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Ruthless: Finish the game with a high dark stat.

Merciful: Finish the game with a high light stat.

Tournament Champion : Win the Great Tournament

Do I really have to explain how to get these 3 achievements?! Don't tell me

that you have difficulties in finishing the game!

Warriors...assemble!: Get a full team for the team melee.

What we do in life, Echoes in Eternity: Win the team melee at the festival.

Very easy and can be finished at the same time. For those who do not even
bother finding your teammates, you can find a teammate each by choosing
'enjoy the festivities', 'look for pp > weapon shop > carver', 'look for pp > game
stands', 'look for pp > large kid'.

Bullseye!: Beat Varys at Darts

Actually I think that this is one of the most difficult achievements. I had many
trials and found out that 1. agility does not matter, 2. there might be specific
sequences, 3. the successful sequence for me is 5 marks for the first 2 dart
(1+4) > x2 for 1G > bullseye (probably explains the name of this achievement).

Down with the monarchy!: Change the government of Magincia from a

monarchy to a republic
King of Magincia: Become king of magnicia
Prince: become heir to the throne

All of them are choices of the Boon of the Great Tournament. For the King of
Magincia, when that old guy ask you what would you ask for as you boon, you
have to answer that you would replace the king.

Save Sir Robert: Find and rescue Sir Robert.

Well... I'd say it's easy because I got it in my first game. You need little
wisdom. When a servant give you cup of wine you can 'ask where Franklin is'
or 'examine the wine'. Don't let Sir Robert drink the wine (poisoned). Then
watch Sir Robert beaten up in the woods. Finally, ask for something that
grants you power for the boon of the Great Tournament.

Secret Meeting: Follow Sir Robert to a secret meeting.

This one might be a bit hard for some people. I spent some time figuring when
would Sir Robert attend a meeting and got it in the second attempt. When you
go to the capital for the first time, Sir Robert will ask you to keep him out of
trouble at a certain point after the feast. Choose 'follow Sir Robert' > 'tell him
the truth'. I also figured out that you need some wisdom so that Robert will
take you to the meeting (probably 3+ wisdom).

Sherlock: Uncover which noble is working for Sir Cuthvell.

This one might also be difficult for some people. However, it is elementary for
me. This achievement clearly follows the previous one as this is the only
chance other than feasts for you to meet other nobles. I won't stop you from
trying 3 times to see which is correct, but you should know Science of
Deduction well The correct choice is the last one (the young silent noble). He
is clearly tempting Sir Robert to say what he think of Sir Cuthvell at the end of
the meeting. Sherlock got it correct in one go, how about you?

Midas Finish the game with 8,000 gold or more.

Make the deal with Cuthvell and Yield the finals if you wish. You may also
mine at Northbury. In fact, if you choose to mine, you don't have to care about
the time. You would miss the king's feast but you would never miss the
tournament however late you are (basically a bug).

Keen Eye: Reveal enemy spy activities.

Also an easy one as you can immediately relate it with the war. When you take
the Guard duty, look through the merchant's paper and keep searching the

I know magic: Learn to use fire magic.

You clearly need to talk to Ben. But besides the war and the days before the
Great Tournament, when can you talk to Ben? Before the 300 days starts you
can choose to train for a few things. Choose intelligence and you will be able
to talk to Ben and attempt to learn fire magic. Then you will see there are 3
choice, choose the last one 'clear your thoughts'.

Bandit Killer: Defend Redwood from Bandits

This one should be easy. After the king's feast, you will receive a letter from
the mayor of Redwood. Go and talk to him, then you know what to do.

Solomon: Beat the game with a high wisdom stat.

There are so many chance to increase your wisdom...

Expert: Beat the game with a high score.

Veni, Vidi, Vici: Beat the game on hard.

It isn't hard to finish these 2 achievements. In case you can't finish it on hard,
here are 2 tips.
You can mine at Northbury and use all your money to buy armor. Each armor
increase your maximum health by 20. In my experience, 100+ max health is
more than enough. You can also increase your maximum health by 'exploring
the rocky cliffs' > 'explore around the mountains'. You have some chance of
finding a lake and drink the water. Each time you get +10 to your maximum
health. Basically, as you stack your max health, you are invincible in melee
combats. The only problem is the jousting semi-finals of the great tournament.
~secret achievement~
Royal Kazoo Player: Convince the guard you play the kazoo for the King

When you choose you outfit for the feast, choose the servant outfit (1G).
Then, 'use the back entrance' > 'make something up' > 'I forgot it'.

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