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Get-MailboxDatabase "vip" | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort totalitemsize -desc | ft

displayname, totalitemsize, itemcount

Export to an Excel File

Get-MailboxDatabase "vip" | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort totalitemsize -desc | Export-

CSV C:\mailboxes.csv

To get Mailbox database size

Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | ft name,databasesize,availablenewmailboxspace -auto

To check the database state that its connected to the log file or detached.

eseutil /MH Mailbox Store (Server1).edb

How do I increase the message size limits?

MigrationWiz Support
posted this on December 19, 2012 12:13
To display current message size limits:

1. Open the Exchange Management Shell

2. Enter the following command:

Get-TransportConfig | Format-List -Property MaxReceiveSize,


Get-SendConnector | Format-List -Property Identity, MaxMessageSize

Get-ReceiveConnector | Format-List -Property Identity,


To increase size limits on your Exchange Server 2013 machine:

1. Open the Exchange Management Shell
2. Enter the following commands:

Set-TransportConfig -MaxReceiveSize 100MB -MaxSendSize 100MB

Get-SendConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB

Get-ReceiveConnector | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize


Make sure you also increase the IIS limits to allow accepting payloads of
this size:

Max Message Size Increase: OWA, IMAP, EWS (maxRequestLength

and maxAllowedContentLength)

November 30, 2009edmckinzieLeave a commentGo to comments

I have retrieved this info from the following URL.

By Default, the maximum message sizes for Exchange 2007 related services are as follows:

OWA: 30 MB (OWA directory)

IMAP\POP: 13 MB (EWS Directory)

ActiveSync: 10 MB (Sync Directory)

These settings are controlled by several factors: The maxRequestLength value within the web.config
file for each IIS virtual directory and the maxAllowedContentLength value which is stored within
IIS settings. (Metadata I presume). The last attribute is for Windows 2008 and IIS 7 only.
We altered the default settings to accommodate for Entourage 2008 usage. Here is what we know
Entourage and its integration with Microsoft Exchange:

Entourage file attachment limitations are managed by the Exchange 2007 server in the EWS
folder (IMAP\POP).
Assuming that when you dont impose an attachment size limitation on a user presumably
because you dont want there to be a limitation on their attachment sizes is enough wont work.
Exchange applies its default limitation of 5mb!
Entourage applies overhead when converting files from MAC land to Windows. Allow for 30%
overhead when defining message attachments.
If you want to change the settings for OWA, IMAP, and ActiveSync, edit the web.config file for
each of these directories
In my example, we changed all values to 50 MB.
Edited the web.config entry> <httpRuntime maxRequestLength=50000 /> Please note this
value is in Kilobytes (KB).

Edited the web.config entry><requestLimits

maxAllowedContentLength=52000000/> Please note this value is in bytes (B).

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Owa

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\exchweb\ews
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Sync
If you are running Windows 2008 and IIS 7, you must also change
themaxAllowedContentLength value.
You must do this from a command window in the c:\windows\system32\inetsrvdirectory.
(Location of the appcmd.exe file)
appcmd set config Default Web Site/ews -section:requestFiltering

appcmd set config Default Web Site/owa -section:requestFiltering


appcmd set config Default Web Site/Microsoft-Server-Activesync -section:requestFiltering


Please note, these values are required in bytes and not KB. If these values do not equal the
maxRequestLength value (50,000 KB versus 5,000,000 bytes), you will receive 404 File not
found errors.
You must reboot the server for the settings to take full effect.

Also note, if you apply Exchange 2007 SP2, after making these changes, you will have to re-apply as
the SP2 install clears the settings.

Article Update: In Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2010 SP1, you should no longer have to adjust these
settings for ActiveSync or EWS. Microsoft has set the defaults to 2 GB. Outlook Web App is set to 35
MB, which you can also adjust. Microsofts stance has changed as they now rely on the message
transport settings on the Edge and HUB servers to control the max message limits.
If you are Exchange 2010 follow these steps:
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions
you need, see the Text editor entry in the Client Access Permissions topic.
1. Find the Outlook Web App Web.config file on the Client Access server. The default location
is <drive>\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa.
2. Make a backup copy of the web.config file.
3. Open the original file using an editor such as Notepad. Dont use Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager to edit the Web.config file.
4. Find maxRequestLength and change it to the value that you want. The value is stored in
kilobytes (KB). The default value is 35000. The following example shows themaxRequestLength value
in the Web.config file.
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=51200 />
Note: This is 50 MB (1024 X 50)

5. Find maxAllowedContentLength and change it to the value that you want. The value is
stored in bytes (B). The default value is 35000000. The following example shows
themaxRequestLength value in the Web.config file.
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength=51200000 />
Note: This is 50 MB (1024 X 50)
1. Save and close the file.
2. Reset IIS

Exchange mailboxes unavailable

Previous Versions of Exchange forums


Exchange Server 2010


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I've had several issues with OWA on a new Exchange 2010 server. I randomly receive the
following error.

"Your mailbox appears to be unavailable. Try to access it again in 10 seconds. If you see this
error again, contact your helpdesk."

This appears on all accounts, and the fix appears to require a server reboot. I also just
discovered my Outlook 2007 client returns "Cannot open your default e-mail folders. You do
not have permission." error when you try to open the app.

Any ideas?

Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:51 PM




0 Points


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Hi Joe,

Is this what are you looking for ?

I hope this will solve your problem.

That message means that something is wrong at server level, so first of all let's list of all
services and let's pay attention on the RequiredServicesRunning line if you have false
then the lineServicesNotRunning will be populated with all services that are not started.
Then, we can use the PowerShell capabilities to fix all those issues in a single line, just
type in the cmdlet below and all stopped services will be started.

Test-ServiceHealth | Select ServicesNotRunning | foreach { Start-Service

$_.ServicesNotRunning }
Now, run a test-servicehealth again to make sure that it's all good and then try to log on
again. If you don't have a corrupted database then you will be fine.

After solving the current issue is recommended to go over the server Event Viewer and
also ExBPA to validate the root cause of the issue and also a health check of the server.

Regards. Shafaquat Ali. M.C.I.T.P Exchange 2007 M.C.I.T.P Windows Server 2008 M.C.T.S
OCS Server 2007 R2

o Proposed as answer by Shafaquat Ali Saturday, June 26, 2010 7:00 PM

o Marked as answer by Xiu Zhang - MSFTModerator Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:30 AM

Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:59 PM



Shafaquat Ali



7,080 Points

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First let's try to use ExBPA to have a health scan to narrow down the issue.

Please verify if you use Administrator account to install Exchange Server. Please verify if
administrator is a member of "Organization Management" group.

Besides, I'd like to know if those mailboxes are moved from Exchange 2007/2003 Servers.



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