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Translated by

Complete list oj Loeb titles can be
found at the end of each volume

DIODORUS SICULUS, Greek historian

of Agyrium in Sicily,
c. 80 B.C.-20 b.c.,
wrote 40 books of world-history, called
Library of History, in three parts
mythical history of peoples, non-Greek
and Greek, to the Trojan War; history
to Alexanders death (323 b.c.) ;

to 54 b.c. Of this we have Books I-V

(Egyptians, Assyrians, Ethiopians,
Greeks) ;
Books XI-XX (Greek history Tf&b
480 b.c. -302 b.c.) and fragments of the
OCT -3 989
rest. He was an uncritical compiler, but |

used good sources and reproduced them

faithfully. He is valuable for details MAR Jlf 1992
unrecorded elsewhere, and as evidence
for works now lost, especially writings JUN j
of Ephorus, Apollodorus, Agartharchides,
Philistus, and Timaeus.
^2 332
FEB _ '? 1

M9V' 26 -ipqq



D E. H. WARMIXGTON, m.a., i'.e.iiist.soc.
fT. E. PAGE, O.H., LITT.D. tE. CAPPS, ph.d., ll.d.
n t W. H. D. ROUSE, LITT.D. L. A. POST, l.h.d.









First printed 1933
Reprinted 1946 1960, 1968



BOOK I . 1

BOOK II . . . 343


maps . 0 * at end

Printed in Great Britain

General Introduction
With but one exception antiquity affords no
further information on the life and work of Diodorus
of Sicily than is to be found in his own Library of
History. The exception is St. Jerome, who, in his
Chronology under the Year of Abraham 1968
(= 49 b.c.), writes : Diodorus of Sicily, a writer of
Greek history, became illustrious. 1
Diodorus himself says (1. 4. 4) that the city of his
birth was Agyrium in Sicily, one of the oldest settle-
ments of the interior, which was visited even by
Heracles (4. 24), whose cult was maintained by the
inhabitants on a scale rivalling that of the Olympians,
and this statement is rendered plausible by the
importance accorded the city in his History, an
importance quite out of proportion in a World History
of only forty Books. 2 It is a striking coincidence
that one of the only two Greek inscriptions from
Agyrium (7G. XIV, 588) marked the final resting-
place of a Diodorus the son of Apollonius.
The earliest date at which Diodorus is known to
Diodorus Siculus Oraecae scriptor historiae clarus habetur
(p. 155, i, ed. Helm). This date must mark the first appear-
ance of a portion of his History.
At that he is more reserved in this respect than Ephorus,
who, according to Strabo (13. 3.
6), was so insistent on men-
tioning the city of his origin. Cyme, that he once added.
At the same time the Cymaeans were at peace.

I .1
Bubastus, 89 Dionysius, 363 f. Iao, 321 Muses, 59
Busins, governor of Egypt, 55 Dionysus, 39, 51, 71, 73 f., 87, 327 f. Ilium, 197, 213 Mycerinus, 221
Busiris, king of Egypt, 161, 235, 301 Diospolis. See Thebes Inaros, 223
Drangi, 355 India, 63, 149, 401 passim Nasamones, 131
Cadmus, Egyptian, 73 f. Indus, 403, 415 f. Necho, 111
Cadmus, Greek writer, 127 Ecbatana, 395 f. Io, 79 Nile, 61, 105-143 passim
Cadusii, 355, 459 ff. Egypt, 33-341 passim 355 , Ionia, 231 Nileus, 215
Cambyses, 109, 115, 157, 165, 175, Egyptus (the Nile), 61 IopS, 101 Nilometer, 125
239, 325 Egyptus, king of Egypt, 181 Isis, 37-51 passim ,
69-89 passim , Nilopolis, 291
Canis Maior, 89 Eleusis, 95 157 f., 297, 301 Nineveh, 357, 371, 427, 433 passim
Caria, 231, 355 Elis, 323 Isis, name of star, 89 Ninus, city. See Nineveh
Carmanii, 355 Ephorus, 33, 127, 139 f. Ister, 89 Ninus, king of Assyria, 349-371
Caspian Gates, 355 Erechtheus, 93, 95 passim 379
Caucasus Mountains, 149 Ethiopia, 61, 109 f., 115, 133 passim , Julius Caesar, 21 Ninyas, 371, 397, 417, 419 f.
Cecrops, 93 191 f., 397 ff. Nysa, in Arabia Felix, 51 f., 87
Celts, 21 (bis) Ethiopians (of Assyria), 423 Lacedaemon, 21 Nysa, in India, 63
Cephisus, 141 Eudoxus, 327, 337 Leontopolis, 289 Nysaeus, 87
Cephren, 219 f. Eumolpidae, 95 Lethe, 331
Cerberus, 329 Eumolpus, 39 Libya, 131 passim, 189, 397 Oceanfi, 43, 61
Ceryces, 95 Eupatrids, 93 Libya, mother of Belus, 91 Oceanus, 43, 329
Cetes, 213 Euphrates, 387 f. Lycurgus, king of Thrace, 63 Ocnus, 331
Cbaldaeans, 91, 279, 445 passim Euripides, 29, 133, 137 Lycurgus, Spartan lawgiver, 319, 327, Oenopides, 145 f., 327, 335 f.
Charon, 315, 331 335 O lines, 361, 367, 369 f.
Chauon, 393 Galaemenes, 437 Orontes, 395
Chemmis, 215 Ganges, 193 Macedon, 57, 63 Orpheus, 39, 43, 73 f., 239, 315,
Chemmo, 57 Ge Meter, 43 Maria, 237 327 f.
Choromnaei, 355 Geomoroi, 93 Maron, 59, 63 Osiris, 37 f., 47-87 passim , 291 f.,
Cleitarchus, 373 Gerousia, 259 Marrus, 211, 333 297, 303
Cocytus, 331 Glaucopis, 46 Matris, 77 Osymandyas, 167, 169, 175
Coele-Syria, 99, 101, 355 Maudaces, 459 Oxyartes, 365 ff.
Colchi, 91, 193 Hades, 317
9, f. Meander, 141
Cotta, 439 Hecataeus, 167 Melampus, 327, 333 Pan, 57, 299
Crocodilopolis, 305 Hecate, 331 Memnon, 425 f. Paraetacenfi, 387
Cronus, 47, 89 Helen, of Troy, 333 f. Memphis, 69, 125, 177 passim , 231, Paraetonium, 101
Ctesias, 199, 353, 363 f., 371, 373 Heliopolis, 201, 207, 259, 329 259, 291, 333 Parsondes, 461 f.
(bis), 399, 405, 417, 423, 459 Helius, Egyptian king and god, 47, Menas, 157, 159 f^ 303 f Parthians, 463
Cyaxares, 457 f 83 Mencherinus. See Mycerinus Parthyaei, 355
Cyclades, 125, 193 Helius, name of planet, 451 Mendes, city of Egypt, 289 Pelusium, 201
Cyprus, 403 Hellanicus, 127 Mendes, king of Egypt, 211, 333 Persepolis, 165
Cyren&, 237 Hephaestus, 41 f., 47, 69, 189, 201 Menelaus, 197 f. Perseus, 79
Cyrus, the Great, 463, 465 Hera, 47, 335, 383 Menestheus, 93 Perseus, king of Macedon, 407
Cyrus, the Younger, 459 Heracles, 11, 55, 61, 67, 75, 77, 79 Meroe, city, 109, 131 Persis, 355, 397
Hermes, 47, 53, 55, 157, 319, 329 Meroe, island, 109 Petes, 93
Daedalus, 211, 327, 333 Hermes, name of planet, 451 Meroe, mother of Cambyses, 109 Pharnus, 353
Danaus, 91, 331 H erodes, 21 Minos, 211,319 Pharos, 101
Darius, the Great, 111 f., 205, 325, Herodotus, 127, 131, 135 ff., 241, 399, Minotaur, 211 Philae, 69 f
363 457 f. Mneves, 319 f. Philip, of Macedon, 15
Darius Codomannus, 453 nestia, 47, 321 Mnevis, 69, 289 ff. Plato, 327, 335
Delta, 101, 113 f. Homer, 5, 39, 41, 43, 45, 61, 163, 239, Moeris, king of Egypt, 181 ff. Pluto, 79
Demeter, 43, 47, 49, 95, 327 327, 329, 333 passim Moeris, Lake of, 181 ff., 227, 289, Polycrates, 323 f.
Demiurgi, 93 Homs, 65, 81, 83, 157 303 f. Polydamna, 333 f.
Ilyapates, 361 Momempbis, 231, 335 Portals of the Sun, 329
Democritus, 137 f., 327, 335
Derbici, 355 Hydaspes, river, 149 Moyses (Moses), 321 Poseidon, 91
Derceto, 359 Hydaspes, sou of Semiramis, 361 Musaeus, 327 Priam, 423
Deucalion, 37 Hyrcanii, 355 Musegetes, 59 Priapus, 299

468 469

Prometheus, 61 Tanals (Don), 193, 353, 355
Proteus, 213 Tapyri, 355
Psammetichus, 111, 229 ff. Telecles, 337 ff.
Ptolemy, canal, 113 Telemachus, 333 f.
Ptolemy Auletes, 157 Teutainus, 423
Ptolemy Lagus, 103, 165, 167, 291 Thales, 131
Ptolemy Philadelphus, 113, 129 Thebaid, 35, 49, 51, 57
Pythagoras, 239, 327, 335 Thebes, 49, 51, 73, 161 passim, 259
Theodoras, 337 ff.
Red Sea, 113, 193 Theopompus, 127
Remphis, 213 f. Thesmophoras, 49, 79
Rhea, 47, 383 Thonis, 61
Rhinocolura, 209 Thucydides, 127
Rhodopis, 223 Tigris, 387 f.
Rhoecus, 337 Titans, 81, 333
Rome, 19, 365 Tithonus, 423 f.
Tnephachthus, 159 f.
Sabaco, 225 f. Triptolemus, 59, 63
Sacae, 463 Tritogeneia, 45
Sais, 91 Trogodytes, 99, 131
Sarapis, 79 Trojan War, 21 (bis), 23, 77 (bis), 79,

Sardanapallus, 423, 429-445 passim , 423 ff.

459 Trojans, 423 f.
Sasychis, 321 Troy, 197
Satyrs, 59, 299 Typhon, 47, 65, 71, 301 passim
Seleucus Nicator, 453
Semelb, 73 f Uchoreus, 177
Semiramis, 199, 359-419 passim
Serbonis, 99 f. Xenophon, 127
Sesoosis, 185-205 passim , 321 Xerxes, 205, 363, 457
Simmas, 361
Sirius, name of Osiris, 39 Zalmoxis, 321
Sirius, star, 59 Zarcaeus, 395
Solon, 239, 265, 273, 327, 335 Zarina, 463 f
Sosane, 369 Zathraustes, 321
Sosarmus, 459 Zeus, 41, 47, 75, 335, 393
Stabrobates, 401-417 passim Zeus, planet, 451
Susa, 165, 425 Zeus Betas, 379, 381, 383

Printed in Great Britain by Richard Clay (The

Chancer Press), Ltd.,
Bungay ,

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Latin Authors
Ammianus Makecllesus. Translated by J. C. Rolfe. 3 Vols.
Apuleius: The Golden Ass (Metamorphoses). W. Adling-
ton (1566). Revised by S. Gaselee.
St. Augustine: City of God. 7 Vols. Vol. I. G. E.
McCracken Vol. II. W. M. Green. Vol. III. D. Wiesen.
Vol. IV. P. Levine. Vol. V. E. M. Sanford and W. M.
Green. Vol. VI. W. C. Greene.
St. Augustine, Confessions of. W. Watts (1631). 2 Vols.
St. Augustine, Select Letters. J. H. Baxter.
Ausonius. H. G. Evelyn White. 2 Vols.
Bede. J. E. King. 2 Vols.
Boethius: Tracts and De Consolations Philosophiae.
Rev. H. F. Stewart and E. K. Rand.
Caesar: Alexandrian, African and Spanish Wars. A. G.
Caesar: Civil Wars. A. G. Peskett.
Caesar: Gaelic War. H. J. Edwards.
Cato: De Re Rustica; Varro: De Re Rustica. H. B. Ash
and W. D. Hooper.
Catullus. F. W. Cornish; Tibullus. J. B. Postgate; Per-
vigilium Veneris. J. W. Mackail.
Celsus: De Medicina. W. G. Spencer. 3 Vols.
Cicero: Brutus, and Orator. G. L. Hendrickson and H. M.
[Cicero]: Ad Herennium. H. Caplan.
Cicero: De Oratore, etc. 2 Vols. Vol. I. De Oratore,
Books I. and II. E. W. Sutton and H. Rackham. Vol. II.
De Oratore, Book III. De Fato; Paradoxa Stoicorum;
De Partitione Oratoria. H. Rackham.
Cicero: De Finibus. H. Rackham.
Cicero: De Inventione, etc. H. M. Hubbell.
Cicero: De Natura Deorum and Academica. H. Rackham.
Cicero: De Officiis. Walter Miller.
Cicero : De Republica and De Legibus Somnium
; Scipionis.
Clinton W. Keyes.
Ovid: Fasti. Sir James G. Frazer.
Cicero: De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Divinationh.
W. A. Falconer. Ovid: Heroides and Amores. Grant Showerman.
Cicero In Catelinam, Pro Flacco, Pro Murena, Pro Sulla.
Ovid: Metamorphoses. F. J. Miller. 2 Vols.
Louis E. Lord. Ovid: Tristia and Ex Ponto. A. L. Wheeler.
Cicero: Letters to Atticus. E. O. Winstedt. 3 Vols. Persius. Cf. Juvenal.
Cicero: Letters to His Friends. W. Glynn Williams. 3 Petronius. M. Heseltine; Seneca; Apocolocyntosis.
Vols. W. H. D. Rouse.
Cicero: Philippics. W. C. A. Ker. Phaedrus and Babrius (Greek). B. E. Perry.
Cicero: Pro Archia Post Reditum, De Domo, De Harus- Plautus. Paul Nixon. 5 Vols.
picum Responsis, Pro Plancio. N. H. Watts. Pliny: Letters. Melmoths Translation revised by W. M. L.
Cicero: Pro Caecina, Pro Lege Manilia, Pro Cluentio, Hutchinson. 2 Vols.
Pro Rabirio. H. Grose Hodge. Pliny: Natural History.
Cicero: Pro Caelio, De Provenchs Consularibus, Pro 10 Vols. Vols. I. V. and IX. H. Rackham. Vols. VI.-
Balbo. R. Gardner. VIII. W. H. S. Jones. Vol. X. D. E. Eichholz.
Cicero: Pro Milone, In Pisonem, Pro Scauro, Pro Fonteio, Propertius. H. E. Butler.
Pro Rabirio Postumo, Pro Marcello, Pro Ligario, Pro Prudentius. H. J. Thomson. 2 Vols.
Rege Deiotaro. N. H. Watts.
Quintilian. H. E. Butler. 4 Vols.
Cicero: Pro Qutnctio, Pro Roscio Amerino, Pro Roscio
Comoedo, Contra Rullum. J. H. Freese. Remains of Old Latin. E. H. Warmington. 4 Vols. Vol. I.
(Ennius and Caecilius.) Vol. II. (Livius, Naevius,
Cicero: Pro Sestio, In Vatinium. R. Gardner. Pacuvius, Accius.) Vol. III. (Lucilius and Laws of XII
Cicero: Tusculan Disputations. J. E. King. Tables.) Vol. IV. (Archaic Inscriptions.)
Cicero: Verrine Orations. L. H. G. Greenwood. 2 Vols.
Sallust. J. C. Rolfe.
Claud ian. M. Platnauer. 2 Vols. Scriptores Historiae Augustae. D. Magie. 3 Vols.
Columella: De Re Rustica. De Arboribus. H. B. Ash,
Seneca: Apocolocyntosis. Cf. Petronius.
E. S. Forster and E. Heffner. 3 Vols.
Seneca: Epistulae Morales. R. M. Gummere. 3 Vols.
Curtius, Q.: History of Alexander. J. C. Rolfe. 2 Vols.
Seneca: Moral Essays. J. W. Basore. 3 Vols.
Florus. E. S. Forster; and Cornelius Nepos. J. C. Rolfe. Seneca: Tragedies. F. J. Miller. 2 Vols.
Frontinus Stratagems and Aqueducts. C. E. Bennett and
Sidonius Poems and Letters. W. B. Anderson. 2 Vols.

M. B. McElwain.
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Fronto: Correspondence. C. R. Haines.
Gellius, J. C. Rolfe. 3 Vols. Statius. J. H. Mozley. 2 Vols.

Odes and Epodes. C. E. Bennett. Suetonius. J. C. Rolfe. 2 Vols.

Tacitus: Diai.ogus. Sir Wm. Peterson. Agricola and
Horace: Satires, Epistles, Ars Poetica. H. R. Fairclough.
Germania. Maurice Hutton.
Jerome: Selected Letters. F. A. Wright.
Tacitus Histories and Annals. C. H. Moore and J J ackson.
: .

Juvenal and Persius. G. G. Ramsay. 4 Vols.

Livy. B. O. Foster, F. G. Moore, Evan T. Sage, and A. C. Terence. John Sargeaunt. 2 Vols.
Schlesinger and R. M. Geer (General Index). 14 Vols.
Tertullian: Apologia and De Spectaculis. T. R. Glover.
Lucan. J. D. Duff. Minucius Felix. G. H. Rendall.
Lucretius. W. H. D. Rouse. Valerius Flaccus. J. H. Mozley.
Martial. W. C. A. Ker. 2 Vols. Varro: De Lingua Latina. R. G. Kent. 2 Vols.
Minor Latin Poets: from Publilius Syrus to Rutilius Velleius Paterculus and Res Gestae Divi Augusti. F. W.
Namatianus, including Grattius, Calpurnius ^ Siculus, Shipley.
and the
Nemesianus, Avianus, and others with Aetna
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Ovid: The Art of Love and Other Poems. J. H. Mozley.

Vitruvius: De Architectura. F. Granger. 2 Vols.

2 3
Greek Authors Abistotle: Physics. Eev. P. Wicksteed and F. M. Comford.
2 Vols.
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Aratus. Cf. Callimachus. Clement of Alexandria. Rev. G. W. Butterworth.
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trans. Daphnis and Chloe. Thomleys Translation revised by
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Vices and Virtues. H. Rackham. tions. I.XVII. and XX. J. H. Vince.
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Aristotle: Historia Animalium. A. L. Peck. Vol. I. C. A. Vince and J. H. Vince.
Aristotle: Metaphysics. H. Tredennick. 2 Vols. Demosthenes III.: Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates,
Aristotle: Meteorologica. H. D. P. Lee. Timocrates and Aristogeiton, I. and II. J. H. Vince.
Aristotle: Minor Works. W. S. Hett. On Colours, On Demosthenes IV .-VI.: Private Orations and In Neaeram.
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strong; (with Metaphysics, Vol. II.).
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mans translation revised by E. Cary. 7 Vols.
Aristotle: Posterior Analytics, Topics. H. Tredennick
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Euripides. A. S. Way. 4 Vols. Verse trans.
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4 6
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Cave Wright.
Herodes. Cf. Theophrastus: Characters. Pindar. Sir J. E. Sandys.
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Homer: Odyssey. A. T. Murray. 2 Vols. H. N. Fowler.
Isaeus. E. W. Forster. Plato: Laches, Protagoras, Meno, Euthydemus. W. R. M.
Isocrates. George Norlin and LaRue Van Hook. 3 Vols. Lamb.
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Woodward, Harold Mattingly and D. M. Lang. Plato: Lysis, Symposium, Gorgias. W. R. M. Lamb.
Plato: Republic. Paul Shorey. 2 Vols.
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Kilbum. Vols. VII.VIII. M. D. Macleod. Plotinus: A. H. Armstrong. Vols. I.-III.
Lycophron. Cf. Callimachus. Plutarch: Moralia. 15 Vols. Vols. I.-V. F. C. Babbitt.
Vol. VI. W. C. Helmbold. Vols. VII. and XIV. P. H. De
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Lysias. W. R. M. Lamb. bach, W. C. Helmbold. Vol. X. H. N. Fowler. Vol. XI.
Manetho. W. G. Waddell: Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. F. E. L. Pearson and F. H. Sandbach. Vol. XII. H. Cherniss and
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Demades, Dinarchus, Hyperides). K. J. Maidment and Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos. Cf. Manetho.

J. O. Burrt. 2 Vols. Quintus Smyrnaeus. A. S. Way. Verse trans.
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Pausanias: Description of Greece. W. H. S. Jones. 4 Theophrastus: Enquiry into Plants. Sir Arthur Hort,
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Greek Authors
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Musaeus: Hero and Leander. T. Gelzer and C. H.
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Benedict: The Rule. P. Meyvaert.
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