12 C - CH L - M Win 10 CH - y M - T H - N

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How to Increase
Windows 10
and Make It Feel
Written by Kannon Yamada

Published May 2017.

Read the original article here: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/windows-10-faster-


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Table of contents
Windows 10 Operating System Speed Tweaks 4
1. Turn On Game Mode 4
2. Turn Off Visual Effects 4
3. Speed Up Your Processor 5
4. Turn Off Startup Programs 5
5. Optimize Your Internet Connection 5
6. Manage Windows Update for Performance 6
Change Active Hours 6
Set Your Internet Connection to Metered 7
Windows 10 Software Enhancements 8
7. RAM Disk 8
8. Malware Scanner 11
9. Registry Cleaner 12
10. Windows 10 App Replacement or Removal 12
PDF Reader Replacement: Sumatra PDF 13
Music and Video Players: VLC Player 14
Browser Replacement: Chrome Browser 15
BitTorrent Replacement: qBittorrent 16
11. Debloating Windows 10 With the In-Place Upgrade 17
12. Debloating Windows 10 With Apps 18
How Do You Make Windows 10 Faster? 19

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Windows 10 runs pretty fast but you can make it even faster with a handful of tips and tricks!

There are three basic categories of speed and performance hacks: operating system (OS)
tweaks, software enhancements, and app replacement or removal. You can also make all kinds
of hardware upgrades, like buying more RAM or investing in an SSD, but those cost money, so Im
going to skip them.

Lets start with the most effective ways to speed up Windows 10 and then move onto the slower
options out there.

Windows 10 Operating System Speed Tweaks

1. Turn On Game Mode
The latest version of Windows 10, the Creators Update, adds a new feature known as Game
Mode. Theres no way to perpetually run in Game Mode, unfortunately, but you can activate it
with a simple key combination of the Windows Key + G. However, you must first enable Game

To enable Game Mode (its only available in Windows 10 Creators Update) open Settings >
Gaming and choose Game Mode. Turn on Use Game Mode. Its only supposed to be used for
games, but you can activate it whenever you need to get a little burst of speed. Its particularly
useful if you have a lot of background apps that are dragging down a resource-intensive

Unfortunately, Game Mode only improves performance on games by a few percentile points. Even
so, some will experience a greater performance boost than others. The reduced number of
background apps may improve your performance where no other tricks would help. In theory,
Game Mode can function within any application that uses GPU acceleration. So if you want to
try it out in Adobe Premiere, give it a try.

2. Turn O Visual Eects

Windows offers a really easy way to shut off all visual enhancements. Simply navigate to
System > Advanced system settings and choose Advanced from the tabs above. Under
Performance, choose Settings. Then check the radio button for Adjust for best performance to
shut off all visual effects.

I have visual effects disabled on a few systems and it seems to make a big impact, particularly
on older computers. On the downside, things wont look as nice. I advise leaving Smooth edges
of screen fonts enabled as it helps when reading text.

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3. Speed Up Your Processor
Windows possesses three predefined settings (at least) for how your processor scales its
frequency up to run processes. The three defaults are Balanced, High performance, and Power
saver. (Sometimes manufacturers also include custom plans here.) You are almost always
better off on a laptop using Balanced or Power saver, but High performance as the name
suggests makes Windows faster. Because it consumes the most amount of power its also
more appropriate for desktops. Choose it if you want to get the most juice out of your computer.

You can alter your settings by navigating to Power Options in the Control Panel.

4. Turn O Startup Programs

About half of the programs that I install try to run silently in the background. Thats fine for just
a handful of programs, but the effect on performance is cumulative. If your computer has
enough programs set to run at startup, the entire system will bog down. Getting rid of non-
essential startup software is absolutely essential for performance.

Fortunately, Windows makes it easy to remove most auto-starters.

Press the key combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete to enter Windows Task Manager. Choose Task
Manager from the menu that pops up. Then select the Startup tab from the top of the screen.
From the Startup tab, you can eliminate most auto-starting applications. The majority of apps
out there dont need to run in the background, unless they came preinstalled with your
computer (and even these are oftentimes bloatware).

Unfortunately, some programs hide in other locations, but you can find and eliminate stealth
auto-starters as well.

5. Optimize Your Internet Connection

One of the biggest causes of slow internet speeds isnt your provider. Its your Wi-Fi connection.
Thanks to common issues like channel congestion and overlapping Wi-Fi signals, it can be
difficult getting a stable signal if you live in an apartment complex. Fortunately, most
routers offer two features that can improve your connections speed and stability: a direct wired
connection or you can change your routers channel.

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Configuring a wired connection is simple: just buy an Ethernet cable. Changing arouters
channel, while easy, requires a more in-depth explanation. A quick summary of the process goes
like this: first, use a Wi-Fi analyzer tool to determine which channels work best for your
computer, and second, go into your routers settings to change the channel.

Check out a great video on how to do it:

Watch the YouTube video here: How To Increase Your Internet Speed By Changing Your
Router's Channel

6. Manage Windows Update for Performance

Change Active Hours

Windows Update, believe it or not, hogs resources when it runs in the background. You can
configure it to run only at specific times such as when the device isnt in operation which
means no more restarts while youre in the middle of some important task. To configure
Windows Update to run only at specific hours, type Windows Update settings into the
Windows Search Bar and run the configuration utility.

Under the heading Update settings, choose Change active hours.

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You can change the active hours on this menu. I advise changing it a time period when the
computer is on but unused.

Note: This setting only limits the times during which Windows will install updates
automatically. Windows Update will still download updates during those hours.

Set Your Internet Connection to Metered

Should you be on a limited bandwidth Wi-Fi connection, Windows Update can significantly
impact your internet performance by downloading updates in the background. You can prevent
this by settings your connection to metered; this will disable Windows Update, though some
security patches may still download.

Open Windows Settings (Windows Key + I) and go to Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. Select the
network youre currently connected to and under Metered connection > Set as metered
connection turn the switch On.

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Note: This only works with Wi-Fi networks, though a hack for applying this setting to Ethernet
connections does exist.

Windows 10 Software Enhancements

7. RAM Disk
Out of all the apps out there that claim to improve performance, no program does it better than
a RAM disk. A RAM disk program creates a drive using physical RAM, which is obscenely fast.
Users then move parts of essential software to the RAM disk, which results in large gains in

However, I advise RAM disk usage only for those who want to improve the performance of a
single application. The most important examples of software that benefit from RAM disks are
Photoshop, browsers, and video editing software. Ill demonstrate how to combine a RAM disk
with the Chrome Browser. I recommend that you have at least 1 GB of RAM free. In my opinion,
users should have at least 8 GB of RAM for a 64-bit system (the dierence between 64-bit and 32-
bit) and at least 4 GB of RAM on a 32-bit system. But you can get away with less.

A lot of RAM disk software exists. My favorite is not free: SoftPerfect RAM Disk. However, if you
just want to get your feet wet, give DataRAMs RamDisk a try. The free version is limited to 1 GB in
size. But if you own an AMD-based system, you get a 4 GB maximum instead.

Setting up a RAM disk just requires downloading and installing the software. After running the
software, you need to configure it with the following options:

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To recap, you should choose the maximum RAM disk size, which is around 1 GB. You can use any
size but a smaller capacity limits its utility. Also, check the box for Set Disk Label. That way, you
can identify the disk in the next step. Then choose Start RAMDisk.

The next step is to configure your browser to read and write cache files to and from the RAM
disk. First, right-click on your browser shortcut and choose Properties from the context menu.
Windows 10 makes it easier than ever to access a browser shortcut. You can do it directly from
the Taskbar.

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From Properties, choose the Shortcut tab. Then within the Target: text input field, append the
following code to the end of the text, where R is your own RAM disk drive letter:


The complete line of code should look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --


Your own code may differ, depending on Chromes configuration.

Finally, choose OK and restart your browser. From now on, Chrome will read and write cache
files to the RAM disk.

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I should note that Christian Bonilla believes RAM drives to be infeasible. I disagree, but he does
make a few good points. One of the biggest shortcomings is that they can make your computer
shut down slower. And because they run in the background, older computers might not handle
the additional overhead very well.

8. Malware Scanner
Weve written to death the subject of malware scanners for good reason: most performance
problems originate with malignant programs running wild in the background. Some of the
better free malware scanners out there include Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSpyware, and ClamWin.

Dann Albright wrote about the best free anti-malware clients. I recommend it to anyone with a
computer slowing down.

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9. Registry Cleaner
The Windows registry keeps a manifest of settings for Windows and other programs.
Oftentimes, programs make changes to the registry when installed but when uninstalled fail to
remove those changes. Over time, thousands upon thousands of registry modifications slow
system performance. A registry cleaner removes those changes. However, in my opinion,
registry cleaners cause more problems than they solve. While you might see a tiny amount of
performance improvement, for the most part, youre likely to see glitchy OS behavior after
running a cleaner.

The best program out there for cleaning your registry is CCleaner.

Weve written about how to use CCleaner before, so I wont bore you with the specifics on how to
use it.

10. Windows 10 App Replacement or Removal

A lot of users install horrible software, thinking that they need it. Some of the worst offenders
include PDF readers, music and video players, browsers, and BitTorrent software. Fortunately,
lots of great alternatives exist.

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PDF Reader Replacement: Sumatra PDF
Lots of internet users believe that Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader is the only program capable of
reading PDF files. Thats a myth. Because Adobe Acrobat can spread malware, you might want
an alternative. A far better program, for the majority of people, is Sumatra PDF Reader. On top of
that, most browsers can read PDF files. You may not even need a dedicated PDF reader.

Even so, I recommend Sumatra to everyone. Not only is it open source, it reads comic books
(CBZ or CBR files), blocks potentially malignant scripts, and runs on older systems.

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Music and Video Players: VLC Player
VLC Player is one of the best if not the best media players around.

You could make the argument that better music players are out there. But for video, few can top
VLC. On top of that, it is open source, supports keyboard shortcuts, plays almost any video file,
and costs nothing. If you are already familiar with VLC Player, you might want to read up about
its secret features.

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Browser Replacement: Chrome Browser
Chrome is perhaps the fastest alternative to Microsofts Edge or Internet Explorer browsers. It
comes in both the standard 32-bit and 64-bit variations. Google even makes an open source
version of Chrome, called Chromium.

Overall, Chrome offers everything that Edge doesnt: extensibility, security, and speed. If you use
the internet often, Chrome ranks among the first apps you should install. However, Firefox
offers the same degree of extensibility and its 100 percent open source. And since youre on
Windows, check out the Windows-optimized browser based on Firefox: Pale Moon. Pale Moon
works with many Firefox extensions and comes with 64-bit versions.

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BitTorrent Replacement: qBittorrent
For those of you using a horrible, malware-like BitTorrent client, there is hope. Check out the
open-source qBittorrent. Unlike the cross-platform BitTorrent client Deluge, it receives regular
updates. On top of that, qBittorrent is more fully featured and includes all the extras of its
competitors, without the crazy malware infections.

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11. Debloating Windows 10 With the In-Place Upgrade
The latest version of Windows comes with a ridiculous number of preinstalled apps many of
which offer dubious utility. For those interested in removing them, weve written an excellent
guide to debloating Windows 10.

In most cases, removing the software does nothing. Most of the apps are actually placeholders
that install themselves upon activation. If youre not concerned about Microsofts bloatware,
though, you might want to consider the in-place upgrade. The in-place upgrade is most useful
for when you want to return your computer to a like-new condition, without reinstalling all of
your applications. The in-place upgrade merely refreshes Windowss core operating system

To perform an in-place upgrade, perform the following actions:

First, download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and run it. Then choose Upgrade this PC now and
then Next.

The computer then downloads a copy of Windows 10, which can take several hours. After it
finishes, the Media Creation Tool reinstalls Windows 10 on top of itself. If your systems has been
crippled by malware, or through some other kind of damage to the core OS files, an in-place
repair can patch up the damage, restoring your computers performance to like-new levels.

For more information on the process, heres a video:

Watch the YouTube video here: Repair Install InPlace Upgrade Windows 10
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12. Debloating Windows 10 With Apps
Unfortunately, an in-place upgrade replaces or restores all of Windows 10s baked-in bloatware
(if you removed them). Fortunately, a few apps make debloating Windows easier than ever.

The three best are 10AppsManager, Windows 10 App Remover, and Windows X App Remover. Take
your pick, all of them work great for getting rid of the crapware. I experimented with
10AppsManager and found the tool extremely easy to use. On top of that, its also portable,
meaning it doesnt require installation.

To de-crap your computer, simply tap on the app you want to remove. For example, if Solitaire
gets on your nerves, just left-click on it in the user interface and youll receive a prompt asking
whether you intend on removing the app. Confirming this removes the application. The amazing
thing is that 10AppsManager allows users to reinstall removed software.

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You might notice that theres a Removal All option thats available at the bottom-left side of the
screen. I dont advise using this option, but in case you dont use any Micorsoft products, its

How Do You Make Windows 10 Faster?

Aside from the standard recommendations of uninstalling malware and bloatware or stopping
autostarting programs, a RAM disk helps Windows 10 run much faster. In fact, I would say that
it makes the biggest difference out of all the options out there particularly so if your
computer uses a hard disk drive. On the other hand, a RAM disk provides the best results for
those who use a browser, or video editor. For those who rely on their computer for relatively
simple tasks, you may want to use a variety of methods from this roundup of speed enhancing

Anyone have any speed hacks for Windows 10? Please let us know in the comments.

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