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Re-Markings, a biannual journal of literature and the humanities, provides an open

forum for scholarly discussion of issues related to artistic expression and creativity
in all genres and their impact on society, culture and politics. We are especially
interested in contemporary literature, art, television, cinema and journalism, and
welcome essays and book reviews on New Literatures in English from around the
globe. We are also interested in translations into English from all languages,
especially those of South Asia. We welcome suggestions on guest-edited Special
Numbers as well as Special Sections based on specific events, issues, themes
and individual authors that have already become a regular feature of Re-Markings.
Mostly, we are interested in scholarly papers that offer issue-specific critical
examination and analysis of literary discourses - dealing not only with the nuances
of human predicament and suffering but also with the evolving strategies for
survival, resistance, and self-determination. We are currently receiving submissions
for the two forthcoming issues ofRe-Markings: Vol. 9 No. 2 (September 2010) and
Vol. 10 No. 1 March 2011.

All submissions must conform to the latest MLA Style Sheet and should not
generally exceed 3000 words and should be accompanied by a declaration
certifying that it is an original contribution and has not been published else where.
Contributions on compatible diskette (CD) in MS WORD format, along with a hard
copy of the paper and an abstract of 8-10 lines, should be sent to Nibir K. Ghosh,
Chief Editor, Re-Markings, 68 New Idgah Colony, Agra-282001, INDIA. The same
may also be sent by e-mail WORD attachment

Chief Editor: Nibir K. Ghosh, Head, Dept. of English Studies & Research, Agra
College , Agra . 68 New Idgah Colony, Agra-282001.
Phone:91-562-2230242;cell:91-9897062958. Email:

Editor: A. Karunaker, Department of English, Osmania University , Hyderabad .

Phone: 91-40-27001349. Email:

Aligarh journal of English studies, AMU

Punjab Journal of English Studies, GNDU

Diviner, DAVC

Neb Jalandhar

DES Journal of Social Sciences and Language, PU

ICFAI Journal of English

Call for Papers
University of Portsmouth Centre for Studies in Literature
Annual Postgraduate Symposium
'Framing the Self: Anxieties of Identity in Literature & Culture, 1800 to the present day'
21st May 2010
Keynote speaker: Dr Sarah Churchwell (University of East Anglia)

Identity remains one of the most central and most contested concepts in circulation today. No individual or group can escape

the question of identity in a range of categories be it gender, class, nationality or race. Yet, an understanding of one’s ‘self’ in

relation to these somewhat rigid categories is problematic and as a result representations of identity are continually plagued by

an irresolvable sense of unease and anxiety.

This symposium will provide a stimulating environment for postgraduate students and other researchers to present work and

discuss key ideas centred on the anxieties of modern identity from the early nineteenth century to the present day. Although

the symposium’s primary focus will be literature based, proposals are also welcome from postgraduates in related disciplines.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Memory and identity

• Gender, sexuality and identity
• Postcolonial identities
• Identity and consumerism
• Race, nation and identity
• Authorial identities: appropriation and rewriting
• Identity as ‘performance’

Abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers not exceeding 20 minutes should be submitted by 31st January 2010 to the

organisers at: Please include the title of your paper, your name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation,

and any AV requirements.

The conference fee is £25.00 for all delegates. Registration forms will be available in due course.

If you have any queries or require further information, please e-mail the conference organisers, Jon Evans, Lisa Felstead and

Katrina Morgan at: .

Theme: "East Meets West"

The theme of the Inaugural Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities is 'East Meets West', which is a response

to the ongoing process of globalization and its implications. It offers an opportunity to search for similarities of

ideas that may enhance international understanding on the one hand and for differences in culture that may have

to be accepted as irreconcilable on the other. Racial and religious disagreement, culturally contrasting ways of

dealing with social, economic, and political problems, exacerbated by the forces of globalization, combine to exert

enormous pressure on the systems that have been created to manage human affairs on this planet. This

conference is dedicated to the cross-cultural exploration of the interconnectedness of the central questions
involved in order to generate new ideas and fresh approaches that will be relevant and constructive as support for

the emerging generation of thinkers, educators, and global leaders. We look forward to seeing you in Osaka in

June 2010.

Call for Papers


The conference's theme is 'East Meets West' and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this

questions from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome

and we also encourage submissions within and across a variety of disciplines and fields related to Arts and

Humanities, including the following:

• Anthropology

• American Studies

• Archeology

• Architecture

• Art

• Art History

• Dance

• English

• Ethnic Studies

• Film

• Folklore

• Geography

• Graphic Design

• History

• Landscape Architecture

• Languages

• Literature
• Linguistics

• Music

• Performing Arts

• Philosophy

• Postcolonial Identities

• Religion

• Second Language Studies

• Speech/Communication

• Theatre

• Visual Arts

• Other Areas of Arts and Humanities, including interdisciplinary research.

NB Abstracts should be 250-500 words in length and will be blind reviewed by a voluntary team of peer reviewers.

Authors are limited to one abstract submission, whether as lead or secondary author.


Proceedings Submission Deadlines

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 January 2010

Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: 1 February 2010

Deadline for submission of full papers: 1 April 2010

Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: 1 May 2010

ACAH Conference: 18-21 June 2010

Abstract Submission Process

Acceptance of Abstract: If your abstract is accepted by the review team and you pay the conference registration

fee by the specified deadline, your submission will be scheduled in an appropriate session for oral presentation at

the conference.

Final Paper Submission Process

If your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, you are encouraged to submit a full paper before 1 April

2010 for inclusion in the ACAH 2010 Conference Proceedings CD-ROM. The full article should be submitted in

Word (NOT pdf).

Final papers should be uploaded through the submissions system.

Please ensure that your paper is ready to go to press at the time of submission, having thoroughly read the paper

for errors. If English is not your first language then this is especially important.

To facilitate easier processing, reviewing, and publishing all submissions, PLEASE follow this checklist:

 12-point Times New Roman font.

 Single-spacing throughout the document.

 Double space (instead of indent) to designate a new paragraph or section.

 Page numbers at the bottom center of each page.

 Top, bottom, and side margins no less than 7/8 of an inch or 2.2 cm.

 Cover page that includes title, authors, their affiliations, their contact information, and the topic of the


 Title, authors and affiliations repeated at the beginning of the body of the paper.

 Titles do not exceed ten words.

 Abstract summation of paper does not exceed 75 words.

 Manuscript not to exceed 5000 words. Manuscripts longer than 5,000 words will be returned for editing.

 Graphs and visuals can be reproduced electronically.

Publication and Licensing Issues

Abstracts and follow-up full articles will be published in a conference proceedings volume to be made available on
CD and later archived on the Web. Authors retain copyright in their work but through the act of submission to this
conference are agreeing to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for their work to help ensure continued
global access to the work over time. All publications produced for the conference, including abstracts, full papers
and presentation slides will be openly archived eventually on the ACAH site.

Call for Paper

The 2010 International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2010) will be held
from February 26th to 29th, 2010 in Singapore. CHHSS 2010 will bring together top researchers from Asian
Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open
issues in all aspects ofHumanities, Historical and Social Sciences. All accepted papers will also be published in
the conference proceeding by well known World Academic Press, which will be distributed to delegates during the
Conference. CHHSS 2010 Proceedings will be indexed by the Nielsen, Thomson ISI, and British Library.

Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Administrative Sciences
Applied Social Modeling and Simulation
Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women\'s and all other cultural and
ethnic studies)
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences
Business Information Management
Business Information Systems
Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Business, Finance and Tourism Management
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Communication and Information Technologies in Social Sciences
Communication, Communities and e-societies
Communities and Communications
Complex Socio-Cognitive-Technical Systems
Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
Computation and Social Networks
Computational Methods in Social Science
Confluence of Social Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity
Country studies
Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with International Relations
Data mining in Social Science
Digital Libraries, Archives and Repositories
Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems
Economics, Markets and Systems
Education and Information Technologies
Education Science and Technology
Educational Technology
Electoral Competition
Energy Alternatives
Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development
Environmental studies
E-Society and Online Communities
Ethical Issues and Challenges
Ethnic Studies/International Studies
Gender Studies
Geographic Information Systems
Geography and Geological Sciences
Health Issues and Services
Human and Social Evolutionary Complexity
Human Development based on psychological and social concepts
Human Rights Development
Human-Computer Interactions
Human-Environment Interactions
Information and Communication Systems
Innovation, Technology and Society
Interdisciplinary Research and Studies
International Relations & Collaborations
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Land-Use Modeling Techniques and Applications
Law and Justice
Learning and Behavioral Modeling
Management Information Systems
Mathematical Modeling in Social Science
Media and Communications, Technology
Open Learning and Distance Education
Organizational Decision Making
Physics Methods for Analyzing Social Complexity
Policy/Public Administration/Public Health
Political Science and Decision Making
Politics, society, and international relations
Population and Development
Preservation and Green Urbanism
Public Administration
Public Governance
Race/Ethnic Studies
Social and Organizational Networks
Social Complexity
Social Computing
Social Network Analysis
Social Systems Dynamics
Social Work
Social-Psychological, Social, Organizational, and Technological Systems
Socio-Cognitive-Technological Systems
Sociology and Social Computation
Sport and Physical Education
Standards for Metadata, Ontologies, Annotation, Curation
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable Human and Social Development
Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods
Sustainable Urban Transport and Environment
Technology and Education
Technology, Society, Environmental Studies
Urban and Regional Planning
Urban Studies
Violence, Extremism, and Terrorism
Virtual Communities and Communications
Women’s studies

Important Date:
Paper submission (Full Paper) November 10, 2009
Notification of acceptance November 30, 2009
Authors' Registration December 20, 2009
Final paper submission December 20, 2009
Conference Dates February 26 - 28, 2010

1. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf)

If you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.

2. Email: ( .pdf and .doc)

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