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University of Saskatchewan IEEE Power and Energy Society

Student Branch Chapter

Executive Committee:

The Chair:
The duties of the Chair include:

1. Serving as a liaison to the local IEEE Student Branch, and IEEE North Saskatchewan Section
2. Serving as a liaison to the administration, faculty, and staff at the University of Saskatchewan
3. Ensuring that the Executive Committee members are carrying out their duties
4. Arranging collaborations with different organizations/institutions/individuals
5. Organizing the annual general meeting, and the executive committee meetings
The Vice-Chair:
The duties of the Vice-Chair include:

1. Managing day-to-day operation of the chapter

2. Preparing necessary documents for the events/activities
3. Contacting sponsors/charities for collaboration
4. Handling all the constitutional affairs and bylaws of the chapter
5. Exercising the duties of the Chair in the absence or unavailability of the Chair
General Secretary:
The duties of the General Secretary include:

1. Handling all the correspondence of the chapter

2. Handling the official email account, and social media accounts of the Chapter
3. Arranging meetings and drafting minutes of the meetings
4. Dealing with the students/members and responding to their queries
5. Handling the website of the chapter
The Treasurer:
The duties of the Treasurer include:

1. Handling all the financial matters of the Chapter

2. Maintaining accurate financial records of all the transactions of the Chapter
3. Preparing quarterly reports about the finances of the chapter
4. Dealing with the registration fee for events/activities
5. Authorizing the expenditures for events/activities

Estimated work requirements for all positions are 3hrs/week.

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