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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin


Modal verbs of obligation:

must, have to, should and ought to
There are two types of modal verbs of obligation;

those that primarily express a firm obligation or necessity - must and have
those that express a recommendation or moral
obligation - should and ought to

Firm obligation, etc. - must and have to

The verb must only exists in the simple present and present perfect forms.
While the present form can express obligation, necessity, certainty or
strong probability, the present perfect forms only express a strongly felt opinion
or supposition.

Present Present perfect

Affirmative must must have

Negative must not, mustn't must not have, mustn't have

If other tenses are required, the speaker or writer must use forms of the
synonymous modal verb "have to" . This modal auxiliary has all normal tenses,
including progressive or continuous forms; these are not common, but need to be
used in some cases.

Principal Present
Present Past Future
tenses perfect

has to, has had to

Affirmative: had to will have to
have to have had to

does not
Negative; have to, has not had did not will not
do not have to have to have to
to ,
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
doesn't have not had didn't won't have
have to to have to * to
don't have

am having
to has been was
is having having to having to will be
to, have been were having to
are having having to having to

* The form "had not to" is sometimes used, but it is generally considered to be

Got to :
In spoken English, and in the present form only, have to is often substantiated by
the word got;
For example an alternative to I have to is I've got to.
For more on this, see Get and got

Examples of must and have to being used to express :

a. Firm obligation or necessity
b. Certainty or strong probability.
c. Must have only : supposition

a1) You must see a doctor at once !

a2) I have to be at school tomorrow at 8 a.m. I have an exam !
a21) I've got to be at school tomorrow at .....
a3) You mustn't touch that plate, it's too hot.
a4) I had to see a doctor, because I felt very sick.
a5) I had to break the window ! I lost my key !
a6) The manager isn't here, he's had to go to Paris on urgent business.
a7) Tomorrow the President will have to open Parliament.
a8) She's having to move because she can't stand the noise.
a9) I'm having to take out this detonator very slowly, to avoid an explosion.
a10) Oh you're so kind! You didn't have to do it as well as that !

b1) He must be over eighty, he was born in 1930.

b2) If my brother's not in London, he has to be in New York.
b3) I've got all the right answers, I must be one of the winners !
b4) If I remember correctly, it has to be here.
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c1) I can't find my laptop, I must have left it in the train.
c2) If they're out, they mustn't have heard the news.
Take care to distinguish correctly between "had to" and "must have"
They had to go to London
= They were obliged to go to London
They must have gone to London.
= In my opinion, they have certainly gone to London.
Other uses of the verb have: see the verb to have.

Recommendation or moral obligation - should and ought to

The verb should only exists in the simple present, and present perfect forms
Forms of should
Present Present perfect

Affirmative should should have

Negatve should not, shouldn't should not have, shouldn't have

The verb ought to only exists in simple present and present perfect forms
Forms of ought to
Present Present perfect

Affirmative ought to ought to have

Negative ought not to, oughtn't to ought not to have, oughtn't to have

Should and ought to are more or less synonymous

a1) You should stop smoking ( = You ought to stop smoking.)
a2) It's raining hard, the children ought to come indoors.
a3) I didn't know you were married ! You ought to have told me !
a4) If you'd wanted to succeed, you should have worked harder at school.
a5) This pullover's got holes in it, I should get a new one.
a6) This pullover's got holes in it, I ought to get a new one.
a7) That's awful ! You really oughtn't to have done that, you know !


Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin
Use 'need to' to express that something is important for you to do. This form is
usually used for something that is important one time, rather than referring to
a responsibility or duty.

She needs to go to Seattle next week.

Do you need to get up early tomorrow?
I need to spend more time with my children because I've been so busy lately.
We need to focus on getting new business this month.


Use the negative form of 'need to' to express that something isn't necessary, but
possible. At times, English speakers use 'don't need to' to express that they don't
expect someone to do something.

You don't need to come to the meeting next week.

She doesn't need to worry about her grades. She's a great student.
I don't need to work next Monday!
Peter doesn't need to worry about money because he's independently wealthy.



Use either 'must','have to', 'mustn't or 'not have to' for the following questions. Once
you've completed the quiz, scroll down to check you answers.

1. Jack _____(go) home early last night.

2. Ted ________ (buy) some food at the grocery store because we're out.
3. _____ (she/commute) to work every day?
4. Children _____(play) with cleaning liquids.
5. We _____(get) going it's already midnight!
6. When _____(you/arrive) for work last week?
7. They ______ (mow) the lawn. It's getting too long.
8. You _____(do) the cleaning up this morning, I will!
9. They _____(visit) the doctor yesterday, as they were not feeling well.
10. I _______ (get up) every morning at six o'clock, so I can make it to work on


1. had to go / needed to go 7. need to mow

2. needs to buy / has to buy 8. don't need to do
3. Does she have to 9. had to visit (there is no past for
4. mustn't play 'must')
5. must get 10. have to get up
6. did you have to arrive
Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

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