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Dear Madams and Sirs,

During the past eleven years at the tax authority I gained experience in a wide range of taxes and
in conducting tax audits. Additionally I acquired skills in implementing regulations and guidelines and
in dealing with sensitive informations while at the same time I maintained integrity. The fact that I was
elected into various positions of the civil society and the local government is indicative of strong social,
communicational and organizational skills, as well as the ability to work in teams. Furthermore
contacting clients was part of the everyday routine of my previous occupation as an advisor. The
excellent performance in the present studies shows affinity with economics and finance as well as
commitment to lifelong learning. Based on the assimilated experience and knowledge I pursue now
my professional and personal development.

The decision to leave the secure position of a civil servant was taken not only because of the
financial crisis, but also because I am looking for a more interesting environment to work in. Moreover
my determination to start a new career in an other country is indicative for a strong, self-confident and
self-motivated personality with a strong will to succeed as well as to cope effectively with any

In the past I have lived in Austria and Germany and now I live in Greece, but I also have traveled a
lot, visiting many countries and getting to know numerous cultures. I enjoy being in multicultural
environments and as a result I show deep respect for diversity.

Noteworthy is that my proficiency with IT goes far beyond the use of Internet and Office apps into
statistical, econometric and plot graphing apps.

In my private life I stand up for the welfare of children and specially for their right to education, as
one can see from my active involvement in the civil society and the local community, as an elected
board member in the parents association of the municipality of Thermi and member in the municipal
elementary school committee of the municipality of Thermi.

Triadi, March 15th 2017

Anastasios Papadopoulos

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