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"Enh ue" ‘yabtees aw Co age Zone Beet 9891-98585 A GUIDE TO CHESS ENDINGS Dr. MAX EUWE and DAVID HOOPER DOVER PUBLICATIONS, ING. New York apt © 128 ty Doves Patan, ‘Spi B be cn ase Bs ag ie comet woe Pan aia a sat al Sig cen seal oper ak ‘CONTENTS: ‘Chon, PAWN ENDINGS 1 the Orpen dkeree Setarek deine Sermecer (6 Sor wn: MA 7 ser ol Ange Cour MANOR PIECE ENDANOS Tite 2 Birk 3 beck nF Se aterky PK Sburknaree SG Burkiar oP Ta oekpee sae 8 BCD Pa Poem Dnianortntiorky 10 aGerko43F ner ko dorky beekose 1 Mise Pons Mat Adem 15 Ses Poe: Pont Aes 14 1420 Homan setne 45s of ote came op Seer sons Rae GnopeRer 9 Nor Poon sal Adonge Cuma ¥,_ QUEEN ENDINGS Tove 2 de MerePuem Sorreo doses avr (Se we: Ps Aen soir Pa INTRODUCTION “Tooay many mor tournament games ar ing played, and cub and ‘ate games Bought more egret a nc so ts he sings to eto the ajueator buts bsamlag of nesing nporane 0 {he ordinary piser For the exert st as fong been a outstanding vacensuc of hs ply, st isnot acoldatl tha the ponte ‘pars of cots hate ao ben he aesest mater the ed pa Inte ea-game, unto the epeing. protcenry doesnot depend oo ‘he memory. bu upon matbodeal stds ané pa filo egare Slat aad quot pois nop ote sera "Eeclngs ie redomuonntiy postion In hare, abou com ‘nati end tacteal maneing often etivens the ply. The bat nung hav ter oom sppes ne of accurate ming and precon, ‘Ba tbe comping reson fr sadly irl the prvi oe afer = long svape how heue-breing i aot exp omc ul rad ecse of poor ond yt Tn ocean ly camps fom ay {hs book dase mistakes were ade, lc by he ets matt many nap the ening a dil: Mid of ge: he Imgotance ofthe pr cents din: the Rig besos ace; there the posibity of senate; and the pawns, no Fenger a skeleton oso Ey pice bese power in themaies, When the muber of ps 1 rsa tho aly change so at pen be worth tae (ha a yave Taber than sketchy ouie of the whole Se, we have made 2 fulty thorough study of those eaings mot Bel vce in ly, ‘spetly those with rooks The hosk i bea worked throgh ar 2 ‘Sua fst, s hatte indeing ens are absorbed a snd stool jaivent sore. nt a St necemay Yo understand ery muse, fr es to ty to remember the more diel a empe varilons idee one might wel poss ve the subaritions Safin reding Somectthecsamples noucenbl i the ter caper, Srhurserdan others Althogh easdred sable teabok forthe ‘Seok player, some more completed ul, abd some feat ‘Seorteal cone tc asthe sales of R= BP-PRP rR aod QSKiD » Q. ae clade Endings a at cl il to fer Sys the weaker player nad aver Re discouraged, fr inte the ‘ea bcome cee, oe ogi pan eral The eampes te fr the mest pat csi according othe kind “tymemformaton, and doren or more seis of comparative studi i euapes 254235, ae ene to sbow the importance of 8 bt of the aval cotventions are flowed. Inthe grams White Bowes up tbe bonds The plyer wih the advan, the tongs Juny, votes called Whe However quesben ma is ed ony Tastes deve err thst changes the cout a th pie a5 0 ‘Brae wes The fa aed pase rol he lye fhe Whe flee tihugh the colours may be reves for caer presetaton, resume aon the edi somes fom the move of oh Aaatoe; eg. PRA Seeones PRA. "Acknowledgnens ae spec given to Cher’ ties volume nnerpace it ind Handa der pie, Ben, 15557; Rok 1 Penn, by Mais, Moston, 1985; Chas Ender Pons, ‘tos, ant Riz by Moissy Avertach, apd Chekonct, oncom, {96 ona ra Sache, V2 1954, and Yo 3, 1957, Wars, fmenenaecleston of nd game with pees, by Chow. "We shoul sho ke fo neenowedge the geneous help ea By Mr BW. An, whoassdaoei check the proofs; by Miva Been wns wih aaa ain various other Naps and By arc” Why wou cece es inveosble eM. Eows, Amsterdam, aap Hoon, Reset, Englund Septomer, 1088 owt ani det anh ua al Stato agents ns Ogee bon ihe ging anno py © ee faa) Let etna ee cena oS (eae fam ore net rit eh ise torrie ee, Sirgen | Terence Sch aa tae ‘cay fenee aS | ERR oes RSGePeoP aS seer nota cies attire |e a SSeS RAS Segue foes {smog the oppeton: 1. KOS pices nom, | FRGFAR eked cine tte seen | SR SESE SES Geert ene we semper ig cy tune apt gn a COS | ae ee ery eet smningniar | arytaer et SESS: | EER IRG Mele : eerie a eee ii ne ashe | Bae Sy Me an Seatac ease | eos Slgaraa i trails | ES SA ale SEARS FRIES | ete oni ate rot SS RAE SPS | RS ec oe ‘Seong ev ethar 2 KSA | KB bun me erento: * < Samet ' = re ee [Eero a me te te smite wal? Sete) (oe REE) Been Bh A ie Se e etatet | Agate crete, oa | Seeman ehetmieinecs| *S a Tras coe | neat em mat een eer) gee Seth at & me ete Saotestcese| Gee |Seaereres eae "ewe ret 6 | uy te eae Of, a he sxe oa fe of de Since "ie oper argh rs | Saget enc oa hei | “a eg vor | SES Res rt geese awe iouasitarune s pede Kol | Sinus tt Seas ees me Sica dene somerset sear tes dep Seam same Eiger qpsiee ene tat eon a | WaalTtar genet 2 Tecnaennteetedmine | ‘baa msintes Sears | Ree! feng Ree WAC AIBE |e wane ne opaon We me at ae Sy! | mectuikeseennet fore We ee pee muha ene ae ope eran teat “~ | Mig te ne erent: aah | Setcuiten nie cums omen LEAD a Wicieints arb ste Dasa onan hee EB ios | aimiretat rari Wan kDS KK alia ke hd coe | otis phy ame veh 2 KO. se Soe aba oes e iy = 5. 3.99 se || Tag eorge a | ets Kt ah age ses a. Ke? 4 KOS 5 KR. somes sortie ein fo maces wee peoareeeoray i u 56 Bae Seb ao 1s, x grees ns xe RR en 6 Tetng aeusto einen ‘dee Sapa positon The Ks tment ee | Se are gout anon po se Bigoe ones iowa ee ee” PES hic ne See Se : Kas absense Reet eee ‘erp, fk np oat oe Ina Baguace genera Gna iceccarnntrree Sins temding with dag 68 os es oe oe BAGS oe 3 rtd Stor he ak sa gs sgt ‘iy mer mas» [Be gue Oo one wnerectat es | io raseen Exot Sree es Fideke eye et ee ee ae peat, Siero ce| Beas Se oe ere en as ar mare mney me EEE sented | lh a ern Met Sinise raving Sagal ie 8: bt i See Ae 1a eat as ris : femal ie eat MS er Oe an EL atioe Spat ah lange (ke ES RRS Poon ool | te RTD ERDAS | 2 xo wm nore wo Borctoelecrestterea | ga Sota Seems SEEN Mew mi a | Gite Sacha negen, Sat ey MEEPS | SA ae toe et i | Shstrucsion by) his pawns emly tras at i hs. ety nog eae a 6 pus w ro he qe “eine own oe SS, Be ee wn FB ‘an by ine 0 sane of 2 Arn t n e agate yt kis SS Sees hte te (esos wits ne MO Pn ee Sica mcs dicxe xa Tee SES iegehie {beat e sgere wrasse cea id wig TKRie RQ2 RRS KBE EAP heer et ner St dean es Ea Kor ek ond eon ite ES ‘eran Bee L es =e ‘Enacole 10 ROR | Moss RR 2a pr = Se ae beat ce ne Kw OD seta, te RAE a wee Sheds Fes ea 15 aed prone one i nd | 2H Shekels | ee Ta ik Se 5 HING AND TWO PAS » MSO Petra eect | RRS a2 aK) 2 be Sea EES MEG an ee | lB, St eto Sawa - te ir ae wie ta tout hee | fans igen ene ee 2 Beso ae Ve conn et 8, KOS? KOS | iw a ies Sng or ae ite = | eo feore Whi panaatvinty axe! ERB, RE {Dik wie ™ ear = EERO | ay 4 a et es PERS SEP is | cheeses Eat ipoaeece 22h he oon oo ag | Bae A Ce a et ee Scot ke Lid ase Shia Pas? KO? KBE S PRE RRS eterna | ae dae. oe mae fee Riependtemee Bich oer oe Greg Goi | 28 ony cx ne wa a's ye gb sea | on en ees ae aie ee ee | eterna | SRAM a at 26 i oe psos woe 2 “a Tuk he ant epion, See EE i seo Rae ‘Wine ine He KO 7 xs a rie eesvamime | alee, | Beis hee SERA BOR S WES REGETTE dean | ane hy per 127, Blok tous all seven postions |” KBS abn. Sovteves " nn SEER | AT yee hacen iimiSerawaee| PEM Bae — eg xy Now Back cannat rian the (ditan) | 10 eng eae Pian n tg ows es | (KTR KORE rere Se SESE | tea a ee Eee ate ac ie So aa Ere ees Ee Bee Bec BR) co i raw ENDINGS 38, Me oun on | Kor fo HB Kok 1c em 1ER Seeer ck See | Ace ke Saunt Gan ROU? Ht ag ns aS ST Sage | OA meena way wee Nek | Eat npacns be By SRG Ce | Stay f rotigeo kr tee be | ns hea se BS key Det ‘yee nei sh | (O06 KE, a ; ee Ee eh crangh tore Whi: | buon te goo ace fogs es PRO) | eRe QI Kgs ECR PERS umateoerstee ney xe eB ee Roh bm Take \ tn SREY fans comet Steet wh 8 | SeSacrse8 ne | rte patna ee ges ne! eC adc, gee Com | Rae eet Be Rater Ties) SAL ala Be es POM rrr eate | Aka Tena REIS | ATER Ga ESE EAP E33 arti orp.) fie) Eee aa Bee BET a RGrkR? Crags Panta Reais ES Ee oth EER aE EO |S PRS Ses Pte Neal 28H .. KOS ve oatuaks EOE pa en | Se Ses aie aoe SS ‘hots age ak CE ERRATIC 2s Bae ne poy tact Gee EO tK-a sEhreson = Sig ene Parade, Pe 2k See taiea OO ine ed eve | gpa totter wanes) OROUGKS ane ae rest ORNs 30 ey a So he a oe hitter a ert are Ba | Remi St sextet te ans ey | Ba ar even psn te Sour brim ry i TORS a Whe area See ae | ER ee Sach Satie | ade eee Not. PRS? RRC 9. BS aerate, Ni ting the coed rake kas | 2 Exe e Prey Pete KS) Site ERS Sieas eepwettec nce, fee ES eee ee eet eee sli ie gc eae Rate | CRAG EGS ae a noe 14 tote ee oe ee a ee = Rin kis? KR KR xan Es ERS $start lng it ign RA oR ant Lad “tnd te OK, egy bt A 13 KBOKR2 16.KKIS, 34 Ie dee bac, poo ar | ne aa, Wiens oe ve a6 Kk atl abet, | Gnesi itt Siete SE) Sie Ss ir id Fee oh mi Ee This sot a0. | =e eee Tem pes vernon | TEES pin ee cpuowe ans | ee ha ae eae fi se Soeur reta ciate | ee mas 35 Toon va mat oes PISS CBRC EAS | Gr ee eee ae = gt hao oa Re c ae ae Bata kis Ree . 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KK Sei an ted nah | ek Rah eS dk amiss Fn KA iaioaees Ft Batt op sb ‘hoerpon tad ote 7 oe RTE Pa etapa Pee ae [Gee | Seemed Harman Weriatee | atte ie dew ‘st pean ew ka ES Sara sees cee | atdadusern Kem, a {Se epentions ined te ophes | sot ahr when e BP on he A iS Ei ee | ho SSE Ste 1 Ko flak SANG, Bone 2KKo Kw fs orn by Kate 1 he "| Ee Est heah eaten (Oar gate. kOe RR) Wa Asan ie Bete se ioe oe poh ns Rioomiont foe eee | Be Sat ecietsce ead Seite geen rire Winn ng Soyo ane 3 RTE, oie le 454 90 ogen—ihe peutic ad med no | Bie See ec Se PS ie coprmigsntt foemormeess ESerSS “Nye ft show fat wih he mo PER EBay | Hie ep ee HSORKS Cm teamene, | TES eH ne, ence Ho Poets) ‘he peor conf read 12 Bebe ZR Shee at he merry tee a gh Rok Sialkot 1K reed sehen a i A oy eee Puarnatig (ide Waters sod wie 2 ot ito memes fale a Ete te Sst 12 PR 2 KK oes FN ute epee ni 45_0F th ew bs pe se. : 3 t an Tt hand Mosisetrgatts Macca | [-ge "RGr Eepeveretet eevee ECS. SRE CERES | ett Tao eis Cee Beshaareset ES ASSES (Rit beastie tes kce aie tee AE ny 9 AS ei Kom, | fetta re pte Fein de Qe Sora: wee Ee | Pb Gilt oho ies, {FINO AN THO PANTS » RING AND PAWDS my | ik Ka gle XML 06 a NGI nt te, EY 3 PR fee at awe eee ae : ee mes ER GE Pere cee ot pose. ES a rma {br er Oat aeons be, | SR Ma a7 ME | cm tt Ebsco | ge waar meme a SE ee etal katt TET 2 oe on | emer are PE oy ana oxy 7 | EUR Poem Whee Bernd GPebck TR |) ks etka SE | Dring a tml 6 So BAe Ae Roe fee ES Nhe as Wena nih ene vgn aud Sco | ota Et ones Roo kaw mame | Ee a ee, Sum, ate | 2D SBR BaSGE's RAS RG | wate can td ne apron be ‘CREYat e anng ppon|poho te buco fan bom TORS fe sere KS BAK Ot 5 eam Pa Si STS | re ay ve, tine te Stat TERRE OS | me fen RES | te ee soowe em Wye ig suit int he TKK Ave Sing | Meike? saa eta tet | eas EG. oe hee Am | fem aanea icraesna an ditwe, MM sarin tetas rnc | 9 GREETS ES kk spe pet ex 7m xs | EAP SOR Bee 2 eh neg | Svamassien ae ies ham toate dt ponte, | PRD = ty me ein i | Pe eal a Sees Oe ROE ee ao SARL RD | ids Siesta oe 1: XING AND TWO PAWNS » KING AND FAWN sonae meh iS ee Eo Ar ba are SS eR eae hime thet Oo Vee ig sow in sane ratte te wtee| veaaxmaa maet ee fa Ge oa en te a | BE Wace es 2. PS, Ena 15th ma ay HEL SaaS ae n't lng moet Sena RY, Seton (gr foto orl pre 2k Samira we Srtes oan ‘ign te RiP toe otf ste at Si mam Pe eS eset at ol eho Sioa ea PKS we cl a oe Sar Se Re see ett ete rn ‘Rarciog ea emcee tadasts Gos otbefoute rane ast SANG sion 11 PRN Wie fee ee PRS PRS arto ex Spaces ate {afr #2. RH). Re We wks CRE CREST AXA 3s, Prample 20, 8 2. PRA Deneaeeae: PAGES oa KEE 2 Ee 1 R94 3 POS oer [eR SRK kts dw) SEAR Bie ALOR. BD) KORE Ste ghee ett 5, Apt sk pane 09 RE: Tnetcirsoe Sd nk ARR a rot en by glean iy Poke ons) SRE rao i, Bara, ce SReeeeygs Beate bec at “fi Ros Kot Ea. PNEsh RDU 3 ED RE pigs le dan Ge CR) CR RRS Cs Eee ge Fotoaete dak MEE SAR at se ax9gyr 9 BPR EN eka x4 Ko) Eran : Fecsrererein SaaS KOM 7, KB, : gto sepa en (Situ oe cpr ey Eco Beto ay Rage 9 ks a "SESS de ton 5 ekes 2 pK 3 setter Fes) 2 KD SEBLE Ros acter tes) 2-02 + EPA is axe 1 Page ENDINGS: a Pome Wy Pon. P04 POH KOR 2 Kos ao re. 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Kaew sh 2 z xO SRGS ree GAS FR | ane 1 Paso soe > 1 raw ENDINGS 38, ven Wie asad perme | 7 ke SESS EE | ncn e ens nm : eo ee ee 2g woke PETRIE | cee oremtae te oR OR TER ou pumecemea Pp hee ie eines EE IGSA ES BRS teae? : BSRREES ee oad ar ee Km Pos sk" dee ES PF [tear Sashes RRS 1 PHD DORR ZEREC! 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Whisks «gna Scoiawccared MO | RT era Wena ine henna | HRQL Foi Dee mont = sea nes 5 ayo 4, | ACS ie eine ing =a foe Besa % Seo er an Gree EB jem Poke at ees oe pn cages o | near RS cots ak ee int Sro8 ts ah whe ps bok Ye ny nw ae 4 by SRO BRST ROR” | apy yj a, Aone fie ER | Sana etree RB ‘Theobyeewi fe erp ao Ee het th nh | AK BRKT ROT GPC tes boi a0 cae | Raga Rap 1-05 acme oe pereioceout eran | | et? ST? teal he gens one! | agree tgeet 1, Rom 2 Rass 2B Kontanis «sage tere msec? Ses Sere ge fwd pew at a ee es? teeaneh KB : ream | mab a gam pan tety cae Eee ee Sewage ess Ee canes) Tee ee ara Pe Se ‘i eo | BAe ose omr at tt ee psa | al PERE ROS, oR pees gage seen K-06 ais tmart E&e. nig ESR, Bh] totes a semnaee cme pete panera taser SERS RE sa combo br ooot ns ie 283. ine Sutter, Trg. | PGT RACH RE Re sal, fi Teles op dai| IE RS EA Sm Reon ‘Gatorade ieee | PO8~2 ch ts Wie epevours © ite de ee pucte pom MORE PAWNS: WATERIAL ADVANTAGE. Afwemsenmt Tac oot | BKB RK 2, sens» Em, | fl, SREY Rial Bl Oe ee iene ee Eso | cae aes Siaceao | See alee S daca "ae Began aes Fone Mgr TAR Rae ‘Rico PR 1S RRR? RKSeh 16 KOS Reshentaiete ich keah 15. ROP RP. : oe | HEP’ iinet | HEE fee pgee | Bete Ee ise intact | 2°ROD ERE ME CR ES cement Be | Kal ata ae te 285, i i ope ytcas Pen ars teri SEERA HESS | So cand ee er ' gre t Re 9.00 HRs when | AE mnt havea cate tas fred his queen's side PONT. | am 9g hace (and a Hxaraies 286,27, 7 oe | ee eae 5 aay ete Dicate at a 1 nook ENmos {oie ogo ares | waa Aca eo cat ein epee cet ten [ey ence Tote, RD | ae Sega Mee ai Re” Ep Gites antey EE SPA 8 1 Koni he te toe | une Wes Ne aap BOARS GOBER rene nace, Han 1s txts ch KO To Posen | 1 KOS Boke Pager GTE| tact seuconw vue CSE A Aes, eaiirnatiee Popiesbon iets WOR | TO RORE dS HRD O16 TER Rivest pm ome | EOS XR in kao Tee ea EGR os] Seep Weg RS [ate S| SSSI S. Te array etek EARP) PS Rab tare ras see ee Geeta | BEE Efe | mimes, abe ES Eee ieee eee Tre shall sip ny fe toms ED oe ee coe adidas an EEE | ree tng tae oe Seat muve Wie gh | PAS HEPBUIRE TS KRIS PBS ch SSeS ee ERe

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