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IPC SYLLABUS 2017 -2018

Coach Boot: D120

Teacher Name: Gena Boot
Web Page:

In Integrated Physics and Chemistry, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during
investigation, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. This course integrates the
disciplines of physics and chemistry in the following topics: force, motion, energy and matter.


Unit 1- Safety and Inquiry Unit 5- Force and Motion

Unit 2- Property of Matter Unit 6- Energy

Unit 3- Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds Unit 7- Electricity and Magnetism

Unit 4- Chemical Reactions Unit 8- Waves

Composition/Spiral notebook or binder
#2 pencil / pen (black/blue ink)
Loose notebook paper

Supplemental supplies:
1st Period: paper towels (2 rolls) 5th Period: Dry erase markers and
3rd Period: glue sticks (4) 8th Period: Clorox wipes (2 pack)
4th Period: 2 boxes of Kleenex

You can bring the following items for EXTRA BATHROOM PASSES.
Scissors; 3 rolls of dispenser clear tape; Pkg. Map Pencils; or a pkg. of markers

Summative Grades (60%) - Tests, Projects, Lab practical, Interactive notebook
Formative Grades (40%) Assignments, Homework, Labs, Quizzes, Interactive notebook checks
Late work Policy 1 day late 10 points off, 2 days late 30 points off, 3 or more days late no credit. Students will have 2 days
for every 1 day absent from class to complete all work.
Testing Policy Students will take a test on the day it is scheduled regardless if they miss the day before the test.
Test Corrections - Students scoring lower than 70% on a test are eligible to correct the test for up to a 70%. Only
summative grades are eligible for corrections, and correction must be done during a tutorial time (on the corrections form)
within a week of receiving the grade.
Quiz Policy There will be no retakes on quizzes.
Absent work Students are responsible for collecting absent work before or directly after returning to school.
Mandatory tutorials Students who fail a six weeks will be assigned a mandatory tutorial for the next six weeks.
Tardies: A student who is not IN the classroom at the time the bell rings will be counted tardy. If a student is tardy, they must
sign the tardy log, and consequences will given after 3 tardies.
Bathroom: Students should use the restroom during lunch and passing periods, if at all possible. Students are responsible for
the information they missed while not in class. Restroom privileges are at the teachers discretion.
Food/Drink: Only water in a water bottle is permitted. No food at all.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are not to be used and are to be kept out of sight unless otherwise instructed. I will take them up.
Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication
between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based
on the judgment of the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee including the consideration of written
materials, observation, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will receive a
zero. Such action shall be determined jointly by the teacher and campus administrator. A referral will be given anytime
academic dishonesty takes place- it will not be tolerated.

Supplemental resources:
Web Page:

Send a text to 81010 with the following code in the body of the text:
IPC: @chsipc


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning 8:00-8:30 Thompson Boot Thompson Boot

4th Lunch Thompson

5th Lunch Kellum Meyer/Boydstu Boydstun

6th Lunch Boot

Afternoon 4:25-4:55 Boydstun/Medrano

IX. Passes

________ ________ ________

Syllabus Signatures:
This syllabus must be signed and should be stapled on the front cover of your interactive notebook at all times.
Should you lose the syllabus you may go to referred website to print another one. I will not provide another copy.

I have received and read the Biology course syllabus and understand my responsibilities.
Printed parent/guardian name: __________________ Signature: __________________________

Please verify that your contact information is correct in FAMILY ACCESS!

Student Signature of Receipt of Syllabus

Printed Student Name: _________________ Pd: _____ Signature: __________________________

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