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LESSON PLAN: Fifth lesson, 18th August, 2017.

Students: Roldn Grecia, Yorgovan Ramiro

Topic: Family

Aims: To introduce personal pronouns and verb to be in present simple tense and
consolidate previous vocabulary about adjectives.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the children will have reinforced the vocabulary seen
before and describe other people using he/she + verb to be.

Grammar: present form of verb to be

Vocabulary: old, small, young, big, he, she

Course: 5th grade B & D

Time: 40 minutes


First activity: To begin with the class we are going to introduce personal pronouns and verb to be
in the present simple form. We will use pink and blue flashcards with the pronouns she and he
written on them, another flashcard with the verb to be written on it, and the flashcards about
adjectives from the previous class. Then we are going to form human sentences standing in the
right order, showing them how sentences work.

Second Activity: Then, we are going to work with the book, they will have to solve activities
completing with the pronouns he and she.

Third Activity: Afterwards, we are going to work with a reading activity. We will read a short text
in which there is a description of a boys family. As we read we will ask the children for the
meaning of each sentence and this will help them to describe their own families in the next

Fourth activity: For the next activity we will use photos from the childrens families (We will ask
them to bring them in the previous class) and they will have to describe each member of the
family, saying which family member is and which is her or his name using this is and she/he.
(Example: This is John, he is my father)

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