Press Release UNPDFfin3

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Ministry for National Development Planning /

Head of Development Planning Agency United Nations

Republic of Indonesia


New strategic UN-Indonesia partnership for development


10 August 2010 | Jakarta – A new strategic UN-Indonesia partnership to better support the achievement of the
Government of Indonesia’s Medium Term Development Planning (RPJM 2010-2014) and the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) was launched jointly today by the National Development Planning Agency
/BAPPENAS and the United Nations in Indonesia.

The launch took place in Jakarta (SG 4-5, Bappenas Building Jl. Taman Suropati No 2, Jakarta 13:00 – 14:00
WIB) in the presence of the Minister for National Development Planning Ibu Armida S. Alisjahbana, Pak Lukita
Dinarsyah Tuwo , Vice Minister for National Development Planning Agency / Vice Head of Bappenas, and Mr. El-
Mostafa Benlamlih, UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia.

The official document, the United Nations Partnership Development Framework (UNPDF) 2011-2015, aligns itself
strategically with key national development priorities, as stipulated in the RPJM 2010-2014, with the common
objective of making progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Its focus is
on enhancing equity in access to benefits, services and economic opportunities; on promoting effective
participation and protecting the rights of the poor and vulnerable; and on strengthening national and local
resilience to climate change, threats, shocks and disasters.

The new framework, jointly formulated by the Government of Indonesia and UN, recognizes Indonesia’s status as
a middle income country with national ownership and leadership of its development programme, working in an
equal partnership with the United Nations -- which provides neutral, multilateral development support based on the
comparative advantage and the specialized expertise of its agencies, funds and programmes.

The new partnership also represents a shift for the UN system in Indonesia: away from a development assistance
model of service delivery and toward a more strategic collaboration with the national programmes to decrease
regional disparities and inform pro-poor and pro-MDG policies with measurable results for the people, consistent
with the Government’s commitment to “Development for All.”

With this strategy, the UN commits itself to increasing aid effectiveness (in line with the Paris Declaration and the
Jakarta Commitments), through increased coordination among its agencies, funds and programmes. “Our great
strength is in being greater than the sum of our parts,” said UN Resident Coordinator El-Mostafa Benlamlih. “At
the same time, it is important to note that we can only hope to make a difference if our individual and collective
actions result in better national policies, capacities and programmes.”

The new strategy links more integrated UN-system support to national priorities in five key areas: social services,
sustainable livelihoods, governance, climate change and environment, and resilience (disaster risk reduction).


Mr. Michele Zaccheo Directorate for Multilateral Foreign Funding

Director, UNIC Jakarta State Minister for National Development Planning/ National
21 Jl. Ki Mangun Sarkoro, Menteng Development Planning Agency (Bappenas
10310, Jakarta Jl. Taman Suropati No. 2 Jakarta
HP: 0813 835 80908| E-mail: 021-3160159

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