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Classical Electrodynamics

(Classical Physics, Module-B)

Instructor: Dr. Subhayan Biswas

 Review of Mathematical Tools 6 lectures

 Electrostatics 4 lectures

 Special techniques 3 lectures

 Concepts of Dipole 2 lectures

 Electric Field in Materials 3 lectures

 Magnetostatics 4 lectures

 Magnetic Field in Materials 2 lectures

 Electrodynamics 1 lectures

 Maxwells Equation 1 lectures

Reference Books

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics by David. J. Griffiths

2. Classical Electrodynamics by John David Jackson

3. Electricity and Magnetism by Edward M. Purcell

Vector Calculus
Position Vector, Separation Vector and Infinitesimal Displacement vector

(x,y ,z )

r ) r
A B = A cos
Calculus to study Scalar Function / Field
Scalar Field/Function
1-D, 2-D,..n-D

Ordinary derivatives

T= f (x)
= lim f ( x + h) f ( x)
dx h0 h
Partial derivatives

T=T(x, y, z)

f (x + h, y, z) f (x, y, z)
f x (x, y, z) = lim
h0 h
f (x, y + h, z) f (x, y, z)
f y (x, y, z) = lim
h0 h
f (x, y, z + h) f (x, y, z)
f z (x, y, z) = lim
h0 h
Vector calculus
Vector Field / Vector Function

F = sin yi + sin xj
A vector field describing the velocity of a flow in a pipe

Note: All the figures related of vector field has been taken from a lecture series given by Dr. Chris Tisdell, UNSW
Velocity vector field of a flow around a aircraft wing
Circular flow in a tub
Vector Field or Vector function

F ( x, y, z ) = F1 ( x , y, z ) i + F2 ( x , y, z ) j + F3 ( x, y, z )k
F ( x, y, z ) = xyzi x 2 z 4 j + xk
Sketching of Vector Function
V = xi
V =xi 2

V = yi + xj

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