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1. "THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE HER" by Juno Diaz.

Character Analysis #1:


Pick 3 characters to analyze. Write a summary essay for each character. (250 words/essay)


Yunior; he is a disrespectful character. He sought out for psychical appeals from

Magdalena and dumped her. He is very abusive as well and favored so much by his mother.

He doesnt have a clear-cut understanding of what it means to be enshrined with power. More

so, Yunior colludes mostly with his elder brother to do dark deeds. Given the fact that his

mother favors him so much, he uses this position to exhibit arrogance to his peers and

extends it to his siblings. The second character is Rafa, he is the elder brother to Yunior. He

is classified as a cheater throughout the novel. His relationship with his mother is

deteriorated, he is not close to his mother as would be expected. Just like his younger brother,

he cant hold any relationships; he keeps on jumping from one relationship to the next one

due to his heightened thirst for women. He is a sexist; he uses a bulk of sexist terms

throughout the novel. He acts childishly, his character and acts are childlike. Similarly, he is

very disrespectful. The third character is Vierta, the mother to Rafa and Yunior. She is

abusive, she doesnt care about the feelings of other people close to her. She is a pessimist,

she doesnt even care to learn about her sons girlfriends names because she is most certain

that their relationships wont last. She doesnt exhibit motherly love to her sons and hence the

deterioration of her son's lives. More so, she is very dishonest to her sons.


Writing Assignment #2;


Give a written example in your words for each. (25-50 words/example)

Answer; #

i. Ad hominem; responding to debate with a direct attack on a person on personal


ii. Appeal to faith; lack of faith contributes to illiteracy

iii. Appeal to tradition; hay marriage is wrong because marriage is always between a man

and a woman

iv. Argument from authority; its good to have your car fixed by a mechanic than a


v. Half-truths; explaining a story that led to an accident without giving a logical

explanation of what happened before the accident.

vi. Meaningless questions; what happened before time?

vii. Misunderstanding nature of statistics; looking at the bar graph, theres a little

representation of atheist. An atheist is a nonbeliever and hence cant believe the


viii. Nonsequitur; Individuals love to walk around the beach. Thus having sand floors at

our residents is a great idea.

ix. Prediction of Armageddon by Harold Camping in 2011 and Christians giving in into


x. Just because Jane came late to class last week, then she has all the rights to come in

late next time.


Writing Assignment #3:


Write a summary essay. (200 words)


Malcolm X narrates how he had his first conk put on his head. He goes ahead by

explaining how he went to the supermarket and bought the supermarket as he had been

instructed. Malcolm X proceeded to the real process of applying conk on his hair. He wanted

to look like a white man and hence the admiration for a conk. He went through a difficult and

painful ordeal that subjected him to severe pain and at long last had his conk on his head. The

process was a whole series of hell that had him grin with a lot of pain as his conk was being

applied. He goes ahead describes that his vested interest in having a conk was a whole lot of

racial admiration. Soon after having his conk, he promised himself to always stick to

maintaining it no matter the cost. Malcolm X describes the general change that ladies exhibit

in recent times, the different types and colors of hair wigs that they wore them in their hair

and hide their natural hair. He describes the ladies as having lost touch with the reality of

Negro lives. He finally to finally having conked his hair and goes ahead to admire all

Negroes that never had their hair conked.


Writing Assignment #4:


Read Write a summary essay (250 words)


The short story explores how life is intertwined with a lot of difficulties and a series

of problems. Life is full of day to day difficulties that call for parallel counter actions that
need to shape it and make life to be an interesting ordeal. The problems associated with life

are too burdening and calls for individuals to exhibit credible character that will position

them to deal with the difficult life ordeals. Problems stir a series of complicated scenarios in

life and bring about unwarranted life cues that expose an individual to stress and other life

threatening situations. The intertwisted difficulty associated with life is the ability of

individuals to accept, face the problem and look for an appropriate solution path. All the

emotional cues like, despair, anxiety, anguish among others shouldnt be a recipe for

complexity in tackling problems as they come along. It is also worth taking note of the fact

that uncomfortable pains that result to physical pains brought about by life difficulties should

not be a burden. Life is a complicated scenario, it is expected that problems comes along the

way and therefore people should have life skills that they can use and apply to solve these

situations and spur joy. Discipline is the master key to averting all difficulties and problems

associated with life. Discipline should be inspired from the word go beginning with young

children. This will sharpen their mind and their level of thinking as they advance in age and

hence post good record as they grow.

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