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University of Management and Technology

School of Engineering

Ali khursheed


Quiz # 01

Question 01 : Define the fourier transform of the function g 1(t) shown in the figure and what type of
function is its fourier transform.

g 1(t)

-T T t


Its the doublet pulse by integrating this pulse with respect to time is real and odd symmetric and its
fourier transform is therefore odd and purely imaginary.
g (t) consists of two rectangular pulses and amplitude A is time interval -T lessthan and equal to t and t
is less than and equal to 0,its fourier transform is (AT sin c(ft) exp^j*pi*f*t) ,and A is interval 0is lessthan
to time and time t is is than and equal to T ,so its transform in fourier is (AT sin c(ft)e^j*pi*f*t).
University of Management and Technology
School of Engineering

Quiz # 02

Question 2 : Define the following decibel , 3-dB bandwidth , Frequency response , Time-Bandwidth
product .

3-dB bandwidth:

3-db bandwidth can be defined as of separation between zero frequency while spectrum amplitude
attains its peak value and positive frequency of amplitude spectrum get down to 1/1.4142135623 of its
peak value. When the signal is band passed the centered positive frequency and negative frequency of
3dB bandwidth is defined as separation along positive axis between two spectrum at witch spectrum
droops 1/41421356237095 of peak value at central frequency.

Frequency response:

Frequency response is the quantitative measurement of the output spectrum of the system in the
response of the stimulus its use as to characterized the system dynamics. We could define it as its the
measurement of the magnitude and phase of the output function of frequency

Time-Bandwidth product:

Time bandwidth product is the product of temporal duration and spectral width of pulse.its commonly
used to indicate how close a pulse is to the transform limit.

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