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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin

Complejo Educativo Instituto JOSEFA CAMEJO
Coro, Edo Falcn

Full names: ____________________ (2 PTS)

Date: ____________

Part I. Complete the following dialogue using will or be (am/is/are) going to. (6 pts) 1 c/u

Ana: I ___________ make cookies.

Jose: __________ you help me?

Ana: Yes, I _______.

Jose: So, What ____________ to do tomorrow?

Ana: I _________ to stay at home, I ________ be there at 5:30 am.

Part II. Put the word in the correct order to make questions and answer each one of them
(affirmative and negative). (6 pts) 2 c/u


Will/buy/you/pair of shoes/ three/?

Will you buy three pair of shoes?

- Yes, I will
- No, I wont

a) You/go/school/will/to/tomorrow/the/?


- _____________
- _____________
b) Will/buy/you/house/that/?


- _____________
- _____________
c) She/play/will/soccer/tomorrow/?


- _____________
- _____________

Part III. Create 3 affirmative sentences in simple future and change them into negative form. (6
pts) 2 c/u


She will buy some flowers.

She wont buy some flowers.

a) __________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________

You can do it!

God bless you

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