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Markee Johnson

Ms. Vickrey

Mythology 1st block

21 August 2017


One night a demon came to earth from the underworld. This was no ordinary demon he was a
shape shifter. He has different personas which are a-list politicians and celebrities. He mated with
a mortal woman. He impregnated her and she later bore a son. Due to him being such a wicked
creature his seed was tainted. The boy's beauty could even make the gods envious. The boy's
name was Argamenith. Despite the boy's beauty he was evil and thrived off darkness. Him being
this way kept balance within the world but if he were to change his ways 7 deadly sins would
unleash onto the world.

Time flew by and Argamenith is now in his early twenties. He's more bitter and alone than
ever. His childhood and teenage years were filled with loneliness. This was because he stabbed
when he was having a panic attack in the 3rd grade. Ever since that dreadful day he's been seen as
an outcast. This was primarily because people were afraid of him. Despite his beauty he was no
one would bother to come near him. One day he decide decided to sign up for this dating app
called Tinder on his phone. A few dates with people and he was more hopeless than ever because
they all bored him. Right before he lost all hope this girl Ramona caught his attention. They went
on a couple more dates after that and Argamenith grew fond of Ramona.

Some time passed and he began to develop love for Ramona. He started to notice the
world around him falling apart. There began to big a huge increase in human and animal death,
famine, and disease. Argamenith took notice to this but he oblivious to the fact that his love for
Ramona was the reason. She was his muse in the chaotic world around them. She took his mind
off everything and she brought joy to his life. The cure was getting worse and she was slowly
dying before his eyes and neither of them knew. The curse will take away the you hold dear.
Ramonas love finally cleansed Argamenith's heart of darkness then everything went down hill.

He thought the dark cloud that was casted over him his whole life was gone.The moment
he told Ramona he loved her EVIL unleashed. The next morning the world filled with Gula,
Fornicatio , Auarita, Superbia, Tristitia, Ira, Vanagloria, Acedia all in the worst way possible.
This cause his father to awake in the underworld. His father started to appear in Argamenith's
dream and mind. Telling him about the curse and how its effecting his life and the world. His
father also was telling him how to lift the curse. Which could end in him losing Ramona.

Argamenith has to sacrifice Ramona in order to save the world from this evil. The love he has for
her was unconditional and he couldnt bring himself to it. He searched and hoped thered be
another way which it was. There was no guarantee of him keeping his life. The other way was he
would have to travel through the Bermuda Triangle and retrieve this stone of peace. This journey
took him two years in which he successed. He was happy to finally return home to Ramona.

He later finds out Ramona his dying of stage four cancer and she doesnt have that long to live.
In her last hours he spent there by her side holding her hand. She later died in his hands.

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