Discussing The Elements of An Essay Evident In, "What Is An Educated Filipino" by Francisco Benitez

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Discussing the Elements of an Essay evident in, What is an Educated Filipino?

by Francisco Benitez

A well-written essay has the following elements: Unity, Coherence, Motive/Purpose,

Idea, Structure, Evidence and Explanation. The Essay,What is an Educated Filipino? by
Francisco Benitez will be the focus of this discussion and the elements evident in it.

The essay begins with an intriguing question which correspondingly revealed the thesis
or idea of the essay: What is an educated Filipino and what qualities should distinguish him
today? It is purposive as it addresses a question for social awakening which is still timely and
highlighted the sole purpose of the essay.

The author then shared the alteration of the social life of Filipinos and contrasted the Old
Educational System from the New Educational System which he supported with convincing
evidences: Great changes have taken place in the nature of our social life during the last forty
years; and In the old days, education was a matter of private concern; now it is a public
function, and the state not only has the duty but it has the right as well to educate every member
of the community

Succeeding paragraphs answered the question from the introduction and provided a
definitive explanation of the three characteristics an Educated Filipino should have. It has unity
and coherence since it is derived from one controlling idea; the introduction, body and
conclusion aligned altogether; and is limited enough in scope. The framework of the essay is
comprised of the introduction, body and conclusion along with the thesis, topic sentences and
supporting sentences; on this account it is a strongly structured essay likewise the author presents
an idea in outlined and orderly manner.

In conclusion, the Essay, What is an Educated Filipino? by Francisco Benitez is a

successful essay not only because it has all the elements it possesses but because it embedded a
message for upholding cultural and social fruition amidst the transpiring change and social

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