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Dark Heresy 2nd Allocating Points

Edition Version Two

Beta Update #6 At the GMs discretion, players can instead use point
allocations to determine starting characteristics in place of
This document contains all of the changes for the first week of
the Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta (Version Two). Items rolling for them. To do this, the character starts with a score
in red indicate new changes added to the beta in this update. of 25 in each characteristic and then receives 60 points which
he can distribute to any of his characteristics as desired. No
Chapter I: characteristic can be raised higher than 40 in this way.
Playing the Game Characteristic Modifiers
When using point allocations, the characteristic modifiers
Page 12, Opposed Tests: Replace the second paragraph with If
applied from the PCs home world changes the starting score
both parties fail, whoever scores the fewest degrees of failure wins.
of the respective characteristics:
If both parties tie, the character with the higher value in the skill
+ Characteristic: Starts with a score of 30.
or characteristic being used for the test wins. If it is still a tie,
Characteristic: Starts with a score of 20.
nothing happens or the test is re-rolled until there is a victor; either
No characteristic can be raised higher than 40 during
outcome is appropriate and is left to the GMs discretion.
point allocation.
Chapter II:
Character Creation
Page 26, Voidborn Rules: Replace Fate Threshold with 3
Page 18, Generate Characteristics: Replace the text with the (Emperors Blessing 5+)
following: As part of choosing his home world, the character Page 29, Adeptus Administratum Rules: Replace Background
also generates his characteristics. These are the basic building Bonus with Master of Paperwork: Adeptus Administratum characters
blocks that determine the characters strengths and weaknesses, as count the availability of all items as 1 level more available (Very
described on page 9, and are generated one at a time. For each Rare items count as Rare, Average items become Common, etc.).
characteristic, the player rolls 2d10, adds the results together, then Replace Starting Skills with Commerce or Medicae, Common
adds 20. He then follows this same procedure for each of his ten Lore (Adeptus Administratum), Linguistics (High Gothic), Logic,
characteristics, filling in the resulting numbers on his character Scholastic Lore (Pick One)
sheet as he goes. Which home world a character has chosen affects Page 30, Adeptus Arbites Rules: Replace Staring Skills with
these roles through characteristic modifiers. These appear as a Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites, Underworld), Inquiry or
characteristics name with either a + or a in front of it: Interrogation, Intimidate, Awareness, Scrutiny
+ Characteristic: When rolling to determine the specified Replace Starting Equipment with Shotgun or shock maul,
characteristic, the character rolls 3d10, takes the two dice with enforcer light carapace armour or carapace chestplate, 3 doses of
highest results, and adds their results to 20 to determine the stimm, manacles, 12 lho sticks
characteristic. Replace the Background Bonus with The Face of the Law:
Characteristic: When rolling to determine the specified Arbitrators can re-roll any Intimidation and Interrogation tests, and
characteristic, the character rolls 3d10, takes the two dice with lowest can substitute their Willpower bonus for their degrees of success
results, and adds their results to 20 to determine the characteristic. on these tests.
Inquisitors do not choose their Acolytes at whim. The player Replace Background Aptitude with Offence or Defence
characters in Dark Heresy are a cut above the rest of humanity, Page 32, Adeptus Astra Telepathica Rules: Replace Starting Skills
having impressed an Inquisitor in some manner, and fated for with Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica),
a greater destiny. Because of this, the player can reroll any one Deceive or Interrogation, Forbidden Lore (the Warp), Psyniscience
characteristic value but must keep the second result. or Scrutiny
If desired and all players (especially the GM) agree, players Replace the first Background Bonus with The Constant
can instead start character generation with 25 instead of 20 to Threat: When the character or an ally within 10 metres triggers
reflect more experienced Acolytes ready to face even greater threats. a roll on the psychic phenomenon table, the Adeptus Astra
If so, adjust the values in the Allocating Points sidebar to start with Telepathica character can increase or decrease the result by amount
25 points, and raise the + and Characteristics by 5. equal to his Willpower bonus.
Page 18, Allocating Points sidebar: Replace the sidebar with the Replace the Background Aptitude with Defence or Psyker
new one at the top of page 1. Page 33, Adeptus Mechanicus Rules: Replace Background Bonus
Page 23, Hive World Rules: Replace the Fate Threshold with 2 with Replace the Weak Flesh: Adeptus Mechanicus characters count
(Emperors Blessing 6+) the availability of all cybernetics as 2 levels more available (Rare
Replace the Home World Bonus with Teeming Masses in items count as Average, Very Rare items are Scarce, etc.).
Metal Mountains: Hive world characters ignore crowds for purposes Replace Starting Skills with Awareness or Operate (Pick
of movement, treating them as open terrain. When in enclosed One), Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Logic, Security,
spaces, they also gain a +20 bonus to Navigate (Surface) tests. Tech-Use

The Emperor Protects
Add Starting Trait: Mechanicus Implants (see page 105) with higher-powered Acolytes, or lowered to represent less skilled
Page 35, Adeptus Ministorum Rules: Replace Starting Skills with Acolytes perhaps newly recruited by a novice Inquisitor.
Charm, Command, Common Lore (Adeptus Ministorum), Page 51, Characteristic Advances: Replace the progression levels
Inquiry or Scrutiny, Linguistics (High Gothic) with the following:
Replace Stating Talents with Weapon Training (Flame or Simple: A small fulfilment of the characters potential.
Low-Tech) and Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Intermediate: A significant and noticeable improvement of the
Page 36, Imperial Guard Rules: Replace Starting Skills with characters capabilities.
Athletics, Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Medicae Trained: A measure of the characters improvement beyond most
or Operate (Surface), Navigate (Surface) around him.
Replace Background Bonus with Hammer of the Emperor: Proficient: Active, focused effort upon improving the characters
When attacking a target that an ally attacked since the end of the prowess.
Guardsmans last turn, the Guardsmans weapon used in the attack Expert: The limit of a characters natural abilities.
gains the Proven (3) quality (or if already in effect, increases the Replace the third paragraph with the following: As shown in
value of that quality by +1). Table 22: Characteristic Advances, if the Player Character has
Page 37, Outcast Rules: Replace Starting Skills with Acrobatics or one matching aptitude, then the first +5 to his characteristic costs
Sleight of Hand, Common Lore (Underworld), Deceive, Dodge, 250 xp; the next +5 advancement (the Intermediate progression
Stealth level) costs 500 xp, a further +5 improvement (the Trained level)
Page 40, Assassin Special Rules: Replace the Role Aptitudes costs 750 xp, a fourth +5 improvement (the Proficient level) costs
with Agility, Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft, Finesse, 1,000 xp, and the final improvement (the Expert level) costs 1,500
Perception xp. Table 23: Characteristic Aptitudes lists the nine characteristics
Replace the Role Bonus with Sure Kill: In addition to the that players can actively seek to improve through spending
normal uses of Fate points (see page 245), when an Assassin experience, and the aptitude associated with each. Advancing
successfully hits with an attack, he can spend a Fate point to inflict Agility, for example, has the Agility and Finesse aptitudes linked
additional damage equal to his degrees of success on the attack roll with it.
on the first hit the attack inflicts. Page 51, Table 22 Characteristic Advances: Replace the table
Page 41, Chirugeon Special Rules: Replace the Role Aptitudes with the new one below.
with Fieldcraft, Intelligence, Knowledge, Strength, Toughness Page 52, Table 25: Skill Aptitudes: Replace Knowledge as the
Replace the Role bonus with Dedicated Healer:In addition to Common Lore Aptitude 2 with General.
the normal uses of Fate points (see page 245),when a Chirurgeon Page 57, Table 29: Divinations: Replace the Effect for results
character fails in a test to provide First Aid, he can spend a Fate 6871 with This character increases his Perception characteristic
point to automatically succeed on the test instead with the degrees by 2. Should the situation call for a test, he can reroll his Awareness
of success equal to his Intelligencebonus. test to avoid Surprise.
Page 43, Desperado Special Rules: Replace the Role Bonus with Page 62, Psyker Special Rules: Replace the first Instant Change
Move and Shoot: Once per round, after performing a Move action, with Gain the Psyker trait, Psyker aptitude, and a psy rating of 1.
a Desperado character can make a single Standard Attack action Under Unlocked Advances, replace the last paragraph with
with a Pistol weapon as a Free Action.. Characters with the Psyker elite advance can also purchase psy
Page 45, Mystic Special Rules: Replace Role Aptitudes with rating advances to increase their psy rating. When a character
Defence, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Willpower purchases an advance in his psy rating, he increases his psy rating
Page 49, Warrior Special Rules: Replace Role Bonus with Expert by 1. To do this, the character spends an amount of experience
at Violence: In addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page equal to 200 multiplied by his new psy rating value. For example,
245), after making a successful attack test, but before determining to increase a characters psy rating from 2 to 3 would cost 600xp
hits, Warrior characters can choose to spend one Fate point to (3x200).
substitute their Weapon Skill (for melee) or Ballistic Skill (for Page 63, Untouchable Special Rules: Replace sidebar with the
ranged) bonus for the degrees of success scored on the attack test. new one on page 3.
Page 50, Starting Experience: Replace this paragraph with Each Page 64, Psychic Null: Replace the Effect description with The
player character starts with 900 experience points to spend at character gains the Deny the Witch talent. He also gains a +20
character creation. This experience represents everything the Acolyte bonus when making Evasion tests against psychic attacks and
has learned in his life before service to his Inquisitor, on top of what when making Opposed tests to resist psychic powers. This talent
is granted from his other character creation options. If all players stacks with Resistance (Psychic Powers) and can be purchased
concur, this value can be adjusted upwards for more advanced play multiple times; each time this is done increase the bonus by +5.

Table 22: Characteristic Advances

Matching Aptitudes Simple Intermediate Trained Proficient Expert
Two 100 xp 250 xp 500 xp 750 xp 1250 xp
One 250 xp 500 xp 750 xp 1,000 xp 1,500 xp
Zero 500 xp 750 xp 1,000 xp 1,500 xp 2,500 xp

Update #6
Untouchable Chapter III: Skills
Special Rules Page 72, Command: Replace the second paragraph with
Characters with a noble background might have some training in
Experience Cost: Free.
this skill. Those with military service are of course practiced with it;
Prerequisites even those who have only been given commands are very familiar
with the practice and can issue them as well. Other characters
A Beacon in the Warp: Characters with the Psyker trait might have learned it as a bureaucratic manager or a tribal leader.
cannot gain the Untouchable elite advance. In contrast, characters accustomed to working independently could
GM Guidance: Psychic Untouchables are incredibly have little aptitude for Command.
rare, and often live lonely and short lives due to the effect Page 73, Common Lore: Add the following new Speciality for
they have on all living beings that get near them. This this skill Underworld: The Acolyte is familiar with basic criminal
advance should ideally be done as part of character creation, elements and groups, such as pickpockets, debt-carnivores, and
given that it is something the character is born with, but the like.
could possibly be something added later once the effects Page 74, Dodge: Replace the second paragraph with A character
of the genetic curse become impossible to ignore. It is can use his Dodge skill to dodge either melee attacks or ranged
recommended that each play group have only one character attacks. Dodging an attack is made as a Reaction to a foes
with the Untouchable elite advance. Additionally, groups with successful attack. If the Dodge test succeeds, the total degrees of
both an Untouchable and a Psyker can often cause many success gained on the test is subtracted from the degrees of success
problems as the Untouchable interferes with the Psykers gained on the attack test. The attacker then proceeds to resolve the
ability. This can be a great opportunity for interesting player attack using the resulting number as his degrees of success. If the
interaction, but GMs should be careful to not allow their result is zero or lower, the character successfully evades, and the
players to create a hostile play environment. attack fails.
Instant Changes Add the Special Use sidebar below:

Can no longer gain the Psyker trait for any reason.

Gains the Resistance (Psychic Powers) talent.
Fellowship characteristic always counts as one-half
Special Use
(rounding up) its value for tests or other game usage. for Dodge
When interacting with anyone who has a psy rating or the This is a special use for the Dodge skill:
Psyniscience skill, the Fellowship characteristic counts as 1.
Can never gain nor benefit from the positive effects of Dive for Cover
Psychic Powers or any other related unnatural talents, traits, If there is cover with a number of metres equal to the
or abilities that call on the Warp for power. characters Agility bonus and he is not prone, he can
Automatically ignore any effects resulting from Psychic alternatively Dive for Cover as a Reaction against a ranged
Phenomena, and gain a +30 bonus on any tests to resist attack instead of trying to Evade the attack. He makes an
effects from a Perils of the Warp result. Ordinary (+10) Dodge Test; if he succeeds, he leaps behind
that cover and gains the prone condition. He is still hit
Unlocked Advances by the attack, but benefits from the additional AP
Untouchable characters gain access to a special set of talents. granted by the cover for that attack.
These talents available only to Untouchable characters,
and are purchased with experience in the same
way as regular talents are purchased.
Page 76, Linguistics: Replace the third paragraph with Any character
who has Linguistics as a skill knows how to read and write in his
Page 64, Warp Anathema: Replace the Effect description with primary language. For most of the Imperium, this is Low Gothic.
Characters affected by Warp Disruption reduce their psy rating Note that all Acolytes are capable of basic verbal communication
by 2, instead of the normal amount. This talent can be purchased in Low Gothic that would not require a skill test, such as normal
multiple times; each time this is done so the reduction in psy rating conversation or reading standard Munitorum manuals.
increases by 1. If purchased 3 times, for example, the reduction Page 80, Navigate (the Warp): Add the following sentence to the
would be 4. end of the first paragraph This can range from Navigators using
Page 64, Warp Disruption: Replace the Effect description with their mutant powers to plot courses using the Astonomicon to
All characters with a psy rating within WPB metres of the normal humans navigating shorter passages with Warp charts on
character reduce their base psy rating by 1 while they remain familiar, stable routes.
within range. Characters reduced to a psy rating of 0 cannot use
any psychic powers.

Update #6
Table 41: Tier 1 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit
Ambidextrous Ag 30 Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Reduce penalties for using two weapons.
Blind Fighting Per 30 Perception Fieldcraft Suffer half usual penalties for obscured vision.
Catfall Ag 30 Agility Fieldcraft Reduce falling damage.
Clues from the Crowds Fel 30 General Social Can re-roll a test made to gather information from a groups.
Die Hard WP 40 Willpower Defence Test Willpower to avoid Fatigue from Blood Loss.
Disarm Ag 30 Weapon Skill Defence Force opponent to drop weapon.
Double Team General Offence Gain additional +10 for outnumbering opponent.
General Social An organization or group particularly despises the character.
Ferric Lure Implants,
Ferric Summons Mechanicus Implants Willpower Tech Can summon larger metallic objects.
Frenzy Strength Offence Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses.
Iron Jaw T 40 Toughness Defence Test Toughness to overcome Stunning.
Jaded WP 40 Willpower Defence Ignore mundane horrors.
Keen Intuition Int 35 Perception Social Can retry Awareness test once with 10 modifier.
Leap Up Ag 30 Agility General Stand as a Free Action.
Nowhere to Hide Per 30 Perception Offence Can add DoS from attack to reduce cover armour value
Peer Fel 30 Fellowship Social Character has good reputation amongst chosen group.
Quick Draw Agility Finesse Draw weapon as Free Action.
Rapid Reload Agility Fieldcraft Reduce reload time.
Resistance Toughness Defence Gain +10 bonus to particular resistance test.
Sound Constitution Toughness General Gain an additional wound.
Takedown Weapon Skill Offence Make special attack to stun opponent.
Technical Knock Int 30 Intelligence Tech Un-jam gun as Half Action.
Psy Rating,
Warp Sense Psyniscience, Per 30 Perception Psyker Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action.
Weapon-Tech Tech Use +10, Int 40 Intelligence Tech Increase potency of advanced weaponry.
Weapon Training General Finesse Use Weapon Group without penalty.
Denotes Specialist Talent.

Page 82, Parry: Replace the first paragraph with When engaged in Page 83, Scholastic Lore: Add the following Speciality Bureaucracy:
combat, avoiding an opponents assault is often every bit as crucial A familiarity with the rules and regulations involved with Askellian
as striking the critical blow. Parry is the ability to block attacks in governments, particularly the Adeptus Administratum, and their
close combat, deflecting them using ones hands or weapons. An many and varied departments, bureaus, and polices.
Acolyte targeted by melee attacks can deflect these attacks using
the Parry skill. This is a Reaction (and as such can usually only Chapter IV:
be attempted once each turn) and can only be used against close
combat attacks from foes engaged with the character in melee. If
Talents and Traits
the Parry test succeeds, the total degrees of success gained on the Page 90, Talent Descriptions: Add the following new talents:
test is subtracted from the degrees of success gained on the attack
test. The attacker then proceeds to resolve the attack using the DENY THE WITCH
resulting number as his degrees of success. If the result is zero or Tier: 2
lower, the character successfully evades, and the attack fails. Prerequisites: Willpower 35
Page 83, Psyniscience: Replace the paragraph with To purchase Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
this skill, the character must have a special ability stating he has Schooled to abhor the foul psyker, the Acolyte draws on his faith
access to it (such as the Psyker trait), reflecting his mental attunement and mental fortitude to act as his shield against those tainted by
to the Warp. Characters who are not psykers can also use this skill, the Warp. The character can use his Willpower characteristic when
representing their ability to recognise the subtle phenomena, such making an Evasion reaction against ranged or melee attacks made
as strange patterns of dust motes or odd sensory distortions, which with psychic powers. When successfully evading an attack with an
accompany psychic disturbances Unless otherwise noted, he can area of effect, the character does not move but instead is simply
use the Psyniscience skill to detect entities, locales, and events up to unaffected by the psychic power.
a number of kilometres away equal to his Perception bonus. A GM
can, though, alter this range depending on the events or creatures.
The general results of Psyniscience tests are summarized on Table
34: Psyniscience Results.
Update #6
Table 42: Tier 2 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit
Int 35, Tech-Use,
Armour-Monger Trade (Armourer) Intelligence Tech Increase the efficacy of physical armour.
Battle Rage Frenzy Strength Defence Parry while frenzied.
Bulging Biceps S 45 Strength Offence Remove bracing requirement from Heavy weapons.
Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering
Combat Master WS 30 Weapon Skill Defence the character.
Int or Per 35, Can use Per or Int instead of Ag for Initiative rolls,
Constant Vigilance Awareness +10 Perception Defence and rolls two dice (picking higher) for the result.
Use Fellowship instead of Influence when making
Contact Network Cover-Up, Int 35 Fellowship Leadership Requisition tests.
S 40 or WP 40, +10 bonus to all Interrogate tests, additional +5 for
Coordinated Interrogation Clues from the Crowds Intelligence Social others who also have Coordinated Interrogation.
Counter Attack WS 40 Weapon Skill Defence May attack after successful Parry.
Cover-Up Int 35 Intelligence Knowledge Can reduce Influence by 1 to gain 1d5 Subtlety.
Deny the Witch WP 35 Willpower Defence Can use Willpower characteristic for Evasion tests.
Devastating Assault WS 35 Weapon Skill Offence A successful All Out Attack grants a second attack.
Double Tap Two Weapon Wielder Finesse Offence Successful first attack grants bonus to second attack.
Exotic Weapon Training Intelligence Finesse Gain proficiency with one exotic weapon type.
Fel 35, Clues
Face in the Crowd from the Crowds Fellowship Social Can use Fellowship instead of Agility when Shadowing.
Hard Target Ag 40 Agility Defence 20 to hit character when he Charges or Runs.
Hardy T 40 Toughness Defence Character always heals as if Lightly Damaged.
Weapon Skill Social Gain +10 bonus to attack hated creatures.
Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Characters may shoot when moving.
Independent Targeting BS 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse Fire at multiple targets more than 10 metres apart.
Weapon Skill or Attacker imposes penalty on DoS from Evasion test equal
Inescapable Attack BS or WS 40, Per 35 Ballistic Skill Finesse to DoS his initial attack.
Killing Strike WS 50 Weapon Skill Offence Spend Fate point to make melee attacks unavoidable.
Luminen Capacitors,
Luminen Shock Mechanicus Implants Weapon Skill Tech Character can discharge energy in melee attack.
Maglev Coils/Mechanicus
Maglev Transcendence Implants Intelligence Tech Character can hover for longer periods of time.
Marksman BS 35 Ballistic Skill Finesse No penalties for firing at long or extreme range.
Mechadendrite Use Mechanicus Implants Intelligence Tech Gain ability to use certain Mechadendrites.
Weapon Skill or No penalty to making Called Shot in either Melee
Precision Killer WS 40 or BS 40 Ballistic Skill Finesse or Ranged Combat.
Autosanguine Implant,
Prosanguine Mechanicus Implants Toughness Tech Test to heal 1d5 damage.
WP 30, Resistance
Strong Minded (Psychic Powers) Willpower Defence May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.
Swift Attack WS 30 Weapon Skill Finesse May make multiple melee attacks.
Weapon Skill or
Two-Weapon Wielder Ballistic Skill Finesse May fight with two weapons.
When fighting unarmed, attacks hit as Deadly Natural
Unarmed Specialist Ag 45, WS 40 Strength Offence Weapons and user can re-roll damage.
Warp Conduit PR, Strong Minded, WP 50 Willpower Psyker Spend Fate point to add 1d5 to psy rating.
Whirlwind of Death WS 40 Weapon Skill Finesse Make one attack for each melee opponent.
Denotes Specialist Talent.

Update #6
Table 43: Tier 3 Talents
Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit
Adamantium Faith WP 45 Willpower Defence Immune to Pinning and Fear tests.
Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatics Weapon Skill Fieldcraft After making melee attack, test Acrobatics to move.
Bastion of Iron Will PR, Strong Minded, WP 40 Willpower Psyker Gain bonus for Opposed tests against psychic powers.
WS 30, Weapon Training
Blademaster (any Melee) Weapon Skill Finesse Reroll missed attack, once per round.
Crushing Blow WS 40 Weapon Skill Offence Add half WS bonus to damage inflicted in melee.
WS or BS 45 Perception Finesse Add Per bonus to damage inflicted in combat.
Fel 50, Reduce Subtlety loss by 1d5 when conducting
Delicate Interrogation Coordinated Interrogation Intelligence Finesse an investigation.
Eye of Vengeance BS 50 Ballistic Skill Offence Spend 1 Fate point to increase damage and penetration.
Favoured by the Warp WP 35 Willpower Psyker Roll twice for Psychic Phenomena and choose result.
Int 40, Contact Network,
Flash of Insight Coordinated Interrogation Perception Knowledge Spend 1 Fate point to reveal a clue.
Halo of Command Fel 40, WP 40 Fellowship Leadership Affect NPCs within 100xFelB metres with Social skills.
Hammer Blow Crushing Blow Strength Offence Make a thunderous strike with a melee weapon.
Infused Knowledge Int 40, Lore (any one) Intelligence Knowledge Know a little bit about everything.
Lightning Attack Swift Attack Weapon Skill Finesse Character may make many melee attacks with single roll.
Luminen Shock, Luminen
Luminen Blast Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Ballistic Skill Tech May discharge stored energy as a ranged attack.
Mastery Rank 4 in selected skill Intelligence Knowledge May spend Fate point to succeed on test.
Mighty Shot BS 40 Ballistic Skill Offence Add half BS bonus to ranged damage rolls.
Ignore penalties from Critical damage by
Never Die WP 50, T 50 Toughness Defence spending Fate point.
Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50 Agility Offence Double speed when charging.
Sprint Agility Fieldcraft Move more quickly in combat.
Step Aside Agility 40, Dodge or Parry Agility Defence Can make additional Dodge or Parry attempt.
Superior Chirurgeon Rank 2 in Medicae skill Intelligence Fieldcraft Gain +20 to Medicae tests, bonuses to first aid tests.
Target Selection BS 50 Ballistic Skill Finesse May shoot into melee without penalty.
Thunder Charge S 50 Strength Offence Break enemies with armoured charge.
True Grit T 40 Toughness Defence Reduce Critical damage taken.
Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee, No penalties when fighting with two single-
Two-Weapon Master Ranged), Ag 45, BS or WS 40 Finesse Offence handed weapons.
Psy Rating, Strong Minded,
Warp Lock WP 50 Willpower Psyker Ignore Psychic Phenomenon once per session.
Denotes Specialist Talent.


Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Two Weapon Wielder Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill 40, Perception 35
Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence Specialities: Melee, Ranged
The Acolyte is practiced in making dual attacks, and can almost Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Finesse
subconsciously tell when his hits strike to best effect. When The Acolyte excels at anticipating his opponents reactions, and
making a second ranged attack action in the same turn against the ensures his hits strike no matter how a foe tries to avoid them.
same target, he gains a +20 bonus to the attack test if his first attack This talent applies to Melee or Ranged attacks, depending on
scored one or more successful hits. the Speciality chosen. After making a successful attack test of the
appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge,
Standard Attack, or Stun action, the character imposes a penalty
on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this
attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the
attack test.

Update #6
Page 102, Traits: Add the following new trait:
Nowhere to Hide
Tier: 1 Baneful Presence (X)
Prerequisite: Perception 30 The creatures very existence is anathema to nearby mortals, and
Aptitudes: Perception, Offence permeates its surroundings with the taint of the unnatural. All
The Acolytes keen eye ensures he can spot weak points even in characters suffer a 10 penalty to Willpower tests taken while
the most impregnable of protective cover. When damaging cover, within X metres of the creature.
the character adds his degrees of success from the attack to the Page 105, Trait: Mechanicus Implants: Remove Respirator Unit.
reduction of the covers armour value. If using a weapon that does Page 107, Table 46: Size: Change the name for Size (3) from
not require a skill test, he adds 1 instead. Weedy to Scrawny.
Page 90: Replace Table 41: Tier 2 Talents with the new table
on page 5. Chapter V: Armoury
Page 91: Replace Table 42: Tier 2 Talents with the new table
on page 6. Page 109, Ranged Weapon Craftsmanship: Replace the entry for
Page 92: Replace Table 4: Tier 3 Talents with the new table on Best with As fine a piece of craftsmanship as can be found, this
page 7. weapon gains all the benefits of Good craftsmanship but also never
Page 91, Adamantium Faith: Replace the Prerequisites with Jaded, suffers from jamming or overheating.
Resistance (Fear), Willpower 45 Page 109, Armour Craftsmanship: Replace the entry with the
Replace the description with The Acolyte has become inured following:
to horrors that would cripple lesser men. This might come from Poor: Badly fitted, designed, or damaged, Poor armour is difficult
years of facing incoming fire, staring down the terrors of the Warp, to wear. The Agility Maxium for this armour is lowered by 10.
and simply his absolute faith in the Emperor. He can subtract his Good: Well constructed and better fitting, this armour is easier to
Willpower bonus from his DoF on a failed Fear or Pinning test. If wear. Its Maximum Agility (see page 130) is increased by 10.
this reduces the result to zero or less, he counts as having passed Best: Finely wrought and perfectly fitted, Best armour is like
the Fear test with 1 DoS. donning a second skin. Its Agility Maximum is increased by 10
Page 93, Coordinated Interrogation: Replace the description with and the AP it provides to each covered location is increased by 1.
A trained Acolyte, especially when working in conjunction with Page 113, Flexible: Replace the last sentence with These kinds of
fellow veteran Acolytes, can induce cooperation from even the weapons lash about when used to attack, and therefore cannot be
most hardened of suspects and captured heretics. He gains a +10 Parried though they themselves can be used to Parry an opponents
bonus to all Interrogate tests, and gains an additional +5 for each weapon.
other character participating in the interrogation who also has Page 113, Force: Replace the first sentence of the second paragraph
Coordinated Interrogation. This counts as test assistance, and thus with the following: Force weapons count as Best craftsmanship
also gains the assistance bonuses as per page 13. Mono variants of the equivalent Low-Tech weapon, additionally,
Page 95, Delicate Interrogation: Replace the last sentence with these weapons have special qualities when wielded by a psyker.
Whenever the Acolyte would decrease his warbands Subtlety due Replace the last sentence with Using these weapons does
to an interrogation, the amount of Subtlety lost is reduced by 1d5. not involve selecting a psychic strength level and cannot generate
If this results in a negative number, the Acolytes skilled efforts have Psychic Phenomena. Force weapons cannot be destroyed by
increased the warbands Subtlety by 1. weapons with the Power Field quality.
Page 95, Devastating Assault: Replace the description with The Page 115, Shocking: Replace the last sentence with If he fails, he
Acolyte launches a furious attack on his foe, the rage of the suffers 1 level of Fatigue and is Stunned for a number of rounds
Emperor powering his assault. When making an All Out Attack equal to his half his degrees of failure (rounding up).
action, if he successfully hits his opponent and the target fails to Page 115, Snare: Replace the description with These ensnaring
Dodge or Parry this attack, he gets a second attack against that foe devices use masses of fibrous webbing, adhesive fluids, and other
with same bonuses or penalties as the first attack. entangling materials to bring an enemy down. On a successful
Page 95, Die Hard: Replace the description with Through either hit, the target must make an Agility test with a penalty equal to
mental resolve or sheer stubbornness, the Acolyte refuses to fall. 10 times the number in parentheses (X) or be immobilised. For
When this character would suffer a level of Fatigue due to the example, a weapon with Snare (1) would impose a 10 on Agility
Blood Loss condition, he makes a Challenging (+0) Willpower tests. An immobilised target can attempt no actions other than
test; if he succeeds, he does not suffer a level of Fatigue. trying to escape the bonds. As a Full Action, he can make a
Page 101, Two-Weapon Wielder: Remove the last sentence. Challenging (+0) Strength or Agility test, with a penalty equal to
Page 101, Weapon Training: Replace the last paragraph with This ten times the number in parentheses (X). If he succeeds, he bursts
talent can be taken more than once, each time with a different free or wriggles out.. The target is considered Helpless until he
Specialisation. Note that a character without the Weapon Training escapes.
(Low-Tech) talent operating a weapon that functions as a Low-
Tech weapon in certain circumstances does not suffer this penalty,
so long as he has the applicable Weapon Training talent for the
weapon (Power for a power sword, for example).

Update #6
Table 5-7: Grenades and Explosives
Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Special Wt. Availability
Blind Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Smoke (3) 0.5kg Scarce
Choke Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// Special 0 1 Blast (3) 0.5kg Scarce
Frag Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 2d10 X 0 1 Blast (3) 0.5kg Common
Hallucinogen Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Blast (6), Hallucinogenic (2) 0.5kg Scarce
Haywire Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Haywire 0.5kg Very Rare
Krak Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 2d10+4 X 6 1 Concussive (0) 0.5kg Rare
Photon Flash Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Blast (6) 0.5kg Rare
Smoke Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Smoke (6) 0.5kg Common
Stun Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Blast (3), Concussive (2) 0.5kg Common
Web Grenade Thrown SBx3 S// 0 1 Blast (3), Snare (2) 1kg Rare
Frag Missile 2D10+2 X 2 Blast (5) 0.5kg Average
Krak Missile 3d10+8 X 8 Concussive (3), Proven (2) 0.5kg Scarce
Fire Bomb Thrown SBx3 S// 1d10+2 E 0 1 Blast (2), Flame 0.5kg Plentiful
Melta Bomb 6d10 E 12 1 Blast (2), Flame, Melta 12kg Very Rare
Unlike Blind Grenade effects, this only interferes with visual sight.

Page 115, Toxic: Replace the description with Filled with all Page 122, Table 57: Grenades and Explosives: Replace the table
manner of malignant chemicals and fast acting poisons, toxic with new one on page 8.
weapons bring down enemies through virulence and sickness. Page 122, Fire Bomb: Replace the last sentence with Fire bombs
Anyone that takes damage from a Toxic weapon, after reduction take a Half Action to ready before use, and cannot be loaded into
for Armour and Toughness bonus, must make a Toughness test launcher weapons.
at the end of his next turn with a penalty equal to 10 times the Page 122, Melee Weapons: Add the following to the end of the
number in parentheses (X) or suffer an additional 1d10 points of description: Some weapons require power for full effect, such as
damage (of the same type as the weapon which inflicted the hit) Power, Shock, and Chain weapons. If used in a deactivated mode,
not reduced by Armour or Toughness. For example, a weapon remove those weapon qualities that add to its lethality (Power,
with Toxic (4) would impose a 40 on Toughness tests. Some Shock, Tearing, etc.). It then functions as a Low-Tech version
weapons or creatures may carry additional effects with their toxins (power sword becomes a regular sword, shock maul becomes a
or inflict more damage as indicated in their individual descriptions. truncheon, and so on) with appropriately lowered damage and
Page 119, Table 56: Ranged Weapons (Continued): Replace the penetration.
weapon name Shotgun (Single) with Shotgun Page 124, Table 58: Melee Weapons: Replace with the new table
Remove the entry for Shotgun (Pump). on page 9.
Change the Special rules for Web Pistol from Snare to Page 125, Electro-Flail: Replace this weapon with the following:
Snare (0).
Change the Special rules for Webber from Blast (5), Snare SHOCK WHIP
to Blast (2), Snare (1). This weapon is common wherever there are workers or slaves
Page 121, Anti-Plant Grenade: Delete this entry and add the requiring additional encouragement to improve their efforts.
following: Though not designed for combat, the extra reach it offers can
mean the difference that halts a dark ritual or xenos incursion.
CHOKE GRENADE Page 125, Weapon Modifications: Replace the following to the end
Designed primarily for combatting riots, a choke grenades of the second paragraph with Note that the GM has final say over
foul gases can reduce violent mobs to easily dispersed groups which modifications can be applied; a sniper rifle, for example,
of coughing, sobbing wretches. In dense hives the gases often would be too unwieldy for a pistol grip.
spread across hab areas, a reminder of the price for disobeying Page 126, Extra Grip: Replace this weapon modification with the
the Emperors Laws. Characters within the radius of the choke gas following:
must make a Toughness test each turn; failure inflicts one level of
Fatigue. Failure with four or more DoF indicates serious harm, PISTOL GRIP
and the character suffers a 1d10 Toughness damage. The gas lasts This modified handle is designed for smoother usage, and allows
for 2d5 rounds, or less in adverse weather conditions. the weapon to be wielded in one hand without the usual 20
penalty. However, it becomes more difficult to aim accurately and
thus its range is halved.
Upgrades: Any Basic ranged weapon.

Update #6
Table 5-8: Melee Weapons
Name Class Range Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability
Chain Weapons
Chainaxe Melee 1d10+4 R 2 Tearing 13kg Scarce
Chainblade Melee 1d10+1 R 1 Tearing 2kg Scarce
Chainsword Melee 1d10+2 R 2 Balanced, Tearing 6kg Average
Eviscerator Melee 2d10 R 9 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Unwieldy 15kg Very Rare
Force Weapons
Force Sword Melee 1d10+1 R 2 Balanced, Force 5kg Near Unique
Force Staff Melee 1d10 I 2 Force 2kg Extremely Rare
Low-Tech Weapons
Great Weapon Melee 2d10 R 0 Unbalanced 7kg Scarce
Hunting Lance Melee 2d10+3 X 7 Concussive (3) 4kg Scarce
Improvised Melee 1d102 I 0 Primitive (7), Unbalanced
Knife 5m 1d5 R 0 1kg Plentiful
Shield Melee 1d5 I 0 Defensive, Primitive (6) 3kg Common
Spear Melee 1d10 R 0 Primitive (8) 3kg Common
Staff Melee 1d10 I 0 Balanced, Primitive (7) 3kg Plentiful
Sword Melee 1d10 R 0 Balanced 3kg Common
Truncheon Melee 1d10 I 0 Primitive (7) 2kg Plentiful
Warhammer Melee 1d10+2 I 1 Primitive (8) 4.5kg Scarce
Whip Melee 3m 1d10 R 0 Flexible, Primitive (6) 2kg Average
Power Weapons
Omnissian Axe Melee 2d10+4 E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced 8kg Extremely Rare
Power Fist Melee 2d10 E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy 13kg Very Rare
Power Sword Melee 1d10+5 E 5 Balanced, Power Field 3kg Very Rare
Power Axe Melee 1d10+7 E 7 Power Field, Unbalanced 6kg Very Rare
Power Maul (High) Melee 1d10+5 E 4 Power Field, Shocking 3.5kg Very Rare
Power Maul (Low) Melee 1d10+1 E 2 Shocking
Shock Weapons
Shock Maul Melee 1d10+3 I 0 Shocking 2.5kg Scarce
Shock Whip Melee 3m 1d10+1 I 0 Flexible, Shocking 3kg Rare
Provides 2 AP to the Body and Arm wielding the shield, which stacks with existing armour.
Power Fists add the users SB2 to the damage.

Page 126, Exterminator: Replace the Upgrades with Any weapon Page 128, Sacred Inscriptions: Replace the last sentence in the
except Pistol or Thrown. description with Characters possessing any weapons with this
Page 126, Fire Selector: Replace the description with An ideal modification gain a +10 bonus to Pinning tests.
upgrade for those using weapons that can take multiple types of Page 128, Targeter: Replace the description with Heavy
ammunition, this device allows the user to swap types without and precious, targeters are highly valuable devices that use a
needing to reload the weapon. The weapon can now have up combination of guidance cogitators and sensors to improve
to three different rounds loaded (the total amount of shells not accuracy. They are often linked directly into a guns machine spirit,
exceeding its clip size); at the start of his turn, the wielder can use and allow a greater bond between wielder and weapon. If there
the item to select which clip he draws ammunition from for his is a penalty to a Ballistic Skill test when using a weapon with a
shooting that round. targeter, it is reduced by ten. Thus, a Very Hard (30) penalty to
Page 127, Table 59: Weapon Modifications: Replace the table hit becomes Hard (20).
with the new one on page 10.
Page 127, Mono: Replace the Upgrades with Any Low-Tech or
Power Melee weapon
Page 127, Overcharge Pack: Delete this entry.

Update #6
Table 5-9: Weapon Modifications
Name Weight Availability
Excessive Drug
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher +2.5kg Rare
Use and Addiction
Backpack Ammo Supply +15kg Scarce When the same drug is used too often in a short period of
Compact x1/2 Average time, there is a chance for it to have a diminished effect as the
user builds up an immunity or tolerance. A character using
Custom Grip Rare
more than one dose of a drug in a 24 hour period must
Deactivate Safety Features Rare make an Ordinary (+10) Toughness test for each use after the
Expanded Magazine +1kg Scarce first, with a cumulative 10 penalty for each additional dose.
Exterminator +1kg Common Should the test fail the drug has no useful effect and further
Fire Selector +1kg Rare doses have no useful effect for a full 24 hours.
Fluid Action Rare Excessive drug use can also lead to Addiction. Every
Forearm Weapon Mounting +1kg Scarce time the effects of one of the drugs indicated below wears
off, the user must take a Routine (+20) Willpower test with
Melee Attachment +2kg Plentiful
a 5 modifier for every dose taken in the last week. Failure
Modified Stock Scarce means the user is Addicted and will suffer one level of
Mono +0kg Scarce Fatigue unless he gets another dose within 12 hours (should
Motion Predictor +0.5kg Very Rare this dose trigger the Excessive Drug Use test above, it must
Omni-Scope +2kg Near Unique be successfully passed for it to overcome the Fatigue loss).
Photo Sight +0.5kg Very Rare The character (should he so choose) can overcome the
Pistol Grip Rare Addiction by passing Very Hard (30) tests for
both Willpower and Toughness.
Preysense Sight +0.5kg Very Rare
Quick-Release Rare
Red-Dot Laser Sight +0.5kg Scarce Page 132, Force Fields: Replace the second paragraph with Unless
Reinforced +1kg Scarce stated otherwise, force fields offer protection for the entire body. It
Sacred Inscriptions Scarce is a Half Action to turn the field on or off. A character may only
Silencer +0.5kg Plentiful benefit from one field at a time, regardless of how many different
fields he may have equipped. When a character wearing an active
Suspensors x1/2 Extremely Rare
field is attacked, but before evasion rolls are made, roll 1d100. If
Targeter +1.5kg Rare the result is lower than or equal to the fields protection rating,
Telescopic Sight +1kg Average the attack is nullified and has no effect on the protected character
Tox Dispenser +0.75kg Rare (although the attack might have an impact on the characters
Tripod and Bipod +2kg Average surroundings or other nearby characters, such as weapons with
Vox-Operated +0.5kg Rare the Blast quality).
Page 133, Table 514: Clothing and Personal Gear: Replace the
Availability for Recoil Glove with Rare.
Page 129, Bleeder Rounds: Replace the Effect with If a target
Page 134, Drugs and Consumables: Replace the second paragraph
takes damage from bleeder rounds, it begins to gush blood and he
with Some of these items have no direct game rules, but can
suffers from the Blood Loss condition for 1d5 rounds or until it is
add to the narrative roleplaying experience for both Acolytes and
successfully treated. Bleeder rounds do not affect targets with the
NPCs. Many can be used as trade items on many worlds, or
Daemonic or Machine traits.
to embellish a characters behaviour or background. If the GM
Page 130, Armour: Replace the description for AP (Armour
desires, special rules can also be created for specific items based
points) with the following How many Armour points the armour
on local variants; an especially potent regional recaf blend, for
provides for the locations covered. Any non-Best craftsmanship
example, might keep an Acolyte from restful sleep for several days.
armour that provides 7 or more APs inflicts a 30 penalty on the
Many drugs are Addictive, and if so noted follow the rules from
wearers Stealth tests.
the Excessive Drug Use and Addiction sidebar on page 135.
Add the following: Max Ag: This is the maximum value
Page 134, Amasec: Remove last sentence.
a character wearing this armour can count his Agility: if the
Page 135, Excessive Drug Use and Addiction: Replace the sidebar
characters Agility is higher than this number, it counts as this
with the new one on page 10.
number instead. If wearing multiple armour devices (such as a
Page 135, Frenzon: Replace the second paragraph with A
helmet and vest), the lowest Max Ag value is used.
character using frenzon gains the Frenzy talent, immediately
Page 130, Man-Stopper Bullet: Replace the Used With entry
becoming Frenzied for the duration of the drug. A single dose of
with Stub revolvers, stub automatics, hand cannons, sniper rifles,
frenzon lasts for 1d10 minutes. Frenzon is Addictive.
autopistols, and autoguns.
Page 135, Lho-Sticks: Remove last two sentences.
Page 135, Recaf: Remove the second paragraph.
Page 136, Tranq: Remove last sentence.

Update #6
Table 5-11: Armour
Name Locations Covered AP Max Ag Weight Availability
Basic Armour
Heavy Leathers Arms, Body 1 5 kg Common
Imperial Robes Arms, Body, Legs 1 4 kg Average
Armoured Bodyglove Arms, Body, Legs 2 5 kg Rare
Chainmail Suit Arms, Body, Legs 3 35 15 kg Common
Feudal World Plate All 5 25 30 kg Scarce
Xenos Hide Vest Body 6 50 20 kg Very Rare
Flak Armour
Flak Helmet Head 2 2 kg Average
Flak Gauntlets Arms 2 1 kg Average
Light Flak Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 2 55 4 kg Scarce
Flak Vest Body 3 5 kg Average
Flak Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 3 55 8 kg Scarce
Flak Coat Arms, Body 3 60 5 kg Average
Imperial Guard Flak Armour All 4 50 11 kg Scarce
Mesh Armour
Mesh Vest Body 4 2 kg Rare
Mesh Cloak Arms, Body, Legs 4 60 3 kg Very Rare
Carapace Armour
Carapace Helm Head 4 2 kg Rare
Carapace Gauntlets Arms 5 2 kg Rare
Carapace Greaves Legs 5 3 kg Rare
Enforcer Light Carapace All 5 45 15 kg Rare
Carapace Chestplate Body 6 55 7 kg Rare
Storm Trooper Carapace All 6 45 15 kg Very Rare
Power Armour
Light Power Armour All 7 40 40 kg Very Rare

Page 137, Grapnel & Line: Replace the description with A Page 145, Respirator Filter Implants: Replace the description
combination of clip-harness and gas-powered pistol, this can fire with These are implanted inside the lungs or involve masses of
a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at an tubes, wires, vox-grills, or other augmetic parts replacing the neck
overhead target up to 100m away. Once the grapnel attaches to and upper chest. The implant sifts out most toxic gases; inhaled
the desired spot such as a rooftop, a user can manually climb the particulate matter is also filtered, making breathing easier in heavily
line or activate a powered winch that can lift the user roughly 5m polluted atmospheres. This implant grants the user a +20 bonus to
per round. Common sets can hold 150kg, while Good or Best can resist inhaled poisons, gas weapons, or atmospheric toxins.
support 200 kg. Page 145, Memorance Implant: Remove the last sentence.
Page 144, Optical Mechadendrite: Replace the description with Page 150, Chimera Armoured Transport: Replace Chimera
Often consisting of highly flexible, snake-like tubing, this contains Armoured Transport availability with Extremely Rare (40).
pict-capture and other sensory devices for inspection and detection. Under Options, replace the weapon title Heavy Flamer
It is long for a mechadendrite, extending to 3 metres, and grants with Storm Bolter
a +10 bonus to all vision-based Perception tests. The mounted Page 151, Hectin Autocarriage: Rare (20) should read Very
pict-devices allow it to examine surfaces at a microscopic level or Rare (30).
to be used as telescopic sight. It also contains an infrared torch Near Unique (60) should read Unique (60)
and sensors with a range of 40m, and so within this area the user Page 151, Glassteed: Add Wounds: 12
ignores combat or other penalties due to darkness. Finally, the Scarce (20) should read Rare (20)
mechadendrite is fitted with a stablight that can be tinted a variety
of different colours depending on the controllers whim.

Update #6
Table 61: Psychic Strength
Normal Strength Push
Class of Psyker (Psy Rating or Lower) (Psy Rating +2/3/4) Sustaining Powers
Bound: Sanctioned psykers If the psyker rolls doubles during a Can add up to +2 PR. If psyker +10 to all rolls on Table 62:
and Astropaths, sorcerers, Focus Power test, roll on Table 62: rolls anything but doubles during Psychic Phenomena (see page 157),
Librarians, Chaos Space Psychic Phenomena (see page 157). Focus Power test, roll on Table 62: decrease psy rating by 1 per power.
Marines, and psykers Psychic Phenomena (see page 157).
from xenos species
Unbound: Wyrds, If the psyker rolls doubles during a Can add up to +4 to PR. Roll on +10 to all rolls on Table 62:
unsanctioned psykers, and Focus Power test, roll on Table 62: Table 62: Psychic Phenomena (see Psychic Phenomena (see page 157),
mortal sorcerers Psychic Phenomena (see page 157) page 157) at +5 per +1 PR added, decrease psy rating by 1 per power.
adding +10 to the total. up to a maximum of +20.
Daemonic: Psychic If the psyker rolls doubles during Can add up to +3 to PR. Roll on +10 to all rolls on Table 62:
Daemons, Daemonhosts, a Focus Power test, roll on Table Table 62: Psychic Phenomena (see Psychic Phenomena (see page 157),
and Daemon Princes 62: Psychic Phenomena (see page page 157) at +10 per +1 PR added, decrease psy rating by 1 per power.
157), adding +10 to the total. He up to a maximum of +30. He is not He is not affected by the result
is not affected by the result unless affected by the result unless it causes unless the result causes Perils of
the result causes Perils of the Warp, Perils of the Warp, though those the Warp, though those around him
though those around him might be. around him might be. might be.

Step 3: Resolve Power Results: Depending on the psykers

Chapter VI: final psy rating, the power will have variable effects, such as
Psychic Powers increased range, area of effect, or damage. Depending on the
factors described above, the power can also generate Psychic
Page 154, Psychic Disciplines: Remove the sentence In addition, Phenomena or even Perils of the Warp.
each discipline has a unique table the psyker rolls on to determine
any psychic phenomena triggered while using the power.
Step 1:
Page 154, Table 61: Psychic Strength: Replace the table with the Determine Psychic Strength
new one above. Whenever a psyker uses a power, he is drawing energy from the
Page 154, Using Psychic Powers: Replace the entire section with Warp and channelling it into physical effects. However, opening
the following: such a conduit to the Warp is always dangerous, and the psyker
incurs a chance of causing disturbances in the Warp that have
Using Psychic Powers undesired side-effects. In extreme cases, these disturbances may
even lead to the opening of an uncontrolled rift between reality
When a psyker wishes to use a psychic power, he must first choose and the Warp, with potentially fatal consequences.
how much power he is pouring into the ability, and any other By minimising the amount of power he draws, a psyker
methods he is using to draw upon and focus the power of the can reduce the chances of horrible side-effects such as Psychic
Warp. Then he must make a Focus Power test (typically, but not Phenomena (see page 156) or Perils of the Warp (as per page
always, a Willpower test, modified by the difficulty of the power 158). When using a psychic power, the psyker must choose a psy
and the characters effective psy rating), to see if it manifests. rating for the power that is equal to or below his base psy rating.
Finally, if the test is successful, the power takes effect. This value must be at least 1.
Depending on how much energy the psyker used and what For each point lower the chosen psy rating is than the
methods he used to bolster his efforts, there may be additional psykers base psy rating, the psyker receives a +10 bonus to his
consequences. The step-by-step process for using a psychic power focus power test. Additionally, the chosen psy rating of a psychic
is described below: power determines how potent the effects of the power will be (see
Step 1: Determine Psychic Strength: The psyker decides how Stage 3).
much of his psy rating he wants to commit to the power. The
amount of psy rating the psyker commits can affect the powers
likelihood of success, and the potency of its end results.
Step 2: Make Focus Power Test: The psyker makes a test to
determine if the psychic power is successful. In most cases, this
is a Willpower test, the difficulty of which depends on the power,
and which is modified further based on the power level chosen.
In some cases, determined by the specific power, the target may
Oppose this test (see page 12 for Opposed tests).

Update #6
The psyker can alternatively draw deeper from the depths of the If they are attacked by enemy psychic powers, psykers have far
Warp to boost his powers beyond his normal capabilities. Of course, better mental defences than normal people, using the power of
such power always comes with greater risk of unleashing unintended the Warp to fight back. When making an Opposed focus power
effects or even summoning unwanted visitors from beyond. test to resist a psychic attack, a psyker first decides if he will push
When determining the psy rating of a psychic power, a psyker or not, then adds his resultant psy rating (including any bonus
can choose to push. If he does so, he strains his own limits, and from pushing) to the Willpower test to resist the enemy power.
may set the psy rating of the psychic power up to 2 higher than his His, however, roll can create psychic phenomena in just the same
base psy rating. Certain types of psykers can increase this amount, manner as the attacker.
as indicated in Table 61: Psychic Strength. Pushing is dangerous,
however, for when a psyker draws from the Warp so deeply, he Step 3: Resolve Power Results
might be unable to control the energies released. When pushing a After the psyker successfully manifests a psychic power, he triggers
psychic power in this way, that power triggers psychic phenomena the effects specified in the psychic power description and, if psychic
on any focus power test roll that does not produce doubles, instead phenomena were triggered by the focus power test, rolls for the
of the normal condition. effects of the psychic phenomena.
For each point higher the chosen psy rating of the power is
than the psykers base psy rating, the psyker receives a 10 penalty RANGE AND LINE OF SIGHT
to his focus power test. Unless noted in its description, a psychic power that directly targets
an individual or thing requires a psyker to have line of sight to (or
Step 2: Make Focus Power Test otherwise be aware of) the target. The target must also be within
Any use of a psychic power begins with a Focus Power action the powers stated range, but there are no modifiers for range
(see page 178), which requires a Focus Power test to determine (Short, Point Blank, etc.).
whether or not the power manifests successfully, and how potent
its effects are. The amount of time this action takes is determined CUMULATIVE EFFECTS
by the power being used, and may be a Free Action, Half Action, Modifiers, characteristic increases, and other benefits generated by
Full Action, or Reaction. In most cases, a Focus Power test is a psychic powers do not stack with each otheronly the highest
Willpower test, modified by the difficulty of the power being used applies. They do stack with non-psychic bonuses, such as those
and the psy rating of the psyker. granted from specialised equipment and environmental conditions.
The power being used determines what skill or characteristic
the test uses. As mentioned above, this test receives a +10 bonus DETECTING PSYCHIC POWERS
for each point the powers psy rating is under the psykers base Psykers are especially attuned to the Warp around them, able to
psy rating, or a 10 penalty for each point it is over that value. The sense the currents and eddies caused by other psykers dipping into
GM can also apply situation modifiers to the test where needed. In the flow of the Immaterium. When psychic powers are in effect
many cases, the number of degrees of success scored when passing in a his presence, he can make a Psyniscience test in order to
the Focus Power test determines some of the effects of the power determine their source (see page 82 for details on the Psyniscience
when this is the case, it will be noted in the powers description. skill and its uses). Others can also attempt this, but lacking a
If the focus power test succeeds, the psyker successfully psykers abilities are less likely to succeed.
manifests the power and applies the effects detailed in its
description. Additionally, if he rolls doubles (that is, both the tens PSYCHIC PHENOMENA
dice and the units dice come up with the same number) on the When a psyker reaches into the Warp to power his abilities,
Focus Power test, the power triggers psychic phenomena (see there is always the chance of the Empyrean bleeding into reality.
Psychic Phenomena on page 156). This can occur even if the test Sometimes this manifestation of the Warp is unique to the psyker,
fails. If the psyker pushed when attempting the power, he triggers but in general it is as unpredictable as the Warp itself. Some
psychic phenomena on any roll other than doubles instead. effects can include a dramatic drop in temperature, ghostly voices,
feelings of unease, or nearby vegetation shrivelling and dying. In
OPPOSED FOCUS POWER TESTS rare instances, full-scale Warp breaches can occur with the direst
When specifying what type of focus power test to make, some of consequences.
psychic powers call for an opposed test (e.g., Opposed Willpower The precise effects of Psychic Phenomena vary based on the
test). For these powers, the psyker and his target make an nature of the psyker: the Sanctioned Psykers of the Imperium, the
Opposed test (see page 12): the psyker using the specified skill or Librarians of the Space Marines, and the traitorous Sorcerers of
characteristic, and the target using a skill or characteristic specified the Chaos Space Marines draw on less power but may use it more
in the psychic powers description. He must successfully pass the safely, while unsanctioned psykers and mortal wyrds are subject
test and gain more degrees of success than at least one of his to harsher effects, but can draw more deeply in return, and those
opponents to activate the power. The psyker is still affected by all who are not mortal (that is, those with the Daemonic trait) remain
of the normal modifiers from the powers psy rating and can still largely unperturbed by such trivial fluctuations of the Warp, and
trigger psychic phenomena as in a normal focus power test. Only suffer far less severe effects. These varying effects are described on
the psykers roll can trigger psychic phenomena. Table 61: Psychic Strength.

Update #6
If the psyker rolled doubles (or if the power was pushed, Page 160, Influence: Replace the power with the following:
any roll except doubles) during his focus power test, a psychic
phenomenon is triggered and the psyker must roll on Table 62: Invigourate
Psychic Phenomena. Particularly high rolls on this table can result The psyker draws upon the energies of the Warp to galvanise the
in the psyker having to roll on Table 63: Perils of the Warp. A flesh, a possibly hazardous endeavour but one that can be essential
few powers, as noted in their descriptions, cause other effects upon to continue the warbands efforts. Newly empowered, the Acolytes
the material world when they manifest. can continue afresh.
Value: 100xp
SUSTAINING PSYCHIC POWERS Prerequisites: Toughness 30
Some psychic powers can be sustained for a prolonged period Action: Half Action
of time, as noted in their description. A psyker may sustain such Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower test
powers without the need to make further rolls, taking only a small Range: 1 metre
amount of effort to sustain a single power. However, attempting Sustained: No
to maintain multiple powers at once becomes increasingly taxing, Subtype: Concentration
dividing the psykers attention between several simultaneous effects Effect: The psyker can remove a number of levels of Fatigue from
and requiring ever greater amounts of concentration. himself and allies within range, with the sum of all levels removed
Any power that can be sustained has a listed action which from all characters not exceeding his psy rating. This power is very
defines how much effort the power requires to sustainfor taxing and requires at least 12 hours of recovery before it can be
example, a power with a sustain requirement of Half Action used again.
requires a Half Action each turn to sustain its effects. If the psyker Page 165, Cauterise: Replace the Effect with The psyker chooses
is only attempting to sustain a single power, this is enough to himself or another character he can physically touch. If the target
maintain the effects. Any power that does not have the required is suffering from the Blood Loss Critical Effect, successfully using
action spent to sustain it ends at the end of the psykers turn. the power removes that condition.
Sustaining multiple powers is more difficult and more tiring. Page 166, Fiery Form: Replace the description with Unnatural
Any character attempting to sustain two or more powers at once flame engulfs the psykers entire body. He is cloaked in sheets of
must spend the longest action from the sustain requirements of all fire that somehow do not harm him, but burns any nearby.
the powers being sustained, and reduces the effective psy rating Page 167, Molten Beam: Replace the damage in the stat box with
for each power by the number of powers being sustained. More 1d10+5+PR (E)
perilous still, the amount of energy the psyker is attempting to
wield becomes unstable, swiftly going out of control at the most Chapter VII: Combat
minor slip of concentration. Should the psyker cause Psychic
Phenomena while sustaining more than one power, then he must Page 176, Aim: Replace the description with The active character
add +10 to the result rolled on Table 62: Psychic Phenomena for takes extra time to make a more precise attack. Aiming as a Half
every power after the first being sustained. Action grants a +10 bonus to the characters WS or BS test for his
Page 155, Focus Power Test: Remove this entry. next attack, while aiming as a Full Action grants a +20 bonus to
Page 157, Table 62: Psychic Phenomena: Replace the Effect for the characters next attack. The next action the Aiming character
results 1517 with Aura of Taint: All animals within 1d100 metres performs must be an attack (Standard Attack, Semi-Auto Burst,
become spooked and agitated; characters can use the Psyniscience Lightning Attack, and so on) or the benefits of Aiming are lost.
skill to pinpoint the psyker as the cause. Aiming benefits are also lost if the character performs a Reaction
Page 158, Table 63: Perils of the Warp: Replace the Effect for before making his attack. Aiming can be used with both melee and
results 5658 with Dark Summoning: The Empyrean buckles and ranged attacks, but not with attacks made with Psychic Powers.
tears at the arrogance of the psyker, and a Plaguebearer (see page Page 177, Charge: Replace the last paragraph with If the Charging
298) or another Lesser Daemon at the GMs discretion rips its way character has no weapons or other items currently readied, he can
into existence. The pestilent fiend appears within 3d10 metres of attempt to Grapple his opponent instead of inflicting damage (see
the psyker, for a number of rounds equal to 1d5 plus the psykers page 179) or to knock him down (see the Knock Down rules on
Toughness bonus. The psykers turn immediately ends, and the page 180).
Daemon can take its turn immediately. It detests the psyker and Page 177, Delay: Replace the description with Instead of acting
focuses all of its attacks upon the fool that unwittingly summoned immediately, the character waits for a better opportunity. When
it. It will not attack anyone else, even if others attack it; if the psyker he chooses Delay, his turn immediately ends. Any time before
is slain, it returns back to the Warp, satisfied with its kill. the start of his next turn, the character can perform a Half
Page 159, Discipline Limit: Remove the entire Discipline Limit Action of his choiceeven though it is not currently his turn.
section. This later action counts as being part of his turn, thoughso, for
example, he cannot use it to make another action with the attack
or concentration subtype if he made one before taking the Delay
action. The later Half Action cannot interrupt another characters
turn already in progress, and if it is not used before the start of
the characters next turn, it is lost. If two or more characters both
attempt to perform a Half Action gained from Delay at the same
time, they must make an Opposed Agility test to see who acts first.

Update #6
Page 178, Evasion: Replace the complete text with After a Page 189, Fatigue: Replace the entire entry with the following:
character is hit from an attack, but before damage is rolled, he
can attempt to negate the hit by making a Dodge or Parry test. Fatigue
A character must be aware of the attack in order to make the test
(and cannot be Surprised). If the test succeeds, subtract the total Not all injuries in Dark Heresy are lethal. Exhaustion, combat
degrees of success gained on the test from the degrees of success trauma, or swapping licks with bare fists can all leave a character
gained on the attack test. The attacker then proceeds to resolve the battered but more or less intact. Fatigue represents the amount of
attack using the resulting number as his degrees of success. If the non-lethal injury a character can take over the course of game play.
result is zero or lower, the character successfully evades, and the Characters suffer Fatigue from certain types of attacks, Grappling,
attack fails. Keep in mind that reactions cannot be used during the some Critical Effects, and other actions that push them beyond safe
characters own turn, so a character cannot Dodge/Parry attacks limits. Fatigue is measured in levels.
made via Overwatch or when he flees from combat during his Any time a character gains or loses a level of Fatigue, he
own turn, and so on. compares his new Fatigue level to his characteristic bonuses. Any
Weapons with an area of effect, such as those with Blast characteristic with a bonus lower than the characters current
quality, move a successfully evading character to the edge of the Fatigue level becomes fatigued. Fatigued characteristics affect the
area of effect, as long as it is no further away than his Agility bonus character is different ways depending on if the game is currently in
in metres. Weapons that do not require a Ballistic Skill test, such narrative time or structured time:
as those with the Spray quality, require a Dodge test with a default Structured Time: A fatigued characteristic counts as half its normal
difficulty of Challenging (+0) before any applicable modifiers. If value (rounded up) when the character wishes to perform an
successful, the character similarly moves to the edge of the firing action that includes a test or use of that characteristic.
path. In both these cases, if he would need to move further than this Narrative Time: Any time the character performs a task that
to avoid the attack, or is unable to be moved out of the way due to includes a test of a fatigued characteristic, that task takes twice the
an obstruction of some sort (such as when inside the confines of a normal time to attempt.
tight corridor), then he automatically fails the Dodge test.
Page 179, Guarded Action: Replace the description with The Fatigue Threshold
characters next steps are careful and guarded, making sure he A characters Fatigue threshold is equal to his Toughness bonus
remains well poised to defend himself. This action must be the and Willpower bonus added together. If a characters levels of
first action in the characters turn. He suffers a 10 penalty to any Fatigue ever exceeds this threshold, the character passes out and
Weapon Skill tests or Ballistic Skill tests made this turn, but gains is unconscious for 10TB minutes; he awakes with his levels of
a +10 bonus to all Evasion tests until the start of his next turn. Fatigue reverted to a number equal to his Toughness bonus. If a
Page 180, Knock Down: Replace the second sentence with Make characters Fatigue ever exceeds double the amount of his Fatigue
an Opposed Strength test, with the attacker gaining a +10 bonus if threshold, the character dies.
this is combined with a Charge action. Page 198, Blood Loss: Replace the description with Blood Loss
Page 181, Suppressing Fire: Replace the first paragraph with is a condition that can result from Critical damage. At the start
The active character unleashes a hail of firepower to force his of his turn, an affected character suffers 1 level of Fatigue. Once
opponents to take cover. This action requires a weapon capable of per round as a Free Action, he (or another character who can
semi-automatic or fully automatic fire (see page 111, Rate of Fire). reach him) can attempt a Difficult (10) Medicae test to remove
When Suppressing Fire is declared, the active character establishes this condition. The GM should modify the test as needed if the
a kill zone, which is any general area, such as a corridor or tree character is performing a strenuous activity or under attack.
line, that encompasses a 30 (if the weapon is fired in semi- Page 203, Encumbrance: Replace the section with A character
automatic mode) or 45 arc (if full automatic firing is used) in the who attempts to carry more than his normal Carrying Weight,
direction the active character is facing. Then, as part of the Action but less than his Lifting Weight, is considered Encumbered.
the character fires a Full Auto or Semi-Auto Burst (as per the Full While Encumbered, the character suffers a 10 penalty to Agility
Auto and Semi-Auto Burst actions) and expends the appropriate tests. Additionally, after spending a number of hours equal to his
ammo. All targets within the kill zone must make a Difficult (10) Toughness bonus while Encumbered, a character must make a
Pinning test or become Pinned as per page 187. If the attacker fired Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer one level of Fatigue.
a Full Auto burst, the Pinning test is Hard (20) instead.
Page 182, Tactical Advance: Replace the description with The
active character carefully moves from one position of cover to
another position of cover. In so doing, he can move a number of
metres up to his Half Move distance. For the duration of the move,
he is considered to benefit from the cover he left, even though he
is moving in the open for a brief time.

Update #6
specialised or unique Imperial weapon that are far beyond an
Chapter VIII: Acolytes experience.
Narrative Tools Page 277, Adeptus Arbites Arbitrator: Replace Skills with Athletics
(S), Awareness (Per) +10, Common Lore (Underworld) (Int) +20,
Page 223, Uses of Influence: Replace the Social Interaction Dodge (Ag), Inquiry (Fel) +10, Interrogation (WP) +10, Intimidate
section with Dropping the right names or invoking a fearsome (S) +10
reputation can go far in convincing others to reveal information Page 277, Desoleum Bounty Hunter: Replace Skills with Athletics
or acquiesce to a characters wishes. Indeed, merely invoking the (S), Awareness (Per) +10, Common Lore (Underworld) (Int) +10,
name of the Inquisition is enough to have many loyal citizens Deceive (Fel), Dodge (Ag) +10, Inquiry (Fel) +10, Interrogation
falling over backwards to obey. An Acolyte can use his Influence (WP), Intimidate (S) +10, Scrutiny (Per), Survival (Per) +10
to manipulate others into doing his bidding, revealing information, Page 277, Sanctioned Bondsman of the Oaths Involute: Replace
or otherwise offering assistance. This can impact Subtlety if done Skills with Awareness (Per) +20, Common Lore (Underworld)
too overtly, though this can be desirable when the warband desires (Int), Inquiry (Fel), Navigate (Int), Scrutiny (Per) +10, Tech-Use
their presence known in order to flush out their prey, for example. (Int)
Page 224, Losing Influence: Under Sacrifice, add the following Page 278, Crime Lord: Replace Skills with Charm (Fel)
to the bottom of the paragraph: Note that in situations where no +10, Command (Fel) +10, Commerce (Int), Common Lore
test is possible, this use of Influence cannot be made: the situation (Underworld) (Int) +20, Deceive (Fel) +20, Intimidate (S) +10,
is beyond even the Acolytes ability, or the item is impossible to Scrutiny (Per) +20, Sleight of Hand (Ag)
acquire. Page 278, Desoleum Bondless Dealer: Replace Skills with
Page 245, Using Fate Points: Replace the first usage with Re-roll Commerce (Int) +20, Common Lore (Underworld) (Int) +10,
a test once. The results of the re-roll are final. Deceive (Fel), Sleight of Hand (Ag), Tech-Use (Int)
Page 248, Deathwatch Marine: Replace Astartes Bolt Pistol Page 279, Insurrati Oiler: Replace Skills with Charm (Fel) +10,
damage with 1d10+9, and replace Astartes Chainsword damage Commerce (Int), Common Lore (Underworld) (Int), Deceive
with 1d10+18. (Fel) +10, Sleight of Hand (Ag), Tech-Use (Int)
Page 249, Eversor Assassin: Replace total defence value for all hit Page 294, Warp-Priest: Replace the talent Constant Vigilance
locations with 10. (Intelligence) with Constant Vigilance (Perception).
Page 296, Eldar Warlock: Replace the Witchblade weapon qualities
Chapter XI: with Balanced, Force
The Game Master Page 297, Plaguebearer: Baneful Presence (10) to the list of traits.
Page 298, Putrifex, Herald of Nurgle: Add Baneful Presence
(20) to the list of traits.
Replace the damage for the Rotgifter Sword with 1d10+1810+SB
Chapter XII: (I)
NPCs and Adversaries Page 298, Chaos Fury: Add Baneful Presence (10) to the list
of traits.
Page 274, Weapons: Add the following paragraph Players can
have many opportunities to salvage weapons from felled NPCs,
Chapter XIII:
but must have the corresponding Weapon Training talent in order Seeds of Heresy
to use them without penalty. Weapons from non-human races that
lack Armoury entries should count as Exotic unless otherwise
specified, though the GM should also feel free to apply this to

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Update #6

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