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This is the Story Why

Bear has a Short Tail

Long ago, Bear had a long tail as Fox.

One Winter day, Bear met Fox coming
out of the woods. Fox was carrying a
long string of fish. He had stolen the fish,
but that is not what he told Bear.

Where did you get those fish? asked

Bear, rubbing his paws together. Bear
loved fish. It was his favorite food. I was
out fishing and caught them, replied
Fox. Bear did not know how to fish. He
had only tasted fish that others gave
him. He was eager to learn to catch his

Please Fox, will you tell me how to fish? asked Bear.

So, the mean old Fox said to Bear, Cut a hole in the ice and stick your tail in the whole. It will
get cold, but soon the fish will begin to bite. When you can stand it no longer, pull your tail out.
It will be covered with fish!

Will it hurt? asked Bear, patting his tail.

It will hurt some, admitted Fox. But the longer you leave your tail in the water, the more fish
you will catch.

Bear did as Fox told him. He loved fish, so he left his tail in the icy water a very, very long time.
The ice froze around Bears tail. When he pulled free, his tail remained stuck in the ice. That is
why bears today have short tails.

(This legend and questions were took from> Complete book of Grade 4, page 51/52)
Answer the next questions from the reading


1. How does Fox get his string of fish?

2. What does he tell bear to do?

3. Why does Bear do as Fox told him?

4. How many fish does Bear catch?

5. What happens when Bear tries to pull his tail out?

6. Is Fox truthful in his response? Why or why not?

7. Why does Bear want to know how to fish?

8. In reality, are bears able to catch their own fish?


9. Is Bear very smart to believe Fox? Why or why not?

10. How would you have told Bear to catch his own fish?

11. What is one word you would use to describe Fox?

12. What is one word you would use to describe Bear?

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