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Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2012) 15, 265272

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Body mass index and risk of BPH: a meta-analysis

S Wang, Q Mao, Y Lin, J Wu, X Wang, X Zheng and L Xie

Department of Urology, First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies have reported conflicting results relating obesity to BPH. A meta-analysis of
cohort and casecontrol studies was conducted to pool the risk estimates of the association between obesity and BPH.

METHODS: Eligible studies were retrieved by both computer searches and review of references. We analyzed abstracted
data with random effects models to obtain the summary risk estimates. Doseresponse meta-analysis was performed for
studies reporting categorical risk estimates for a series of exposure levels.

RESULTS: A total of 19 studies met the inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis. Positive association with body mass index
(BMI) was observed in BPH and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) combined group (odds ratio 1.27, 95% confidence
intervals 1.051.53). In subgroup analysis, BMI exhibited a positive doseresponse relationship with BPH/LUTS in
population-based casecontrol studies and a marginal positive association was observed between risk of BPH and increased
BMI. However, no association between BPH/LUTS and BMI was observed in other subgroups stratified by study design,
geographical region or primary outcome.

CONCLUSIONS: The overall current literatures suggested that BMI was associated with increased risk of BPH. Further
efforts should be made to confirm these findings and clarify the underlying biological mechanisms.

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2012) 15, 265272; doi:10.1038/pcan.2011.65; published online 20 December 2011

Keywords: body mass index; BPH; meta-analysis

Introduction as body mass index (BMI) with less interest in waist

circumference and its ratio to hips circumference.
BPH and concomitant lower urinary tract symptoms Although a cluster of published epidemiological evi-
(LUTS) are the most common non-malignant medical dence demonstrates that obesity may increase the risks of
conditions of the prostate occurring in middle aged and BPH and LUTS,35 it still lacks the quantitative evidence
older men.1 BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland to certify this association. To provide a comprehensive
tissue and narrowing of the urethra characterized by summary of the relation between obesity and BPH risk,
overgrowth of the transitional and periurethral area we use the BMI as the measure of obesity to summarize
resulting from proliferation of stromal and glandular the evidence from the epidemiological literature on this
elements. LUTS, generally regarded as primary clinical issue. We also sought to address the sources of
manifestation of BPH, encompasses disorders of bladder heterogeneity including study design and geographic
storage or emptying. According to the recent epidemio- distribution.
logical study,2 BPH affects 70% of men 6069 years old
and 80% of those X70 years old. Identification of
potentially modifiable factors contributing to its cause
may help reduce the burden of this disease. Materials and methods
Body size and composition have long been hypothe-
sized to influence the risk of prostate hyperplasia. Search strategy
Scientific interest in anthropometric measurements and A literature search of MEDLINE database using
prostate hyperplasia has mainly been focused on height, PubMed, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library was
weight and measures of weight adjusted for height, such conducted to identify potential epidemiological studies
up to December 2010. The following key words were
used to search the published literature: BPH, LUTS and
Correspondence: Dr L Xie, Department of Urology, First Affiliated obesity. References in the retrieved publications, as well
Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Qingchun,
Hangzhou 310003, China.
as those in previous systematic review, were checked for
E-mail: any other pertinent studies. For inclusion in this analysis,
Received 25 July 2011; revised 14 October 2011; accepted 5 November eligible studies had to fulfill all the following inclusion
2011; published online 20 December 2011 criteria: (a) casecontrol or cohort study published as an
BMI and risk of BPH
S Wang et al
266 original article; (b) papers reported in English between Po0.05. Meta-regression analysis was used to explore
1980 and December 2010; and (c) papers providing odds the influence of publication year, sample size, geogra-
ratio (OR) or relative risk (RR) with corresponding 95% phical region and method of BMI assessment in the
confidence intervals (CI) (95%) adjusted at least for age heterogeneity. Publication bias assessment was per-
or sufficient information allowing us to compute them. formed using the Egger regression asymmetry test10
In studies with overlapping patients or controls, only the and the Begg adjusted rank correlation test.11 Po0.05
latest or the most complete was included. Any study was considered indicative of significant publication bias.
with inconsistent or erroneous data was excluded.
Meeting abstracts with insufficient data or unpublished
reports were not considered.
Data extraction We identified 188 potentially relevant abstracts in our
Two investigators (SW and QM) independently extracted initial search. Of these, 154 were unrelated or not original
data from all potentially relevant studies. Conflicting research articles. Upon closer examination, 15 studies
evaluations were resolved by either discussion or third- were excluded for the following reasons: 4 studies1215
party resolution. Data extracted from these articles were not casecontrol or cohort studies, 9 studies did not
included the name of the first author, year of publication, provide sufficient information to estimate a summary OR
study design, outcomes definition, sample size, geogra- and its 95% CI1623 or a summary OR adjusted for age.24
phical region, exposure assessment and the covariates One study25 evaluated OR and its 95% CI with weight
included in the final adjusted models. For studies that and height, respectively, but no BMI. One study26
reported separate adjusted ORs for several BMI strata, researched the relationship between BPH and BMI in
we abstracted the adjusted OR comparing the highest the form of annual growth rates.
category of BMI with the lowest category (reference The remaining 19 articles2745 that examined the risk
group). of BPH and LUTS with BMI were chosen for
detailed review. The finally selected studies included
7 cohort studies27,28,30,32,36,39,42 and 12 casecontrol stu-
Statistical analysis dies29,31,3335,37,38,40,4345 (Table 1). Nine of these studies
We performed all statistical analyses utilizing Stata/SE were conducted in the United States,27,28,30,32,34,36,39,41,43
11.0 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA) four were in Europe,31,35,38,44 four in East Asia,37,40,42,45
commercial software with the most recent updates for one in Middle East29 and one in Australia.33 Of the 19
meta-analysis commands. The OR was used as a studies, 15 used BPH2740,45 and 4 used LUTS4144 as the
measure of the RR for all studies, and the RR estimates primary outcome. Four studies28,30,32,41 provided ORs,
were log-transformed. The data from individual studies respectively, with different outcomes but no total OR. So,
was pooled utilizing the random-effect model with the we defined prostate volume 430 cm3,28 prostate volume
DerSimonian-Laird method6 in our analysis, which 440 cm3,32 surgery30,41 as BPH, and AUASI score47,28
consider both within-study and between-study variation. AUASI score414,32 frequent urinary obstructive
We performed subgroup analyses based on likely sources symptoms without surgery30,41 as LUTS. Thus, we
of between-study heterogeneity, such as study design, pooled the ORs of these four studies mentioned above
geographical region and primary outcome of BPH. separately when subgroup analyses were performed
For the doseresponse meta-analysis, we included according to BPH or LUTS alone.
studies considering at least three levels of BMI, and
providing the number of case patients and control
subjects in each exposure category. For results reported BPH and LUTS combined
in categories of BMI, these were transformed to an Fifteen studies were included in the meta-analy-
estimate per unit increase in BMI. To treat BMI as a sis.27,29,31,3340,4245 When BPH and LUTS were com-
continuous exposure variable, we assigned the level of bined, we observed that the BMI was associated with
BMI from each study to these categories based on the BPH or LUTS (Figure 1, OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.031.48) and
calculated midpoint of BMI. For open-ended categories the summary OR were similar in population-based case
the approximate midpoint was set at double the distance control study, whereas the summary OR in cohort study
between the midpoint and upper bound of the closest and hospital-based casecontrol study showed no asso-
category. The log RR, as well as the BMI, for the reference ciation between BMI and BPH/LUTS. Heterogeneity was
category was set to zero (corresponding to a RR of one). detected (Po0.05) among all studies and in the subgroup
We subtracted the midpoint BMI of this category from of population-based casecontrol studies. On the con-
the midpoint BMI of all other categories. A weighted trary, there was no evidence of heterogeneity in cohort
regression was then fit through the origin where and hospital-based casecontrol studies. To explore the
the exposure was at the reference level with log RR source of the heterogeneity, we pooled the OR estimates
zero. The regression was weighted by the inverse by geographical region (United States, Europe, East Asia,
variance of the log RR for each category. The correlation Middle East and Austrian). As shown in Table 2, the OR
between categories was estimated using method of estimates from subgroups of the United States, Europe,
Greenland et al.7 East Asia and Austrian showed that BMI was not
Between-study heterogeneity across the eligible com- associated with the likelihood of BPH/LUTS when
parisons was quantitatively assessed using the w2-based analyzed by geographical regions. A positive relation-
Q statistical test and I2 score.8,9 Heterogeneity was ship between BMI and risk of BPH/LUTS was observed
considered statistically significant when a two-sided in the Middle East, although it only included one study.

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases

Table 1 Study characteristics of published cohort and casecontrol studies on BMI and BPH
References Study design Geographical Sample size Outcome Definition of outcome Adjusted variables BMI assessment

Seitter and Barrett- Cohort United States 929 BPH Surgery Age Researcher
Connor39 measured
Porta et al.35 Pop c/c Europe 1063 BPH Prostatic disorders (no detail) Age Interview
Giovannucci et al.30 Cohort Europe 25 892 BPH Surgery or obstructive symptoms Age, smoking and waist circumference Questionnaire
without surgery
Gann et al.34 Pop c/c United States 640 BPH Surgery Age, diastolic blood pressure, exercise and Questionnaire
Signorello et al. Hosp c/c Europe 430 BPH Surgery Age, height and years of schooling Interview
Meigs et al.27 Cohort United States 1019 BPH Clinical diagnosis or an interim TURP Age, marital status, waist-to-hip ratio, Researcher
hypertension, alcohol consumption, heart measured
disease and medication use
Dahle et al.40 Hosp c/c East Asia 502 BPH Surgery Age, education and waist-to-hip ratio Interview
Rohrmann et al.41 Pop c/c United States 2797 LUTS 3/4 Symptoms from AUA symptom Age, race, waist circumference, cigarette Interview
score with correlation to AUA index smoking and physical activity
or non-cancer surgery
Zucchetto et al.38 Hosp c/c Europe 2820 BPH Histologically confirmed Age, center, education and physical activity Interview
Rohrmann et al.43 Pop c/c United States 3446 LUTS IPSS48 Age and zygosity Interview
Seim et al.44 Pop c/c Europe 21 694 LUTS IPSS48 Age Researcher
S Wang et al

Burke et al.28 Cohort Europe 2064 BPH AUASI score 47, Prostate volume Age Researcher
430 cm3 measured
Lee et al.45 Hosp c/c East Asia 146 BPH Prostate volume 4 20 cm3 Age and waist circumference Researcher
BMI and risk of BPH

Parsons et al. Cohort United States 422 BPH Prostate volume 4 40 cm3, AUASI Age, waist circumference, fasting glucose and Researcher
score 414 diabetes measured
Wong et al.42 Pop c/c East Asia 1738 LUTS IPSS48 Age, CHD, HTN, b-blocker, physical activity Researcher
and alcohol consumption measured
Fritschi et al. Pop c/c Australia 869 BPH Surgical treatment Age Questionnaire
Xie et al.37 Pop c/c East Asia 649 BPH Prostate volume 420 cm3 Age Interview
Kristal et al.36 Cohort United States 4770 BPH Surgery, medical treatment, repeat Age, race/ethnicity and baseline IPSS Researcher
IPSS 14 or greater measured
Safarinejad29 Pop c/c Middle East 8466 BPH IPSS47, maximum flowo15 ml s1, Age and race Interview
prostate size 430 gm
Abbreviations: AUA, American Urological Association; AUASI, American Urological Association Symptom Index; BMI, body mass index; CHD, coronary heart disease; Hosp c/c, Hospital based casecontrol study;
HTN, hypertension; IPSS, International Prostate Symptom Score; LUTS, lower urinary tract symptoms; Pop c/c, population based casecontrol study.

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BMI and risk of BPH
S Wang et al

Figure 1 A forest plot showing risk estimates from casecontrol and cohort studies, estimating the association between BMI and risk for
BPH/LUTS. BMI, body mass index; Hosp c/c, Hospital based casecontrol study; LUTS, lower urinary tract symptoms; Pop c/c, population
based casecontrol study.

Table 2 Summary of pooled odds ratios of BPH by geographical region and outcome
Subgroup Number of studies Pooled OR Q-test for heterogeneity Eggers test Beggs test
(95% CI) P-value (I2 score) P-value P-value

All studies 15 (refs 27,29,31,3340,4245) 1.23 (1.031.48) o0.001 (74.0%) 0.21 0.43

Geographical region
United States 9 (refs 27,34,36,39,43) 1.09 (0.891.32) 0.066 (54.6%) 0.64 0.62
Europe 4 (refs 31,35,38,44) 1.09 (0.751.57) 0.173 (39.8%) 0.40 0.50
East Asia 4 (refs 37,40,42,45) 1.37 (0.981.92) 0.203 (34.9%) 0.14 0.50
Middle East 1 (ref. 29) 2.7 (1.963.72)
Australia 1 (ref. 33) 0.88 (0.571.35)

Primary outcome
BPH 16 (refs 2741,45) 1.21 (1.001.46) o0.001 (74.5%) 0.24 0.21
LUTS 7 (ref. 28,30,32,4144) 1.11 (0.841.47) 0.004 (68.3%) 0.13 0.45
Abbreviation: LUTS, lower urinary tract symptoms.

The results from subgroups analyses above were non- BPH alone
heterogeneous except the group of United States. We also To further explore the association of BMI with BPH
used meta-regression analysis to explore the influence of alone, we excluded the four studies from analysis that
publication year, sample size and method of BMI used LUTS as the primary outcome and added four
assessment on the heterogeneity. However, none was studies28,30,32,41 mentioned before, and then repeated the
identified as a possible source of heterogeneity among all pooled analyses. The summary OR of BPH was 1.21
the included studies. No publication bias was found (Figure 2, 95% CI 1.001.46) for subjects in the highest
among all studies (P 0.21 by Eggers test) or in any category of BMI compared with those in the lowest
subgroup either with the Eggers or Beggs test (Table 2). category. The result was heterogeneous and there was no
We also performed sensitivity analysis by sequentially evidence of significant publication bias either with the
excluding one study in each turn to examine the Eggers or Beggs test in this subgroup.
influence of a single study on the overall estimate or in
any strata. The results showed that none of the study
could considerably affect the summary of risk estimates LUTS alone
in our meta-analysis (data not shown). It confirmed the Of the studies that used LUTS as the primary outcome
stability of our results. one demonstrated an increased likelihood of LUTS43 and

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases

BMI and risk of BPH
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Figure 2 Forest plots showing the risk estimates of each study and the pooled risk estimates for BPH and LUTS, respectively. LUTS, lower
urinary tract symptoms.

one a decreased30 likelihood of LUTS with increased increased BMI. Thus, our results may reflect the trend
BMI. In this pooled subgroup analysis, the BMI was not toward increased risk of BPH with increased BMI.
significantly associated with the likelihood of LUTS Interestingly, the significant association did not extend
(Figure 2, OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.841.47). There was some to LUTS. This observation likely reflects inherent
evidence of heterogeneity among all these studies. No differences between BPH and LUTS as distinct condi-
publication bias was detected among this subgroup. tions. LUTS is a relatively recent term describing a
particular phenotype, that is, a quantifiable manifesta-
tion of a group of disorders affecting the prostate and
Doseresponse analysis bladder that share a common clinical outcome. The term
As in the population-based casecontrol group, the BMI/ includes the BPH component but acknowledges that
LUTS was associated with increased risk of BPH; we other factors, primarily those related to the bladder,
further performed the doseresponse analysis for this may contribute to the genesis of these symptoms.
group. The doseresponse meta-analysis included seven Thus, the symptom severity does not correlate with
studies.3335,37,4244 An increase in BMI of 1 kg m2 was prostate volume. Obesity exerts several systemic effects,
statistically significantly associated with a 4.7% ((95% CI including increased intra-abdominal pressure which in
1.5, 8.0%), Pheterogenityo0.001). In meta-regression analy- turn increased bladder pressure and intravesical pres-
sis, we explored the influence of publication year, sure, with the potential to exacerbate bladder directed
geographical region, sample size, method of BMI LUTS.
assessment and primary outcome in the heterogeneity. The world has globally seen a dramatic rise in the levels
However, none of these above was identified as a of obesity and obesity-related disorders, including hyper-
possible source of heterogeneity among all the included tension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia.46 Together
studies. these entities comprise the metabolic syndrome, which
as defined by the Adult Treatment Panel III includes
three or more of the following findings, central obesity
(waist circumference 4102 cm), triglycerides more than
Discussion 150 mg dl1, high-density lipoprotein less than 40 mg dl1,
BP more than 135/85 mm Hg and fasting plasma glucose
In this pooled analysis of published cohort and case more than 110 mg dl1.47 There has been a conceptual
control studies, elevated BMI could increase the risk of model posits that to a large extent systemic metabolic
BPH or LUTS. Similar risk was seen among population- disturbances may drive BPH pathogenesis.3 A growing
based casecontrol studies group. We also noted a body of evidence has demonstrated increased adiposity,
marginal positive association between risk of BPH and disruptions in glucose homeostasis, lower high-density

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BMI and risk of BPH
S Wang et al
270 lipoprotein cholesterol and higher low-density lipopro- could have brought a publication bias even though no
tein cholesterol have a strong and independent link with significant evidence of publication bias was observed in
an increased likelihood of BPH.3,4 In addition, basic Eggers and Beggs test. Second, the limited number of
science researches demonstrate physiological connec- studies and the heterogeneity in the doseresponse meta-
tions of metabolic disturbances with BPH. In an animal analysis could possibly result in inaccurate estimates.
model, rats fed a high-fat diet, leading to hyperlipidemia, Third, the BMI levels in the lowest and highest categories
are found to develop prostatic enlargement and bladder and the range of BMI varied across studies. These
overactivity.48 differences may have contributed to the heterogeneity
Obesity has been hypothesized to be associated with among studies in the analysis of the highest versus the
BPH because of the endocrine changes in men that occur lowest categories.
with age. Abdominal obesity increases the estrogen to Some articles5253 had hypothesized the reason of
androgen ratio and may increase sympathetic nervous inconsistent results for BMI in obesity-related diseases. It
activity, both known to influence the development of was that BMI was an imperfect measure of obesity that
BPH and the severity of urinary obstructive symptoms.30 combines adipose and non-adipose body components.
An alternative mechanism for BPH may be related to However, we still used BMI as the measure because there
association of obesity with inflammation and oxidative was no feasible variable that could address this issue
stress.49 Analyses of surgical specimens have shown that well in most studies. So it left some problems still in
is usually associated with inflammation50 and that the vague. Is the risk of BPH due to increased BMI largely
extent and severity of the inflammation corresponds to driven by adipose or non-adipose mass or both? Does
the amount of prostate enlargement.51 Thus, it is possible distribution of adipose mass matter? Future research to
that obesity promotes microvascular disease and inflam- confirm these conclusions is warranted.
mation, which in turn contribute to ischemia, oxidative
stress and an intraprostatic environment favorable to
In our analysis, further quantitative assay stratified by
regional information yielded null results in most In summary, this study applied a detailed meta-analytic
subgroups. However, it should still be interpreted with approach for combining OR estimates from studies on
caution considering the limited number of primary the relationship between BPH and LUTS incidence and
studies. The null results could possibly be due to an BMI. Although we cannot reject the possibility that our
inadequate number of primary studies to detect the estimates were distorted because of residual confound-
strength of the postulated associations. Also, there ing, the overall current literature suggests significant
existed a possibility that the complex etiology of BPH, association on the risk of BPH and obesity; and a further
which included genetic susceptibility, culture and life- exploration of population-based casecontrol study in
styles, would probably mask the positive association, doseresponse manner indicated that BMI could increase
whereas a single study in our analysis could not provide risk for BPH. However, when the including studies were
sufficient information. But a positive relationship be- stratified by study design, geographical region and
tween BMI and risk of BPH/LUTS was observed in primary outcome, most of the subgroups shows BMI is
Middle East. This difference may, in part, be due to not associated with BPH/LUTS.
differences in diet, environment and ethic background in While this meta-analysis helps resolve some of the
this region. inconsistencies with obesity and BPH risk, some do
The results of the studies included in this analysis remain. Future researches are needed to confirm these
were heterogeneous, likely reflecting differences among findings and resolve the remaining problems. A greater
study populations, model selection, analytic methodol- understanding of what influences risk and progression
ogy, exposure assessment and operational definitions of of BPH would lead to a greater understanding of the
BPH/LUTS. We conducted a meta-regression analysis to likely biological mechanisms for this disease.
assess the effect of publication year, geographical region,
study design, primary outcome, sample size and BMI
assessment on the heterogeneity. However, none of
the confounding factors could explain heterogeneity Conflict of interest
between the individual studies. Our results from
subgroup analysis also could not demonstrate any The authors declare no conflict of interest.
stratified association. We speculated the variations in
extent of adjustment for confounding variables such as
dietary or lifestyle characteristics, and uniform outcome Acknowledgements
assessment may be the source of heterogeneity, but
it cannot be verified by meta-regression analysis This study was supported by grants from the National
or subgroup analysis. The presence of heterogeneity Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
indicates the need for consensus definitions for BPH and 30801370).
LUTS in future population-based studies.
As a meta-analysis of previously published observa-
tional studies, our study has several limitations that need
to be taken into account when considering its contribu-
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unpublished observations and not include studies with human benign prostatic hyperplasia with age. J Urol 1984; 132:
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