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Combination of Educ 5 & 6 Principle of Teaching 1 & 2 and Educ 15 Practice Teaching

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the circle below the letter that corresponds to the correct
Sample question:
Which refers to learning?
A. ability to stand up C. increasing in weight
B. feeling hungry after a hard work D. ability to write one` s name *

Option D possessing to write one` s name is an instance of change caused by

experience either intentional teaching or modeling. This is learning.
Option A & C are changes due to growth and development
Option B is an instinctive response to an activity
Options A, B, C are changes but not caused by experience hence not instances of
1. Teacher Parido announces finish your seatwork and then you may play.
A. consequences C. extinction
B. reinforcement D. premack *
2. Ms. Cruz would like to transfer computing skills to figuring income tax. What should be the
teacher` s
initial action?
A. check students` knowledge and undertaking skills *
B. apply information storage mechanism
C. teach students to process
D. develop retrieval skills

3. Mrs. Makinano has a pupil whose name is the same as her son. How can she apply elaborative
to retain his pupil` s name in her memory?
A. By making association between her pupil and her son *
B. By repeating his name several times
C. By grouping the letters in his name
D. By focusing on the spelling of his name

4. Ms. Jagolino is developing the concept of solid to her Grade II pupils. Which of the following
will she follow?
A. Present only examples of solid
B. Present examples of solid in varying sizes, colors, and shapes.
C. Present four examples of solid and four non-examples of solid *
D. Present four examples of solid first, then remove them, and present the four non-
5. Which of the following changes is an instance of learning?
A. growing heavier C. associating red light with stop *
B. learning to walk D. feeling drowsy after taking drug

6. All are outcomes of learning, EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?

A. maturation and development * C. habits and attitudes
B. knowledge and understanding D. abilities and skills

7. In classical conditioning, which are paired together in order to elicit the desired response?
A. unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus *
B. conditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus
C. unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus
D. unconditioned response and neutral stimulus

8. Quennie completes her home assignment daily to avoid staying after class to work on unfinished
tasks. Which type of effect illustrates this situation?
A. positive reinforcement C. punishment
B. negative reinforcement * D. primary reinforce

9. Which of the following is an operant behavior?

A. writing an essay * C. receiving a medal
B. getting high grades D. being scolded

10. Every time you get a correct answer to a problem, you may get a fruit from the basket. This
teacher`s statement illustrates
A. continuous reinforcement * C. ratio schedule
B. intermittent reinforcement D. interval schedule

11. Ms. Bacan` s kindergarten children are learning to tie their shoelaces. She gives candy first for
tying the
first knot, then for making the loop and so on until they can do the entire task. What reinforcing
technique is illustrated in the teacher` s action?
A. recognition C. shaping *
B. self-reinforcement D. maintenance

12. Jasmine can add 5 books and 4 books, He, then, can add 5 pencils and 4 pencils. What learning
is demonstrated by Jasmine?
A. cueing C. generalization *
B. discrimination D. apperception

13. Two hyperactive pupils, Ana and Fe are seated next to each other. Every time Ana pays attention
completes her tasks, teacher P praises her. In this condition, the teacher notes that Fe` s behavior
also improved even without specific reinforcement from her. What is demonstrated by Fe?
A. observational learning C. self-regulated learning
B. imitation learning D. vicarious learning *

14. In observation and imitation learning, what should be the learner` s response when the teacher
models the behavior?
A. reproduce and match C. imitate and practice
B. pay attention * D. show satisfaction

15. What is the correct sequence of information processing?

A. sensory register short-term memory long-term memory *
B. short-term memory sensory register long-term memory
C. sensory register long-term memory short-term memory
D. long-term memory sensory register short-term memory

16. What learning strategy is used when a pupil is trying to remember the provinces of Mindanao by
breaking them into a number of separate lists and practices each one intermittently throughout the
A. association learning C. whole learning
B. part learning * D. cumulative learning

17. Arrange the following types of learning according to the cumulative learning theory.
(1) Problem solving learning (3) Rule learning
(2) Discrimination learning (4) Concept learning
A. 2, 1, 3, 4 C. 2, 3, 4, 1
B. 2, 4, 3, 1 * D. 2, 1, 4, 3

18. Discriminating gumamela from other things and deducing commonality among different
flowers is
an example of _________.
A. signal learning C. discrimination learning
B. stimulus-response learning D. concept learning *

19. Which is essential in meaningful reception learning?

A. Concepts are presented to learner and received by them *
B. Concepts are discovered by them.
C. Concepts are related to one another.
D. concepts are solicited from the learners.

20. Which of the following instructional events support learning at retrieval phase?
A. gaining attention
B. informing learners of the objectives
C. recalling prior knowledge *
D. presenting the stimulus materials

21. With what prototypes would you start your lesson on concept of liquid?
A. shampoo and honey C. water or juice *
B. cake batter & cement mixture D. any exemplar will do

22. In reinforcement, which of the following praise statements enable the pupil to understand the
specific action that is being praised?
A. You were very responsible.
B. You returned the books in their proper shelves. *
C. Aren`t you good today?
D. You got high in the test. How lucky can you be?

23. In using punishment, at what point does the teacher allow students to escape unpleasant
A. when they manifest signs of fatigue
B. when they reach a level of competence *
C. when they become disruptive
D. when they show resistance

24. A child is able to read the word chairs after pairing it with a picture of chair. In classical
conditioning, which makes this possible?
A. positive association * C. unconditioned stimulus
B. neutral stimulus D. act of reading

25. A teacher teaches the preschool children to tie their shoelaces. In shaping the behavior, at what
is it best to reinforce the learners?
A. after tying the first knot C. after the entire task is finished
B. after making the loops D. after each step that leads toward the typing of
shoelaces *

26. The teacher excuses Mary who completed her assignment from clean up activity which she does
like to do. This is a consequence of _______.
A. positive reinforcement C. presentation punishment
B. negative reinforcement * D. no reinforcement

27. To remember the six digits 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher put them together in two`s 84, 39, 45
in threes, 843, 945. This control process of retaining information is referred to as _____.
A. rehearsing C. remembering
B. interfering D. chunking *

28. A Home economics teacher is demonstrating how to thread a sewing machine. She asks students
look over her shoulder as she does it. In observation learning, what is she trying to do?
A. directing attention to the right features of the learning situation *
B. representing the model`s actions in some ways
C. avoiding a crowd of learners in front of her
D. facilitating contagious spreading of behaviors

29. Ms. Sevilla is presenting a new unit on animals to her grade two class. She starts with an advance
organizer that is more general, abstract, and inclusive. Which principle of teaching does Ms
apply to facilitate acquisition of information?
A. organizing learning materials through meaningful association *
B. proper sequencing of materials
C. transition from old to new materials
D. independent evaluation

30. Ms. Corvera`s lesson is on the different provinces of the Philippines. What is the best way to
this particular different factual information to achieve meaningful association?
A. by attributes C. alphabetically
B. by relationship D. by land area
31. In concept development, Mrs. Dagani uses living things instead of man as the super ordinate
because food is considered to have ______.
A. greater observability C. greater learnability
B. greater generality * D. greater perceptibility
32. In developing the concept of transparency, the teacher can prevent overgeneralization by
including __.
A. plywood among the examples * C. glass among the examples
B. clear plastic among the examples D. clear cellphone among the examples

33. Mr. Seragon asked his pupils to use Atlas in correcting their answers to the quiz on capital cities
of the
world. Which teaching principle is exemplified by such teacher`s action?
A. organize material into appropriate learning units
B. encourage for independent evaluation *
C. provide for correct responding on the first time
D. arrange for appropriate practice
34. Ms. Robles` social studies class has expressed the need to do something about the increasing pile
of garbage
behind the school fence. What would be the next step in solving this specific garbage problem?
A. recognizing a problem situation C. exploring possible solutions
B. defining the problems * D. testing possible solutions

35. After giving a story problem to your math class, the first task you will ask your pupils is to
understand A. the whole problem and elements C. the symbols used in the problem
B. the meaning of each sentence * D. what is asked

36. When solving the problem, what would be the first question you will ask your pupils?
A. What clues will help solve the problem?
B. What is causing the problem? *
C. Is there a similar problem?
D. Can you break the problem into smaller parts?

37. A Practical Art teacher constantly gives verbal guidance to her pupils while practicing a sewing
What is the value of giving verbal guidance in improving pupils learning behavior?
A. It promotes the growth of interest in the new learning tasks.
B. It serves as informational feedback.
C. It facilitates perfection skills.
D. It directs pupils` attention to more adequate and better techniques. *
38. A Physical Education teacher begins a complicated dance step by simple swaying of arms and
in slow motion guiding her students through the intended movements. What principle is applied
the teacher?
A. provide sufficient support (scaffolding) *
B. present only tasks that students can perform successfully
C. provide opportunities for students to test their learning effort
D. model effective learning and study strategies

39. The students in a Physical Education class who are learning how to play basketball were shown a
on the Best of PBA game. Which principle related to skill learning was applied by the teacher?
A. provide informational feedback
B. demonstrate the correct response *
C. analyze the skill in terms of learner`s abilities
D. encourage independent evaluation

40. Ronald`s parents were killed by the Japanese during the war. Which of the following would the
teacher avoid when changing his strongly biased attitude towards the Japanese?
A. using group techniques
B. providing informative experience *
C. using counter-conditioning techniques
D. providing for pleasant emotional experience

41. The Values Education teacher, and her pupils, while working on honesty, agreed that no cabinets
book cases would be locked throughout the day. Which principle in affective learning is being
A. provide exemplary models
B. provide for appropriate practice *
C. provide for pleasant emotional experience
D. provide for independent attitude cultivation

42. Mrs. Paz has observed that several of her pupils do not work on their homework. Which of the
following would best help her?
A. Vary levels of reward for those who have completed their homework.
B. Hold rewards until everyone in her class completes his/her homework.
C. Maintain the same level of rewards for all pupils who have completed their homework.
D. Use more rewards initially with the pupils who submitted complete homework for the
first time. *

43. Mrs. Serna came to class with a box containing something that moves. She told the class that she
going to show them something they never saw before. How did Mrs. Serna motivate the class?
A. through getting people to do something
B. through management of instruction *
C. by relating thoughts to action
D. by removing emotional barriers to learning

44. A teacher thinks that her pupils from the slum area might be incapable of achieving academic
success as their wealthier classmates. If the teacher seeks your advice, what will you tell her?
A. Group students according to socio-economic status
B. Provide opportunities for students of different economic background to work together.
C. Expose the disadvantaged students to successful students of high socio-economic
D. Be careful not to make predictions about individual students on the basis of group
differences. *

45. Mrs. Lopez flashes cards of mathematical combinations over and over again until the children
memorized these facts and are able to answer questions about them automatically. What type of
lesson is the teacher engaged in?
A. Practice C. Development
B. Drill * D. Review

46. In the unit on earthquake, Mrs. Go plans to ask her grade VI pupils to narrate some of their
experiences during the recent earthquake. In what phase of the lesson will this activity be
A. Motivation C. Evaluation
B. Application D. Apperception *

47. Which of the following exploratory strategies is not investigative oriented?

A. Problem solving C. Inquiry
B. Metacognitive approach * D. Laboratory

48. Mrs. Santos decided to use inquiry procedure in developing the unit The effect of Media on
Life. What instructional sequence will she follow?
1. forming hypotheses and gathering data on given questions by students
2. forming generalization on the bases of hypotheses and data by students
3. displaying data on chart, discussing and assessing hypotheses by students
4. presenting questions: How often do you see TV ads?, What products are advertised to
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 4, 1, 3
B. 4, 1, 3, 2 * D. 4, 3, 2, 1

49. Teacher P first year of teaching gives her a difficult time to stop the chaos in the classroom
by the different disruptive behaviors of her students. Teaching and learning activities have turned
into hostile showdowns until the students feel the antagonism she`s feeling for her students.
has gone wrong in Teacher P`s conduct management? Failure of the teacher to:
A. set clear rules and routines
B. gain student`s cooperation *
C. foster student`s motivation to learn
D. provide sanctions for disruptive behaviors

50. Ms. Cassion intends to present the historical facts of the First Mass in Masao. What type of
does she need to prepare?
A. review C. development *
B. drill D. discovery

51. Mrs. Labrador is planning to take up this week the lives of great Filipino women, the significance
their achievements, and how their good traits might be emulated. What type of lesson will be best
these topics?
A. Developmental lesson C. Supervised study lesson
B. Appreciation lesson * D. Application lesson

52. Ms Cruz always motivates her lesson by using current events and relating this with the new
Then, she solicits information from the class by letting them recite their own experiences. This is
apperception. In what part of the lesson do these activities fall?
A. Preparation * C. Evaluation
B. Development D. Application

53. In his Literature class, Mr. Santos allows his students to write using varied literary forms. He also
invites them to present their finished compositions and talk about them. What principle of
method is
illustrated by the teacher`s action? Method:
A. provides for growth and development
B. stimulates thinking and reasoning
C. provides for individual differences *
D. liberates the learners

54. A newly appointed teacher armed with contemporary ideas on how to approach teaching, offered
students control of the learning situation. She started off with identification of a problem which
them an opportunity to study situations of interest to them. What form of exploratory learning is
A. Project C. Discovery
B. Inquiry * D. Inductive learning

55. Mrs Balagtas conducts drill in Mathematics in a concert manner. She is violating the principle of
A. motivation C. individualization
B. reinforcement D. repetition

56. Mrs. Mint is fond of giving away material incentives such as candies, biscuits, toys, and ribbons
deserving answers. As a result, the children really exert effort to give smart answers to her
aiming for the material reward they`re going to receive. What motivation is this?
A. reverse C. intrinsic
B. extrinsic * D. artificial
57. The teacher plans to use inductive method in discussing parts of a flower in her Biology class.
believes this is most useful when the child needs to:
A. observe many cases C. form own generalization *
B. compare different cases D. learn chiefly through self-activity

58. To prove the truth of the concept air has weight, Mr. Lim grouped his children into four. He
each group a set of materials with which to perform some experiments and verify the correctness
wrongness of the concept. The groups were also given activity cards where the procedures from
experiments are indicated. So all the groups performed the experiments, after which they filled up
chart to show the result of such activities. This is an illustration of ____.
A. Discovery approach C. Laboratory method *
B. Process approach D. Demonstration method

59. In what teaching situation can experimentation turn to a demonstration?

A. when pupils perform the experiment by themselves
B. when pupils set-up a control to test the variable being tested
C. when pupils gather data before formulating conclusion
D. when few pupils perform the experiment in front while others observe *

60. Every teacher has to develop varied mental processes and skills among students. Which mental
process is
being emphasized when she tries to help them remember words or ideas in a definite order?
A. Logical sequencing C. Rote association
B. Reflective thinking * D. Analytical thinking

61. Ms. Castillo wanted to use the laboratory method in her lesson on osmosis. However, she lacks
materials and
equipment for several groups to perform an experiment at the same time. What alternative may
she use?
A. demonstration C. laboratory
B. expository D. project

62. In inquiry, the teacher asks opening questions requiring great range of cognitive skills in order to
responses from children. Which of the following opening questions is most fitted for an inquiry
A. Which is the tallest building in the world?
B. How many legs does a centipede have?
C. Why do some birds fly under the rain? *
D. What is the name of the movable part of an airplane wing?

63. Ms. Lorenz drew several triangles on the board. She asked the students to measure the angles of
the triangles
with their protractors. After the activity, the class concluded that the sum of the angles of a
triangle is equal
to 180 degrees. What teaching strategy was used by the teacher?
A. Expository * C. Deductive
B. Demonstration D. Discovery

64. Which of the following objectives could be most appropriately taught through discussion?
A. Describe the major causes of air pollution in Manila.
B. Develop class rules for the year. *
C. Describe Rizal`s motive in Noli Me Tangere
D. Demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear power as an energy source.

65. Mr. Hart is using cooperative learning approach in his social science lesson. He is quite
successful in
establishing a cooperative classroom ethics characterized by a safe, caring community of
learners. What will
be his initial step in order to successfully implement cooperative learning approach?
A. Arrange the learning environment.
B. Establish positive interdependence.
C. Identify academic and social objectives. *
D. Determine group size and membership.

66. Which objective could be taught best using inquiry method?

A. To diagram sentences
B. To know the effect of demand on cost
C. To distinguish between living and nonliving things
D. to distinguish between Christianity and Buddhism *
67. Ms Yamson is formulating questions for the purpose of increasing the amount of student
participation. Which
of the following types of questions are easier to redirect?
A. Those that require factual information
B. Those that require description or comparison *
C. Those that require principles
D. Those that require application

68. Ms. Dela Rosa presented an article on smoking to her Health class. Which of the questions she
asked requires
the most cognitive processing?
A. How much does the Philippine tobacco industry spend per year on advertisement? *
B. What is the Philippines annual advertising expenditures on cigarette?
C. How does the tobacco industry try to market its product?
D. Explain why smoking is not a natural need.
69. How can Ms Gregorio make her questions in her Values Education class concise? By asking
questions that:
A. are divergent and valuing
B. lead to student problem formulation *
C. are centered on one specific point
D. promote inquiry

70. Ms Perez has been noticing disorder in the classroom everytime students hear the bell. Children
rush to the
door, desk remain littered, materials scattered on the table, and traffic jams at the door. It has
impossible of her to give instruction to the pupils. Which is a possible cause? The teacher
A. wants to maintain a permissive classroom atmosphere *
B. continues talking right up to the first bell
C. did not provide sanctions
D. failed to establish routine

71. Which lesson shows indirect instruction method?

A. Using a microscope properly *
B. Distinguishing war from aggression
C. Solving equation with two unknown
D. Cooking pinakbet

72. The teacher allows the evaluation of member`s work by the group and encourages the giving of
comments on how to improve the work. He illustrates:
A. Jury trial C. Consensus decision
B. Critiquing session * D. Round table

73. A teacher wants the students to see different perspectives on the issue about the pros and cons of
declaring a
state of rebellion. Which technique will be most effective?
A. Role playing C. Panel discussion *
B. Simulation D. Brainstorming

74. A teacher uses process approach in teaching Digestive system; she/he gives the pupils the
chance to:
A. Learn how to learn * C. Make use of laboratory apparatuses
B. Apply the scientific method D. Learn on their own

75. A teacher has a pattern in questioning. She/he would call a student first before asking the
question. If she/he
does this then:
A. The student is called to answer * C. The class listens to the answer
B. The rest of the class answers D. The student called to answer

76. A teacher checks and reviews first the past lesson before discussing the new lesson. This is to:
A. Prepare the students for the mastery test
B. Make learning and interesting and enjoyable for students
C. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
D. Make sure that the students understand the pre-requisite skills of the lesson *
77. A Math teacher uses task-analysis model in organizing solution of algebra problem. Which one is
the best
A. Facts, principles, concepts, generalization
B. Facts, generalization, concepts, principle
C. Facts, concepts, generalization, principle
D. Facts, concepts, principle, generalization *
78. What is the best way for a teacher to handle a child who always refuses to obey and displays
A. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
B. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displayed *
C. Avoid giving him orders or if you do, he objects to take back the order
D. detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered
79. If a school will assign a student to be a Mayor for the day, then the school is training the student
leadership. What strategy is used?
A. Symposium C. Panel discussion
B. Simulation * D. Dramatization
80. If a pupil excels in classifying different types of rocks and leaves, and love collecting specimens
and catalogs
them, then his strength is:
A. naturalistic intelligence * C. spatial intelligence
B. intrapersonal intelligence D. existential intelligence
81. What technique did the teacher employ when she put the idea on the center and asked her students
to write
things related to the topic around the circle that she made?
A. Deductive teaching C. Semantic mapping *
B. Demonstration D. Venn Diagram
82. A teacher has a small poster on the blackboard for the word of the day. The aim is for the students
to have a
wide vocabulary. Which method of vocabulary reading does he employ?
A. Incidental attention to building meaning C. All of these *
B. Direct vocabulary instruction D. Wide reading
83. A teacher wants everybody to listen carefully to one person who has something to say. They are
seated in
circle with 2 chairs placed in the center of the circle for two members to converse while others
listen. What
technique is used?
A. Round table C. Forum
B. symposium D. Fish bowl *
84. The pupil`s choice of seat on the first day of school would influence the teacher`s impression on
responsive the child is. This example will be under what particular category of non-verbal
A. Attentiveness C. Timing
B. Location in proximity * D. disruptive behavior
85. All are basic parts of the lesson plan EXCEPT:
A. Evaluation C. Resources
B. Assignment * D. Content
86. What skills does a teacher teach when the students are told to find the main idea, sequence
events, find the
details, and critically and creatively read in a literature class?
A. Utilizing skills C. Comprehension skills *
B. Study skills D. Word recognition skills
87. Which order of skills must be followed to develop pupil`s comprehension skills?
I. literal comprehension II. Interpretation III. Critical evaluation IV. Integration
88. When a teacher introduces a lesson and helps the students to determine what they have to learn
about the
topic, she uses what particular technique?
A. Individualized instruction C. Computer-assisted instruction
B. Self-directed learning * D. Collaborative learning
89. A teacher assessed her students to make sure that they have something to share and learn with
each other.
The class is prepared for:
A. Buzz grouping C. Remedial instruction
B. Peer tutoring * D. Ability grouping
90. A teacher showed a graph to her students. The graph showed increasing data. Then, the teacher
asked a
student to tell what will happen in the next part of the graph. What skill is being developed?
A. Inferring C. Interpolating
B. Predicting * D. Drawing

91. A teacher wants to equip her students with the skill to organize information gathered. Which one
is the best
A. Note taking, outlining, using library C. Note taking, outlining, summarizing *
B. Summarizing, note taking, using the library D. Outlining, summarizing, using the card
92. A teacher must avoid this in asking questions.
A. Repeat questions if pupils cannot answer
B. Encourage lengthy response and sustained answer *
C. Ask the question first before calling a pupil to answer
D. Ask a sufficient number of questions to stimulate thinking
93. A teacher gave reading materials with different levels of difficulty to three group of students.
What principle
is implied in this action?
A. Focus on individual`s need to achieve * C. Focus on student attention
B. Help each student attain goals D. Provide informative feedback
94. Non-verbal cues are very important. Which of the following is NOT a way of communicating
using non-
verbal cues?
A. teacher`s comment * C. facial expression
B. tone of voice D. body language
95. A teacher in reading sees positive effects in the use of various sections of a newspaper. In what
way does the
use of the newspaper affect the students?
A. Strengthen learning skills C. Reinforces learning experiences *
B. Contributes to pupils` understanding D. Provide for meeting student different
97. A teacher maximizes individual learning by permitting the students to proceed at their own rate.
Which of the
following will she apply?
A. Cooperative learning C. Hands-on learning
B. Modular instruction * D. Supervised study
98. Cognitive processes are rooted on meaningfulness. Meaningfulness is rooted on:
A. the intensiveness of practice C. the variety of learning activities *
B. the persistence of student in answering D. the manner in which the teacher handles
the topic
99. To summarize a lesson at the end of the period, what activity best suits this?
A. Present a medial summary * C. Administer a short quiz
B. Give a homework D. Ask students to interpret a cartoon related to the
100. A teacher always has opening routines in her class. Her pupils work immediately and they are
throughout the period. What explains this situation?
A. well-planned program activities * C. constant seatwork
B. sufficient seatwork D. uniform discipline
101. An advance organizer is always given by the teacher every time she will start discussing a new
unit. What
principle does she adhere with?
A. arrange for appropriate practice
B. Provide for correct responding on the first trial
C. Organize material into appropriate learning units *
D. Assist students to learn communication skills
102. A P.E. teacher usually holds classes on an open field. One afternoon, after warming up
activities, and
during the introduction of the new activity, the rain started to pour. What is the best thing that
the teacher
should do?
A. Continue the activity since the students are in their P.E. uniform
B. Move the class to their room and give a quiet game *
C. Dismiss the class and continue next meeting
D. Stop the lesson and wait until the rain stops

103. Mr. Cocon illustrates a redirection technique in teaching a story in his class. Which
statement is it?
A. What can you say about the family of Kiko?
B. Do you think it is proper to argue during lunchtime? *
C. Another idea, Edna.
D. Who can elaborate more?
104. Which phrase describes a teacher`s personality?
A. giving directions C. supervising seatwork
B. asking questions D. interest in students *

105. A math teacher explains percentage problems. To enhance the learning abilities of slow-
learners, which activity should be given first?
A. assignments C. reinforcement activities *
B. enrichment material D. additional tasks


Combination of Educ 5 & 6 Principle of Teaching 1 & 2 and Educ 15 Practice Teaching

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the circle below the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
Sample question:
Which refers to learning?
A. ability to stand up C. increasing in weight
B. feeling hungry after a hard work D. ability to write one` s name *
Option D possessing to write one` s name is an instance of change caused by experience
either intentional teaching or modeling. This is learning.
Option A & C are changes due to growth and development
Option B is an instinctive response to an activity
Options A, B, C are changes but not caused by experience hence not instances of learning.

1. Teacher Paloma announces finish your seatwork and then you may play.
A. consequences C. extinction
B. reinforcement D. premack

2. Ms. Cruz would like to transfer computing skills to figuring income tax. What should be the
teacher` s
initial action?
A. check students` knowledge and undertaking skills
B. apply information storage mechanism
C. teach students to process
D. develop retrieval skills

3. Mrs. Makinano has a pupil whose name is the same as her son. How can she apply elaborative
to retain his pupil` s name in her memory?
A. By making association between her pupil and her son
B. By repeating his name several times
C. By grouping the letters in his name
D. By focusing on the spelling of his name
4. Ms. Azumbrado is developing the concept of solid to her Grade II pupils. Which of the following
will she follow?
A. Present only examples of solid
B. Present examples of solid in varying sizes, colors, and shapes
C. Present four examples of solid and four non-examples of solid
D. Present four examples of solid first, then remove them, and present the four non-

5. Which of the following changes is an instance of learning?

A. growing heavier C. associating red light with stop
B. learning to walk D. feeling drowsy after taking drug

6. All are outcomes of learning, except one. Which is the exception?

A. maturation and development C. habits and attitudes
B. knowledge and understanding D. abilities and skills

7. In classical conditioning, which are paired together in order to elicit the desired response?
A. unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus
B. conditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus
C. unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus
D. unconditioned response and neutral stimulus

8. Cecil completes her home assignment daily to avoid staying after class to work on unfinished
tasks. Which type of effect illustrates this situation?
A. positive reinforcement C. punishment
B. negative reinforcement D. primary reinforcer

9. Which of the following is an operant behavior?

A. writing an essay C. receiving a medal
B. getting high grades D. being scolded

10. Every time you get a correct answer to a problem, you may get a fruit from the basket. This
teacher`s statement illustrates
A. continuous reinforcement C. ratio schedule
B. intermittent reinforcement D. interval schedule

11. Ms. Ann` s kindergarten children are learning to tie their shoelaces. She gives candy first for
tying the
first knot, then for making the loop and so on until they can do the entire task. What reinforcing
technique is illustrated in the teacher` s action?
A. recognition C. shaping
B. self-reinforcement D. maintenance

12. Marilyn can add 5 books and 4 books, He, then, can add 5 pencils and 4 pencils. What learning
is demonstrated by Jasmine?
A. cueing C. generalization
B. discrimination D. apperception

13. Two hyperactive pupils, Ana and Fe are seated next to each other. Every time Ana pays attention
completes her tasks, teacher P praises her. In this condition, the teacher notes that Fe` s behavior
also improved even without specific reinforcement from her. What is demonstrated by Fe?
A. observational learning C. self-regulated learning
B. imitation learning D. vicarious learning

14. In observation and imitation learning, what should be the learner` s response when the teacher
models the behavior?
A. reproduce and match C. imitate and practice
B. pay attention D. show satisfaction

15. What is the correct sequence of information processing?

A. sensory register short-term memory long-term memory
B. short-term memory sensory register long-term memory
C. sensory register long-term memory short-term memory
D. long-term memory sensory register short-term memory

16. What learning strategy is used when a pupil is trying to remember the provinces of Mindanao by
breaking them into a number of separate lists and practices each one intermittently throughout the
A. association learning C. whole learning
B. part learning D. cumulative learning

17. Arrange the following types of learning according to the cumulative learning theory.
(1) Problem solving learning (3) Rule learning
(2) Discrimination learning (4) Concept learning

A. 2, 1, 3, 4 C. 2, 3, 4, 1
B. 2, 4, 3, 1 D. 2, 1, 4, 3

18. Discriminating gumamela from other things and deducing commonality among different
flowers is
an example of _________.
A. signal learning C. discrimination learning
B. stimulus-response learning D. concept learning

19. Which is essential in meaningful reception learning?

A. Concepts are presented to learner and received by them
B. Concepts are discovered by them.
C. Concepts are related to one another.
D. concepts are solicited from the learners.

20. Which of the following instructional events support learning at retrieval phase?
A. gaining attention
B. informing learners of the objectives
C. recalling prior knowledge
D. presenting the stimulus materials

21. With what prototypes would you start your lesson on concept of liquid?
A. shampoo and honey C. water or juice
B. cake batter & cement mixture D. any exemplar will do
22. In reinforcement, which of the following praise statements enable the pupil to understand the
specific action that is being praised?
A. You were very responsible.
B. You returned the books in their proper shelves.
C. Aren`t you good today?
D. You got high in the test. How lucky can you be?

23. In using punishment, at what point does the teacher allow students to escape unpleasant
A. when they manifest signs of fatigue
B. when they reach a level of competence
C. when they become disruptive
D. when they show resistance

24. A child is able to read the word chairs after pairing it with a picture of chair. In classical
conditioning, which makes this possible?
A. positive association C. unconditioned stimulus
B. neutral stimulus D. act of reading

25. A teacher teaches the preschool children to tie their shoelaces. In shaping the behavior, at what
is it best to reinforce the learners?
A. after tying the first knot C. after the entire task is finished
B. after making the loops D. after each step that leads toward the typing of
26. The teacher excuses Mary who completed her assignment from clean up activity which she does
like to do. This is a consequence of _______.
A. positive reinforcement C. presentation punishment
B. negative reinforcement D. no reinforcement

27. To remember the six digits 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher put them together in two`s 84, 39, 45
in threes, 843, 945. This control process of retaining information is referred to as _____.
A. rehearsing C. remembering
B. interfering D. chunking

28. A Home economics teacher is demonstrating how to thread a sewing machine. She asks students
look over her shoulder as she does it. In observation learning, what is she trying to do?
A. directing attention to the right features of the learning situation
B. representing the model`s actions in some ways
C. avoiding a crowd of learners in front of her
D. facilitating contagious spreading of behaviors

29. Ms. Sevilla is presenting a new unit on animals to her grade two class. She starts with an advance
organizer that is more general, abstract, and inclusive. Which principle of teaching does Ms
apply to facilitate acquisition of information?
A. organizing learning materials through meaningful association
B. proper sequencing of materials
C. transition from old to new materials
D. independent evaluation

30. Ms. Cruda`s lesson is on the different provinces of the Philippines. What is the best way to
this particular different factual information to achieve meaningful association?
A. by attributes C. alphabetically
B. by relationship D. by land area
31. In concept development, Mrs. Dagani uses living things instead of man as the super ordinate
because food is considered to have ______.
A. greater observability C. greater learnability
B. greater generality D. greater perceptibility

32. In developing the concept of transparency, the teacher can prevent overgeneralization by
including __.
A. plywood among the examples C. glass among the examples
B. clear plastic among the examples D. clear cellphone among the examples

33. Mr. Sera asked his pupils to use Atlas in correcting their answers to the quiz on capital cities of
world. Which teaching principle is exemplified by such teacher`s action?
A. organize material into appropriate learning units
B. encourage for independent evaluation
C. provide for correct responding on the first time
D. arrange for appropriate practice

34. Ms. Rosales` Social Studies class has expressed the need to do something about the increasing
pile of garbage
behind the school fence. What would be the next step in solving this specific garbage problem?
A. recognizing a problem situation C. exploring possible solutions
B. defining the problems D. testing possible solutions

35. After giving a story problem to your math class, the first task you will ask your pupils is to
understand A. the whole problem and elements C. the symbols used in the problem
B. the meaning of each sentence D. what is asked

36. When solving the problem, what would be the first question you will ask your pupils?
A. What clues will help solve the problem?
B. What is causing the problem?
C. Is there a similar problem?
D. Can you break the problem into smaller parts?

37. A Practical Art teacher constantly gives verbal guidance to her pupils while practicing a sewing
What is the value of giving verbal guidance in improving pupils learning behavior?
A. It promotes the growth of interest in the new learning tasks.
B. It serves as informational feedback.
C. It facilitates perfection skills.
D. It directs pupils` attention to more adequate and better techniques.

38. A Physical Education teacher begins a complicated dance step by simple swaying of arms and
in slow motion guiding her students through the intended movements. What principle is applied
the teacher?
A. provide sufficient support (scaffolding)
B. present only tasks that students can perform successfully
C. provide opportunities for students to test their learning effort
D. model effective learning and study strategies

39. The students in a Physical Education class who are learning how to play basketball were shown a
on the Best of PBA game. Which principle related to skill learning was applied by the teacher?
A. provide informational feedback
B. demonstrate the correct response
C. analyze the skill in terms of learner`s abilities
D. encourage independent evaluation

40. Ronald`s parents were killed by the Japanese during the war. Which of the following would the
teacher avoid when changing his strongly biased attitude towards the Japanese?
A. using group techniques
B. providing informative experience
C. using counter-conditioning techniques
D. providing for pleasant emotional experience

41. The Values Education teacher, and her pupils, while working on honesty, agreed that no cabinets
book cases would be locked throughout the day. Which principle in affective learning is being
A. provide exemplary models
B. provide for appropriate practice
C. provide for pleasant emotional experience
D. provide for independent attitude cultivation

42. Mrs. Paz has observed that several of her pupils do not work on their homework. Which of the
following would best help her?
A. Vary levels of reward for those who have completed their homework.
B. Hold rewards until everyone in her class completes his/her homework.
C. Maintain the same level of rewards for all pupils who have completed their homework.
D. Use more rewards initially with the pupils who submitted complete homework for the
first time.

43. Mrs. Serna came to class with a box containing something that moves. She told the class that she
going to show them something they never saw before. How did Mrs. Serna motivate the class?
A. through getting people to do something
B. through management of instruction
C. by relating thoughts to action
D. by removing emotional barriers to learning
44. A teacher thinks that her pupils from the slum area might be incapable of achieving academic
success as their wealthier classmates. If the teacher seeks your advice, what will you tell her?
A. Group students according to socio-economic status
B. Provide opportunities for students of different economic background to work together.
C. Expose the disadvantaged students to successful students of high socio-economic
D. Be careful not to make predictions about individual students on the basis of group

45. Mrs. Lopez flashes cards of mathematical combinations over and over again until the children
memorized these facts and are able to answer questions about them automatically. What type of
lesson is the teacher engaged in?
A. Practice C. Development
B. Drill D. Review

46. In the unit on earthquake, Mrs. Go plans to ask her grade VI pupils to narrate some of their
experiences during the recent earthquake. In what phase of the lesson will this activity be
A. Motivation C. Evaluation
B. Application D. Apperception

47. Which of the following exploratory strategies is not investigative oriented?

A. Problem solving C. Inquiry
B. Metacognitive approach D. Laboratory

48. Mrs. Santos decided to use inquiry procedure in developing the unit The effect of Media on
Life. What instructional sequence will she follow?
1. forming hypotheses and gathering data on given questions by students
2. forming generalization on the bases of hypotheses and data by students
3. displaying data on chart, discussing and assessing hypotheses by students
4. presenting questions: How often do you see TV ads?, What products are advertised to
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 4, 1, 3
B. 4, 1, 3, 2 D. 4, 3, 2, 1
49. Teacher P first year of teaching gives her a difficult time to stop the chaos in the classroom
by the different disruptive behaviors of her students. Teaching and learning activities have turned
into hostile showdowns until the students feel the antagonism she`s feeling for her students.
has gone wrong in Teacher P`s conduct management? Failure of the teacher to:
A. set clear rules and routines
B. gain student`s cooperation
C. foster student`s motivation to learn
D. provide sanctions for disruptive behaviors

50. Ms. Cassion intends to present the historical facts of the First Mass in Masao. What type of
does she need to prepare?
A. review C. development
B. drill D. discovery

51. Mrs. Labrador is planning to take up this week the lives of great Filipino women, the significance
their achievements, and how their good traits might be emulated. What type of lesson will be best
these topics?
A. Developmental lesson C. Supervised study lesson
B. Appreciation lesson D. Application lesson

52. Ms Cruz always motivates her lesson by using current events and relating this with the new
Then, she solicits information from the class by letting them recite their own experiences. This is
apperception. In what part of the lesson do these activities fall?
A. Preparation C. Evaluation
B. Development D. Application

53. In his Literature class, Mr. Santos allows his students to write using varied literary forms. He also
invites them to present their finished compositions and talk about them. What principle of
method is
illustrated by the teacher`s action? Method:
A. provides for growth and development
B. stimulates thinking and reasoning
C. provides for individual differences
D. liberates the learners

54. A newly appointed teacher armed with contemporary ideas on how to approach teaching, offered
students control of the learning situation. She started off with identification of a problem which
them an opportunity to study situations of interest to them. What form of exploratory learning is
A. Project C. Discovery
B. Inquiry D. Inductive learning
55. Mrs Balagtas conducts drill in Mathematics in a concert manner. She is violating the principle of
A. motivation C. individualization
B. reinforcement D. repetition

56. Mrs. Mint is fond of giving away material incentives such as candies, biscuits, toys, and ribbons
deserving answers. As a result, the children really exert effort to give smart answers to her
aiming for the material reward they`re going to receive. What motivation is this?
A. reverse C. intrinsic
B. extrinsic D. artificial
57. The teacher plans to use inductive method in discussing parts of a flower in her Biology class.
believes this is most useful when the child needs to:
A. observe many cases C. form own generalization
B. compare different cases D. learn chiefly through self-activity

58. To prove the truth of the concept air has weight, Mr. Lim grouped his children into four. He
each group a set of materials with which to perform some experiments and verify the correctness
wrongness of the concept. The groups were also given activity cards where the procedures from
experiments are indicated. So all the groups performed the experiments, after which they filled up
chart to show the result of such activities. This is an illustration of ____.
A. Discovery approach C. Laboratory method
B. Process approach D. Demonstration method
59. In what teaching situation can experimentation turn to a demonstration?
A. when pupils perform the experiment by themselves
B. when pupils set-up a control to test the variable being tested
C. when pupils gather data before formulating conclusion
D. when few pupils perform the experiment in front while others observe

60. Every teacher has to develop varied mental processes and skills among students. Which mental
process is
being emphasized when she tries to help them remember words or ideas in a definite order?
A. Logical sequencing C. Rote association
B. Reflective thinking D. Analytical thinking

61. Ms. Castillo wanted to use the laboratory method in her lesson on osmosis. However, she lacks
materials and
equipment for several groups to perform an experiment at the same time. What alternative may
she use?
A. demonstration C. laboratory
B. expository D. project
62. In inquiry, the teacher asks opening questions requiring great range of cognitive skills in order to
responses from children. Which of the following opening questions is most fitted for an inquiry
A. Which is the tallest building in the world?
B. How many legs does a centipede have?
C. Why do some birds fly under the rain?
D. What is the name of the movable part of an airplane wing?

63. Ms. Lorenz drew several triangles on the board. She asked the students to measure the angles of
the triangles
with their protractors. After the activity, the class concluded that the sum of the angles of a
triangle is equal
to 180 degrees. What teaching strategy was used by the teacher?
A. Expository C. Deductive
B. Demonstration D. Discovery
64. Which of the following objectives could be most appropriately taught through discussion?
A. Describe the major causes of air pollution in Manila.
B. Develop class rules for the year.
C. Describe Rizal`s motive in Noli Me Tangere
D. Demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear power as an energy source.

65. Mr. Quistadio is using cooperative learning approach in his social science lesson. He is quite
successful in
establishing a cooperative classroom ethics characterized by a safe, caring community of
learners. What will
be his initial step in order to successfully implement cooperative learning approach?
A. Arrange the learning environment.
B. Establish positive interdependence.
C. Identify academic and social objectives.
D. Determine group size and membership.
66. Which objective could be taught best using inquiry method?
A. To diagram sentences
B. To know the effect of demand on cost
C. To distinguish between living and nonliving things
D. to distinguish between Christianity and Buddhism

67. Ms Balansag is formulating questions for the purpose of increasing the amount of pupil
participation. Which
of the following types of questions are easier to redirect?
A. Those that require factual information
B. Those that require description or comparison
C. Those that require principles
D. Those that require application

68. Ms. Callanta presented an article on smoking to her Health class. Which of the questions she
asked requires
the most cognitive processing?
A. How much does the Philippine tobacco industry spend per year on advertisement?
B. What is the Philippines annual advertising expenditures on cigarette?
C. How does the tobacco industry try to market its product?
D. Explain why smoking is not a natural need.

69. How can Mrs Reyes make her questions in her Values Education class concise? By asking
questions that:
A. are divergent and valuing
B. lead to student problem formulation
C. are centered on one specific point
D. promote inquiry

70. Mrs Ceniza has been noticing disorder in the classroom every time students hear the bell.
Children rush to
the door, desk remain littered, materials scattered on the table, and traffic jams at the door. It has
impossible of her to give instruction to the pupils. Which is a possible cause? The teacher
A. wants to maintain a permissive classroom atmosphere
B. continues talking right up to the first bell
C. did not provide sanctions
D. failed to establish routine
71. Which lesson shows indirect instruction method?
A. Using a microscope properly
B. Distinguishing war from aggression
C. Solving equation with two unknown
D. Cooking pinakbet
72. The teacher allows the evaluation of member`s work by the group and encourages the giving of
comments on how to improve the work. He illustrates:
A. Jury trial C. Consensus decision
B. Critiquing session D. Round table
73. A teacher wants the students to see different perspectives on the issue about the pros and cons of
declaring a
state of rebellion. Which technique will be most effective?
A. Role playing C. Panel discussion
B. Simulation D. Brainstorming
74. A teacher uses process approach in teaching Digestive system; she/he gives the pupils the
chance to:
A. Learn how to learn C. Make use of laboratory apparatuses
B. Apply the scientific method D. Learn on their own

75. Ms Fuertes has a pattern in questioning. She would call a student first before asking the question.
If she
does this, then:
A. the student is called to answer. C. the class listens to the answer.
B. the rest of the class answers. D. the student called to answer.
76. A teacher checks and reviews first the past lesson before discussing the new lesson. This is to:
A. prepare the students for the mastery test
B. make learning and interesting and enjoyable for students
C. check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
D. make sure that the students understand the pre-requisite skills of the lesson
77. A Math teacher uses task-analysis model in organizing solution of algebra problem. Which one is
the best
A. Facts, principles, concepts, generalization
B. Facts, generalization, concepts, principle
C. Facts, concepts, generalization, principle
D. Facts, concepts, principle, generalization

78. What is the best way for a teacher to handle a child who always refuses to obey and displays
A. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
B. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displayed
C. Avoid giving him orders or if you do, he objects to take back the order
D. detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered

79. If a school will assign a student to be a Mayor for the day, then the school is training the student
leadership. What strategy is used?
A. Symposium C. Panel discussion
B. Simulation D. Dramatization

80. If a pupil excels in classifying different types of rocks and leaves, and love collecting specimens
and catalogs
them, then his strength is:
A. naturalistic intelligence C. spatial intelligence
B. intrapersonal intelligence D. existential intelligence
81. What technique did the teacher employ when she put the idea on the center and asked her students
to write
things related to the topic around the circle that she made?
A. Deductive teaching C. Semantic mapping
B. Demonstration D. Venn Diagram
82. A teacher has a small poster on the blackboard for the word of the day. The aim is for the students
to have a
wide vocabulary. Which method of vocabulary reading does he employ?
A. Incidental attention to building meaning C. All of these
B. Direct vocabulary instruction D. Wide reading
83. A teacher wants everybody to listen carefully to one person who has something to say. They are
seated in
circle with 2 chairs placed in the center of the circle for two members to converse while others
listen. What
technique is used?
A. Round table C. Forum
B. symposium D. Fish bowl
84. The pupil`s choice of seat on the first day of school would influence the teacher`s impression on
responsive the child is. This example will be under what particular category of non-verbal
A. Attentiveness C. Timing
B. Location in proximity D. disruptive behavior
85. All are basic parts of the lesson plan EXCEPT:
A. Evaluation C. Resources
B. Assignment D. Content
86. What skills does a teacher teach when the students are told to find the main idea, sequence
events, find the
details, and critically and creatively read in a literature class?
A. Utilizing skills C. Comprehension skills
B. Study skills D. Word recognition skills

87. Which order of skills must be followed to develop pupil`s comprehension skills?
I. literal comprehension II. Interpretation III. Critical evaluation IV. Integration

88. When a teacher introduces a lesson and helps the students to determine what they have to learn
about the
topic, she uses what particular technique?
A. Individualized instruction C. Computer-assisted instruction
B. Self-directed learning D. Collaborative learning
89. A teacher assessed her students to make sure that they have something to share and learn with
each other.
The class is prepared for:
A. buzz grouping C. remedial instruction
B. peer tutoring D. ability grouping
90. A teacher showed a graph to her students. The graph showed increasing data. Then, the teacher
asked a
student to tell what will happen in the next part of the graph. What skill is being developed?
A. Inferring C. Interpolating
B. Predicting D. Drawing
91. A teacher wants to equip her students with the skill to organize information gathered. Which one
is the best
A. Note taking, outlining, using library C. Note taking, outlining, summarizing
B. Summarizing, note taking, using the library D. Outlining, summarizing, using the card
92. A teacher must avoid this in asking questions.
A. Repeat questions if pupils cannot answer.
B. Encourage lengthy response and sustained answer .
C. Ask the question first before calling a pupil to answer.
D. Ask a sufficient number of questions to stimulate thinking.

93. A teacher gave reading materials with different levels of difficulty to three group of students.
What principle
is implied in this action?
A. Focus on individual`s need to achieve . C. Focus on student attention.
B. Help each student attain goals. D. Provide informative feedback.

94. Non-verbal cues are very important. Which of the following is NOT a way of communicating
using non-
verbal cues?
A. teacher`s comment C. facial expression
B. tone of voice D. body language

95. A teacher in reading sees positive effects in the use of various sections of a newspaper. In what
way does the
use of the newspaper affect the students?
A. Strengthen learning skills C. Reinforces learning experiences
B. Contributes to pupils` understanding D. Provide for meeting student different

97. A teacher maximizes individual learning by permitting the students to proceed at their own rate.
Which of the
following will she apply?
A. Cooperative learning C. Hands-on learning
B. Modular instruction D. Supervised study

98. Cognitive processes are rooted on meaningfulness. Meaningfulness is rooted on:

A. the intensiveness of practice C. the variety of learning activities
B. the persistence of student in answering D. the manner in which the teacher handles
the topic

99. To summarize a lesson at the end of the period, what activity best suits this?
A. Present a medial summary. C. Administer a short quiz.
B. Give a homework. D. Ask students to interpret a cartoon related to the

100. A teacher always has opening routines in her class. Her pupils work immediately and they are
throughout the period. What explains this situation?
A. well-planned program activities C. constant seatwork
B. sufficient seatwork D. uniform discipline

101. An advance organizer is always given by the teacher every time she will start discussing a new
unit. What
principle does she adhere with?
A. Arrange for appropriate practice
B. Provide for correct responding on the first trial
C. Organize material into appropriate learning units
D. Assist students to learn communication skills

102. A P.E. teacher usually holds classes on an open field. One afternoon, after warming up
activities, and
during the introduction of the new activity, the rain started to pour. What is the best thing that
the teacher
should do?
A. Continue the activity since the students are in their P.E. uniform
B. Move the class to their room and give a quiet game
C. Dismiss the class and continue next meeting
D. Stop the lesson and wait until the rain stops

103. Mr. Cocon illustrates a redirection technique in teaching a story in his class. Which
statement is it?
A. What can you say about the family of Kiko?
B. Do you think it is proper to argue during lunchtime?
C. Another idea, Edna.
D. Who can elaborate more?

104. Which phrase describes a teacher`s personality?

A. giving directions C. supervising seatwork
B. asking questions D. interest in students

105. A math teacher explains percentage problems. To enhance the learning abilities of slow-
learners, which activity should be given first?
A. assignments C. reinforcement activities
B. enrichment material D. additional tasks


September, 2015
Directions: Write the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following is the basic design of 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum?
A. Forward C. Backward *
B. Praxis D. Integrated course design

2. Humanities are replaced by technical courses in recent curricular revisions. This shows that
curricular direction is toward ____________
A. Pragmatism * C. Utilitarian
B. Realism D. Essentialism

3. For integrative purposes, which approach/method should be used?

A. Thematic * C. Collaborative
B. Constructive D. Meta cognitive
4. Which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Thematic C. Content-based instruction
B. Collaborative * D. Multi-disciplinary teaching
5. Which should I use when the lesson involves tasks that are too large or difficult for a single
student to accomplish independently?
A. Indirect instruction C. Expository instruction
B. Collaborative learning* D. Computer based instruction
6. Which concept backs up the integrated teaching approach?
A. Relationship of concepts *
B. Utility for scientific method
C. Presentation of communication process
D. Specialization of learners in only one field
7. To which group of educators does the student-centered curriculum belong?
A. Perennialists C. Progressivists *
B. Realist D. Essentialist
8. All subjects in Philippine Elementary and Secondary schools are expected to be taught using
the integrated approach. This came about as a result of the implementation of
A. Schools First Initiative C. Basic Education Curriculum *
B. School based Management D. Program for Decentralized Education
9. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
A. Develop moral character C. Teach the duties of citizenship
B. Inculcate love of country D. Develop vocational efficiency *
10. Which strategy/method is used when subject areas are combined in order to focus on a
single concept for interdisciplinary teaching?
A. Inductive method C. Thematic method *
B. Deductive method D. Experimental method
11. From which learning area does the subject Filipino take its content for the development of
communicative competence?
A. English C. Araling Panlipunan *
B. Science D. Mathematics
12. Which of the following curriculum design ends with actual instruction?
A. Understanding backward C. Sideward
B. Backward * D. Praxis
13. Which of the following conducts an examination to evaluate the effectiveness of the
A. National level C. Professional regulation Commission
B. Civil service Commission D. National Educational Testing and
Research Center *
14. Based on the recommendation of 2002 Basic Education Curriculum, in what high school level
can Advanced Chemistry be taught?
A. First year C. Third year
B. Second year D. Fourth year *
15. Which content area helps students in the choice of career or vocation that matches their
interests or aptitude?
B. VE D. Makabayan
16. In what learning area can Content Based Language Instruction be utilized?
A. English * C. Science
B. Mathematics D. Makabayan
17. Which area serves as a practice environment for holistic learning in 2002 BEC to develop a
healthy personal and national self identity?
A. English C. Science
B. Mathematics D. Makabayan *
18. What is the last part of curriculum development?
A. Evaluating the impact * C. Presenting a proposal
B. Anticipating the result D. Implementing the curriculum
19. Who supervises different materials to be utilized in curriculum implementation?
A. National level C. Division level
B. Regional level D. School level *
20. In which of the following is team teaching done?
A. The PE and Health teacher and the Music teacher prepare separate course
syllabi, but agree on what each one should teach. *
B. The PE and Health teacher and the Music teacher work on an integrated course
syllabus and take turns when they teach.
C. The PE and Health teacher and the Music teacher are both in the classroom
when they teach PEHM and follow an integrated syllabus.
D. The PE and Health teacher and the Music teacher divide the school calendar into
two and teach their subject separately.
21. Jerome Bruner taught that the curriculum should revisit basic ideas, build on them, until the
students grasps the full formal concept. Which is an offshoot of this thought?
A. Basic curriculum C. Backward curriculum
B. Hidden curriculum D. Spiral curriculum *
22. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that the
main sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and
the learners experience in his/her context. This shows that the BEC is _________in
A. Essentialist C. Constructivist
B. Behaviorist D. Essentialist, behaviorist and constructivist
23. Which DOES not belong to the characteristics of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum?
A. Integrated C. Prescriptive
B. Flexible D. Compartmentalized *
24. How does a goal-oriented curriculum culminate?
A. Evaluation * C. Formulation of different objectives
B. Planning of learning activities D. Generating questions for creative
25. Which approach on the execution of 2002 Basic Education Curriculum aims for social
interaction while learning?
A. Interactive C. Communicative
B. Integrated D. Collaborative *
26. If you decide to develop a lesson the constructivists way, what kind of learning environment
must you create for you to succeed?
A. Open and flexible * C. Authoritarian
B. Structured D. Laissez faire
27. If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern your
A. For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to
learners. *
B. Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them.
C. Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled.
D. Teachers are the only source of knowledge.
28. You want your students to develop the ability to look at a problem from various
perspectives, which approach will be more fit?
A. Affective approach C. Modular approach
B. Behaviorist approach D. Integrative approach *
29. If you apply differentiated instruction as an approach to teaching, which one/s will you do?
I. Allow students to select their own groups based on common interests.
II. Allow students to work independently at least occasionally according to their
III. Come up with heterogeneous groups when working with open-ended problem-
solving tasks.
A. I, II, III * C. II, III
B. I, III D. I
30. You practice inclusive education. Which one applies to you?
I. You accept every student as full and valued members of the class and school
II. Your special attention is on learners with specific learning or social needs.
III. You address the needs of the class as a whole within the context of the learners with
specific learning or social needs.
A. I only * C. I and II
B. II only D. I and III
31. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What thought do you impress on
your students?
A. Students success depends on the success of the group. *
B. Students individually evaluate how effectively their group worked.
C. The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual.
D. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face-to-face interaction.
32. Your approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardners MI Theory. What are you
challenged to do?
I. To come up with 9 different ways of approaching a lesson to cater to the 9 multiple
intelligences at one time
II. To develop all students skills in all nine intelligences in one lesson
III. To provide varied activities that acknowledge multiple intelligence of children
A. I only C. II only
B. III only * D. I and II
33. You consider learning styles in your lesson development. What do you AVOID?
I. Trace the root causes of varied learning styles.
II. Allow children to use preferred learning style.
III. Prescribe a uniform way to accomplishing a task.
A. I and III C. I and II
B. II only D. III only *
34. If you apply the integrated curriculum approach, which one is out?
A. Relating topic to life experiences C. Problem Solving
B. Rote training * D. Lifelong learning
35. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature (s) apply (ies)?
I. aims of the curriculum are set by professional and experts.
II. Interested groups ( teachers, students, communities ) are assumed to agree with
the aims of the curriculum.
III. Consensus building is not necessary.
A. I, II, III * C. I, III
B. I, II D. III only

36. The list of LET competencies upon which your licensure examination is based is a product of
five consultative workshops with the academe in the entire country. What approach to LET
competency development was used?
A. Interactive C. Rational
B. Objectivist D. Collaborative *
37. School curricula reflect worldwide economic issues, political integration and
industrialization. What do these point to in curriculum development?
A. The trends toward globalization and localization *
B. The trend toward participatory curriculum development
C. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to
a product-oriented one
D. The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum development.
38. Integrating the concept of sustainable development into curricula demands which approach
to curriculum development?
I. Multidisciplinary approach
II. Holistic
III. Systematic
IV. Participatory
A. I, II, III, IV C. I, II, III *
39. Which are two (2) most important and relevant underpinnings that teachers need in
designing and implementing learning experiences that cater to individual differences?
I. Barriers to learning
II. Inclusive education
III. Student management theories
IV. Support services and resources
A. I and III C. III and IV
B. II and III * D. I and IV
40. Which of this/these statement/s best describe/s the team approach in differentiating
instruction for students?
I. Teachers, other professionals and parents share information and skills to make
students education as effective and consistent as possible.
II. Peer support is given to develop skills in providing quality instruction in the basic
learning areas.
III. Child to child support is demonstrated in peer teaching and buddy system.
A. I and III C. I only *
B. I, II and III D. II only
41. Which priority factors should be considered in organizing the learning competencies?
I. Learner
II. Values
III. School facilitator
IV. Manner of organization
V. Social and Individual needs
A. I, II and III C. II, III and IV
B. I, II and IV D. I, III, V *
42. The subject-matter integration and organization of the curriculum involves ____________.
I. Life-centered approach II. Core approach III. Fused approach
II. Core approach
III. Fused approach
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and II * D. I, II and III
43. The pre-school curriculum focuses on childrens physical and mental growth, development of
good habits and attitudes via informal activities. Which of the following are emphasized in
the first eight weeks?
I. Aesthetic ideas
II. Religious instruction
III. Social relationship
IV. Physical training
A. I, II and III C. III only *
B. I, III and IV D. I only
44. Which of the following are the attitudes and skills of teachers who help ALL types of
I. Establishing clarity about curricular essentials
II. Accepting responsibility for learner success
III. Accessing a repertoire of information
IV. Developing flexible classroom routines
A. I, II, III and IV * C. I, II, III
B. I and II D. III and IV
45. Which type of a curriculum recognizes the necessity for learners to see the big picture rather
than piecemeal learning?
A. Core curriculum C. Differentiated curriculum
B. Integrated curriculum * D. Multidisciplinary curriculum
46. Which of the following techniques of curriculum implementation is fit to the objective of
developing cooperative learning and social interaction?
A. Buzz session * C. Individual reporting
B. Graded recitation D. Lecture
47. Which are the basic components of a curriculum design?
A. Standards, learning competencies and evaluation *
B. Assessment, teaching strategies and textbooks
C. Philosophy, goals and objectives
D. Content, structure and delivery
48. Which are the basic statements BEST describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum
augmentation? It is learning :
A. how to learn and thinking about how one thinks *
B. strategies for success
C. through interaction with the environment
D. through computer-aided instruction
49. Mrs Santos wants to determine immediately the learning difficulties of her students. Which
of the following do you expect her to undertake?
A. Require her students to prepare a portfolio
B. Administer an achievement test
C. Administer a diagnostic test *
D. Interview her students
50. Which statements/s is/are NOT true about teaching, learning and assessment?
I. Curriculum and assessment are a little but related.
II. Assessment is separate from curriculum and instruction.
III. Assessment is a basis for planning instruction.
IV. The process of learning is as important as the content of the curriculum
A. I only C. I and II *
B. II only D. II and III
51. In which document are the contents of each subject in the elementary level contained?
A. Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC)
B. Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) *
C. DepEd Competencies
D. Elementary Learning Competencies (ELC)
52. Which primary factor is considered in designing the curriculum?
A. The objectives C. The materials
B. The learners * D. The assessment
53. Why must lesson objectives and course objectives in the syllabi be aligned with the aims of
education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution?
A. To learn more about the Constitution of our country
B. To develop mission-inspired citizens
C. To facilitate a faster and better learning
D. To instill the ideals and goals of the country *
54. The cycle in curriculum planning constitutes three fundamental elements. The goals and
objectives , followed by the body of learning experiences and resources (methodologies) and
ends with a/an?
A. revision of methods C. assessment of outcomes *
B. reconsideration of the goals D. orientation for next activities
55. In curriculum, the basic principle is plan, teach and test, and the three should always be
aligned. This principle implies:
A. the objective of the lesson of the lesson can stand by itself.
B. what to test is based on what has been taught *
C. what has been taught depends on the available material
D. testing is an optional component of curriculum
56. Why is curriculum considered dynamic?
A. It never ends; it has no beginning and no end.
B. It changes just like those that occur in society. *
C. It jibes with the mandates of DepEd.
D. It goes through a cycle.
57. Which of the following views of the curriculum does NOT belong?
A. A body of subjects prepared by the teacher
B. All learning experiences organized by the school that the learners undergo *
C. List of courses requires of students
D. Student course requirements
58. What is the primary fundamental question in examining a curriculum?
A. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these
B. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? *
C. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
D. How can we determine whether these purposes are attained or not?
59. Which is NOT a part of the grassroots approach of Hilda Taba?
A. Selection of learning content
B. Selection of learning experiences
C. Selection of technology *
D. Selection of learning environment
60. On which educational philosophy is the thought that the teacher is the sole authority in her
field of specialization anchored?
A. Reconstructionism C. Essentialism *
B. Perennialism D. Progressivism
61. Present trends and current issues of national and international interests are discussed in the
curriculum. Which educational philosophy advocates this?
A. Reconstructionism * C. Progressivism
B. Essentialism D. Perennialism
62. If the subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative and interactive, the curriculum is based on
which educational philosophy?
A. Progressivism * C. Essentialism
B. Reconstructionism D. Perennialism

63. When the curriculum aims to develop the whole child, the curriculum is considered
A. Subject-centered C. Project-centered
B. Child-centered * D. nature-centered
64. Teachers use a lot of problem and thinking skills in teaching and learning. These are
exemplified through the following practices: reflective thinking, intuitive thinking and
discovery learning. What is the basis of these practices?
A. Cognitive psychology * C. Humanistic psychology
B. Behaviorist psychology D. Social psychology
65. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by the
A. Assessed curriculum C. Hidden curriculum
B. Learned curriculum * D. taught curriculum
66. What criterion is NOT included in the selection of subject matter content?
A. Self-sufficiency C. Validity
B. Creativity * D. Utility
67. The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allowed, resources
available, expertise of the teacher and nature of learners. What criterion is addresses?
A. Validity C. interest
B. Significance D. feasibility *
68. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline this means that the
curriculum is ___________.
A. sequenced C. integrated
B. balanced * D. continued
69. Which holds TRUE when each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next level
and glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided? The curriculum must be:
A. sequenced. C. continued.
B. articulated. D. integrated. *
70. Which of the following represents a miniscule curriculum?
A. Textbook that learners use. C. Lesson plan that teachers prepare *
B. Lecture notes of the teacher. D. Reference materials that supplement the
71. Parents usually complain that the school where their children go, changes their textbooks. If
you are the teacher, how would you explain to the parents, the practice they are
complaining about?
A. Textbooks are already old and with pages torn or destroyed.
B. Textbooks cover are dirty and faded and do not look presentable.
C. There are new authors of textbooks who are popular.
D. There are new developments in curriculum content included in new books. *
72. Which pair of the components of a lesson plan does NOT parallel curriculum components?
A. Subject matter and content C. Teaching methods and instruction
B. Assessment and evaluation D. Behavioral objectives and evaluation *
73. Which of the following school activities is closely related and has greater impact to
curriculum development?
A. Principals performance evaluation of the teachers.
B. Monthly meeting with the barangay officials
C. Review of the textbooks and reference materials *
D. School visit of visitors from other places
74. A Physical Education teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan to execute the four
fundamental dance steps. When observed by the school principal, she was showing her
class how to execute the basic dance steps correctly. Why did the teacher use a
demonstration method to implement her objective?
A. It is a chance to show teachers expertise.
B. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps. *
C. No student knows how to execute the steps.
D. Class time is limited to ask student to execute.
75. Which step of a daily lesson provides opportunities for the students to independently learn
beyond what is taught in the classroom where other stakeholders of curriculum
implementation are involved?
A. Formulation of lesson objectives C. Motivating the learners
B. Doing homework * D. Evaluating the lesson

76. In curriculum development, which teaching technique is used when with the four to six
speakers led by a chairperson together discuss an important topic before an audience?
A. Panel discussion * C. Forum
B. Brainstorming D. Buzz session

77. Showing films or picture at the beginning of a lesson is part of ______________.

A. Initiatory activity * C. evaluation activity
B. Development activity D. culminating activity
78. In developing a curriculum, all EXCEPT ONE elements should be considered.
Which one does NOT relate to curriculum development?
A. Balance C. Sequence
B. Continuity D. Modernity *
79. Which of the following is NOT a curriculum model?
A. Stufflebeams model * C. Tabas Model
B. Tylers model D. Saylors model
80. If you use the cognitive approach, which processes will dominate your lesson development?
I. Synthesizing II. Reasoning III. Comprehension IV. Lecturing
A. I, II, III * C. I, III
B. II only D. IV only
81. Will you be more student-centered or teacher-centered if you use the cognitive approach?
A. Student-centered* C. Depends on the ability of your parents
B. Teacher-centered D. Depends on the nature of the subject
82. Which one appropriately describes your lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
A. Lecture-dominated C. Highly directed teaching
B. Rote learning dominated D. Promotes find out yourself approach *
83. If your approach to your lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate your lesson?
I. Drill
II. Reasoning
III. Lecturing
IV. Cooperative learning
A. I, III, IV * C. I only
B. I, II, III, IV D. II only
84. Which is TRUE of the integrative approach to lesson planning?
I. Multidisciplinary II. Teacher centered III. Highly- structure d Lessons
A. II and III C. I only *
B. II only D. III only
85. In understanding by Design curricular approach, the first consideration is ___.
A. Learning experiences C. desired results *
B. Testing of knowledge D. teaching strategies
86. The use of mother tongue-based multi-lingual education (MTB-MLE) in the curriculum of
Basic Education, means that learners _______.
A. continue to use the local dialect all throughout schooling.
B. shift only to the second language after the mastery of the first language. *
C. are not allowed to learn the second or the third language.
D. should immediately master the second language.
87. When instruction in the curriculum focuses on the mastery of the content and the
evaluation that follows measured only the knowledge learned, the curriculum design is
A. learner-centered C. problem-centered
B. subject- centered * D. teacher- centered

88. The MTB-MLE will enable each learner to develop all EXCEPT one.
A. Learn English and connect to the world.
B. Learn Filipino and connect to the country.
C. Learn the mother tongue and connect to the heritage.
D. Learn all languages to develop nationalism. *

89. In curriculum development, the teacher should always bear in mind that ____.
A. objectives, methods and evaluation are aligned. *
B. evaluation should guide the formulation of objectives.
C. methods should vary from the desired objectives.
D. objectives, method and assessment should vary.

90. Roles of stakeholders in the delivery of curriculum from item numbers 90 - 93:
The parents-Learning Support system targets the acceptance of the parent`s responsibility of
educating the child. In attending to this responsibility, which role/s of parents should be
given priority?
I. As a learner
II. As a child educator
III. As a participant in school activities
IV. As a model for children`s development
V. As a provider of home environment conducive to learning
A. V C. IV and V *
B. II D. I and II
91. Every school should plan for and support students with learning needs. Which two vital
components have to be addressed to provide such needs?
I. Principles of inclusive education
II. Content area and trans-disciplinary knowledge
III. Learning styles, abilities, and disabilities of students
IV. Relevant curriculum and frameworks
A. I and III * C. II and IV
B. II and III D. I and IV
92. Schools are communities of learners committed to pre-determined measurable quality
criteria for student learning. Which statement BEST describes schools that will ensure
attainment of such criteria?
A. Everyone in the school is accountable for student outcomes. *
B. Families are encouraged to support and participate in student learning
C. Regular evaluation of student achievement is done by teachers and
D. Teachers continually update themselves by attending training programs.
93. When the schools take the responsibility for developing high quality performance, teachers
develop a/ an ___ ethic and standards of practice.
A. responsibility C. assessment
B. accountability * D. work
94. For 94 95: Gardner (1999) states: There are great teachers but the lack of coordination
among classes and the absence of accountability to those `outside the door` is lamentable.
A. Class observers C. Department heads
B. School officials * D. Grade Coordinators
95. What does Gardner`s statement imply?
A. Need for mentors C. need for cooperation
B. Need for coaches D. need for collaboration *
96. For 96 97: Results- driven education judges success not by the courses students take or
grade they receive, but by what they actually know and can do as a result of their time in
How is effectiveness measured by results-driven education?
A. By using relevant data to promote continuous school improvement. *
B. By assessing results as bases for planning
C. By comparing schools in a division
D. By comparing schools in a region
97. What students actually know and can do after schooling leads to ____ learning.
A. Continual C. cooperative
B. Professional D. lifelong *

98. With the passage of RA 9155, the school head is given more power ands authority over his
school. That power is for the school head to _____.
A. transform his school into high-performing one *
B. make his stubborn faculty feel his authority over them
C. set aside standard hiring procedures to get those whom he believes are most
D. introduce changes as fast as he can
99. With the power given to every school head, which statement is CORRECT? The school head
is ___.
A. not accountable for his school`s performance if teachers refused to change for
the better.
B. report grades to parents.
C. accountable for his school`s performance. *
D. not accountable if his pupils do not perform because of impoverished

100. Between the child and the teacher, who is more accountable for learning and why?
A. The teacher and the child are equally accountable because both have a role in
the teaching-learning process.
B. The child is held more accountable because learning ultimately depends on the
C. The teacher is more accountable because the teacher has more power. *
D. Nobody can be claimed to be more accountable because we are not given a
concrete situation.
101. Who among the following curriculum stakeholders arranges learning and sees to it
that the objectives are attained?
A. teacher * C. parents
B. school staff D. students

102. Mr and Mrs Go are very active parents in ABC Elementary School. They are always
present in all school activities, however at home, they neglect to follow up the study habits
of their son, Paulo, who happens to be failing in his class. Which of the following statements
describes the parents correctly?
A. They are very supportive parents in school.
B. They are concerned with their child`s welfare.
C. They have complied with their roles as parents.
D. They failed to support their child`s academic development. *
103. The principal wants that the whole school will be one of the top performing schools
in the division. Regularly he meets with the teachers to talk about the school curriculum.
Together, they would find ways on how to make learners` experiences enjoyable. This
practice describes ___.
A. curriculum monitoring * C. curriculum evaluation
B. curriculum accreditation D. curriculum try-out
104. The professional role of teachers has changed from the sage on the stage to
guide from the side. This implies that ____.
A. Teachers must act more as facilitators of learning. *
B. Teachers stress on their role as lecturer.
C. Teachers must project an Almighty-Omnis cent image.
D. Teachers must cling to their power to impose roles.
105. Among the curriculum stakeholders. Who has the most responsibility in curriculum
A. the learners C. the teachers *
B. the school heads D. the parents
106. Every time Mr. Robles passed by the school on his way to the farm he observed a
number of students loitering around the school premises. He was wondering why the
students were out of the classrooms when classes were going on. During a PTA meeting, Mr.
Robles reported his observations which the principal did not like. Does Mr. Robles have the
right to report his observations?
A. No, because he is not a member of the school staff.
B. No, because he is not paid to observe what is happening in the school.
C. Yes, because he was asked by the PTA officer to observe the principal
D. Yes, because he is a community member and a stakeholder in the school. *
107. The government created centers of excellence in Teacher Education to strengthen
A. Monitoring of teacher education institutions
B. In-service training for teachers
C. Pre-service and in-service training for teachers
D. Pre-service training for teachers *

Answer Key: CURDEV 2011

1. C 31. A 61. A 91. A

2. A 32. B 62. A 92. A
3. A 33. D 63. B 93. B
4. B 34. B 64. A 94. B
5. B 35. A 65. B 95. D
6. A 36. D 66. B 96. A
7. C 37. A 67. D 97. D
8. C 38. C 68. B 98. A
9. D 39. B 69. D 99 C
10. C 40. C 70. C 100. C
11. C 41. D 71. D 101. A
12. B 42. B 72. D 102. D
13. D 43. C 73. C 103. A
14. D 44. B 74. B 104. A
15. C 45. B 75. B 105. C
16. D 46. A 76. A 106. D
17. A 47. A 77. A 107. D
18. D 48. A 78. D 108.
19. A 49. C 79. A 109.
20. D 50. C 80. A 110.
21. D 51. B 81. A 111.
22. D 52. B 82. D 112.
23. D 53. D 83. A 113.
24. A 54. C 84. C 114.
25. A 55. B 85. C 115.
26. D 56. B 86. B 116.
27. A 57. B 87. B 117.
28. D 58. C 88. D 118.
29. C 59. C 89. A 119.
30. A 60. C 90. C 120.

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