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Definition: Absolute monarchy or absolutism, is the political doctrine and practice of

unlimited, centralised authority and absolute supremacy, as granted especially in a

monarch or dictator. An absolute monarch wields unrestricted political power over the
state and its people. The crux of an absolute monarchy system is that the ruling power
or monarch is not subject to regularised challenge or check by any other agency, be it
judicial, legislative, religious, economic, or electoral i.e. no man can challenge his/her

absolute monarchy definition. Rule by one person a monarch, usually a king or a queen
whose actions are restricted neither by written law nor by custom; a system different from a
constitutionalmonarchy and from a republic. Absolute monarchypersisted in France until 1789
and in Russia until 1917.

Beginning of Absolute monarchy: The very first occurrence of absolute monarchy

is believed to be on the lower reaches of the Nile river in what is now the modern
country of Egypt. The Pharaohs wielded absolute power over the country and they were
considered a living god by his people. In ancient Mesopotamia, many rulers of Assyria,
Babylonia and Sumeria. The roots of absolutism also lies in medieval India where rulers
of the Maurya, Satahavana, Gupta and Chalukya Empires, as well as other empires, were
considered to be absolute monarchs. In the Khmer Empire, the kings were called
"Devaraja" and "Chakravartin" (King of the world), and exercised absolute power over
the empire and people. However Louis XIV of France (16381715), is considered to
be one of the most famous example or beginning of absolutism , when he said "L'tat,
c'est moi" ("I am the State!") which means the interests of the state come first. After
the death of Henry IV, his wife and son, Louis XIII, became the new rulers of France.
They proved to be very incapable leaders a prominent figure did emerge during their
reign, Cardinal Richelieu. Similar to Henry IV, he sought "to make the royal power
supreme in France and France supreme in Europe". He followed this policy strictly and
crushed any perceived threats to royal absolutism. However, it was not until the rule of
Louis XIV that the French monarchy was able to secure formidable power. His reign of
72 years and 110 days is the longest of any monarch of a major country in European
history. Louis XIV gave birth to the concept of the divine right of kings, divine right,
or God's mandate, is political and religious doctrine which wields royal legitimacy to the
state. This doctrine argues that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the
right to rule directly from the will of God. Only God can judge an unjust king and that
any attempt to depose, dethrone or restrict his powers considered to be against to the
will of God and may initiate a unholy or disrespectful act.

Absolute monarchy slowly emerged in the 16th century and became firmly established during the
17th century. Absolute monarchies ended in some countries like in France due to the food
shortage and economic crisis it caused to led an outbreak of the French revolution while in
others they preferred nobility than dictatorship.

And for the Russian Empire the collapsed during the February revolution of 1917, largely as a
result of massive failures in its participation in the first world war.
Impact of Absolute Monarchy: To understand impact of absolutism on human history
we must understand era of the enlightenment. Era of the Enlightenment was a
movement in the 17th and 18th century that emphasis freedom of thought, expression, and
scientific experiments.

Incompetent monarch leads the country to a ruination.

Monarchy generally degenerates into tyranny: Corruption of power leads to exploitation of

people and thus to the tyrannical administration.
It has no place for democracy or self-government.
It leads to inequality of wealth: Which happened in the case of Louis XIV, lots of expanses
such as the massive Palace of Versailles led France to bankruptcy.

Cardinal Richelieu's Political Testament

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