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Mainland and Hong Kong

Closer Economic Partnership

Arrangement (CEPA)

The business environment where a

foreign company marches out from
Hong Kong to Mainland China continues
to be further improved. For our future
investment we have strong expectations
in the area of CEPA.

Susumu Tsukamoto, Chief Operation Officer and President
Kadokawa Intercontinental Group Holdings Ltd

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is a free trade agreement signed between Hong Kong and the
Mainland China in 2003. Since then, the two sides sign supplements regarding further trade liberalisation measures every year. The latest
one, Supplement X to CEPA, was signed on 29 August 2013. This insert is designed to provide you with a broad overview of CEPA.
CEPA opens up markets for Hong Kong-made products and Hong Kong-based service companies, enhancing the closer economic
integration and co-operation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. Importantly, CEPA is non-nationality specific; as long as a company
meets the CEPA criteria, the benefits apply. The arrangement covers three broad areas: Trade in Goods, Trade in Services and Trade and
Investment Facilitation.

CEPA: Springboard to the Mainland for Overseas Investors

CEPA has created new and exciting business opportunities for Mainland and Hong Kong-based businesses, including overseas investors.

Trade in Goods
All products of Hong Kong origin qualifying under CEPA enjoy zero tariff benefit upon importation into the Mainland. The tariff free
preference provides a significant and unique competitive advantage to Hong Kong manufacturers since the Mainland generally imposes
high tariffs. As at end 2013, over 1,700 types of Made in Hong Kong products enjoy this benefit from CEPA subject to certain criteria being
met. Neither ownership nor source of capital of the manufacturer will affect products eligibility for zero tariff treatment.
Investors from all over the world are welcome to set up or invest in manufacturing operations using Hong Kong as a production base, so
their products can meet the CEPA origin rules and enjoy zero tariff rate in the Mainland. To claim the tariff preference, manufacturers
should first register with the Trade and Industry Department (TID) under Factory Registration. In order to enjoy the zero tariff treatment,
each consignment of goods exported to the Mainland must be accompanied with a Certificate of Hong Kong Origin CEPA (CO(CEPA))
issued by TID or one of the five Government Approved Certification Organisations. Moreover, Hong Kong is an ideal location to
manufacture brand name goods which are highly regarded in the Mainland and to manufacture products with high R&D content which
enjoy the protection of Hong Kongs robust intellectual property system.

Trade in Services
Under CEPA, eligible Hong Kong Service Suppliers (HKSS) can enjoy preferential treatment when setting up business in various service
sectors in the Mainland. The preferential treatment takes various forms, including relaxation in equity share restrictions, lowering of entry
thresholds such as registered capital and business turnover, elimination of geographical limitation, expansion of allowable business scope,
as well as allowing cross-border supply of services and business scope, etc. Inclusive of the measures in Supplement X to CEPA, there are
403 liberalisation measures for trade in services under CEPA.
To qualify as a HKSS, regardless of the ownership or source of investment, an enterprise should have three or five years of substantive
business operation in Hong Kong, incorporated or established in Hong Kong, subject to profits tax, rent or buy business premises, and
majority of employees being Hong Kong residents.
The best way for overseas service suppliers to leverage on CEPA and gain better access to the Mainland market is to either set up a service
company in Hong Kong, partner with, invest in or acquire a service supplier in Hong Kong.

Trade and Investment Facilitation

Mainland and Hong Kong have agreed to strengthen co-operation in the following areas, with a view to improving the overall business
environment and facilitating the effective implementation of CEPA:

Customs clearance facilitation Trade and investment promotion

Commodity inspection and quarantine, food safety, quality and Transparency in laws and regulations
standardisation Protection of intellectual property
Co-operation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Co-operation on branding
Co-operation in industries Co-operation on education
Electronic business

Useful link
Trade and Industry Department (TID) - www.tid.gov.hk

For further information, please visit our website: www.investhk.gov.hk or contact us NOW to access our free, customised and confidential

While every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy, InvestHK shall accept no responsibility for
any errors, omissions or misrepresentations that may remain. Users are responsible for making their
own assessment of the above information and are advised to verify such information and obtain
independent advice before acting on it.

InvestHK is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government 25/F, Fairmont House,
responsible for Foreign Direct Investment, supporting overseas and Mainland businesses to set up and 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong
expand in Hong Kong. We partner with clients on a long-term basis and are available at any stage of Tel: (852) 3107 1000
their business development process. Email: enq@investhk.gov.hk
@ Copyright Invest Hong Kong, May 2014. All rights reserved. Website: www.investhk.gov.hk

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