel is observed (Ref 64).
A complementary approach to use of an MIC
scorecard is based on the analysis of corrosion
Fig. 8 Friction factors for flow through instrumented sidestreams under biocide treatment in an oilfield-produced products and other deposits found on the cor-
water system can indicate biofouling. In this case, biocide A loses control of microbial fouling after 80 days, roded surface (Ref 20). This approach was de-
relative to biocide B, in a comparison carried out in a field performance evaluation facility equipped with parallel test veloped for pipeline facilities suffering external
lines (see Fig. 14).
corrosion (Ref 22). Qualitative chemical analysis
can be done in the field to identify the presence
of iron (II), iron (III), calcium, sulfide, and car-
buried pipe (Ref 60, 61). Table 1 summarizes a number of guides have been published (Ref 5, bonate. Addition of acid to a sample can detect
conditions that correlate with elevated SRB pop- 7, 32, 33, 37, 63). carbonate (by extensive bubble formation) and
ulations. Based on correlations of this sort, pre- Guides for identification of internal and exter- sulfide (by the odor of hydrogen sulfide or by its
dictive models have been developed to prioritize nal MIC were developed through a major GRI reaction with a color indicator such as lead ac-
maintenance activities in particular areas. program for natural gas pipelines. The guides etate). Iron (II) and (III) can be detected in the
Anaerobic sediments in freshwater or marine provide a scorecard for the identification of MIC resulting acid solution using standard ferricya-
environments generally host anaerobic microbial sites on mild steel, based on three types of evi- nide and thiocyanate tests. Addition of a solution
populations, including SRB that can create MIC dence (Ref 32, 33): of oxalate to the test solution after buffering with
problems. Guides have been developed at the excess sodium acetate yields a white precipitate
Metallurgical: appearance of the corrosion
University of Manchester Institute of Science if calcium is present. These qualitative chemical
and Technology to assess the potential risk of assays have been made available commercially
Biological: cell counts for SRB, APB, and
MIC due to SRB for sheet piling in sediments in in the form of a test kit through the GRI program
general bacterial population
ports and harbors and for design of CP systems noted previously. X-ray diffraction (XRD) anal-
Chemical: identification of corrosion prod-
on subsea pipelines (Ref 62). ysis of crystalline material in corrosion products
ucts and other deposits
Identification of MIC Sites. Possible MIC and associated deposits can provide more de-
sites are often tentatively identified by the rapid- The metallurgical evidence is given the heav- tailed insight (Ref 24). A summary of corrosion
ity, severity, and localized nature of the corro- iest weighting, sufficient to pronounce MIC as products indicating different corrosion scenarios
sion. Confirmation is based on analysis of met- being very likely in the absence of any other is given in Table 2.
allurgical damage, microorganisms, corrosion evidence from biological or chemical tests. Key The presence of a hard, white, calcium car-
products, deposits, and environmental factors. features of the metallurgical fingerprint ascribed bonate scale is good evidence that effective CP
There is no single approach to this problem, but to MIC include corrosion pits composed of sev- potentials were achieved on metal surfaces
where it is found. Identification of the very se-
vere corrosion scenario due to iron sulfide cor-
rosion cells developed by SRB can be made

Table 1 Factors correlating with sulfate-

reducing bacteria (SRB) numbers for buried
pipeline sites
Factor coefficient Range
Bacterial numbers 0.829 103108 cells/g wet soil
Total organic carbon 0.645 0.051.2%
in groundwater
Soil resistivity 0.642 50030,000 X cm
Soil water content 0.626 536%
Soil oxidation 0.545 316 to 384 mV (CSE)
reduction potential
Sulfate in 0.455 0.3200 mg/g wet soil
Fig. 10 Microbially induced corrosion showing stria- Clay 0.407 N/A
Fig. 9 Dead-end piping reveals extensive black depos- tions in the bottom and tunneling into the walls
Note: CSE, copper-copper sulfate electrode. Source: Ref 60
its through an open flange in refinery piping. of overlapping pits, as described in Ref 32
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based on analysis of corrosion products, as noted Presence of microorganisms or their byprod- failures. Statistical analysis of corrosion failures
in Table 2. The observation of iron (II) sulfide in ucts seen in once-through cooling systems on the
association with severe pitting or areas of sig- Microbiologically unique corrosion morphol- Rhine River show that a disproportionate num-
nificant metal loss in contact with dense, black ogy ber occur in stainless steel systems relative to
corrosion products is definitive for this scenario. Specific corrosion products and deposits carbon steel. Estimates of MIC as a percent of
In some failure sites, extensive iron (II) sulfide Compatible environmental conditions total corrosion failures for stainless steel systems
present as a finely divided, black solid causes the may be as high as 20% but are probably 10%
general blackening of soil and corrosion deposits The use of these factors for diagnosis of MIC (Ref 66).
(Fig. 11). The additional presence of iron (III) scenarios in cooling water systems is addressed Weldments in Stainless Steel. Most failures
suggests secondary oxidation has occurred, with in Table 3. are associated with welds, because areas of join-
potentially very serious corrosion consequences ing tend to be inherently more susceptible to cor-
(Table 2) (Ref 24). In extreme cases, overlapping rosive attack than the base material. Studies have
corrosion pits can lead to extensive areas of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys of Steel shown that heat-tinted zones are especially vul-
metal loss sufficient to cause pressurized piping nerable. These zones are created in a welding
or vessels to fail through rupture. This type of Microbially induced corrosion on stainless process where material above the scaling tem-
failure presents an inherently greater risk than steel leads mostly to pitting or crevice corrosion perature is contacted by air. The result is a mi-
formation of a leak due to perforation of the steel
by isolated pitting.
Table 2 does not include corrosion scenarios Table 2 Indicator minerals found as corrosion products in various corrosion scenarios
due to APB. This possibility can be assessed us- seen in pipeline excavations and laboratory soil box tests
ing the methods described in the MIC field Corrosion rate,
guides described previously or by analysis of de- Corrosion scenario Corrosion products (color, chemistry, mineral form) mm/year
posits for organic acids. Simple corrosion processes
A cryptic guide to the identification of corro- Abiotic aerobic corrosion (O2 is the electron Yellow/orange/brown/black iron (III) oxides, 0.040.2
sion in oil and gas operations offers two MIC acceptor, X, in cathodic reaction, Eq 2) including lepidocrosite, goethite, magnetite,
scenarios (Ref 65). One, based on SRB, is iden- maghemite, hematite
tified by: Abiotic anaerobic corrosion (H as X in cathodic Pasty or dispersed white iron (II) carbonate 0.0020.01
reaction, Eq 2) (siderite)
Slope-walled pits within pits Anaerobic MIC (SRB with biotic iron sulfide as Black, finely divided iron (II) sulfides, including 0.2 general
Attached SRB X, Eq 2) amorphous iron sulfide, mackinawite, greigite 0.7 pitting
A source of sulfate Secondary transformations involving MIC
Aerobic r anaerobic MIC (SRB/FeS) Iron (II) sulfides, including marcasite and pyrite ...
A second scenario, based on APB, is identified Anaerobic MIC (SRB/FeS) r aerobic Elemental sulfur, iron (III) oxides residual 25(a)
by: anaerobic corrosion products
Steep-sided, sharp-edged, fibery-bottomed (a) This very high corrosion rate may not be sustained beyond the period of secondary oxidation of the anaerobic site.
Attached APB
Trace organic materials (presumably organic
Reference 37 describes a wider range of tests
and considerations for cooling water systems,
and active and passive MIC scenarios are con-
sidered. In active scenarios, the organisms par-
ticipate directly in corrosion processes. Micro-
organisms involved include SRB and acid
producers. In this case, sulfur-oxidizing aerobic
bacteria, such as Thiobacilli, that produce very
acidic conditions and denitrifiers capable of re-
ducing the pH to 3 are considered as well as the
organic APB. Consideration of aerobic organ-
isms is consistent with highly oxygenated envi-
ronments found in cooling water circuits. Pas-
sive corrosion scenarios include underdeposit
attack due to concentration cells set up under
biofilms by slime-forming microbes or iron- and
manganese-oxidizing bacteria (referred to as
metal depositors by the researchers). Other or-
ganisms considered include algae that produce
dense, thick mats of biomass on sunlit surfaces
in cooling towers. These can foster underdeposit
attack due to concentration cells and produce
high levels of oxygen as well as nutrients for
other organisms. In one case, ammonia released
by the decay of algal biomass was blamed for
SCC in a brass condenser.
The following four factors in the identification
Fig. 11 FeS/SRB corrosion under disbonded polyolefin tape coating on a buried pipeline in a wet anaerobic location
of corrosion as MIC were looked for (Ref 37): shows soft, black corrosion products rich in iron sulfides overlying severe pitting
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888 / Corrosion-Related Failures

gration of chromium into the surface scale, leav- Microbially induced corrosion is often asso- It has been noted that higher alloying in weld
ing underlying material depleted and susceptible ciated with stagnant, untreated water being combinations seems to improve resistance to
to corrosion. Removing the heat-tinted scale and left in piping over extended periods (Ref 63 MIC (Ref 76). This observation is supported by
underlying surface by pickling, electrochemical 72). It has been suggested that intermittent a systematic laboratory study of stainless steel
cleaning, or mechanical grinding prevents cor- flow or low flow rates are most damaging (304, 316L, and 317L) and Ni-Cr-Mo (alloy 625)
rosion damage with or without bacteria (Ref 67, (Ref 75). alloy weldments cleaned of surface thermal ox-
68) for 304L, 308L, or 316L material. It has been Damage often occurs at many welds in an af- ides (Ref 77); however, later work on as-received
suggested that pickling is the most effective ap- fected section of piping. In one power plant welds showed that thermal oxides produced dur-
proach (Ref 69). Heat tinting can be avoided by cooling system using lake water, radiography ing the welding process can obscure this depen-
use of an effective inert gas blanket in the weld- indicated that 50% of the welds in 316L pip- dence. In all cases, exposure of specimens to
ing procedure. ing showed indications of deep MIC pitting lake water augmented by active SRB reduced the
Microbially induced corrosion is perhaps the (Ref 72). polarization resistance of the alloys relative to
only mechanism that can perforate stainless steel Pitting seems more prevalent in the bottom sterile controls. This was true even for alloys
piping in neutral aqueous service, such as river third of the pipe (Ref 63). with 9% Mo content; however, no documented
water cooling, in a matter of months (Ref 70). It Low pH or high chloride concentrations in the corrosion failures due to MIC in alloys with 6%
is suggested that this may be due to the ratio of pit environment enhance attack (Ref 76). Mo or more could be found to support the idea
cathodic to anodic areas, where a single phase,
for example, ferrite, is preferentially attacked
relative to a large area of less susceptible mate-
rial. Penetration rates of 17 mm/year (0.7 in./
year) in United Numbering System (UNS) Table 3 Factors for the diagnosis of MIC scenarios in cooling water systems
30800 welds have been reported. Perforation of Specific corrosion products
316L stainless steel weldments in piping with Microorganism (metabolite) Corrosion morphology and deposits

5.5 mm (0.2 in.) wall thickness in industrial wa- Active MIC

ter systems under intermittent flow in four Sulfate-reducing bacteria (sulfide) Clustered hemispherical pits on stainless steel, Metal sulfides present
months has been described (Ref 70). Carpenter 20, aluminum, carbon steel. Rare on Voluminous, brown, friable
titanium. Copper poorly defined tubercles of iron (III)
Preferential attack of some sort is a common Very irregular pit surface in less noble metals oxides over pit
feature of MIC case studies (Ref 63, 7073). Acid producers (lower-pH Corrosion is localized, moderate None stated
Corrosion is often focused on the weld material organic acids for acid- Striations in steel under tubercles, as for preferential
or at the fusion line for the weld (Fig. 12a). Pit producing bacteria)(a) acid dissolution of microstructure in rolling
surfaces are often described as dendritic, consis-
tent with preferential corrosion (Ref 63, 7173), Passive MIC
but the preferential attack of a single phase need Slimers (gelatinous mass with General corrosive attack under slime Rusting may color surfaces
not be a feature of MIC. From detailed study of high microbial numbers) Pitting if SRB present brown
UNS 30800 weld specimens, it has been con- (a) Acid producers are often associated with SRB but outnumber them in this case. Organisms such as Clostridia, Thiobacillus, and Nitrobacter are
cited as potential acid producers. Source: Ref 37
cluded that either ferrite or austenite can be pref-
erentially attacked, or they may corrode together,
depending on a number of possible conditions
(Ref 70). Abiotic attack by FeCl3 solutions has
been found to give similar effects to MIC, based
on comparison of chemically degraded speci-
mens with samples from identified MIC sites
(Ref 70, 74). Preferential attack can also occur
in a single phase, due to cold work effects on
microstructure (Ref 70, 74).
As previously noted, microbially induced in-
tergranular pitting and IGSCC can occur in sen-
sitized stainless steels, where low chromium
content at grain boundaries allows preferential
dissolution (Ref 41). However, it has been found
that transgranular pitting due to MIC in the heat-
affected zone in socket-welded specimens of 304
stainless steel exposed to flowing lakewater (500
to 600 ppm chloride) over 6 to 18 months was
not focused in sensitized areas (Ref 74). Instead,
pitting occurred along deformation lines left by
cold working of the metal during manufacturing.
Annealing the material at 1150 C (2100 F) was
suggested as a way to remove these features and
increase resistance of the material to MIC. No
pitting was seen in the base metal for either
furnace-sensitized or girth-welded specimens of
304 or 316 stainless steel after similar exposure
(Ref 74). Fig. 12 MIC of stainless steel weldments. (a) MIC showing a surface view of interdendritic attack at the fusion line of
a stainless steel weldment. A, nondentritite; D, dendrite. (b) Cross section of MIC at a stainless steel
A number of trends seem apparent, based on weldment showing extensive corrosion of weld metal and fusion line, with a relatively small opening at the bold surface.
past failure analyses: Source: Ref 71. Reproduced with permission of National Association of Corrosion Engineers International
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that elevated molybdenum content can provide At least two sorts of surface deposits were re- Stainless Steels. Corrosion-resistant alloys
added resistance to corrosion damage (Ref 2). ported. Most of the surface of service water pip- can suffer MIC failures in the body of the ma-
It was recommended that failure analysis for ing receiving lake water was covered by a tightly terial not associated with welds. Numerous re-
stainless steel cooling systems include biological packed, black, slimy deposit that had a high con- ports of pitting and crevice corrosion due to MIC
analysis of associated water and deposits, chem- tent of manganese and iron, with trace sulfide, have been noted for austenitic (304, 304L, and
ical analysis of water, and radiography of welds silicon, and aluminum present (Ref 72). No cor- 316L) stainless steels (Ref 2).
(Ref 63). Microbially induced corrosion in pit- rosion was reported under these deposits. Rust- Microbially induced corrosion has been de-
ting at weldments in stainless steel was identified colored deposits found in a small area (6.5 cm2) scribed in underdeposit corrosion in heat ex-
by (Ref 74): at the weld were rich in chromium and iron, with changers cooled with lake water in tubes made
sulfur, chlorine, aluminum, and silicon in of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) type
The combination of bacteria present and mor-
smaller concentrations. This rust-colored deposit 304L stainless steel and nickel alloys (UNS
phology of pits
covered the opening of an extensive corrosion N08800, N08025, and N08028) (Ref 78). Pitting
Corrosion features with small surface open-
cavity in the underlying metal (Fig. 12b). This was found under calcite (calcium carbonate) de-
ings leading to bulbous cavities in the steel
is a unique form of pitting associated with MIC posits after one year for N08800 and 304L, while
matrix at welds
in weldments in stainless steel. The cavity open- deep pits were found after three years for mo-
The absence of other agents that could ac-
ings are often associated with rust-colored stains lybdenum-containing alloys N08025 and
count for the attack
on the surface metal or with rust-colored depos- N08028. Failure analysis found that microorgan-
While SRB in mixed populations are a favor- its rich in iron and manganese (Ref 63, 66). isms played a key role in the degradation pro-
ite for laboratory studies, and sulfides are often Radiography or destructive testing of field cess. Anaerobic methanogens promoted deposi-
found in associated deposits on affected metal specimens reveals the large cavities to be a series tion of calcium carbonate, setting the stage for
surfaces in the field, the microbiology found in of pits branching off one another to give a bul- crevice corrosion. Oxygen introduced with flow
case studies tends to be complex. A wide range bous and irregular void volume sometimes as- on startup then oxidized biogenic sulfides pro-
of organisms can be present, especially in cool- sociated with tunneling in the direction of rolling duced by SRB during periods of stagnation,
ing systems drawing on natural waters. All sorts along stringers of ferrite or austenite (Ref 63, when anaerobic conditions prevailed. Formation
of bacteria were found to be present in once- 74). This form of pitting is focused on weld of thiosulfate through oxidation stabilized meta-
through cooling systems using untreated river metal or the fusion line, with wall perforation stable pitting in the affected alloys, promoting
water, including sulfur oxidizers, iron oxidizers, occurring through a second small opening on the corrosion even at low chloride levels. It has been
iron reducers, SRB, nitrogen oxidizers, and de- opposite metal surface. The frequent observation suggested that the same mechanism was respon-
nitrifiers (Ref 66). Aerobes, anaerobes, SRB, and of sulfide in associated surface deposits (Fig. 13) sible for perforation of 316 stainless steel weld-
APB were reported to be present in slimes and implies that SRB are commonly involved at ments (Ref 71).
nodules on the metal surface (Ref 74). The pres- some stage, but iron-oxidizing bacteria, particu- Elemental mapping of deposits in and around
ence of iron oxidizers and slimers for MIC prob- larly Gallionella, found in the pits have come to the pits that formed under the calcite deposits
lems in UNS S30800 stainless steel welds has be associated with this corrosion morphology. showed:
been cited (Ref 69), while Gallionella in char- Gallionella oxidize Fe2 to Fe3 in their metab-
High levels of nickel, iron, and sulfur around
acteristic MIC pits has been specifically identi- olism, leading to the formation of characteristic
the pit
fied (Ref 63). Enhanced numbers of manganese- rust-colored deposits. The acidity of the hydrated
Chromium as the major metal component in
oxidizing bacteria have been noted in deposits ferric ion produced decreases the pH of the local
the pit
formed on corroded welds in 304L stainless steel environment. Whether Gallionella initiate pit-
Chlorine at low levels or not at all
specimens exposed to Lake of Constance water ting or are attracted to the anodic area by the
in lab studies (Ref 29). release of ferrous ions through a previously ex- The calcite scale overlying corrosion stains on
Surface deposits in nine case studies (Ref 63, isting anaerobic corrosion process is not clear. the metal surface was etched and contained en-
6668, 72) contained iron, silicon, and sulfur in The latter seems more likely. Once iron-oxidiz- hanced levels of iron, nickel, and chromium de-
75% of the samples analyzed (Fig. 13). Man- ing organisms are established, reduction in the rived from the corrosion process (Ref 78).
ganese, chromium, and aluminum were also fre- pH of the corrosion pit and concentration cells An example of MIC in martensitic stainless
quently found (50% of samples), but more sol- established by the buildup of iron (III) oxide de- steel under severe service conditions has been
uble ions, such as chloride and potassium, were posits help to drive the corrosion process. described (Ref 79). Rapid corrosion under a
detected in less than half the samples. Literature reports identify several possible thick, slimy, jellylike deposit on stainless steel
MIC scenarios on stainless steel weldments. Ta- (UNS S40300) drive chain systems in clarifiers
ble 4 summarizes the organisms and features that in a wastewater treatment plant led to 40% metal
may be useful in failure analysis. loss in the first year of operation. The steel had

Frequency, %

60 Table 4 MIC scenarios that may play a role in the corrosion of weldments in stainless
MIC by Mechanism Indicators Ref
20 Manganese oxidizers Ennoblement of stainless steel Elevated manganese-oxidizing organisms, 29, 30
potential due to MnO2 manganese, and possibly chloride in deposits
0 SRB primary Sulfides, SRB facilitate chloride Dark-colored corrosion products, with iron sulfide, 71








attack in anaerobic systems chloride, and a high ratio of Fe2/Fe3; near-

neutral pH
SRB secondary oxidation Pitting stabilized by thiosulfate Cyclic anaerobic, aerobic conditions; surface of 71
formed by oxidation of sulfides corrosion products in pit oxidized red, orange,
or brown
Iron-oxidizing bacteria Decrease of pH by oxidation of Red/orange corrosion products rich in Fe3; iron- 63
Fig. 13 Most commonly found elements in nine de- Fe2 to Fe3 in pits oxidizing organisms such as Gallionella; pH
posits from MIC sites in stainless steel cooling acidic
water systems (expressed as percent of deposits showing
SRB, sulfate-reducing bacteria
element). Source: Ref 63, 66, 71
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890 / Corrosion-Related Failures

been tempered for wear resistance at the cost of to balance the buildup of positive charge at the with selective leaching of this metal from the
reduced corrosion resistance. Components made corroding surface. Chloride and other aggressive alloy, and the groundwater contained appreciable
of 304L substituted into service in the unit cor- anions can be concentrated under biofilms, lead- levels of chloride that may have assisted in the
roded at half the rate of 403 but were subject to ing to disruption of passive films that would oth- breakdown of the passivating film protecting the
unacceptable levels of wear. The gray outer layer erwise protect the metal surface. metal surface.
of the slime was rich in silicon and oxygen, with Concentration cells set up under biofilms and A comparison was done of the corrosion fail-
carbon, sulfur, and chlorine present in decreasing production of corrosive metabolites, such as re- ure of power station condenser tubing cooled by
amounts. The dark-black inner layer showed ma- duced pH, organic acids, and anaerobic sulfide, seawater for two copper alloys, an aluminum
jor amounts of sulfur, chromium, and oxygen. can lead to corrosion of copper and copper al- brass alloyed with arsenic (UNS C68700, ASTM
Sulfate-reducing bacteria, APB, slime formers, loys. Copper is susceptible to pitting, especially B111, or CuZn20Al Deutsche Industrie-Normen
and pseudomonads were all identified in samples in acidic media where oxidants are present. In (DIN) 17660), and a cupronickel 70-30 alloy
of water and slime. High levels of biogenic hy- alkaline media, production of ammonia or am- with iron added (C71500, ASTM B111, or
drogen sulfide were generally present in the wa- monium salts can promote SCC. CuNi30Fe DIN17665) (Ref 84). Both kinds of
ter phase, but the atmosphere over the fluid in Sulfide production by SRB is one of the most tube had identical dimensions and had seen simi-
the clarifiers was aerobic. This led to prolifera- potent MIC scenarios. Sulfate-reducing bacteria lar service, with failure occurring by perforation
tion of sulfide- and sulfur-oxidizing organisms can become established during long periods of from internal pitting under sediment deposits.
(Thiothrix and Beggiatoa) at the interface, pro- stagnation or in periods of intermittent flow in The presence of Cu2xS in the corrosion prod-
ducing very acidic local conditions for exposed water systems (Ref 75). Copper sulfides depos- ucts implicated MIC by SRB as the cause of fail-
components of the chain system. The high chlo- ited in the protective film by bacterial activity ure, but this occurred more rapidly in the cupro-
ride content of the wastewater (up to 200 ppm) are rapidly oxidized when a flow of oxygenated nickel alloy. The copper sulfide was close to
was also an issue. Given the extreme operating water is introduced into the system, resulting in stoichiometric Cu2S on the aluminum brass but
environment created, in part, by microbial activ- exposure and corrosion of the underlying metal. enriched in sulfur on the cupronickel tube. In the
ity, finding materials able to offer a reasonable Failure analysis can be based on identification of latter, large spherical pits were seen, with per-
service life at an acceptable cost remains a chal- specific copper sulfides formed as corrosion foration taking the form of large, round holes. In
lenge. products. These include digenite (Cu9S5), spion- the aluminum brass, big elliptic pits were seen,
kopite (Cu39S28), chalcocite (Cu2S), and covel- with small holes perforating the tube wall. These
lite (CuS). It is thought that digenite, formed ini- differences were attributed to differences in the
Copper and Its Alloys tially, undergoes subsequent transformation to pitting mechanism for the two alloys.
chalcocite, the most characteristic corrosion Alloy Cu-10%Ni (UNS C70600) is used ex-
Copper is widely used in a variety of appli- product for sulfate-reducing bacteria MIC sce- tensively for condenser tubing in seawater ap-
cations, because it is relatively low-cost, strong, narios (Ref 80). Djurleite (Cu1.96S) formed in a plications, because it offers good corrosion re-
and corrosion resistant. In addition, it conducts SRB scenario may deposit as a passivating film, sistance at reasonable cost. In polluted, brackish
heat and electricity well and is readily formed, but this is likely to lack the mechanical stability waters, however, severe localized corrosion has
machined, and joined. Copper and brasses (cop- needed to provide lasting protection to the metal led to failures within three years of service. An
per and zinc alloys) are used, for example, in surface in most industrial situations (Ref 2). The investigation of MIC in these systems used on-
electrical wiring, water piping, architectural ap- biogenic origin of the sulfide in MIC scenarios line monitoring techniques and found elevated
plications, heat exchangers, condensers, bear- on copper has been supported by stable isotope numbers of SRB in both the water phase (107
ings, and valves, while bronzes (silicon, tin, and analysis showing enrichment of 32S in the cor- cells mL1) and in a surface biofilm (105 cells
aluminum-amended copper) are used in bear- rosion products relative to the sulfate present in mL1) (Ref 85). A chlorination treatment in-
ings, impellers, pumps, screens, and special-pur- solution (Ref 35). tended to control the microbial problem desta-
pose tubing. Cupronickel alloys are used in heat Pitting morphology can also provide a key to bilized the protective oxide film on the metal sur-
exchanger tubing and ships. the identification of MIC in failure analysis. Two face and made matters worse.
Copper is more-or-less susceptible to MIC in forms of pitting have been identified with MIC Example 2: SCC of Admiralty Brass Con-
all its forms; however, copper-base alloys do in potable water systems (Ref 80). One of these denser Tubes. Microbes initiated SCC failures
show significant resistance to biofouling (Ref has been dubbed pepper-pot pitting. In this in admiralty brass condenser tubes in a nuclear
80). Copper-nickel alloys, in particular, are used form of damage, a conical cap of gray corrosion plant cooled by freshwater (Ref 86). About 2500
in marine applications, because of their resis- products (copper sulfate and cupric oxide) over- tubes had to be replaced over a span of six years
tance to both fouling and corrosion. Resistance lies a cluster of pits. Sulfides are present in some operation. Analyses were carried out for micro-
to biofouling appears to be based on the slow pits, and biofilms rich in EPS are invariably seen. organisms, water chemistry (for both intake and
release of toxic copper ions. In the second morphology identified with MIC, outfall), and corrosion products in the operating
Elevated production of slime by microbial hemispherical pits are filled with crystalline cu- system and on test coupons exposed to the op-
biofilms that develop on copper and its alloys prous oxide, with chloride often present at the erating environment. Nitrate-reducing bacteria
suggests that EPS acts as a binding agent for metal surface. A tubercle over these pits is com- from the lakewater used in cooling were found
copper ions that would otherwise inhibit micro- posed of pale-green basic copper sulfate carbon- to produce high levels of ammonia (5.8 mg/L)
bial growth (Ref 81). The EPS exopolymers tend ate (Cu(OH)x(SO4)y) and blue Cu(OH)2CaCO3. when established in biofilms. Ammonia levels at
to be acidic and contain functional groups that Tubercles are covered by an outer layer of black the metal surface were 300 times higher than
bind metal ions. This capability has been linked cupric oxide, in some cases. Biofilm materials background levels in the lake water. Copper
to the formation of copper concentration cells are seen associated with the original metal sur- amine complexes were identified in the surface
under biofilms, the transport of metal ions away face and with the tubercle. deposits, and nitrate and oxygen in the incoming
from the corroding surface, and variations in po- Example 1: MIC of Brass Piping. A failure water were considered as accelerating factors for
tential on the underlying surface (Ref 82). In- of buried brass (92% Cu, 8% Zn) piping used to the cracking process.
corporation of EPS in the oxide surface film that carry drinking water in wet clay soil after less
normally protects copper and its alloys from cor- than two years service was attributed to MIC
rosive attack is a key reason for the occurrence (Ref 83). Excavation showed the presence of soil Aluminum and Its Alloys
of MIC in potable water systems (Ref 38). While blackened by deposition of sulfides and high
EPS may bind the metal ions released by cor- numbers of SRB around the pipe. The external Aluminum is the third most abundant metal in
rosion, it also allows an influx of mobile anions pipe surface showed a loss of zinc consistent the crust of the earth and second only to iron in
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