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M. A. Martnez Ruz ,
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla .
Munich, Germany. 25-29 June 2017.
Facultad de Ciencias Fsico Matematicas, Buap, Mexico.


SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER BUAP, is one of the newest SPIE chapters in Mexico and it is the first in Benemerita
Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, our goal is to carry out scientific divulgation in optics and photonics into the state
since the other institutional chapters in Puebla are not enough for this job. Mission and Activities we have done in our
short life as a Student Chapter are presented in this poster.

Introduction Events Held 8. Conference, Optofluids: a tool for the disciplines of biology,
chemistry, physics, medicine and materials science by Dr. Ser-
BUAP is the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Mer- 1. Official Presentation of SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER BUAP gio Calixto Carrera
itorious Autonomus University of Puebla), it is in the top ten uni- 2. La Noche de las Estrellas (The night of the Stars )
versities of Mexico and it is the only one in the country that has
origins in 1587.
The Faculty of Physical Sciences of buap is created in 1950, and
until 2016 it did not have a consolidated divulgation of science in
optics and photonics group.
The idea of creating an Student Chapter comes from the lack of
enough divulgation groups into the university, as a faculty of sci-
ences it is our duty to take scientific knowledge to everyone who 3. CEESU Congreso de estudiantes de educacion superior
is possible, not only inside the university but also all who lives in (Congress of Students of Higher Education)
Puebla. 9. Conference,Development of non-linear refractive models in
non-local optical media by Dr. Maximino Luis Arroyo Carrasco

Figure 1. SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER BUAP LOGO 4. Visita a la Preparatoria 2 de Octubre de 1968 (Visit to high
school October 2, 1968)
What started as a pipedream and ephemeral talks became a reality
when our Director Julia asked for our advisor to be in charge of Upcoming Events
our small group, because in the beginning we were just 9 people,
finally we got our number ten and we registed our request to SPIE, 1. Solar Eclipse August 21st
then we were recasting people and in 3 months at mosth we got to 2. Visit to Instituto Tecnologico Superior de la Sierra Norte de
be 20 persons and counting. Puebla
3. The Night of the Stars 2017
Official Presentation. 4. Conference of a SPIE Speaker

In order to present our chapter into the faculty we invited one 5. Cientificon
speaker to talk about an optical topic and after that we presented The SPIE Team
easy optical experiments.

6. Participation in the state competition of physics apparatus and


Figure 2.Official Presentation of SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER

As a chapter we want to thank Doctor Areli Montes
We choose a characteristic color in order to people can identify us Perez our fierce advisor for all the advices and support,
easily. also to Martha Alicia Palomino Ovando the Director of
7. Conference, Light: in the Universe and Art by M.Sc. Anaely
Pacheco our faculty for making us an official divulgation group
into Buap and finally we want to thank SPIE for all the

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