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Job production
Job production, sometimes called jobbing, involves producing a one-off
product for a specific customer. Job production is most often
associated with small firms (making railings for a specific house,
building/repairing a computer for a specific customer, making flower
arrangements for a specific wedding etc.) but large firms use job
production too. Examples include:

 Designing and implementing an advertising campaign

 Auditing the accounts of a large public limited company
 Building a new factory
 Installing machinery in a factory
 Machining a batch of parts per a CAD drawing supplied by a

Fabrication shops and machine shops whose work is primarily of the job
production type are often called job shops. The associated people or
corporations are sometimes called jobbers.

Job production involves firms producing items that meet the specific
requirements of the customer. Often these are one-off, unique items
such as those made by an architect or wedding dressmaker. For an
architect, each building or structure that he designs will be different
and tailored to the needs of each individual client.

With job production, a single worker or group of workers handles the

complete task. Jobs can be on a small-scale involving little or no
technology. However, jobs can also be complex requiring lots of

With low technology jobs, production is simple and it is relatively easy

to get hold of the skills and equipment required. Good examples of the
job method include:
 Hairdressers
 Tailoring
 Painting and decorating
 Plumbing and heating repairs in the home

High technology jobs are much more complex and difficult. These jobs
need to be very well project-managed and require highly qualified and
skilled workers. Examples of high technology / complex jobs include:

 Film production
 Large construction projects (e.g. the Millennium Dome)
 Installing new transport systems (e.g. trams in Sheffield and

Benefits and disadvantages

Key benefits of job production include:

 work is generally of a high quality

 a high level of customisation is possible to meet the customer's
exact requirements
 significant flexibility is possible, especially when compared to
mass production
 workers can be easily motivated due to the skilled nature of the
work they are performing

Disadvantages include:

 higher cost of production

 requires the use of specialist labour (compare with the repetitive,
low-skilled jobs in mass production)
 slow compared to other methods (batch production and mass
Essential features
There are a number of features that should be implemented in a job
production environment, they include:

 Clear definitions of objectives should be set.

 Clearly outlined decision making process.
Batch production

 Batch production is the manufacturing technique of creating a

group of components at a workstation before moving the group to
the next step in production. Batch production is common in
bakeries and in the manufacture of sports shoes, pharmaceutical
ingredients (APIs), inks, paints and adhesives. In the manufacture
of inks and paints, a technique called a colour-run is used. A
colour-run is where one manufactures the lightest colour first,
such as light yellow followed by the next increasingly darker
colour such as orange, then red and so on until reaching black and
then starts over again. This minimizes the cleanup and
reconfiguring of the machinery between each batch. White (by
which is meant opaque paint, not transparent ink) is the only
colour that cannot be used in a colour-run because a small amount
of white pigment can adversely affect the medium colours.
 Advantages and Disadvantages
 There are several advantages of batch production; it can reduce
initial capital outlay because a single production line can be used
to produce several products. As shown in the example, batch
production can be useful for small businesses who cannot afford
to run continuous production lines. If a retailer buys a batch of a
product that does not sell, then the producer can cease
production without having to sustain huge losses. Batch
production is also useful for a factory that makes seasonal items,
products for which it is difficult to forecast demand, a trial run
for production, or products that have a high profit margin.
 Batch production also has disadvantages. There are inefficiencies
associated with batch production as equipment must be stopped,
re-configured, and its output tested before the next batch can
be produced. Idle time between batches is known as downtime.
The time between consecutive batches is known as cycle time.
Cycle time variation is a Lean Manufacturing metric.
 Continuous production is used for products that are made in a
similar manner. For example, a certain car model has the same
body shape and therefore, many of the same model cars can be
made at the same time without stop, reducing manufacturing cost.

The way products are manufactured depends on the quantity required.

For example, cars are continually manufactured in hundreds of
thousands , a prototype is a ‘one off’ (just one made) and DIY furniture
is made in batches of thousands. Batch production is described below.





1. A production line is set up.

2. Each worker completes one task and passing
down the production line to the next worker.
3. The workers are semi skilled or unskilled.
4. The workers must be able to switch from
one part of the production line to another.
They are called a flexible workforce
5. The production line can be changed
quickly, so that different products can be made.
6. Often individual parts of the product are
bought from other companies and assembled
on the production line.
7. The production lines runs for a certain amount
of time and then the product is changed.
The example production line (shown below) is that of an engineering
company, manufacturing small steel products such as hinges and locks.
They manufacture batches of five hundred at a time. The workers are
unskilled and semi skilled. As each task is completed the item being
manufactured is passed down the production line to the next worker,
until it is complete.


 Modern bicycle manufacture is component based. The company
buys parts such as pedals from other manufacturers and puts the
bicycle together on a production line.     
 The tube for the frames - cut to size
 The tube for the bicycle frame is cut to size. One person will do
this job and they cut enough tube for a batch of several hundred
bikes in a week.
 The tube is put together and prepared for welding.  
 The tubes are set up in a ‘jig’ which holds the frame together.
The frame travels along the production line and the joints are
preheated to save time. A gas torch is used to weld the frame
 The frames are cleaned in the ‘Grit-Blaster’.  
 After welding the frames and the front forks need cleaning in
the ‘Grit-Blaster’. This shoots tiny particles of sand, at high
speed, at the frame and cleans away the ‘residue’ left behind by
the welding process.
 Each frame is checked.

 All frames are checked to ensure that they are straight. Small
adjustments can be made at this stage.
 Paint is sprayed on to the frames and forks.  
 The frames are now ready for painting. This is done by using a
fine spray which covers every part of the frame with paint. The
frame then moves down the production line into a special oven
which ‘bakes’ the paint giving it a tough finish.
 The wheels are assembled.  
 The wheels are assembled by hand and they are individually
tested in a machine which automatically tensions each spoke to
ensure that they are perfectly straight.
 The frames are machined for other parts..      
 The frames are machined so that other parts such as the handle
bars and the bottom bracket (pedals) can be attached. People
operate the machine tools but they need some training before
they can use the machines safely and efficiently.
 Other parts are fixed to the frame.     Bicycles are ready for the
 The bicycles are now ready for the shops where they will be
viewed by customers and agents. Agents will buy ‘batches’ of
bicycles for large stores.
 Agents view bicycles and suggest changes.  
 Before sending the bicycles to the shops, agents view them and
suggest changes for the next batch. This helps the manufacturer
improve the design and production of bicycles.
Process Type Production
This is a process of mass production by force. Particular type of
product such that cannot be produced in small quantity. In case of
products like textile, cloth, cement. Paper, chemicals, etc cannot be
produced without this style. These are the products of mass

The production activity is carried out continuously through a uniform

sequence of operations. The process of production calls for setting up
of highly sophisticated and automatic machinery which is designed and
developed for the purpose only. These machines are costly. So
investment in this industry is high. The contros are automatic and so
labour is of low skills is enough.

For example:

The cement plant emloyees not more than 100 persons which produces
the cement worth of Rs. 600 crores annaully. But the control panel of
worth producing Rs 70 crores annauly has to employ more than 2000
persons. In this case the initial investment is high. The demand has
tobe continous and large otherwise the warehouses get full with
finished goods. Once the settings are fixed to produce typical
qualityof product it is costly to stop and restart the plant.

Mass production is the manufacture of goods in large quantities using

standardized designs so the goods are all the same. Assembly-line
techniques are usually used. An assembly line is a system in which a
product is manufactured in a step-by-step process as it moves
continuously past an arrangement of workers and machines. This
system is one of the most powerful productivity concepts in history. It
was largely responsible for the emergence and expansion of the
industrialized, consumer-based system we have today.
While various mass production techniques were practiced in ancient
times, the English were probably the first to use water-powered and
steam-powered machinery in industrial production during the Industrial
Revolution that began in the mid-1700s. But it is generally agreed that
modern mass production techniques came into widespread use through
the inventiveness of Americans. As a matter of fact, modern mass
production has been called the "American System."

Words to Know

Assembly line: A sequence of workers, machines, and parts down which

an incomplete product passes, each worker performing a procedure,
until the product is assembled.

Interchangeability: Parts that are so similar that they can be

switched between different machines or products and the machines or
products will still work.
Mass production
This article is about large scale production. For the Iggy Pop piece, see
The Idiot (album). For the American funk band, see Mass Production

Mass production of aeroplanes.

Mass production (also called flow production, repetitive flow

production, series production, or serial production) is the production
of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on
assembly lines. The concepts of mass production are applied to various
kinds of products, from fluids and particulates handled in bulk (such as
food, fuel, chemicals, and mined minerals) to discrete solid parts (such
as fasteners) to assemblies of such parts (such as household appliances
and automobiles).

Mass production of assemblies typically uses electric-motor-powered
moving tracks or conveyor belts to move partially complete products to
workers, who perform simple repetitive tasks. It improves on earlier
high-throughput, continuous-flow mass production made possible by the
steam engine.
Mass production of fluid and particulate matter typically involves pipes
with pumps or augers to transfer partially complete product between

Mass production is capital intensive and energy intensive, as it uses a

high proportion of machinery and energy in relation to workers. It is
also usually automated to the highest extent possible. With fewer
labour costs and a faster rate of production, capital and energy are
increased while total expenditure per unit of product is decreased.
However, the machinery that is needed to set up a mass production line
(such as robots and machine presses) is so expensive that there must
be some assurance that the product is to be successful to attain

One of the descriptions of mass production is that the craftsmanship

is in the workbench itself, not the training of the worker; for example,
rather than having a skilled worker measure every dimension of each
part of the product against the plans or the other parts as it is being
formed, there are jigs and gauge blocks that are ready at hand to
ensure that the part is made to fit this set-up. It has already been
checked that the finished part will be to specifications to fit all the
other finished parts - and it will be made more quickly, with no time
spent on finishing the parts to fit one another. This is the specialized
capital required for mass production; each workbench is different and
each set of tools at each workbench limited to those necessary to
make one part. As each of these parts is uniformly and consistently
constructed, interchangeability of components is thus another hallmark
of mass produced goods.
Use of assembly lines in mass production

Robots palletizing food in a bakery

Mass production systems are usually organized into assembly lines. The
assemblies pass by on a conveyor, or if they are heavy, hung from an
overhead monorail.

In a factory for a complex product, rather than one assembly line,

there may be many auxiliary assembly lines feeding sub-assemblies (i.e.
car engines or seats) to a backbone "main" assembly line. A diagram of
a typical mass-production factory looks more like the skeleton of a fish
than a single line.

Examples of products
Many different products are mass produced on assembly lines today.
One of the most popular products mass produced on assembly lines are
cars. Automobiles are probably the first things that come to a person's
mind when they hear the words assembly lines. This is likely because
mass production was quickly made very popular when cars were first
Other examples of mass produced products include furniture, clothing,
toys, games, computers, kitchen appliances, food, etc. Just about
anything can be mass produced these days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The economies of mass production come from several sources. The
primary cause is a reduction of nonproductive effort of all types. In
craft production, the craftsman must bustle about a shop, getting
parts and assembling them. He must locate and use many tools many
times for varying tasks. In mass production, each worker repeats one
or a few related tasks that use the same tool to perform identical or
near-identical operations on a stream of products. The exact tool and
parts are always at hand, having been moved down the assembly line
consecutively. The worker spends little or no time retrieving and/or
preparing materials and tools, and so the time taken to manufacture a
product using mass production is shorter than when using traditional

The probability of human error and variation is also reduced, as tasks

are predominantly carried out by machinery. A reduction in labour
costs, as well as an increased rate of production, enables a company to
produce a larger quantity of one product at a lower cost than using
traditional, non-linear methods.

However, mass production is inflexible because it is difficult to alter a

design or production process after a production line is implemented.
Also, all products produced on one production line will be identical or
very similar, and introducing variety to satisfy individual tastes is not
easy. However, some variety can be achieved by applying different
finishes and decorations at the end of the production line if necessary.
Vertical integration
Vertical integration is a business practice that involves gaining
complete control over a product's production, from raw materials to
final assembly.

In the age of mass production, this caused shipping and trade problems
in that shipping systems were unable to transport huge volumes of
finished automobiles (in Henry Ford's case) without causing damage,
and also government policies imposed trade barriers on finished units.[1]


The assembly plant of the Bell Aircraft Corporation in 1944

Mass production was popularized in the 1910s and 1920s [2] by Henry
Ford's Ford Motor Company, which introduced electric motors to the
then-well-known technique of chain or sequential production and, in the
process, began a new era often called the "second industrial
revolution." Ford's contribution to mass production was synthetic in
nature, collating and improving upon existing methods of sequential
production and applying electric power to them, resulting in extremely-
high-throughput, continuous-flow mass production, making the Model T
affordable and, as such, an instant hit.
Although the Ford Motor Company brought mass production to new
heights, it was a synthesizer and extrapolator of ideas rather than
being the first creator of mass production. Ships had been mass-
produced using pre-manufactured parts and assembly lines in Venice
several hundred years earlier. The Venice Arsenal apparently produced
nearly one ship every day, in what was effectively the world's first
factory which, at its height, employed 16,000 people.

Mass production in the publishing industry has been commonplace since

Johannes Gutenberg's Bible was published using a printing press in the

During the Industrial Revolution simple mass production techniques

were used at the Portsmouth Block Mills to manufacture ships' pulley
blocks for the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. These were also
used in the manufacture of clocks and watches, and in the manufacture
of small arms.

During the American Civil War the Springfield Armory started to mass
produce guns, using interchangeable parts on a large scale. The
interchangeable part in manufacturing gun was strongly advocated by
Eli Whitney. For this reason, the term Armory practice is occasionally
used to refer to mass production. Soon after the war the American
System of Watch Manufacturing showed that these techniques could
be successfully applied even when very high precision was required.
Later, in the 1890s, dollar watches traded off lower precision for much
lower manufacturing costs.

Taking a look back at the history of American manufacturing, the key

features of mass production were the perfect interchangeability of
parts in the goods produced, long production runs and large quantity of
outputs that were homogeneous. These key features were developed
out of the earlier non-mechanized factory system known as the
American system.
While the preceding American system of manufacturing relied on
steam power, mass production factories were electrified and used
sophisticated machinery. Adoption of these techniques coincided with
the birth of the second industrial revolution in the US and its
emergence as the dominant industrial superpower in the 20th century.
Countries that were quick to follow in its wake (e.g. Germany and
Japan) enjoyed high rates of growth.

French political thinker and historian Alexis de Tocqueville identified

one of the key reasons mass production was able to succeed so quickly
in America, namely that of the homogeneous consumer base. De
Tocqueville wrote in his Democracy in America (1835) that "The
absence in the United States of those vast accumulations of wealth
which favor the expenditures of large sums on articles of mere
luxury... impact to the productions of American industry a character
distinct from that of other countries' industries. [Production is geared
toward] articles suited to the wants of the whole people".

 electric stacker
LightLift is the preferred manufacturer, supplier and exporter of various
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ensure that our customers and clients are delivered the finest product at
the best cost.

Battery Operated Material Transfer Trolley


It is a material transfer trolley with a first of its kind machine in the

National Capital Region of Delhi. The complete designing of the system
has been done in-house.

Features :
• Eco-friendly machine. Runs on battery.
• In-house research to increase the capacity to 100 Ton.
Has complete drivers comfort - a revolving chair, fan, exhaust fan,

lights etc. For night travel, it has head lights and alarm.
 Hydraulic High Pallet Truck
• Load travelling capacity of 25 Ton.
• Runs on rail track.
• Has one cabin each on both sides ( Cabin A & Cabin B )
Complete battery bank. Has 68 batteries with Uniterrupted Power
• Supply (UPS).Has full load capacity of 15 hours. Charging time of 5
Import subsitute for Defence.Carries use in transporting bomb,

shells etc.
Finds application in steels, mines industries and any type of industry

which need load transfer without expensive power usage.
• In-house research to increase the capacity to 100 Ton.
• In future, the system will be feature rich with airconditioned cabin.
Won award for Innovation & Creativity in Industry for the year
• 2006.
LightLift manufacturers, supplies and exports various types of
Hydraulic High Pallet Trucks for use in material movements and
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Trucks with varying capacities, and as customized by our clients can
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Hydraulic High Pallet Trucks for any of your demanding and daily
needs. LightLift's trustworthy Hydraulic High Pallet Trucks are made
from the best mild steel. The latest sate-of-the-art manufacturing
processes ensure that our clients and customers are delivered the best
product at the beast cost.

 Hydraulic High Pallet Truck
  Cap 1 Ton Capacity 500 kg
Fork Length 1210 1210
Fork Width 1590 +- 5 590 +- 5
Lower Height from Ground Level 115 +- 5 115 +- 5
Max. Hieght from Ground Level 670 670
Wheel C.I. C.I.
Test Load 1250 kg 625 kg
Weight 155 kg Approx. 130 kg Approx.
No. of Pumpings 60 Approx. 50 Approx.


Fixed position layout

Process layout

Cell Layout

Product layout

Flow layout

Fixed Position Layout

is used for manufacturing very large

assembled products on a one-off or very

small volume basis

The product is assembled at a fixed

position, operators and components

coming to this position for assembly.

Examples: manufacture of ships and Aircraft

Process layout

Process layout is used for small and

changing product volumes and by subcontractors

offering a service based on a

particular process.

Process layout is also used in larger

organization having their own products at

the growth and decline stages of the

product life cycle.

In these cases the layout provides

flexibility in handling variable volumes

Cell Layout

This type of layout locates together all of

the processes required for a set of


Cells should be relatively small and will

usually deal with a small number of related

products sharing some common


enables a short throughput time and good

control since the whole set of processes

for a product is done within the cell.

Product Layout

also known as line layout, locates together all

of the processes for a product.

a line will deal with only a single product on a

single process route,

the machines are placed in an order to suit this


It is possible to automate the handling and

transfer of items between processes by means

of a conveyor belt, robots or similar devices.

Flow Layout

applies to those processes in which the material

being processed flows continuously during the

working period, often 24 hours per day, 7 days

per week.

The product is usually liquid or granular so its

flow if often through pipes.

Flow layout is used for oil refineries, chemical

processing and steel and glass manufacture.

Data needed for layout planning

The starting point for layout planning is

the product volume, product structure

and process route data

Some forecast of future product data is

therefore required not just current data.

Strategic manufacturing decisions will

have determined which components are

to be made in-house and hence which

processes are required

Analysis of operation times, together with

calculations will have determined the

number of machines and operators


key factor is the variability of product

volumes, both current and future, and the

variability of process routes.

The second key factor is the distance

which material has to move from process

to process, and the number of such

internal transportations.

Layout and Productivity

Factory layout crucially affects


Layout decisions once made and

implemented are not easy to change.

Machines will have been screwed to the

floor and have service ducting for electric

power, computer links, water and perhaps

fume extraction and automated handling


Layout and organization

Organization must match the layout.

Areas of supervisory responsibility will

relate to 'departments' which will depend

on the form of layout chosen.

Scheduling information and control

systems will be based on these


In a large manufacturing organization the

separate parts of it may be laid out in

different ways.

Component manufacturing may be based

on job layout but assembly may use lines.

Different products may occupy different

parts of a factory and operate with

different layout types.

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