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Adamawa electoral commission to recruit 4,000 ad hoc staff for council polls

Yola, July 7, 2011 (NAN) The Adamawa State Independent Electoral Commission
(ADSIEC) has concluded arrangements to recruit 4,000 ad hoc staff for local government
elections in the state.

The Chairman of the commission, Alhaji Zailani Ahmed, told the News Agency of
(NAN) in Yola on Wednesday, that about N400 million would be spent by the
commission for the polls.

He added that the commission would look into the possibility of using
NYSC members for the polls.

``We used to rely on secondary school leavers and graduates of tertiary institutions as
some ad hoc staff, but this time around, we are looking into the possibility of using youth
corps members.''

Ahmed said that although no date had been fixed for the polls, the commission had
already given the mandatory 120 days notice to all the 20 political parties with offices in
the state.

NAN reports that the two and half year tenure of elected local government councils in
the state expired
in June.

The state government has directed the out-going council chairmen to hand over to the
head of service in their councils, pending further directives. (NAN)
Niger holds LG elections on July 8

Minna, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The Niger State Independent Electoral Commission
(NSIEC) on Wednesday announced that election into the 25 local government councils in
the state would hold on Friday.

This was contained in a statement signed in Minna

by Alhaji Muhammed Ali, the NSIEC Public Relations Officer.

According to the statement, the local government election time table and guidelines have
been presented to political parties and security agents after a stakeholders meeting held
on July 5, 2011.

``The guidelines and time table were unanimously adopted and accepted by all
stakeholders after a brain storming session.''

It called for maximum cooperation from the participating political parties in the state,
noting that the commission was determined to conduct free, fair and credible elections.

The statement advised political parties and their leaders to educate their members on the
need to eschew violence during the election.

``The electoral body will not tolerate any act that runs contrary to granting the electorate
the opportunity to choose leaders of their choice.''

Meanwhile, Alhaji Buhari Mohammed, the Permanent Secretary in the commission, has
assured the people of the commissions readiness to conduct free, fair and credible
elections into the 25 local government councils.

It would be recalled that the Gov. Babangida Aliyu-led PDP administration in the state
had extended the tenure of the local government chairmen twice since the inception of his
administration in 2007.

The conduct of local government elections in the state was

delayed by six months, hence the tenure of the present caretaker committee would expire
in August 2011. (NAN)
PCC calls on FG to ensure execution of abandoned projects



Abuja, July 6, 2011(NAN) The Public Complaints Commission (PCC) on Wednesday

called on the Federal Government to ensure that all awarded projects across the
country were completed.

Mr Eteng Otu, PCC National Secretary made the call in Abuja, during a Town Hall forum
entitled: ''Increase Public Awareness on Procedures for Handling Public Procurement
Related Complaints''.

He said that there were many abandoned and substandard projects in the country because
of lack of proper supervision.

``We are here to throw light on the ill-effects of harbouring such ideals and attitudes, this
will, in a way, help the Federal Government to find new approaches to ensure that
projects are properly executed before commissioning.

``Unless people are held accountable for lapses for the poor award and execution of
contracts, the development strides of the country would experience drawbacks.

``This would occasion unemployment, increased crime rate, low living standards and the
hope for greater economic and political freedom of our children would have been
He stressed the need for government to emphasise on standards and the quality of
projects and make such standard public to sensitise the people effectively on what to
expect from their state and local governments.

Otu advised the government to publicise any completed project and to ensure that such
projects passed through comprehensive monitoring and inspection.

``We are also aware that the problem of procurement is not only the issue of non-payment
to the contractors.

``There is also the fact that some contractors defraud government by using inferior goods
for jobs and some abscond with the money given for the projects.

``The technical issue of lowest bidder therefore becomes an issue, if it will lead to job
abandonment, due diligence on the company to handle the job is necessary to avoid
awarding the job to wrong companies, Otu added.

He also stressed the need for contractors and members of the public to report and initiate
action into problem areas, adding that one of the areas was handling of public
procurement related complaints. (NAN)


Civil Defence to install CCTV cameras nationwide



Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), on
Wednesday in Abuja, handed over CCTV cameras and other security gadgets to States'
Zonal Commandants for installation across the country.

Commandant General of NSCDC, Dr Ade Abolurin, represented at the event by Deputy

Commandant General Evans Ewurum, advised Nigerians to be security conscious by
``going to sleep with one eye closed''.

He said it was important for all Nigerians to become involved in securing their lives and
property, because of the high rate of insecurity caused by some disgruntled elements in
the country.

``Everybody should be involved, those not in the security business should go home and
sleep with only one eye closed,'' he said.

He said that equipment, such as CCTV cameras, bomb detectors, energy bulbs and others,
would be installed in strategic places in all states of the federation as a way of tracking
criminal activities.
Abolurin who also distributed information boxes, urged the public to drop any useful
security information if they were afraid to come directly to security agents.

He said that such information would be analysed and used for operations by the Corps for
security purposes.

``The era of getting information and keeping same to yourself is gone. This battle is not
for civil defence alone, we all need to be security conscious,'' he said.

He said each state would have enough CCTV cameras to go round, adding that criminals
should beware as they were being watched.

Explaining the energy bulbs donated to the Corps by The Energy Commission of Nigeria
(ECN), The Scientific Officer of the Commission, Mr Ahmed Tijjani, said that the bulbs
were not only more efficient, but energy saving.

Tijjani said the 14 watts bulbs were brighter and would save cost as well as energy that
could be conserved and used for other purposes.

He said that the commission which was also donating the bulbs to other security
agencies, would monitor the lights to ensure effective use.
Tijjani said that ECN embarked on the project in collaboration with The ECOWAS
Commission and the Cuban government.(NAN)

Civil Defence parades 2 suspected fraudsters

Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), on
Wednesday in Abuja, paraded
two men for allegedly defrauding some people of millions of Naira for ministerial

Parading the two men, Chibuike Alozie and Momoh Rolland, the Commandant General
of the Corps, Dr Ade Abolurin,
said that the arrest was in line with NSCDC's promise to ``harvest criminals.''

Abolurin, who was represented by Deputy Commandant General, Evans Ewurum, said
that the suspects had duped an
unnamed man of N20 million to facilitate his appointment as a minister.

He said that the same group had attempted to swindle another man, but were unlucky as
the man who was a lawyer
exposed them and helped the Corps to arrest them.

He said that the two men were arrested on Tuesday at Pilgrims House, Wuse Zone 5, in
Abuja metropolis.

Abolurin advised the public to be wary of phone calls for interviews to facilitate their
appointments for political offices.
He advised that no one should give money for appointment, adding that if any
person would be given
an appointment, such person would be notified by a responsible official in a designatted

One of the suspects, Rolland, who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), said
that he gave Alozie, whom he knew as a Hotel Manager in Gwagwalada, Abuja, a lift and
was waiting for him outside when he
was arrested. (NAN)

Ihedioha condoles families of Aniagolu, Mohammed, Igbokwe

al Republic (MFR). (NAN)




Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Emeka
Ihedioha, has condoled the families of late Justice Anthony Aniagolu, Zakari Mohammed,
and Nigerias foremost lady of songs, Christy Essien-Igbokwe.

Ihedioha in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on

Wednesday in Abuja, expressed shock and sadness at the death of the late jurist, the ace
broadcaster, and Nigerias foremost female musical icon.

He described their exit from the earth at this time as a big loss to not just their families
and professions, but the nation at large.

Ihedioha described the late Aniagolu as a man with uncommon wisdom and knowledge.''

The Deputy Speaker noted that the late jurist left behind solid footprints in his landmark
judicial pronouncements which had remained a major reference points in the legal
``With his death, the nation has lost a legal luminary of outstanding abilities, a pathfinder
and one of the founding architects of modern Nigeria.''

Ihedioha described the late Mohammed as ``an icon of the broadcast genre of

He expressed regret that Zakaris death was untimely and urged the family to be consoled
by the fact that he lived a good life.

``Zakari left indelible footprints in the sands of time, especially in his contributions to
social change and national development.''

On the death of late Essien-Igbokwe, Ihedioha said she was ``a national asset whose
music and songs inspired a whole generation of Nigerians and brought happiness into
many homes.''

He recalled her reign as president of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria

(PMAN) as the period which ``marked a watershed in the once powerful grouping of
leading musicians in the country.''

He noted that her contributions to national development earned her the conferment of
the award of the Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR).(NAN)

Uganda traders shut shops to protest soaring prices



Kampala, July 6, 2011 (Reuters/NAN) Shop owners in parts of Uganda shuttered their
businesses on Wednesday to protest against a weakened currency and runaway inflation,
the latest in a series of economic protests in the east African country this year.

Traders said they did not, as yet, plan any demonstrations in the country, which was
plunged into chaos by protest marches over rising food and fuel prices in April.

"We have had to strike because the government has not listened to us when we tell them
how hard it is for us to do business.

"The shilling is too weak against the dollar and, while there are global factors, there are
internal ones, too. Traders cannot work for charity anymore," Issa Sekito, spokesman for
the Kampala City Traders Association, told Reuters."

Sekito also said Chinese businessmen were draining the market of dollars, and that his
association wanted the government to fix the exchange rate for three months.

Chinese businessmen own several large shops and restaurants in central Kampala and
their numbers are growing, traders say.
"The Chinese traders are flushing the dollars out of the market in contravention to
existing laws," he said without elaborating and he said the protest would last two days.

In central Kampala and surrounding markets, as well as in the town of Masaka in

southwest Uganda, the majority of shops and restaurants were closed and the streets were
quieter than usual as the protest kicked off.

Armed riot and military police patrolled the streets in small groups and trucks containing
tear gas stood guard on street corners considered protest flashpoints in the past.

During the price protests in April, nine unarmed people were shot dead by security
forces, according to Human Rights Watch.

The immediate impact of the traders' strike was a rise in the price of staples like sugar
and salt in Kampala.

The price of kilo of sugar had risen by up to 21 per cent to 3,500 Uganda shillings (1.35
dollars) since Monday, residents said.

"It is hard, hard to live now because things are too expensive. But I don't blame the
shopkeepers, they are suffering, too. I blame the government," said Linda Ssempijja, 23,
a housekeeper speaking on a shuttered street.

The shilling has been weak against the dollar in recent months, and slipped to a record
low of 2,710 on June 30, against the dollar before the central bank stepped in to prop it
On Wednesday, the central bank launched a benchmark lending rate of 13 per cent and a
five per cent core inflation target in a bid to tame prices which pushed inflation to a 17-
year high in May.

Analysts said it might take time for the Ugandan shilling to respond, but the action could
help the currency recover from the lows against the dollar.

In a sign of spreading discontent against the government, some traders blamed President
Yoweri Museveni for the situation, but the leader, in power since 1986, has said drought
was the cause of high food costs and soaring world oil prices.

"Nobody has money except one family in this country that has money and that's
Museveni's family. I can't afford to import stock anymore and people can't afford to buy it
either," Motovu Felix, who owns a sporting goods shop, told Reuters. (Reuters/NAN)

South Korea to host 2018 winter Olympics



By Wole Sogunle

Johannesburg, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Pyeong Chang in South Korea., on Wednesday won
the bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympic games, beating Munich in Germany and
Annecy in France.

The successful bid by PyeongChang was announced by the International Olympic

Committee (IOC ) President Jacques Rogge at the organisations 123rd Session in
Durban. South Africa.

The announcement of the host city elicited cheers from the Pyeongchang delegation to
the event.

South Korea, which had previously lost two bids, had in their presentation said they
would like to continue to grow winter sport around the world.

The President of the Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-bak, who led the countrys
presentation team to the IOC session, prior to the announcement, said hosting the 2018
Winter Games was a national commitment of the Korean government
Yang Ho Cho, PyeongChang 2018 Chairman and CEO also said hosting the 2018 Winter
Games is truly a national priority and the countrys message of New Horizons is a
message of hope and opportunity for Asia and the growth of Olympic winter sports.

Post Production Losses: AU Commission signs MoU with FAO

By Yusuf Muhammed
Addis Ababa, June 6, 2011 (NAN) The AU Commission and UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO) on Monday signed an MoU on capacity building to reduce post
harvest losses (PHL) by African farmers, AU statement has said.

The statement issued in Addis Ababa by AU department of Information and

Communication on Wednesday, said the MoU was signed by Mrs Rhoda Peace, the AU
Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture for the Union while Dr Castro
Camarada, FAO Coordinator for Eastern Africa signed for the UN.

The statement said the MoU among other things defined areas of cooperation between the
two bodies.

It also said that under the MoU, FAO would support regional capacity building to reduce
post harvest losses.

It stated that post-harvest loss reduction and improved value-addition would reduce food
and nutrition insecurity.

``Interventions which may have been successful in the past are no longer so, due to the
growing influence of private sector led enterprise, rapid market integration and changes
in public sector roles,'' it stated

The statement said the objective was to fill some existing gaps through the training of
workers in regional institutions, national government officials and those of development
agencies in designing policies, strategies and investment programmes to reduce farmers

``It also aims at identifying and implementing country level PHL reduction projects and
the use of post-harvest loss assessment methodologies and PHL assessment tools.

``The MoU will also support the establishment of a virtual network and formulation of
proposals for investment projects targeting reduction of PHL in Africa,'' it added. (NAN)
UNHCR chief set for emergency mission to Ethiopia, Kenya



Nairobi, July 6, 2011 (Xinhua/NAN) UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio

Guterres, will be arriving in Ethiopia on Thursday for a two-day visit to review the
emergency humanitarian response to the massive displacement crisis caused by conflict,
drought and lack of food inside Somalia.

A statement from the UNHCR issued in Nairobi said Guterres, would travel to Kenya on
Saturday where he will visit the Dadaab refugee complex, hosting more than 380,000
Somali refugees.

Dadaab is the largest refugee settlement in the world.

"Relentless violence compounded by devastating drought has forced more than 135,000
Somalis to flee so far this year, in June alone, 54,000 people fled into Ethiopia and
Kenya," the statement said.

The UNHCR estimates that a quarter of Somalia's 7.5 million populations are now either
internally displaced or living outside the country as refugees.

The drought is being compounded by violence in southern and central parts of the

Malnutrition rates among Somali refugee children arriving in Ethiopia and Kenya are
alarmingly high and on a scale not seen in decades.
During his mission, Guterres is scheduled to have talks with members of the Ethiopian
and Kenyan governments, as well as the diplomatic community in both countries.

Guterress visit comes as an influx of Somali refugees into neighbouring Kenya and
Ethiopia continues unabated, with the UNHCR voicing concern about unprecedented
levels of malnutrition among the new arrivals, especially children.

More than 50 per cent of Somali children arriving in Ethiopia, and between 30 to 40 per
cent of those arriving in Kenya, are seriously malnourished.

The UNHCR says more than 135,000 Somalis have fled the Horn of Africa nation so far
this year owing to ongoing violence and devastating drought.

In June alone, 54,000 people fled across the two borders, three times the number of
people who fled in May. (Xinhua/NAN)

EU to crack down on cross-border traffic offences

Brussels, July 6, 2011 (Reuters/NAN) European lawmakers gave a green light on
Wednesday for traffic authorities in most EU states to punish foreign drivers who commit
driving offences while on their soil even once they return home.

The proposed legislation would allow national agencies to exchange information about
traffic offences, to improve adherence to the law and collection of fines.

"After more than three years of debate, this agreement is a first, very important step
towards ending the sense of impunity by some drivers," said Socialist legislator Ines
Sender, who led discussions on the issue in the European Parliament.

The system would allow foreign drivers to be identified, so they can be sent a letter
requiring traffic fines to be paid to the local authority where the crime was committed.

The legislation targets serious offences such as driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs, speeding, driving without a seatbelt or failing to stop at a red traffic light.

But neither driving bans nor penalty points are covered.

Some legislators criticised the lack of an effective enforcement mechanism, and the
European Commission is expected to propose strengthening the scheme in the next few

Currently 20 per cent of traffic offences committed by foreign offenders go unpaid and
cross-border drivers are three times more likely to commit a traffic offence than a local
driver, according to EU statistics.
Countries visited by millions of tourists each year, such as France, Italy and Spain, will
be particularly affected, as such drivers account for up to 50 per cent of traffic offences.

EU member states are expected to adopt the law in the next few weeks and the 24
countries signing up will have two years to implement it.

The legislation excludes Denmark, Ireland and Britain. (Reuters/NAN)

Sudan and South Sudan negotiations on border hits rock



By Yusuf Muhammed

Addis Ababa, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The ongoing negotiations between the North and the
South Sudan were brought to a halt on Wednesday as the two parties could not negotiate

President Omar Al-bashir, of Sudan had allegedly objected to last weeks agreement on
Southern Kordofan state which was signed by the two parties.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) correspondent in Addis Ababa reports that the
negotiations on common border were slated to commence on Tuesday under the
facilitation of President Thabo Mbeki, the Chairman of the AU High-Level
Implementation Panel (AUHLIP) in Addis Ababa.

NAN gathered that while all the parties arrived the venue of the negotiation, the
negotiators from the North told the Panel that they have been directed not to negotiate
further until last weeks agreement on Sourthern Kordofan have been amended.

``We were unable to meet on Tuesday and Wednesday. All those who are supposed to be
here have arrived. We met on Monday, but for some reasons we could not meet yesterday
and today.

``We are waiting for President Mbekis team to return from Khartoum, one of the
negotiators told NAN.
NAN reports that President Mbeki, and two members of the AU Panel, former Presidents
Abdusalam Abubakar, of Nigeria and Pierre Buyoya, of Burundi on Wednesday travelled
to Khartoum to meet with President Al-bashir on the issue.

South Sudan would on Saturday July 9 secede from the North following the Jan. 9
referendum. (NAN)

Diarrhoea kills 10 Zimbabwean children

Harare, July 6, 2011 (PANA/NAN) Health officials in Zimbabwe said on Wednesday a
diarrhoea outbreak had killed 10 children in Bulawayo and left over 200 others ill.

Health Minister Henry Madzorera said smaller outbreaks of diarrhoea had also been
reported in other parts of the country, particularly in urban areas.

Madzorera said the source of the disease was not yet clear but in the past, diarrhoea
outbreaks in Zimbabwe were blamed on contaminated drinking water.

In Bulawayo, hospitals were struggling to cope with patients, most of them children
under the age of 10.

It is unclear why the disease has mainly affected children.

Madzorera blamed the developoment on cold winter weather in the country, which he
said traditionally led to an increase in rotavirus diarrhoea cases.(PANA/NAN)
Kogi CJ fixes July 7 for judgment on LG election

Lokoja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Kogi Chief Judge, Justice Nasir Ajanah, has fixed July 7 for
ruling and or judgment on a suit on the failed conduct of elections into the 21 local
councils in the state.

Presiding over the suit filed by a Lokoja-based legal practitioner, Yemi Mohammed,
challenging the failure of the State Independent Electoral Commission (SIEC) on
Wednesday, Ajanah fixed the date after adopting addresses of counsel in the matter.

Mr Pius Akubor (SAN), counsel to the Commission, Kogi House of Assembly,

Gov. Ibrahim Idris and Attorney-General of the state, had earlier in a preliminary
objection, challenged the competence of the originating summons.

He urged the court to dismiss the suit for being manifestly defective for non-
compliance with the rules of the court.

The counsel said that Order 8 Rule 2(1) and Order 4 Rule 1(1) made it mandatory for an
originating summon to be sealed as he questioned the locus standi of the claimant.

The floodgate of locus standi was not opened to accommodate him.

He said the claimant had no business in the matter since he was not a direct beneficiary
and neither had the consent of the chairmen and councilors.

He said that instituting the case was a gross abuse of court process.

Leading six other lawyers for the claimant, Mr Ayo Jonathan said: We have filed a reply
to the preliminary objection.

``Our reasons for opposing are contained therein. Rules of the court should not be
followed slavishly to throw justice overboard.

Sealing does not vitiate an originating summons. The courts have ceased from the
narrow views.
``The objection to locus standi at this level of our development is misconceived.

On the action being statute barred, Jonathan said the issue was a constitutional one.

We are not challenging the provision of Kogi State Local Government Law. Our
contention is that we cannot have two parallel laws on the same subject matter.

In this claim, we are saying that the local government is a tier of government that is
entitled to a smooth transition like the State and Federal Governments.

Jonathan said that some government agencies were not living up to their responsibilities.

In the originating summons, Mohammed said the tenure of Local Councils in the state
would expire on July 28 while the state electoral body had failed to publish any notice or
timetable for election into the councils.

The motion, supported by a 42-paragraph affidavit, also sought injunctions restraining the
state government from dissolving the councils or appointing caretaker committees.

It also opposed the maintenance of the ``status quo ant bellum'' pending the determination
of the suit. (NAN)
Yemen deports New Zealand reporter

Sanaa, July 6, 2011 (Reuters/NAN) Yemen expelled a New Zealand journalist who
entered the country clandestinely on a ship carrying Somali refugees, security sources

The journalist, Glen Johnson, been following refugees headed to Yemen from Djibouti, in
what New Zealand media said was to be a report on child trafficking in the Arabian
Peninsula state.

Johnson was flown to Dubai on Wednesday, his father wrote in post on a Facebook group
devoted to securing his son's release.

"The flight has landed ... Glen is out of Yemen," the father, Mike Johnson, wrote.

UN officials and experts say child trafficking and illegal migration, mainly from Horn of
Africa countries, are among the myriad problems afflicting Yemen, just across Gulf of

The impoverished Arab country is also in the midst of political turmoil that many worry
could plunge it into civil war.

Johnson had been detained in the southern province of Lahej for more than a week when
security forces reported on Friday that his passport was being processed by immigration
authorities for deportation.
He had entered during a period of deepening unrest, as mass protests demanding the end
of President Ali Saleh's three decade rule entered their sixth month. (Reuters/NAN)
Delta police apprehend 7 kidnap suspects

Warri (Delta), July 6, 2011(NAN) The Delta Police Command said in Warri on
Wednesday that it arrested seven persons suspected to be responsible for kidnapping in
the area.

Parading the suspects at the A Division of the Delta Central Area Command, Warri, Mr
Mammam Tsafe, the Police Commissioner, said that no fewer than 10 kidnapped persons
had been rescued so far.

The commissioner, who was on a familiarisation tour of his command, condemned the
spate of kidnapping in the Niger Delta, especially in Warri.

According to the commissioner, the police in Delta will not condone such criminal acts
and will do their stop check them.

Mammam warned the police against engaging in any act that could be seen as connivance
with kidnappers.

He promised to "deal decisively with anybody caught" conniving with criminals to

unleash terror on residents of the state.

The commissioner disclosed that two policemen were being quizzed for some offences,
saying that if found guilty, they would be made to face the law.
Mamman advised men of the force to be vigilant and report suspicious movements in the
area to redeem the image of the force.

"It is our work and our responsibility to expose them if we are sure we are clean because
they are not only spoiling the force, they are spoiling you who think you are clean and

Whosoever is patriotic and has a good conscience, would protect any job in which he or
she has spent 35years."

He charged them to wake up to their responsibilities to face their challenges, saying that
after the 2011 elections, the force was confronted with many security challenges.

He remarked that fundamentally and statutorily, the force was challenged by Boko Haram
in the North and kidnapping and robbery in the south as well as bomb blasts.

Mammam advised his command to build good relationship with the public in order to get
the criminals, stating, they are not spirits, they are living within us.

He, however, commended the state command for its achievement in rescue mission of the
kidnapped persons, but said that unfortunately the number of kidnapped person was still

Earlier, Yaro enumerated a lot of problem militating against his area achievement which
included lack of communication gadgets and inadequate manpower. (NAN)


Serbia's Tadic wants trials of all war criminals

Sarajevo, July 6, 2011 (Reuters/NAN) The former Yugoslav states should do their utmost
to prosecute war crimes cases left over from the 1990s conflicts to promote
reconciliation, Serbian President Boris Tadic said on Wednesday.

Tadic also said that the prosecution of war crimes would promote the rule of law.

``It is important that we condemn all war crimes and prosecute their perpetrators,'' Tadic
said during his first official visit to Sarajevo in five years, aimed at boosting the fragile
ties between former rivals.

Relations between Belgrade and Sarajevo have worsened since Tadic's last visit in 2006
and remain among the coolest in the Balkans, where most former foes have made some
efforts to repair political and trade links.

Analysts see the latest in a series of actions by the reformist Serbian leader as a step
forward in healing the wounds of the wars that erupted during the break-up of

Relations with Sarajevo have turned sour mainly because of Serbia's arrest and trial of
Bosnian officials for war crimes committed during Bosnia's 1992 to 1995 war, and
issuance of new arrest warrants.

In that respect Tadic said he had proposed that judicial authorities review all existing war
crimes arrest warrants, after which courts should be obliged to prosecute the cases where
there is ground for such motion.

``We expect the judicial authorities to conduct fair trials and that those found responsible,
get a deserved punishment," he said, adding: ``This is
a basic requirement for the reconciliation in the ex-Yugoslavia and for the establishment
of the rule of law''.

Bosnia and Serbia both want to join the European Union and Tadic said Serbia's main
focus was to complete its cooperation with the UN war crimes tribunal by arresting its
last war crimes fugitive, Goran Hadzic, the leader of Serbs in Croatia in the early 1990s.

``I am positive that Serbia will close the cooperation with The Hague tribunal and
apprehend Hadzic just like it has enabled the handover to the tribunal of 45 out of 46 war
crimes suspects," Tadic said. (Reuters/NAN)
House committee to investigate university's location in Ekiti.

Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The House of Representatives on Wednesday mandated its
yet to be constituted Committee on Education to investigate the inconsistencies in
relation to the choice of location of the proposed Federal University in Ekiti.

The two towns, Oye Ekiti and Ikole Ekiti, which had related as kinsmen, had been at
logger heads over location of the proposed institution.

The Federal Government had declared its intention to establish six new universities
across the six geo-political zones to balance access to higher quality education in the

Ekiti State in the South West Zone was chosen to host one of the proposed universities.

The House urged the Education Committee to also investigate the remote and immediate
cause or causes of the violence and other factors hindering the smooth take-off of the

This followed a motion by Rep. Abimbola Daramola (ACN-Ekiti).

Leading the debate, Daramola said the pronouncement of the proposed site of the
University as Oye-Ekiti on February 11, instead of Ikole-Ekiti, as previously announced
by National Universities Commission, had resulted in violence in Ikole-Ekiti.

The lawmaker said the violence claimed lives, with some persons maimed and properties
destroyed, including a police van.
He said it was sad that two towns in one Local Government that had cordial relations
were fighting over a location.

Daramola urged the House to view the issue with a national outlook.

Rep. Abike Dabiri-Erewa (ACN-Lagos) had called on the House to mandate a committee
to find out reasons for the non take-off of the project.

Rep. Uche Ekwenife (APGA-Anambra ), who supported the motion, urged the
committee to find out the exact location of the institution.

Rep. Andrew Uchendu (PDP-Rivers) said the choice of situating a university should be
the prerogative of the Federal Government.

Rep Farouk Lawal (PDP-Kano) in his contribution, suggested that the yet-to-be-formed
House Committee should investigate the matter. (NAN)


New UN report seeks end to injustices to women worldwide



By Peter Onwubuariri

United Nations, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Women across the world

continue to experience injustice, violence and inequality in their homes and working
lives, a UN report released on Wednesday says.

The report, Progress of the Worlds Women: In Pursuit of Justice, says justice is out of
reach for millions of women.

The report published by UN Women, the world body organization dealing with womens
issues, notes that in every region, there are laws that discriminate against women, in
relation to property, family, employment and citizenship.

It adds that too often, justice institutions, including the police and the courts, have denied
women of justice.

The report states that the past century had seen a transformation in womens legal
rights, with countries in every region expanding the scope of womens legal entitlements.

But ``for most of the worlds women, the laws that exist on paper do not translate to
equality and justice,'' it says.
The report also points out that while 139 countries and territories now guarantee gender
equality in their constitutions, women continue to experience injustice, violence and
inequality in their home and working


Among the findings of the report is that while domestic violence is now outlawed in 125
countries, 603 million women worldwide live in countries where it is not considered a

Also, women are still paid up to 30 per cent less than men in some countries, and some
600 million women are employed in vulnerable jobs that lack the protection of labour

The report also finds inadequate enforcement of existing laws across the board.

Many women, says UN Women, shrink away from reporting

crimes due to social stigma and weak justice systems.

The agency also notes the prohibitive costs and practical

difficulties of seeking justice.

By changing laws and giving women practical support to

see justice done, we can change society and ensure women

and men enjoy real equality in the future, the UN correspondnet of the News Agency of
Nigeria (NAN) quotes the report as saying.
Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women, told

reporters in New York that the flagship report aims to

inspire bold action by governments and civil society.''

She stressed the need for them to take urgent action

to meet their commitments and accelerate the achievement

of womens rights worldwide.

According to Bachelet, a former Chilean president, the focus

on womens access to justice stems from the recognition that

laws and justice systems that work well are the foundation of

gender equality.

With half the worlds population at stake, the findings of

this report is a powerful call to action,

The foundations for justice for women have been laid: in 1911, just two countries in the
world allowed women to vote now that right is virtually universal.

But full equality demands that women become mens true equals in the eyes of the law
in their home and working lives, and in the public sphere, she said. (NAN)


Magistrate jails man, discharges brother over charges of cheating, theft



Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Musa Abubakar , 25, of Kapuwa Village, was on Wednesday
sentenced to four months imprisonment by an Abuja Magistrates Court for cheating and

Abubakar and his younger brother, Usman, were charged for joint act, but Usman
escaped arrest.

Police prosecutor Paul Anigbo said the offence was reported at Lugbe Police Station on
June 26 by one Ibrahim Usman of the same address.

Anigbo said the complainant was deceived by the two brothers to buy a Jincheng
motorcycle on hire purchase at the rate of N120,000.

The motorcycle was given to Musa for commercial purpose.

He added that Musa later absconded with the motorcycle and refused to make the agreed
daily remittances which led to the arraignment of Usman, his brother.

The convict was sighted at Mabushi Village on July 4 and apprehended by the police.

The offence, according to the prosecutor, is punishable under the Penal Code Law.
When Magistrate Alkali Bashir asked him of the whereabouts of the said motorcycle, he
said he sold it for N30,000 to an unknown person at Sabon-Lugbe.

Bashir sentenced him to four months imprisonment and ordered him to pay N120,000 to
the nominal complainant.

The magistrate, however discharged Usman, the younger brother. (NAN)

Perm Sec advocates for strong financial base for smallholder farmers

Keffi(Nassarawa State), July 6, 2011 (NAN) The Nassarawa State Ministry of Agriculture
has advocated for a strong financial base for smallholder farmers.

Mr Peter Akaba, the Permanent Secretary in the ministry, who made the call, said that the
measure would to ensure agricultural productivity and food security in the country.

Akaba made the call in Keffi, Nassarawa State, during an interactive session with the
team of government officials and consultants on the Rural Finance Institution Building
Programme (RUFIN) second Supervision Mission to the state.

He said that strengthening Micro-Finance Institutions participating in RUFIN would

enable small-scale farmers would have easy access to finance.

According to him, RUFIN, if well implemented, will help alleviate poverty and ensure
financial freedom for to the rural poor.

The permanent secretary urged the Federal Government, RUFIN and other stakeholders
to work closely with the CBN to ensure quick implementation of the proposed Micro-
Finance Fund.

He said that the success stories of the programme within one and half years of
implementation, showed that it could be used to develop rural areas.(NAN)
NGO tasks FG on gas flaring



Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) The International Centre for Energy Environment and
Development (ICEED), an NGO, has advised the Federal Government to convert the gas
being flared into energy, to ensure the realisation of the vision 20:2020 agenda.

Mr Ewa Eleri, the Director of the centre gave this advice on Wednesday while speaking
with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja.

Eleri said that the measure would also boost Nigerias quest for industrial growth and

He said that reducing gas flaring had become imperative to stem the environmental

The director suggested the construction of new gas pipeline, saying that such a project
would have positive impact on the environment, create jobs for the people and lead to the
general improvement in the nations economy.

He commended the collaboration between the government and the private sector to
ensure the elimination of gas flaring.

Eleri charged stakeholders to put the project on the front burner so that the nation could
move forward in the scheme of things.

He noted that gas flaring, a phenomenon that the country had witnessed many years, is a
major contributor to climate change.

It is also associated with acidic rains that pollute lakes, rivers and
streams, damages vegetation as well as causes diseases such as leukemia, asthma and
premature death, among others. (NAN)

Onu earns citizenship, chieftaincy titles in Ghana

Abuja, July 6, 2011 (NAN) Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, the National Chairman of All Nigeria
People Party (ANPP), was on Wednesday conferred with citizenship and chieftaincy titles
in Ghana.

This was contained in a statement issued by Mr Emma Eneukwu, the National Publicity
Secretary of the party in Abuja.

It stated that Onu was honoured with the citizenship of the Kpando District and
the chieftaincy title of Togbe Kwami Vidza in Ghana.

Dr V.W.K Agbodza, who was the chairman of the occasion,, said the event was a historic
one as Onu was the first personality to be honoured by the area.

Let the people of Nigeria know that we find Ogbonnaya Onu worthy and he has now
become one of us.

The ANPP Chairman, in his response, called on traditional rulers in Africa to close ranks,
work together and visit one another to enhance integration and aid trade in the continent.

This will promote the integration of our people in Africa, it will also aid trade between
the different countries on the continent.''

Onu called on traditional rulers in Ghana to consider visiting their counterparts in

Nigeria, adding that such would cement bonds of friendship between both countries and
promote peace.
Traditional rulers have been known to make peace in their domains. Africa needs peace,
so that Africa can develop rapidly, he said.

Onu also expressed happiness with the Ghanaian Government for creating a conducive
environment that promoted peace, unity and mutual co-existence among the people.

The statement noted that the ceremony was graced by the representative of Nigerias
High Commissioner in Ghana, Mohammed Kurmawa, the Nigerian Community in Ghana
and the paramount rulers and chiefs of the area, led by Togbe Kwasi Sasraku II and
Togbe Afendza III. (NAN)

36 states education commissioners lauds Jonathan for re-appointing Rufai



Calabar, June 6, 2011 (NAN) Commissioners for Education in the 36 states of the
federation have commended President Goodluck Jonathan for re-appointing Prof.
Ruqqayatu Rufa'I as Minister of Education.

Prof. Offiong E. Offiong, the Chairman of the States Commissioners for Education
Forum (SCOEF), disclosed this to journalists in Calabar on Wednesday.

According to them the re-appointment of Rufa'I is a further proof of President Jonathans

commitment to the uplift of the education sector.

Offiong, the Commissioner for Education in Cross River, said the forum resolved that
the President made the right choice for the education sector by re-appointing RufaI.

According to him the forum also commended what he called Jonathans noble intentions
for the education sector.

Offiong said Rufa'I's re-appointment was a vindication of her hard work, commitment
and passion for the educational development of the country.

We have no doubt that given your antecedent, your second tenure will witness rapid
transformation of the education sector and its repositioning for the challenges of the 21st
century,'' he said.

The forum's chairman disclosed that the Education Sector Development Plan initiated by
the minister had put the sector back on track.
He expressed the optimism that with the expected implementation of the report of the
Presidential Task Force on Education, the sector would be firmly rooted in the path of

Offiong said the forum would continue to support the education minister in the task of
repositioning the sector.

``We believe that together, we can take the education sector to enviable heights,'' he said



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