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Geer Family Association

VOLUME 25, NUMBER 3 Gear, Geer, Geere, Gere, Etc (G/G/G) SUMMER, 2008

SS Independence Survivor
James Mudge Cole, survived Shipwreck Horror
The following letter is a copy of James Mudge
Cole’s 1852 letter home to his brother, after surviv-
ing the horrific and fiery shipwreck of the SS Inde-
pendence off the coast of Baja, CA. In our Spring
2005 issue (Volume 22, No. 2) we recalled the tale of
Virginia Gear Carrington and her husband Arthur,
who perished - yet their two children Julia (age 5) and
Frank (age 2) survived.
This letter, accompanied by the illustration - also
drawn by a survivor named Mr. Cross, brings the hor-
rific events to life and shades our Gear history with
its harsh realities.
Taken from an account of ‘The Cole Family
with Random Notes and Charts of the Ten Branches
Comprising the family from 1700 to 1971,’ published
September 1972. Collected and compiled by Lloyd
Rochester, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Here is a letter from James Mudge Cole to his
brothers in Denbury, Devon, written June 27th, 1853
from Sydney, Australia, while enroute to the mines
at Spring Creek Ovens Diggings, Victoria.

“Dear Brothers, I wrote to you about seven

months ago from New Orleans. I told you then that I getting off for two weeks. I made the best of a bad
was enroute for California and expected to start next bargain and went to work painting a house (the best
day. This I did which was the 22nd of December, 1852. hotel in the place and not a bad one either). I got one
I got safely to San Juan del Norte (Central America) dollar and a half a day and board, but of the eighteen,
in seven days, passed up the river through Lake Nica- only two of us could find anything to do. The rest had
ragua and twenty miles on mules overland and got to to pay ten dollars a week for board. I stopped there
the Pacific at San Juan del Sut in four days more. With one month and left the third of February. I was glad
eight others, I had taken tickets this far thinking that enough to leave as it was the sickliest place I was ever
we might get up cheaper, but in this we were mistaken, in but, of the eighteen left there, sixteen became ill
for the Nicaraguan Company’s boats are the only ones the first week mostly with the fever and ague. I stood
that came in here and only do so once a fortnight. As it it longer than any of them, but I got a few touches of
happened this time the boat would only accommodate it at last and I believe I should have got more if I had
four hundred passengers with comfort and there were not left. As I said I left on the third of February on
four hundred and thirty who had through tickets, and the Steamer ‘Independence’.
they were bound to take them, but by no means could We got along very well until the morning of the
we who had no fares, get on. The captain told me that th
16 , running as we were along close to shore. At last
five hundred dollars would not take me through that it proved too close as we struck a rock, the boat backed
time so there were eighteen of us left with no hope of off immediately and continued to run along shore.
Continued on page 51
Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 49
President’s Letter . . .
We’re in the late summer again, and there is a lot going on in this country
and the world; I’m sure the Geer clan will be following it all with interest. First,
we have the presidential election coming. The contest between the Dems., with
a history-making minority person heading the ticket, vs. the Repub. team with
a woman in the VP spot, will surely cause lots of sparks to fly before the last
ballot is cast. Whatever your politics, we all hope the country will be better off
after the race than it was before. Please exercise your constitutional privilege and
go out to vote. I say this after returning from a trip to So. Africa--once a pariah
of the world because of apartheid, but now finding its place among the more
respected nations in the world. It was moving to visit Robben Island, where
Nelson Mandela was a political prisoner. So. Africa still has huge problems,
but they are opening up a little and hoping for the best. Many of our ancestors
served this country in its uprising against the British in the Rev. War and other
wars that have followed. Let’s not allow the freedoms they achieved here be
diminished by our lack of interest in what is happening in our country today.
It is that time of year to send in your dues to keep us afloat finan-
Gene Geer cially! And, as always, we point to the need for contributions to the Geer
Hill School Fund. For more, do see our website-- Thanks, Gene Geer m

Getting to Know Each Other . . .

Terri Kukla, Our Region 8 Trustee in Alaska
I’ve lived in Eastern CT my entire life and love Early American
History. After working for years for several museums and historic
Table of Contents
preservation groups, I became interested in genealogy. And like many
Gear Children’s Sea others that interest has brought me to meeting people who share that
Ordeal .........................49, 51-52 pastime and many new cousins!
President’s Letter ................... 50 Cemetery restoration is another hobby of mine and I enjoy
GFA New Trustee .................. 50 saving some of this special history. I’ve worked on 5 local ancient
U.K. Geer Reinvents His
Life in PA ................................ 53
cemeteries. I’ve been a member of GFA for a few years and have more
Allyn’s Point Cemetery .....54-55 than one Geer line.
Gears Here & There ............... 56 After my children,Vera and David finished college, I visited
Jeremy Geere (cont.)....... 57, 66 Alaska and never left! So I’m currently living in Denali National Park.
Early Geer Corresp. ..........58-59 I haven’t met as many Geer descendants as in Connecticut but enjoy
Family Photo Album...........60-61
Letters to GFA ...................62-65
helping them with their lines and introducing them to GFA.
House on Geer Rd., Maybe we could have the reunion in Alaska one year ??
Ledyard, CT .......................62-63 Terri Kukla
Historians Report .................... 66
Corrections ............................. 66
Milestones ........................67-68
Regional Reps & News. ......... 69
Officers & Trustees .....................
& Map ................................. 70
GFA General Store ................ 71
Geer Place Name ................... 72

Page 50 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
SS Independence Survivor
James Mudge Cole, survived Shipwreck Horror
At first it was doubted if it had injured her, but down. I saw several times, five or six cling to each
the water soon showed that she must soon sink. Then other, each one trying to get uppermost and finally all
of course all was confusion getting ready to go ashore go down together sending up such shrieks as those who
which we expected to do without difficulty by running never heard the death shriek cannot imagine. It was
the boat in where we saw a sand bottom, letting her useless to throw anything over to float by as someone
settle where she could not sink and then using the small was sure to get it before you, and generally enough to
boats. We ran along perhaps for an hour when we saw sink it. Although there was but little wind at the time,
a suitable place and ran in and she struck again when the surf broke high ashore and several who had swam
about two hundred yards from shore. ashore were dashed against the rocks and killed.
By this time the water had risen so high as to get For my part, I had looked on the scene weigh-
into the furnaces which caused the fire to rush from the ing the chances as composedly as possible given
hatchway in a wave of flame and set fire to the place the circumstances. I felt sure I could swim it even
around. Amid the confusion, no notice was taken of through the rough sea if I was naked, but the idea of
it until too late to stop it. The ship, coming from the going ashore on a cold February morning with-
tropics, was as dry as powder and burned like wildfire. out clothes and dying from cold was almost as
The small boats were immediately launched. The first repulsive as drowning, so I determined to try it
took some ladies in with my pants,
but was swamped by shirt and vest on. I
the surf as it reached stopped on the boat
the shore but they until the fire was
all got out safely. very near me and
The boat however, but a few were left
could not return. on it. There were
The second boat not many around the
also took some la- boat now, as most of
dies and a rope, got them had drowned.
ashore safely but the Those who had any-
sailors refused to thing to float on were
return as the fire was drifting out to sea.
burning so fiercely When I jumped over
and they were afraid I swam as fast as
too many would get possible until away
into it. However from those around
they tied the rope to the boat, then I took
a rock but before it it easily but soon
could be hauled taut, found the difference
so many jumped on between swimming
to it that it swayed down into the water and was ren- naked and with my clothes on. When I got about forty
dered useless. The third boat also took some ladies yards from shore the surf began to break over me and I
but did not return. was sometimes above and sometimes below the water.
We saw that many must die and our hope was to At last I was completely exhausted, my arms dropped
swim or to cling to something in the water. All around and I sank. I thought sure I was going to drown. I
the boat on the side toward shore was a sea of heads, was not afraid of death, I never supposed I should be,
almost from the first. It was dangerous to jump out but when I thought of dying there all alone away from
amongst them, to swim lest some of them should take my friends and many other thoughts crowded on me,
hold of you, and many a good swimmer was taken Continued on page 52
Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 51
SS Independence Survivor
James Mudge Cole, survived Shipwreck Horror
then did I strike a few more strokes and raised to the one hundred and ninety six lost; probably about two
surface again. I was still some considerable distance hundred were lost altogether.
from shore and sank again for what I thought was the When we got on the whale ship we found our-
last time when big surf engulfed me, turning me over selves so crowded that we had to be put on allowance
and over in whirls that made me dizzy. I felt my knees provisions that twenty three of us took passage to other
touch bottom and when the wave receded I was out ships to go to the Sandwich Islands.. There were five
of the water. I was too weak to move. Someone ran ships there altogether. We had seventeen days passage
in and dragged me out and I was safe from drowning to the Sandwich Islands, stopped five days at Ohyhee,
at least. the place where Captain Cook was killed, then went
Now I must hasten. to Oaho where we found vessels
The land was an island on from almost everywhere. I took
the coast of Mexico in 22 passage in a vessel from San
degrees north latitude. The Francisco to New South Wales,
Island was perfectly bar- touched at several islands in the
ren and uninhabited, not Pacific, stopped a week at one of
even a bird or an animal the Navigators Islands and got
could we see, and what was here at Sydney about three weeks
worse, not a drop of fresh ago and have been at work ever
water. We stopped there since as times are good. I was
three days. Of course we never as fat or as lousy in my life
suffered a great deal from cold at night and for want before as when I left the vessel. I still weigh over 160
of water. pounds, but the lice have evacuated. I expect to leave
Between the island and the mainland was a bay for the mines tomorrow.
in which there were whalers. We crossed over and I will write you again as soon as I get settled.
drew their attention, which resulted in their bringing Don’t ever think I am dead until you know it. What-
us provisions and water, and took us on board their ever happens, believe me that I shall ever be your
ships. The ship was then chartered to take us to San affectionate brother, James M. Cole.”
Francisco. We were numbered and found two hundred Editor’s Note: Just imagine two very young
and forty of us were saved and we got the names of Gear children surviving without parents on such a

Photo courtesy of


Page 52 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Feature: G.W.P. Geer Flees U.K. to Pennsylvania & New Life

Photo far left: Abandoned Geer Children in England -- Herbert Geer b1891 ; Far right: Mabel
Florence Geer b1881 when she was young in her nurses uniform and center photo: Mabel (elderly) with
Lorna’s mother the young child Madeline Mabel Woodbridge b1942 and to the left of Lorna’s mother
Mable F’s daughter, Mable Helen (nee Medlow) Worral b1908. W

On Feb. 29, 2008 we recieved a letter to the GFA webmaster from

Lorna Beaton, Berkshire, England. She is looking to expand her biologi-
cal line to the Geer families of Sussex/Hampshire/Devon. Lorna states
her gr-grandmother is Florence Mable Geer b. Hampshire UK, dau/o
George Geer b. 1856 Southease, Sussex, UK. Her gr-gr-grandfather was
George Wm. Potter Geer (hereafter called GWP Geer) who immigrated
to Lancaster Co., PA via Quebec, Canada in the early 1900s, probably
with a common-law wife, Ursula.
They had a son, George Wm. Geer, Jr. (hereafter GWG Jr.) who
was b. in Quebec ca 1905. Ultimately, Lorna wants to know if GWG, Jr.
had a family and whether there are living descendants she can contact. She
believes that GWG Jr. remained in Lancaster Co., PA. Lorna has found
cousins in CA who are desc./o Herbert Geer, (half-brother to GWG,
Jr.). Here are photos of GWP Geer’s children Herbert Geer b. 1891 &
Florence M. Geer b. 1881, abandoned in England by their father. George Geer, George William
Lorna explains GWP Geer had many children in England, but left Potter Geer’s father.
the country with Ursula and his youngest son Frank, who was approx. 10
y.o. She is only aware that he had the one son, GWG Jr. b. in Canada ca Kindest regards,
1905. He may have had add’l. children.Donna Loper provided newspaper Lorna”
[Editor’s Note: If you have info
articles about the Geers in PA, and passport and immigration documents
on this family, please contact Lorna
from online databases on this family. Beaton at ]
Lorna writes “GWP married Julia Sarah Barnham, whose father
was a miller. I know through the family grapevine that this match was
not liked with Julia’s father, and her family ostracized her. GWP must “Forgiveness is the
have learn’t his trade via his father-in-law, as according to his passport economy of the heart...
applications, he was a “miller superintendant.” If you can find more forgiveness saves the
records of other births from GWP Geer I would be grateful, especially if expense of anger, the
there are decendants who can contact to contact me.
Thank you for your help... also my cousin and I are contacting a
cost of hatred, the
male Geer from our line to see if he would be willing to participate in waste of spirits.”
the DNA testing. Hannah More

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 53
GFA Web Site Spurs Research Network & Response
Searching for Ancestor Robert Allyn’s Burial
From: Al Cooper To:
Re: Geer descendant coming to CT this summer Subject: [ALLYN] Cemetery at Allyn’s Point I’m
Ginger: descended from Robert (c.1608-1683) & Sarah Allyn
Thank you for your prompt and informative response. through their daughter Sarah (1642-1723), who mar-
I will try to contact Ken, Robert or Susan about ried George Geer in 1659. There is a notation in one
possibly visiting the gravesite. I noticed on the Geer of the published Geer genealogies that Robert (and
website that there were numerous Geer historic sites in presumably Sarah) died at Allyn’s Point, implying
the Ledyard area, but I can’t seem to locate adressess that they would have been buried there.
for these sites, i.e., Geer Homestead, Allyn House, However, the lists I have been able to find online
etc. Could you provide these locations for me? about the family cemetery (at the Dow Chemical plant)
I plan on joining the GFA soon and Maine sounds great there show the earliest burial much later, in 1752. I do
for 2010. Thank you for your help and look forward recognize Captain Robert and Abigail (Avery) Allyn
to hearing from you. and Deacon Ebenezer and Mary (Thurber) Allyn
Al Cooper, Fairfax, VA B from the lists as their great-grandsons and wives.
[A 10th gen. desc. of immigrant George Geer(e).]

Response on 5/19/08, GFA Historian wrote

Hello Al Cooper:
Our former Pres. of GFA, Ken Geer, or his dad,
Robert Geer, could show you where the grave of
George Geer is, but be warned, it is on private prop-
erty, and quite a ways in. We need permission to get
in there. Also, only at reunion times is it mown, so it
will be in high weeds, but doable I suspect! Phone Ken
Geer, or Susan Geer Downes, whose email address is Timing is an issue, as they may be
on vacation, so you may need to get in touch soon to
work this out. Another resource is Richard Radune,
altho he lives in Branford, CT, but if he is available,
and if Ken clears it with the owners of the property
(whose name escapes me), he may be able to help as
Join the GFA and come to the 2010 Triennial
Reunion in Scarborough, ME!
Ginger M. August B

“All happy families resemble

* one another, each unhappy
family is unhappy in its own
Leo Tolstoy
The original Norwich plot plans, provided by
Sue Geer Downes, Norwich, CT
Page 54 Geer Family
Fa Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Lost Cemetery Found: Allyn’s Point Cemetery

1- Would anyone know if Robert and Sarah are Our Webmaster reports we’ve re-
buried there, perhaps with no surviving stone, or if
ceived sixty two (62!) emails so far this
they actually were buried somewhere else?
2 - I’ll be ‘passing through’ the area in late June/ year, to our website! These are new
early July and hoping to visit the cemetery. If anyone people who just found the GFA and
has directions or an exact location of the cemetery/ are brand new cousins!
Dow Chemical, I’d appreciate having them. Do I need
to make arrangements with Dow Chemical in advance, Google Maps provides very detailed information
or just show up at the gate, or...? to drive to and locate this historical cemetery. If you
Much thanks in advance - look closely, you can see some headstones in-between
Laurie Kender, NW Indiana B the blue arrow (balloon) and the round white tanks in
_________________________ this close up satellite image below:
28 May 2008
To: Richard Radune (Trustee Reg. 1) &
Re: Norwich, CT house lots

Hi to you both.
You’ve got me started on the “hunt”! I can never
resist a challenge when it comes to our family geneal-
ogy! The map of the original town lots in Norwich,
which you spoke of Richard, rang a bell. I found it
in Frances M. Caulkin’s book, Hist. of Norwich,
CT. I have a copy of that as well as her Hist. of New
London, CT book.
Robert Allyn is on her list of the original 35
settlers of Norwich in 1660 and the house lots were Additionally, the guards at the gate to this
in and around the Norwichtown Green. She says private property (a Dow Chemical commercial
he “resided for several yrs. in the western part of complex) allow family visitors upon request. Ac-
the town plot.” cess is granted through appointment only and must
Our home is within 2-3 miles of this Green. She be accompanied by a security guard at all times.
indicates that Robert had 5 acres. My husband Da- For an appointment call 860-447-7235. W
vid Downes took this photo of the page and I think
it came out well.
No mention of where Robt. Allyn was bur.
other than he d. in 1683 at his farm on the river.
She goes on to say that his son, John Allyn in 1691
“exchanged his homestead and other privileges in
Norwich with Joshua Abel & Simon Huntington, Jr.
for lands east of the river, and transferred his residence
to the former seat of the family at Allyn’s Point.”
Take care, Sue Geer Downes
Norwich, CT -
GFA CT Area Rep. B

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 55
Gears Here & There: Charles Gear, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin
Charles C. Gear, of Menasha township,
Winnebago county, Wisconsin belongs to the
class of stalwart and sturdy men who have
been active in the work that has transformed
Winnebago county from a comparatively
wild and sparsely settled condition and made
it a garden spot of the state. His father, Hugh
Gear, a native of Dublin, Ireland, came to the
United States when he was twenty-three years
old, and settling in Menasha township, worked
as a day laborer for some years. He first bought
a quarter section of land in Harrison township,
which he sold and in 1851 bought eighty acres
in section thirteen, Menasha township, which
forms a part of the present farm of 113 acres,
now owned by our subject. He here made a
home for himself and family and carried on
farming and stock raising during his active life
and now lives on the family homestead with
his son. The mother, whose maiden name was
Sybil Childs, died February 25, 1901, and her body The “Irish Gears” of Wisconsin were Dairy
is interred in Oak Hill cemetery. Farmers instead of Miners, like the branch from
Our subject’s paternal grandfather was a soldier Galena, Il and Fever River. This is a page from
in the British army. Sterling’s Menasha, Wis. Directory, 1920-21
Charles was educated in the district schools of (1920) pp. 69-227. W
the neighborhood and has always lived on the home-
stead, which came into his possession about the time of
his mother’s decease. He has always devoted himself Wisconsin and who lived at home with her parents
to agricultural pursuits and stock raising, and at the until her marriage. She is a devoted member of the
present time—1908—has a dairy herd of high grade Methodist Episcopal church and a woman of noble
milch cows and is looked upon as one of the prosper- Christian character. Of seven children born to Mr. and
ous and progressive farmers and substantial citizens Mrs. Gear, Sibyl died at the age of fifteen years, and
of the community. He is active in public affairs and Henry when an infant of six months. Those living are
has served five years as supervisor of the township. Bessie, M. Myrtle, Charles, Jannie and Hazel, all
He is a Republican in political sentiment. of whom live at home with their parents.
In 1886 Mr. Gear married Miss Kittie McAu- Lawson, P.V., 1853-1920, History, Winnebago
ley, who was born in Green Bay, educated at Chilton, Co., WI : its cities, towns, resources, people (1908).

Were there two Charles Gears living in this area during the late 1800’s? One family descends from
the George Geer line via Hezekiah Geer and his son Charles (who was involved with lead mining). The
other line descends from Hugh Gear, an immigrant from Ireland. Interesting twist - to be sure in our
research. This is where DNA may help bring further evidence of correct genealogical lineages.
Note from Donna Lea Gear Loper

Page 56 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Jeremy Geere reveals new insights on our English heritage
(Continued from Spring Newsletter Vol. 25 - No.2)
In 1795 G. was living on the farm ‘Modderfon-
They were not technically orphans as the widow tein’, about thirty-two kilometres south of the present
lived until 1936 but clearly she was unable to bring Somerset East. In February of that year he was one
up her children herself. I wonder how families of of the rebel leaders who expelled Landdros H. C.
soldiers who have died in the Iraq manage today? I D. Maynier from Graaff-Reinet, and in June he ac-
am not sure sufficient help is given today either. companied Marthinus Prinsloo who, as one of the
representatives of the so-called ‘volkstem’, ordered
SOUTH AFRICAN GEERES Olof de Wet, the commissioner of the V.O.C., to leave
Daniel Diones George Geere was not the only the district. The following year G. was one of those
Geere casualty of the Boer war. Several Geeres died who signed the so called ‘propositie’ (‘proposition’) in
in the concentration camps run by the English and which the burghers claimed, among other things, the
number among the Boer civilian casualties. These right to recapture their stolen cattle from the Xhosa.
included Karel Frederik Geere was born in Oct. Like many other frontier farmers G. had to flee
1809 and died in 1901 in Vrederfort Road Camp, from his farm during the Third Frontier War (1799-
his granddaughter Dorothea Geere and two of his 1803). He was living in Swaershoek at the time of the
great granddaughters, Hendrika Niclosina Klasina Slagtersnek Rebellion (1815), but did not himself take
Geere who died on Apr. 9, 1900 in Vredefort aged part in it, although one of his sons-in-law, Adriaan
7 and Maria Elizabeth Geere who died on Nov. Engelbrecht, went with C. J. Faber to see Ngqika.
23, 1901 in Vredefort aged 3. Another great grand- Apparently G. had little sympathy with the rebels
daughter, Louiza Gesina Geere was born on Apr. for, not-withstanding his capable pen, he refused to
9, 1900 in Greenlands Women concentration camp compose a petition connected with the death of Freek
at Vredfort. Bezuidenhout. He devoted himself to his farming and
I have recently been in contact with members of also acted as the herbalist of the neighbourhood.
this family who can trace their family back to Carl The date of G.’s death is not known. He married
Friedrich Geere who was born 1730 in Rendsburg, four times. His first wife was Catharina Elizabeth
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. I have found an entry Christens, daughter of Johann Daniël Christens
in South African Dictionary of National Biographly and Gesina Hendrina Benecke. After her death he
for his son which reads as follows: married Martha Helena Basson, daughter of Willem
Geere, Georg Diederik (bapt. Cape Basson and Catharina Helena Walters, widow of
Town, 3.2.1765 - died Graaff-Reinet dist., C. J. Tregardt. His third wife was Anna Catharina
before 7.2.1820), field-cornet and one of the Piek, daughter of Andries Christoffel Piek and
rebel leaders in Graaff-Reinet (1795), was the Sara Nel. His fourth was Dorothea Regina Nel,
fifth child of the German ancestor of the Geere daughter of Pieter Willem Nel and Dorothea Regina
family in South Africa, Carl Friedrich Geere, Coetzer, widow of Johannes Petrus Labuschagne
and his wife, Anna Maria le Roux. and Johannes Strydom. Their son, Karel Frederik
Christoffel Geere, was a well-known trouble-
maker in the Orange Free State. A daughter
of the first marriage, Anna Maria, married
Hendrik Frederik Prinsloo and they were the
parents of George Diederik Prinsloo, one of
the leaders of the Dorsland Trek. On 29 Jan.
1818 the deputy landdros of Cradock reported
that three of G.’s children had been murdered.
(Continued on page 66)
Photo courtesy of the Anglo-Boar War
Museum at
Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 57
Early Geer Correspondence: To Nellie Wight7 Geer from her
mother Julia Gallup Geer of Ledyard
To Nellie Wight7 Geer [ID# 1273-G] from her one side wearing out perhaps and not even go in to
mother, Mrs. Julia (Gallup) Geer of Ledyard, CT, see them. Isaac has carried wood out of our woodpile
dated May 1, [1894] from Ledyard, CT to Aquebogue, time after time to keep them along. Yesterday carried
N.Y. Home Apr. 29th 1894 four barrels of chips raked up at the woodpile besides
My dear Nellie all the wood he could put in the express waggen and
Your ever welcome letter rec. Friday, as always gave them. it is hard to be poor and sick too. Had a
was read with much interest & am glad to hear you letter from Emma [presume this is Nellie’s older sis-
are well. We are well as usual. Isaac [presumably ter Prudence Emma7 (Geer) Gallup [ID# 1272-G]
Nellie’s brother Isaac Gallup7 Geer ID# 1271] went yesterday. they are all well, she wants what she has
to the Ferry from church and brought home Ch(asie) in the Chelsea bank which is about $45.—will send
[presumably Isaac’s wife Amanda Chase (Belden) as soon as we can attend to it—
Geer] and Earl. Mrs. Belden returned home Sat., had Uncle Isaac called here yesterday- Mary has not
a nice time. Called at Mr. Geer’s[.] found L[ettie?] been here since early in Jan. but they are busy clean-
fell as well as last summer, but she seemed very still ing & aunt Maria has woven her carpet, but she is
and said but little. She and Miss Gilman has just been real lame and is growing old like myself—I managed
to Anna’s (their girls) wedding, and Eddie was mar- to do some cleaning last week – our bedroom down
ried wednes. we rec. announcement cards. A Brooklyn stairs and aunt E’s up stairs, but it is hard work to do
girl, suppose this must be pleasing. we had heard that alone and see to other things at the same time. as aunt
it was coming off in Apr. Bert Gallup is to be married E’s so lame she can’t do much only as she sits down.
that week. Jack’s sister is invited. had a letter from aunt Lydia last week. said they had
Am very sorry your school is so broken in rec. letter from you. she thought she would come here
upon by measles. hope they will begin to get back in June. Cous. James Gallup sent me his discourse
soon. but it is only once in a lifetime. had a postal preached at the close of his ministry in Madison
from Julia Smith. she said Grace did have the Ger- although he is still retained as paster Emeritus- it is
man measles but got along very well and was out in very interesting—have read it through today. it has
less then a week and Martha was coming down with his picture also-I don’t know what you had better do
them. Otis was still gaining slowly. suppose you are about board for another year if you go back. maybe
spending today at Nellies, which is always pleasant if the Fanings knew others would board for less they
as also to call at Netties[?], think her dresses are would do so, and if you should change you might not
nice. I like her satine very much. Mrs. B. got one for be as well suited. of course you can leave that for the
Chasie but she did not bring it home as she thought present but when there it would seem best to arrange
would go down there and have it cut. hers is black matters as far as you could conveniently. maybe you
ground with running vines, she said pd. 29cts but it can decide later what would be best.
was a 50cts one. I think you will want something of Mon. Eve. another nice day. have washed and
the kind. the folks over there must be awful smart. Mr. [Hinmouth?] called this afternoon. he had called
our folks haven’t planted any potatoes, but expect to to see Cynthia but didn’t –just the same as the saying
this week. the weather has been like summer-a little is. however he was let in and saw Mary and said he
cooler today. we had quick heavy thunder yesterday would like to see her—but she told him if she was
not much rain. Cynthia Allyn is very poorly. has had any worse she would let him know, after a while
a cold or gripp for several weeks, and don’t seem to Chasie went there and knocked and knocked but got
get better of it. I went in to see her last tues. she was no response and so came back-Happy’s sister don’t
on the lounge and did look badly enough. Has quite a seem to be much better-I think her case is a serious
cough and pain in her side. is all pined away. her case one- Isaac has been planting potatoes today. it is bed
looks serious-think Chasie will go in tomorrow. she time and I will say good night.
has never seen her, and I hadn’t for a number of years Your loving Mother
but it seemed too bad to have our nearest neighbor on Tues. morn “Sweet and sunny May” it is real
Page 58 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Early Geer Correspondence: To Nellie Wight7 Geer from her
mother Julia Gallup Geer of Ledyard
warm. I have been trying to get some greens-got a few-so many chores in the morn we scarcely get anything
accomplished. Earl went over to the T. place with the men with his [?Thomashanter] [Transcriber: Could this
be a machine? or type of clothing?] on and Chasie has gone over there to carry a hat to him – it is so warm
and so the time goes by. In haste Mother
[Transcribed exactly as it appeared to be spelled by Ginger August, May 30, 2008 from the 112 y.o.
letter on lined paper with a Spencerian script, witten at different sittings (deduced from differing styles (care-
ful/in haste). By 1894 the writer had been a widow 17 yrs. and d. in 1896. Nellie was 36 y.o. and a maiden
schoolteacher.] W

Geer Family
mily Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 59
Family Photo Album
Actor Edward Geer
[Historian question: Does anyone have info on this Geer’s lineage?]

In: Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file > Personalities > G > Edward
Geer. Library Division: The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts /
Billy Rose Theatre Division. Collection Guide: On Stage and Screen: Photograph
File of the Billy Rose Theatre Collection
Digital Image ID: TH-15272
Digital Record ID: 519856
Digital Record Published: 8-9-2007; updated 1-16-2008
NYPL Call Number: *T PHO A

PFC George Raymond12 Geer

[ID# 712-1-1-5-1-3-G] gave his life in service of his
country in Ar Ramadi, Iraq on January 17, 2005.
This quilt was presented to his family in Cortoz,
CO, in his honor on December 21, 2005.

See Home of the Brave Quilt Project, Colorado

Chapter, Home of the Brave, a grass roots
movement to honor America’s Fallen Heroes.
Available online at: F
Foundd on eBay.
B P i t d stone
Painted t ddog picture about 4 inches long. Note: Does anyone have an idea who this
artist B. T. Geer is/was?

Page 60 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Walter Geer [ID
6-G] Family.
This photo was
taken at the family
gathering for Walter
Geer’s funeral. It
includes the Geer-
Stelzer Family

Photo above taken ca 1930s-1940s, purchased on eBay by GFA Historian. - Left to Right: William D.
Geer, Arthur Pryor, Jr., Roy Larsen, S.P. Irvin. Preparing “March of Time” radio program. [Historian’s
note: Does anyone know in which Geer famiy this Wm. D. Geer belongs?]

One of the earliest of news radio drama became the March of Time with narrator and dramatized news
events produced by Roy Larsen, who later became president of Time, Inc. First heard on CBS in 1931, the
show sounded like movie newsreels. Each show required 1,000 man-hours of labor, writing, and re-writing by
Editor Willam D. Geer and his assistants. [Source: James F. Widner 1996-2007: The March of Time—]
Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 61
Letters to GFA
9 Jul 2008 Geer Gen., pg. 19-20: Robert lived and d. on the same
Ginger: homestead farm where he was born. This land came to
My wife & I bought an 18th C. home on Geer him by purchase from his brother, Jonathan, and he
Rd. in Griswold, Ct. Researching prior owners, we deeded it to his 3 sons, Robert, Ebenezer, & James.
were only able to go back to 1918. Town records have Here he built a house and erected the first gristmill in
the Norwich Probate Court on 3/ 22/18, authorizing a that section of the country. His mill, which was one
lawyer to sell this home to settle the estate of a Samuel of the 3 places where all warnings were to be posted,
Geer. Also recorded is the purchase of the property was situated 1 mile south of the site of his father’s first
from Samuel’s estate by a Frank Geer on 7/5/1918. It house.” He had a son:
was sold twice more and then finally to us in 2008. Ebenezer3 Geer b. 1710— d. aged nearly 94
When did Samuel acquire the property? Was yrs. old [ID# 36]:
this home in Geer hands since it was built, till ‘48 From Geer Gen., page 28: Ebenezer was b. on
when Frank Geer sold it? It’s tempting to think that the homestead farm in N. Groton, CT and d. there in
this home was originally built by a Geer, as it is on 1763. He was a successful farmer, and added many
Geer Rd. I won’t have proof unless we get earlier land acres to the original farm of George Geer. He and his
records that track the property back. Would the GFA wife are both bur. in the old Episc. Cem. in Ledyard,
have info about a Samuel Geer from the Griswold/ about 2 mi. north of Ledyard Centre.
Norwich, CT area who d. ab.1917/1918 that may John Wheeler4 Geer [ID# 131] b.1753—1828—
help? of Stonington. He and wife bur. Geer Cem., Griswold,
Sincerely CT.
Paul Santagata, John5 Geer [ID# 332]b. 1781-1863— Lived
B Griswold, CT. [ Also: He and wife bur. in Geer Cem.,
[Historian’s reply: 9 July ‘08 Griswold, CT.] He had a son:
Hello Paul Santagata: John Denison6 Geer [ID#760] b. 1807—1882,
Yes, I think it was built by Geers and lived in by and he had a son:
Geers until 1948 (per your research) based on what Samuel Leonard7 Geer [ID# 1288] b. 1840—
I gleaned per U.S. census records and the 1923 Geer 1918. He had a son:
Gen.: Robert2 Geer b. 1675—1742 [ID# 9] From Frank Wilcox8 Geer [ID# 1652] b. 1883 On

Paull S
P Santagata’s
t t ’ hhome on G
Geer Rd
Rd. ca 1890
Page 62 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Letters to GFA
page 270, and written prior to 1923 when Geer Gen. retains a significant amt. of its original features. When
was publ.:”Farmer; owns a farm which has been in bought, it had a tradition of a 1760s build date, but
the same family since 1803.” without proof. Many of its features are characteristic
We are glad to know that a history-minded family of pre-Rev. War house building in CT—the date is
has bought this old Geer home. plausible. This makes the p.270 notation you have
Ginger M. August, GFA Historian] cited under Frank Geer, a 1923 reference to “farm
B in the same family since 1803,” interesting. It could
[Further corresp. on this topic 12/July/08 ] imply that the property came into the Geer family at
Ginger: the time from another previous owner. I would caution
I have a repro. of an 1868 property owners map accepting the 1923 reference to 1803 at face value.
of Griswold. These 19th C. maps show a town’s If further search puts this house in Geer owner-
boundaries with natural features, but also indicate each ship at 1803 or earlier, the most probable 1st owner
house—with the owner’s name. The topography of may be John Wheeler4 Geer (1753-1828). This would
the Geer Rd. area is distinct, and the map names the be very amazing as a John Wheeler4 Geer is a docu-
house owner—J.D.Geer. This dovetails w/ your Geer mented cabinet maker from Preston, CT. (Griswold
data—John Denison Geer living from 1807-1882. was part of Preston until 1815). If you go on the Capt.
John D. was Samuel Geer’s father, and I have proof Philo Beardsly House Museum (Kent, Ct) website they
Samuel owned the house until 1918. have an image of a slant front desk in their collection
Now I’ll back-track the property through the attributed to this Geer. While a John Wheeler Geer
Geer family. Attributing a property to early/original ownership would be exciting, more research needs to
ownership needs data from 3 disciplines to conform to be done before we can confidently describe the com-
accepted scholarly scrutiny. 1st is a broad based family plete story of the Geers and this house. I believe there
lineage, which GFA produced. 2nd it needs corrobo- is a strong chance that this home was built originally
rating period documents, i.e. land & probate data, & for Geers and was in the family until 1948.
property owners’ maps. 3rd it requires that features of Finally, I will continue my research into land/
the house itself are consistent, from both the lineage probate records for Griswold/Preston/Norwich. I
history and period documentation. will provide current photos & 2 early pics of the
The house, while having undergone alterations, house (1940s & 1890). You also reference a Robert2

Paul Santagata’s home on Geer Rd. ca 1940s.

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 63
Letters to GFA
Geer specialist in the GFA [Emily Gere]. I’d like to Feb 28, 2008
hear from anyone at GFA who can give assistance/ Re: Thomas Harris Geer
advice. Dear Ginger,
Sincerely, Paul Santagata About to head to the P.O. to snail mail the info on
the children of John and Cordelia. It is hard to believe
that 3 of grandmother’s saved postcards could create
John Wheeler4 Geer died April 9 1828 such a monster as genealogy. First Virgil’s card from
Military record page 452 Connecticut Men in the Warren, PA got me into the Geer family - then Oliver’s
Revolution. Grave in Geer Cemetery Inscription and Sarah’s cards to grandma from AZ in 1909 got
on present headstone: me searching for their children. I still do not know
anything about Great Aunt Virgil and her daughter.
“In memory of John W Geer who died April
Hope. I have found some of the children of Sarah
9 1828 in the 76th year of his age
as well as the children of Oliver and the burial of both
My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Sarah and Oliver. I wonder if Grandma knew her
Til the last trumpet’s dreadful sound.”
Aunt and Uncle were as close as 30 miles from her in
Source: Report of the National Society of the Daugh- the 1920-30’s. I know that Minnie and Thomas were
ters of the American Revolution By DAR, pg. 124.
divorced in 1895. Grandma said Thomas had died that
year. I still know almost nothing about Thomas. He is
not in either WI or MN death lists, but the lists were
new at about the time of his imagined death.
Mar. 29, 2008 I have lots of land info to get, and letters to send
Hi Ginger, to both St. Croix and Pierce Co. Geneal./historical
I am aware of the Descendants of Ransom Erastus societies. One answer creates many new questions. I
Geer book that I rec’d last yr. and it contains a lot of have trouble keeping track of mine -- I can’t imagine
info on these [Geers]. However, there seems to be a the entire Geer Family. I’ll now put my Grandparents’
mystery on the part of G. C. Geer surrounding Erastus letters in order and find residences. I cannot find them
Alexander Geer. I was hoping that other members in the 1920 Census. Cousins on Daddy’s side are also
may have more on him, particularly in the early 1890’s searching for info. The Monster is Growing!
when my grandfather was born. I have already made Sincerely, Trudi Kerkmeyer
arrangement in upgrading my DNA test to level 67, [ID# 1179-5-1-1-1-G]
and see if there is a match with any of the descendants [Historian’s note: See also Vol. 25, No. 1 (Fall
of Wm. Jordan Geer, or better yet under Erastus A. 2007) newsletter, page 15, for previous material on
Geer. Erastus Geer (1868-1939) is my #1 candidate this family and post card images.]
as the biological father of my grandfather Walter E.
Wiseman. Does GFA has anything more on this
individual? Of the 5 children that Erastus had,
only one of them named Dovie Geer had add’l
[data]. I have been [thinking] that my grandfa-
ther may have been born out of wedlock since
it appears that he carried his mother’s maiden
name, Wiseman.
Gary Wiseman,
[Historian’s note: This enquiry was re-
ferred to Sam T. Geer, Geer/Gear/Gere DNA
Project Coordinator.]
nelia Throop8 Geer [ID# 1593
Cornelia 1593-G]
G] C
lli C Cardd from
f eBay
Page 64 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Letters to GFA
19 Sep 2007 Unfortunately, the Geer genealogist, Drew Bartley, ed.
Dear Emily Gere [Archivist], clan seems to be an unorganized of “The Mayflower Descendant”
I have corresponded with Ginger bunch. Some of us have begun journal. He has begun this work
August, the Historian, concerning to do organized research thru the on George and Thomas Geer(e) of
questions I had about the Geer ge- official records of Ledyard, Ston- MA and CT, immigrants.]
nealogy. She suggested I [write to ington, Preston, etc., but we do not ___________________________
you] on the primary aspect of this yet have any sort of documented 29 May 2007
genealogy that I am researching. search finished. I’m sure you are Dear Ginger , The current
Namely, it has been speculated that correct, that all these records have issue of the Newsletter [Vol 24,
Susannah, the w/o my ancestor, been searched, probably more than No.2, Spr 08] with my letter is
Ezekiel Lewis (b. 7 Jun 1739 Rich- once. However, I could offer you wonderful. My departed sister
mond, RI), was Susannah4 Geer no proof whatever. would have loved it. In 1928, be-
[ID# 67], d/o Joseph3 Geer [ID# As far as Susannah Geer fore I was born, the NJ Soc. of the
23] & Martha (Harris) Geer. is concerned, I have only the in- SAR placed a boulder and bronze
First, let me know if you have formation that is published in the plaque at the location where Wash-
any info relevant to this question. “Geer Book” supplements, which ington confronted Lee in the Battle
Ginger mentioned the possibility state that #67, Susannah Geer, “... of Monmouth Courthouse.
of placing a query on this topic in may be the Susannah Geer who In the 1970’s the boulder
the next GFA newsletter. married 1) Ezekiel Lewis of Hop- and bronze plaque were illegally
Second, can you help me kinton, RI; m. 2) Wm Sheldon of moved to another location down
avoid rework by finding out what Foster, RI.” She is not in one of RT. 522 and on the other side of
records have been searched al- the families that I have been able the road.
ready? Joseph was apparently in to document . The bronze plaque was stolen
Stonington, CT, when his children Our group has not had many and for years no one could remem-
were getting married. I have access serious genealogists –- the kind ber what was stated on the plaque
to both reels of microfilm of the who do organized research, docu- except that it told about Washing-
Stonington town records that the ment everything, and share the ton’s confrontation with Lee.
FHL has, and have found no marr. documentation, as well as names About a year or two ago I was
records for any of Joseph’s children and dates, with the rest of the looking at an old publication that
there. There are also church records group — until fairly recently, so had a photo that appeared to have a
from there, but I would expect that we are not far along in having this boulder and plaque on it. This is the
they have been thoroughly gone sort of data available. I hope we photo that I had been looking for,
through by Geer researchers and will have well-documented info on for many years! As a result a new
others. Same for records from No. our website within a year or so. plaque has been made and it has
Stonington and Preston. I suspect Good luck in your hunt. On been placed on another boulder.
that land records from that area behalf of the GFA, I would ap- The monument will be placed
have been gone through as well. preciate any info you care to send where they now think that Wash-
Any ideas on records that may not me, to add to the GFA files, and ington and Lee met. There will be
have been searched, at least with eventually to our website, and a dedication of the new monument
this question in mind? I also plan maybe (with permission) to one on June 16th on the Monmouth
to pursue it from the Lewis side of our books. Battlefield and in the meantime
in RI. Any help would be greatly Sincerely, Emily Gere I was awarded the Meritorious
appreciated. GFA Archivist Service Medal by the National
Sincerely, Darrell Coons Society. [Historian’s note: The GFA’s of- Bob McKnight
Sept 27 2008 ficers and Trustees voted to fund [Editor’s Note:
Darrell Coons, basic research by the credentialed CONGRATULATIONS Bob!]

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 65
Historian’s Report:
By Ginger August
Happily, I can report that Scott Drew Bartley, the
professional genealogist GFA hired to help delve into
the early mysteries surrounding Immigrants George &
Thomas Geer(e), has begun his work. A preliminary
report was sent to us. While about two years away
from publication, this is upbeat news to report. Also
exciting is the recent publication in The Genealo-
gist of Nancy Lockwood Merrill’s scholarly work,
“Joseph and Salvina5 (Geer) Lindsey of Blandford,
MA: With Notes on Salvina’s Sister Betsey5 (Geer)
Remington.” These Geer sisters are ID#s 286-G and
289-G from the 1923 Geer Gen., respectively. As of
the 2008 Fall issue of our newsletter, we will reprint
this piece in several parts, due to its length.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our
wonderful members who send in old photos, Bible
Records, news items, life-event notices, folklore, cor-
rections and letters. Our association and newsletter
are as strong as our members make it. Keep up the
great work!

Jeremy Geere reveals new Margaret
insights on our English heritage Late Consort of
Continued from page 57, this issue
Elijah Geer.
The Karel Frederik Christoffel Geere men- Died August
tioned appears to be the Karel Geere who was born 16, 1830
in 1809, ancestor of the Geeres I have been in contact Age 81
with. One of his grandaughters married on the bank years.
of the river Vaal, in 1900, Arthur Owen Vaughan
who served as an officer in the English army during [Margaret Rose, wife of Elijah4 Geer [ID# 111-G]
the Boer war. His entry in the Dictionary of Welsh Photo by Andrew L. Zachow, of
Biography says he was “an adventurer and author; a
native of the Vale of Clwyd. When a boy, he ran away
to sea (from Portmadoc), and became a wanderer. In
the Boer War, he led a troop of horse (‘Rimington’s
Guides’), and acquired note; and in the 1914 war Corrections:
he rose to be colonel and D.S.O. Two novels of his
were The Jewe of Ynys Galon , 1895, and The White Correction: In last GFA Newsletter (Vol. 25, No. 2) pp.
Rose of Arno, 1897; and he collaborated with Lord 32-33, Barbara Geer Keller should have been cred-
Howard de Walden in a drama, The Children of Don, ited with being the owner of Amasa Geer’s Bible.
1912. His historical books, Flamebearers of Welsh She also gave cousin Maxine Barfoot permission to
History, 1905, and The Matter of Wales, 1913 (a more send photocopies on to the GFA for reprinting. Apolo-
ambitious work), have not met with the approval of gies to Barbara Keller of Lima, OH. f
professional historians.”
Page 66 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Obituaries, continued
Weddings Her first husband died in 1991; she m. Joseph
Boyd in 1999. He said that in the days before her
death, she had phone calls from [President] Bush,
former President George H.W. Bush, as well as
Mitt Romney.
VT Gov. Jim Douglas praised Gear Boyd’s work
in the VT Legislature, calling her “a common sense,
mainstream Vermonter who cared deeply about our
state.” And he praised the way she battled illness.
“She was a real fighter. She battled cancer for years,
rebounding multiple times,” the governor said. “She
was always upbeat— a real role model for anyone fac-
ing adversity.” [Source: “Former lawmaker, Repub.
official Sara Gear Boyd dies,” by Dave Gram, AP
Writer, June 11, 2008.] z

Gertrude Geer9 (Talcott) Suydam
Rebecca Zack & Robert E. Callahan Gertrude Geer9 (Talcott) Suydam,
[ID# 1594-4-G] 73, of Westerly, RI passed
On Apr.19, 2008 Rebecca E. Zack [ID# 1060-1-7-2- away 16 July 2008. Born
1-G] mar. Robert E. Callahan (of Woodstock, NY) in New York City, NY,
in Princeton, NJ on a splendid day. She plans to get she was a dau/o the late
her masters degree in Nursing at U.Penn this fall. Rob Hooker & Gertrude
works in the financial sector in NYC where the couple (Geer) Talcott.
live. [Sub. by happy mom, Ginger August.] W A long-time resident
of Westerly, Gertrude
was a dancer/choreogra-
pher, a poet, and an artist.
Obituaries She began her artistic
career as a modern dancer

Sara Gear Boyd in NY where she under-
MONTPELIER, Vt. —Sara Gear studied for the Martha
Boyd, a former Republican leader in the VT Graham Dance Co., and was a member of the Pearl
Legislature and sec. of the Republican Nat’l Comm., Lang Dance Co. In the 1970s, Gertrude formed her
has died. She was 67. Gear Boyd, who had been bat- own dance company, performing her choreography
tling cancer, d. 10 June 2008 in Williston, VT. in NY & NJ.
She was elected to the VT House in 1984, serv- Moving to Westerly in 1990, Gertrude formed
ing from 1985-1992, the last 4 yrs as majority leader. Art Tech. Inc., performing her poetry to classical
She later served in the VT Senate, and her fellow music with movement at the public library and other
Republicans elected her leader there, making her the venues. In 1998, she published “Pieces of Me,” a
1st woman in the country to serve as majority leader in collection of poetry celebrating nature, creativity, and
both houses of a state legislature. She also served as spirituality. Gertrude was also a visual artist, and
a Republican Nat’l Comm. woman for VT from 1992 exhibited her paintings in local galleries.
and held several leadership roles in that organization. She was the mother of Margaret T. “Margot”
In 2003, President George W. Bush appointed her Suydam, Gertrude G. “Didi” Suydam & Lisa
commissioner of the White House Fellows…. Suydam; sister of Hooker Talcott, Katherine T.

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 67
Milestones: Obituaries, continued
Atterbury, the late Suzanne of FL. Reprinted here from Sum- Geo. S. & Eva (Surell) Geer of
Melhado & grandmother of three. mer issue to include accompanying VT. Grandparents were Canadian-
Internment is at River Bend Cem. photograph.] z born Joseph & Salina Geer of
[Per obit in The Sun, Westerly, RI. Rutland, VT.]f
Sent to GFA by Scott Bill Hirst, RI

Gladys V. Geer
Gladys V. (Zeleny)
Geer, 83 of Old Say-
brook, CT, d. there 10 July 1925.
Formerly of SC and FL, Gladys
was b. 10 July 1925 in NYC, NY.
Dau/o Richard & Bertha (Vo-
lence) Zeleny, she is preceded in
death by parents & husb., Charles
W. Geer. Gladys is surv.d by
son, Richard Geer & his wife

Theresa M. Geer Lois (Sterner) of Clinton & dau.
Theresa Marie

Helen Faulk Geer Linda (Geer), w/o Louis Sim-
Helen Geer, age 98, Geer—d. 16 June 2008 mons of WA. She is also surv.d
wife of Rufus Nathaniel9 Putnam, CT, 81. She was the be- by 3 grandchild., Michael Geer,
Geer [ID# 1600-1], died April loved wife of the late Earl Elmer Kyle Simmons, Tracy Vega & her
28th, 2008 in Miami, Florida and Geer, Jr. (1924-1990) [s/o Earl husb., Dan, & 3 gr-grandchild.,
was buried in Jacksonville, Florida E. & Evelyn Geer]. She was b. 2 Michael Geer, Mason Geer &
on May 3rd. Nov. 1926 in Putnam, d/o Elphage Mason Vega & a sister, Ruth
Helen Faulk Geer was born & Viola (Mathurin) LaRochelle. Shumbo of Colchester; an aunt
October 18, 1909 in Bloomfield, She had worked many yrs at Albina Korcak of Middletown, &
IN to Patrick and Ella Mae Belding Textile Mill til retiring in an uncle John Zeleny & his wife
Faulk. She was a wife, mother and 1990. She was a communicant of Vicki of Pt. Charlotte, FL. [Per the
homemaker. Mrs. Geer moved to St. Mary Church of the Visitation Norwich Bulletin, 7/19/2008.
Jacksonville in 1959 from Texas. in Putnam and lived in Putnam Historian’s note: Husband
She was a member of the Riverside most of her life. She most enjoyed Charles W. Geer s/o Charles Wes-
Baptist Church. spending time with her children, son & Agnes Geer of Windham
Mrs. Geer is survived by her grandchildren & gr-grandchildren. Co., VT. C. Wesson’s parents: Geo.
children: Leslie Huntly (Robert), She leaves a son: Robt. Geer; 2 E. & Emma Geer of Rockingham,
Luther Geer (Betty), Lewis Geer daus: Linda Rondeau (Alan); VT. Geo. E. Geer b. VT w/English-
(Hilda) and Pat Geer (Betty), Donna Campion (James III) all born parents. Geo. Mitchell Geer,
9 grandchildren and 14 Great of Putnam; sisters: Jeanette Char- former GFA Officer is brother-in-
Grandchildren. She was preceded land of Woodstock; Rita Watts of law to Gladys.] f
in death by her husband Rufus. MD; brother: Robt. LaRochelle
Funeral Services were held of Thompson, CT, 9 grandch. & 3
at the Giddens Funeral Home, gr-grandch. She was predeceased
Edgewood Chapel, May 3, 2008. by son: Earl H. Geer & a brother:
Burial in the Riverside Memorial Elphege LaRochelle. Bur. in St.
Park. Mary Cem., Putnam. [Per Nor-
[Submitted to GFA by Helen’s wich Bulletin 6/17/08. Hist. note:
son, Luther10 Geer [ID# 1600-1-2] Earl E. Geer, Sr.’s parents were
Page 68 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
Region 1 News: Pennsylvania Reunion revisits ancestors cemeteries
Our Region 1 Family held a reunion and toured
ancestor gravesites. Our Revolutionary War ances-
tor, Roger4 Geer [ID# 88-G], is buried in Blairsville,
PA, and pictured on the right. Additional homes and
cemeteries were on the touring schedule, and included
Johnstown and the main Blairsville Cemetery.
There is a church in Johnstown that apparently
protected the James Henderson8 Geer [ID# 599-1-G]
home from the 1889 flood. An oral history from Frank
D.9 Sr.[ID# 599-1-5-G], told of being a little boy there
and seeing his parents pull a man in through a third- View of Johnstown, PA Cemetery and Reunion
story window, who had been floating on the water. The visitors by Judy Ewing, granddau. of Frank D.
piano rested against the ceiling and left a dent. Until the Geer, Sr. See this 2008 Reunion online at:
flood subsided, the Geer family flood victims lived on
canned peaches for days. But they all survived. Reunion. Sub. to GFA by Judy Ewing

Regional Representatives
REGION 1 (ME, NH, CT, RI, PA, NJ, VA, WV, VT, MA, NY, MD, and DE )
ME & NH Mrs. Judith A. Ewing, ............................................................................. (207) 329-0077
CT ........Susan Geer Downes, 30 Caulkins Rd., Norwich, CT 06360 ..........................................................
RI .........Scott Bill Hirst, 20 Maple Court, Ashway, RI 02804-9630................................................................ (401) 377-4643
PA ........Jean Creznic, 120 Candlewood Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112 ......................................................... (717) 545-1839
NJ ........Ginger August, 32 Stetson Way, Princeton, NJ 08540 ................................................................... (609) 924-6391

REGION 2 (IN, WS, KY, MI, IL, and OH)

IN .........Leona Geer Wiseman, 633 N. Oakland, Mishawaka, IN 46544 ...................................................... (219) 255-0293
WI ........Donald Geer, 841 W. Broadway Dr., Appleton, WI 54915 ............................................................... (414) 733-8271
KY ........Teresa M. Klaiber, c/o Deliverance Farm, 22937 Long Branch Rd., Rush KY 41168......................
MI.........Sandra Marsh, 2448 N. Sandstone Rd., Jackson, MI 49201 .......................................................... (517)750-4023

REGION 3 (NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, TN, AR, LA, and MS)
NC .......Ann Blanton Howard, Box 475, Spindale, NC 28160 ...................................................................... (704) 287-1019
SC........William F. Geer, Jr. (Bill), 406 Skyview Drive, Clemson, SC 29631 ............ (864) 654-4812
GA........Robert S. Geer, Jr., 4199 Poplar Hollow Court, Roswell, GA 30075 .............................................. (770) 645-9085
FL ........Jane Geer Hyer, 1008 Brandermill Dr., Cantonment, FL 32533 ...................................................... (850) 937-0963
AL ........Fay Geer Elmore, 902 Westover Dr., Homewood, AL 35209 .......................................................... (none available)

REGION 4 (IA, MN, ND, SD, NE, CO, KS, and MO)
IA .........Ms. Anna Belle Wacker, 18468 352 Ave., Bellevue, IA 52031......................................................... (319) 872-3681
MN .......Marilyn Geer, 214 Dogwood St., NE, New London, MN 56273 ....................................................... (320) 354-4135
MN .......Eulalie A. Geer, 3909 93rd Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 ......................................................... (701) 696-2418
SD........Louraine Hammell, 119 Dove Rd., Pierre, SD 57501 ...................................................................... (605) 224-6036
NE........Cheryl Beery, 1851 Brent Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68506 ........................................................................ (none available)

REGION 5 (OK, TX and NM)

NM .......Roger Geer, 9920 Osuma Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 .......................................................... (505) 294-4535
OK .......Susan Clement Henson, 4014 NW 68th St, Okahoma City, OK 73116........................................... (918) 520-0626

REGION 6 (WA, OR, ID, WY, MT, HI and AK)

OR .......Vesper Geer Rose, 12390 Sunnyview Rd. NE, Salem, OR 97301 ................................................. (503) 873-3406
WA .......(Western WA) Donna Lea Gear Loper, 16021 NE 25th St., Vancouver, WA 98684 ........................ (360) 256-7239
WA .......(Eastern WA) Nelson & Sarah Hall, 2450 NE 5th, East Wenatchee, WA 98002 ............................. (509) 884-4461
ID .........Jeff & Debbie Geer, 10592 Silver Fox Dr., Boise, ID 837009 .......................................................... (208) 362-3074

REGION 7 (AZ, CA, NV, and UT ).

AZ ........Arlene Whitlatch, 13019 N 23 Pl., Phoenix, AZ 85022 .................................................................... (602) 493-5177
CA........(Fresno-South) Irving & Vi Miller, 2907 Berkeley St., Bakersfield, CA 93305...(805) 872-0460

REGION 8 (Canada) - Terri Kukla, P.O. Box 787, Denali Park, Alaska 99755
Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 69
Trustees, Officers, and Region Map
Region 1 GFA Trustee:
Richard Radune
Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, Europe, Asia, South America
101 Hotchkiss Grove Rd., # 4
Branford, CT 06405-5414
(203) 483-5263

Region 2 GFA Trustee:

Sandra Marsh
2448 N. Sandstone Road
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 750-4023

Region 3 GFA Trustee:

Robert S. Geer, Jr.
4199 Poplar Hollow Court,
Roswell, GA 30075
(770) 645-9085
Officers of the Geer Family Association
President .......................Eugene W. Geer,
Region 4 GFA Trustee: .......................................558 Beers Street, Hazlet, NJ 07730, (732) 264-3129
Mark J. Geer Vice President................Judy Ewing, 9 Bunker Hills Terrace, Scarborough, ME 04074,
216 Dogwood Street N.E. (207) 221-0762
New London, MN 56273 Secretary - .....................Allen Browning,
(320) 354-2067 Treasurer 570 Hudson, New York, NY 10014, (212) 727-1652
Newsletter .................... Donna Lea Gear Loper,
Region 5 GFA Trustee: Chairperson 16021 N.E. 25th St., Vancouver, WA 98684, (360) 256-7239
Susan Clement Henson Historian .......................Ginger M. August, 32 Stetson Way, Princeton, NJ 08540, (609) 924-6391
4014 NW 68th St Archives .........................Emily Gere,
Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Chairperson 415 O’Keefe, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (650) 329-1856
(918) 520-0626 Sales Chairperson .........Audrey Masalehdan,
Registered Agent ...........Ken Geer,
Region 6 GFA Trustee: 23 Thomas Road, Ledyard, CT 06339, (860) 464-8657
Jim Toler
12390 Sunnyview Rd. NE, GFA Dues and Fees Schedule
Salem, OR 97317 Regular and Associate Life Membership fee ..................................................... $250
Regular and Associate Annual fee for fiscal year 2008/9 .................................... $25
Region 7 GFA Trustee: Annual Gift Membership by a member $5 less than annual fee
Cinda R. Jauregui Three-year Membership ...................................................................................... $60 Three-year Gift Membership by a member ......................................................... $50
1852 Scenic View Place
Alpine, CA 91901-3947 Note: Our expenses keep going up and the paper work of yearly dues paying is increas-
(619) 445-7344 ing. For these reasons, your Board wants to encourage three-year memberships. Please
help your GFA organization in this way and avail yourselves of no increase in dues for
Region 8 GFA Trustee: the next three years.
Terri Kukla
P.O. Box 787, GFA Web Site
Denali Park, AK 99755 Don’t forget to check-in on the Internet at:

Page 70 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©
The GFA General Store: Special Note - PayPal now on Web Site!
Sale Items and Fees (within USA). Pay Pal now available on the web site !
With exception of newsletters, international orders will be charged additional applicable airmail rate.
Dues and Newsletter. .........................$25 per year, covering the period from July I thru the following June 30. Includes three newsletters:
Fall, Spring, and Summer issues. $20 one year special offer for paid members giving gift membership(s).Life Membership: $250.00
College of Arms Report: ................................... A report on the Geer Crest to date. 11 Pages ........................ Price: $2.00
1926 Geer Family Association Meeting and Membership List: ....................................................................... Price: $1.00
Current GFA Membership Roster: .................... Arranged in numerical order by Zip Code. ............................. Price: $4.00
Individual, Family Group and Pedigree ........... Blank forms for recording genealogical information: .............. Price: free for $1.00 postage.
Geer Crest: A good Xerox color reproduction of the Geer Crest ( 8 1/2 x I I ),as seen on the cover of the 1991 supplement. Price: $3.00
Annotated Bibliography of Books on Geer People: Including books with chapters devoted to G/G/G people/places/events.
...............................................................Prepared by Ginger August. About 58 pages, updated annually. .......... Price $8.00
Historical Sketch and Genealogy of George and Thomas Geer from 1621 to 1856: By James Geer, printed by Elibu Geer in 1856.
Hard Cover
Members............... $30 + $3.00 Postage & handling (p& h)*
Non-Members ...... $55 + $3.00 p& h* (includes one year GFA membership)
Reprint of 1923 Geer Genealogy by Walter Geer: Hard, imprinted cover, hand bound.
The basis of current George and Thomas Geer descendants’ ID # system. 460 pgs, 32 photos.
Members............... $40 (Postage & handling included)*
Non-Members ..... $65 (Postage & handling and one year membership included)
Reprint of 1991 Supplement to ’23 Genealogy: 950 pages, complete indices of
George and Thomas descendants, w/ appendices.3 hole drilled, loose-leaf, coverless, shrink-wrapped.
Members............... $35 (Postage & handling included)
Non-Members ...... $60 (Postage & handling and one year membership included)
A Second Supplement to the 1923 Geer Genealogy (CD-ROM Only): Full text search of George and Thomas descendants.
Members............... $35 (Postage & handling included)
Non-Members ...... $60 (Postage & handling and one year membership included)

USE THIS FORM TO ORDER ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS (Postage & handling included for each item, unless otherwise noted).

Name: Amount Enclosed (Payable to Geer Family Association)

Note: Minimum purchase for Non-Members is $20.00
Address: Send Completed Form and GFA Check to: Allen Browning, GFA
Sec.-Treas., 570 Hudson, New York, NY 10014

Email and/or Phone number where we may contact you with any questions:

Qty Price Ea. = Sub- total__ Item Description

____ Check yrs $__________ Dues and Newsletter @ __One Year ($25) __Two Years ($40) __Three Years ($60)
____ $250.00 $__________ Life Membership @ $250 per person
____ $2.00 ea $__________ College of Arms Report @ $2.00 ea.
____ $1.00 ea $__________ 1926 Geer Assoc. Meeting & List @ $1.00 ea.
____ $4.00 ea $__________ Current Membership Roster @ $4.00 ea.
____ $1.00 ea $__________ Individual, Family Group & Pedigree @ $1.00 ea. Members only
____ $8.00 ea $__________ Annotated Bibliography @ $8.00 ea.
____ $33.00 ea $__________ Hist. Sketch & Genealogy of G. & T. Geer @ $33.00 ea.
____ $58.00 ea $__________ Hist. Sketch & Genealogy of G. & T. Geer @ $58.00 ea., includes 1yr. New Membership
____ $3.00 ea $__________ Color Copy of Geer Crest @ $3.00 ea.
____ $40.00 ea $__________ Reprint: 1923 Genealogy by Walter Geer @ $40.00 ea. (Members price)
____ $65.00 ea $__________ Reprint: 1923 Genealogy by Walter Geer @ $65.00 ea, includes 1yr. New Membership
____ $35.00 ea $__________ Reprint of 1991 Supplement @ $35.00 ea, (Members price)
____ $60.00 ea $__________ Reprint of 1991 Supplement @ $60.00 ea, includes 1yr. Membership for Non-Members
____ $35.00 ea $__________ CDROM 2nd Supplement to the 1923 Geer Genealogy @ $35.00 ea, (Members price)
____ $60.00 ea $__________ CDROM 2nd Suppl. to the 1923 @ $60.00 ea, includes 1yr. Membership for Non-Members
____ $20.00 ea $__________ Special Gift Membership @ $20.00 for one year given by paid Members
If more than one Gift Membership is to be given, please attach a separate sheet with
Grand Total: $ ____________ additional names/addresses.

Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright © 2008 Page 71
Geer Place Name
President: Eugene W. Geer
Brandon Geer, “out stand- 558 Beers Street
ing in his field,” by Geer Hazlet, NJ 07730
Road sign in area of Gil- Newsletter Donna Lea Gear Loper
bertsville, NY. Submit- Chair: 16021 NE 25th Street
ted by Brandon Geer of Vancouver, WA 98684
Rochester, NY. The Geer Family Association (GFA)
Newsletter is published three times per
year in the months of February, June and

Permissions: Permission to use data

found in the Geer Family Newsletter is
granted to those wishing to further their
own genealogical quest. Reproductions
of the GFA Newsletter in whole or part
is forbidden without written permission
(and is never permitted for commercial
purposes). Address requests for per-
mission to the Association President
shown above.
Copyright © 2008. All Rights Reserved -
The Geer Family Association.

Allen Browning
Presorted Standard
Geer Family Association US POSTAGE
570 Hudson, PA I D
New York, NY 10014 PERMIT NO. 37
Willimantic, CT 06226

Address Service Requested DATED MATERIAL

Page 72 Geer Family Association Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 3 – Copyright 2008©

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